path: root/MultiSource
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MultiSource')
20 files changed, 4024 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/CMakeLists.txt b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/CMakeLists.txt
index 79b8b2af..b7fb85b0 100644
--- a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ add_subdirectory(Pathfinder)
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/Makefile b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/Makefile
index f7ee01ab..a414efe0 100644
--- a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/Makefile
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/Makefile
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ PARALLEL_DIRS = XSBench \
miniAMR \
Pathfinder \
miniGMG \
- RSBench
+ RSBench \
+ SimpleMOC
include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.programs
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/CMakeLists.txt b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41d1ed91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+set(PROG SimpleMOC)
+list(APPEND CFLAGS -std=gnu99)
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/LICENSE b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd049157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2014 John Tramm
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/Makefile b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1caff2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+LEVEL = ../../../..
+PROG = SimpleMOC
+LDFLAGS = -lm
+CFLAGS = -std=gnu99
+RUN_OPTIONS = -i $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/default.in
+include $(LEVEL)/MultiSource/Makefile.multisrc
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/SimpleMOC.reference_output b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/SimpleMOC.reference_output
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b61179c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/SimpleMOC.reference_output
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Initializing 2D tracks...
+Initializing 3D tracks...
+Initializing flat source regions...
+Beginning XS Allocation...
+Beginning Source and Flux Parameter Allocation...
+Starting transport sweep ...
+Renormalizing Flux...
+Renormalizing Flux Complete.
+exit 0
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/SimpleMOC_header.h b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/SimpleMOC_header.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63f92bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/SimpleMOC_header.h
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+#ifndef __SimpleMOC_header
+#define __SimpleMOC_header
+#ifdef MPI
+#ifdef OPENMP
+#ifdef PAPI
+#define TIMIING_INFO 0
+#include "glibc_compat_rand.h"
+#define rand glibc_compat_rand
+#define srand glibc_compat_srand
+// User inputs
+typedef struct{
+ int x_assemblies; /* Number of assemblies in the x-axis of the
+ reactor */
+ int y_assemblies; /* Number of assemblies in the y-axis of the
+ reactor */
+ int cai; // Number of course axial intervals
+ int fai; /* Number of fine axial intervals per coarse
+ axial interval */
+ int axial_exp; // Axial source expansion order
+ float radial_ray_sep; // Radial ray separation
+ float axial_z_sep; // Axial stacked z-ray separation
+ int n_azimuthal; // Number of azimuthal angles
+ int n_polar_angles; // Number of polar angles
+ int n_egroups; // Number of energy groups
+ bool decompose; // Turn decomposition on/off
+ int decomp_assemblies_ax; // Number of sub-domains per assembly (axially)
+ long segments_per_track; // Average number of segments per track
+ float assembly_width; // Width of an assembly - 1.26 x 17 cm
+ float height; // Height of the reactor - 400 cm
+ float domain_height; // Z Height of a domain
+ float precision; // precision for source convergence
+ long mype; // MPI Rank
+ long ntracks_2D; // Number of 2D tracks (derived)
+ int z_stacked; // Number of z rays (derived)
+ long ntracks; /* Total number of 3D tracks per assembly
+ (derived) */
+ int nthreads; // Number of OpenMP Threads
+ int papi_event_set; // PAPI event set
+ // 0 - FLOPS 1 - Bandwidth 2 - CPU Stall reason
+ // Source regions per assembly (3M estimate)
+ long n_2D_source_regions_per_assembly;
+ // Source regions per node (derived)
+ long n_source_regions_per_node;
+ #ifdef PAPI
+ // String for command line PAPI event
+ char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
+ // Array to accumulate PAPI counts across all threads
+ long long *vals_accum;
+ #endif
+ bool load_tracks; // Turn on/off loading 2D tracks from file
+ char* track_file; // Name/address of tracking file to load
+ long segments_processed; // Total number of segments processed per node
+} Input;
+// Localized geometrical region ID
+typedef struct{
+ long assembly; // Assembly ID
+ long pin; // Pin Cell ID
+ long zone; // Zone (inside pin cell) ID
+} RegionID;
+// Segment Structure
+typedef struct{
+ float length;
+ long source_id;
+} Segment;
+// Track2D Structure
+typedef struct{
+ float az_weight; // Azimuthal Quadrature Weight (rand)
+ long n_segments; // Number of Segments (gaussian)
+ Segment * segments; // Array of Segments
+ int n_3D_segments; // Number of intersections in 3D tracks
+} Track2D;
+// Track Structure
+typedef struct{
+ float p_weight; // Polar Quadrature Weight (rand)
+ float z_height; // Z-height
+ long rank_in; // MPI rank to receive from
+ long rank_out; // MPI rank to send to
+ float * f_psi; // Forward angular flux along track
+ float * b_psi; // Backward angular flux along track
+} Track;
+// Source Region Structure
+typedef struct{
+ float ** fine_flux;
+ float ** fine_source;
+ float vol;
+ float * sigT;
+ float ** XS;
+ float ** scattering_matrix;
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ omp_lock_t * locks;
+ #endif
+} Source;
+// Table structure for computing exponential
+typedef struct{
+ float * values;
+ float dx;
+ float maxVal;
+ int N;
+} Table;
+// Params Structure for easier data pointer passing
+typedef struct{
+ Track2D * tracks_2D;
+ Track *** tracks;
+ Source * sources;
+ float * polar_angles;
+ float * leakage;
+ Table expTable;
+} Params;
+// MPI 3D Grid info
+typedef struct{
+ #ifdef MPI
+ MPI_Comm cart_comm_3d;
+ MPI_Datatype Flux_Array;
+ #endif
+ int x_pos_src;
+ int x_pos_dest;
+ int x_neg_src;
+ int x_neg_dest;
+ int y_pos_src;
+ int y_pos_dest;
+ int y_neg_src;
+ int y_neg_dest;
+ int z_pos_src;
+ int z_pos_dest;
+ int z_neg_src;
+ int z_neg_dest;
+} CommGrid;
+// Attenuation Arrays
+typedef struct{
+ float * q0;
+ float * q1;
+ float * q2;
+ float * sigT;
+ float * tau;
+ float * sigT2;
+ float * expVal;
+ float * reuse;
+ float * flux_integral;
+ float * tally;
+ float * t1;
+ float * t2;
+ float * t3;
+ float * t4;
+} AttenuateVars;
+// init.c
+Input set_default_input( void );
+void set_small_input( Input * I );
+Params build_tracks( Input* I );
+CommGrid init_mpi_grid( Input I );
+void calculate_derived_inputs( Input * I );
+#ifdef OPENMP
+omp_lock_t * init_locks( Input I );
+// io.c
+void logo(int version);
+void center_print(const char *s, int width);
+void border_print(void);
+void fancy_int( int a );
+void print_input_summary(Input input);
+void read_CLI( int argc, char * argv[], Input * input );
+void print_CLI_error(void);
+void read_input_file( Input * I, char * fname);
+// tracks.c
+Track2D * generate_2D_tracks( Input input, size_t * nbytes );
+void generate_2D_segments( Input input, Track2D * tracks,
+ size_t * nbytes );
+void free_2D_tracks( Track2D * tracks );
+Track *** generate_tracks(Input input, Track2D * tracks_2D, size_t * nbytes);
+void free_tracks( Track *** tracks );
+long segments_per_2D_track_distribution( Input I );
+float * generate_polar_angles( Input I );
+Track2D * load_OpenMOC_tracks(char* fname, bool CMFD_obj, Input* I, size_t* nbytes);
+// utils.c
+float urand(void);
+float nrand(float mean, float sigma);
+float pairwise_sum(float * vector, long size);
+Table buildExponentialTable( float precision, float maxVal );
+float interpolateTable( Table table, float x);
+double get_time(void);
+size_t est_mem_usage( Input I );
+double time_per_intersection( Input I, double time );
+// source.c
+Source * initialize_sources( Input I, size_t * nbytes );
+void free_sources( Input I, Source * sources );
+// solver.c
+void transport_sweep( Params * params, Input * I );
+int get_pos_interval( float z, float dz);
+int get_neg_interval( float z, float dz);
+int get_alt_neg_interval( float z, float dz);
+void attenuate_fluxes( Track * track, bool forward, Source * QSR, Input * I,
+ Params * params, float ds, float mu, float az_weight, AttenuateVars * A );
+void attenuate_FSR_fluxes( Track * track, bool forward, Source * FSR, Input * I,
+ Params * params, float ds, float mu, float az_weight, AttenuateVars * A );
+void alt_attenuate_fluxes( Track * track, bool forward, Source * FSR, Input * I,
+ Params * params, float ds, float mu, float az_weight );
+void renormalize_flux( Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid );
+float update_sources( Params params, Input I, float keff );
+float compute_keff( Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid);
+// test.c
+void gen_norm_pts(float mean, float sigma, int n_pts);
+void print_Input_struct( Input I );
+// papi.c
+void papi_serial_init(void);
+void counter_init( int *eventset, int *num_papi_events, Input * I );
+void counter_stop( int * eventset, int num_papi_events, Input * I );
+// comms.c
+#ifdef MPI
+void fast_transfer_boundary_fluxes( Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid);
+void transfer_boundary_fluxes( Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid);
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/comms.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/comms.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b1b3efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/comms.c
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+#ifdef MPI
+// Transfer information between nodes (angular fluxes)
+void fast_transfer_boundary_fluxes( Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid)
+ MPI_Barrier(grid.cart_comm_3d);
+ if(I.mype==0) printf("Beginning Inter-Node Border Flux Transfer...\n");
+ int tracks_per_msg = 10000;
+ float h = I.domain_height;
+ float x = I.assembly_width;
+ // calculate number of tracks to each surface
+ long ntracks_per_axial_direction = I.ntracks * x / (2*x + 4*h);
+ long ntracks_per_radial_direction = I.ntracks * h / (2*x + 4*h);
+ // correct so that all tracks are used and are symmetric
+ long remaining_tracks = I.ntracks - 2 * ntracks_per_axial_direction
+ - 4 * ntracks_per_radial_direction;
+ long add_radial = remaining_tracks * ( 4*h / (2*x + 4*h) );
+ add_radial = 4 * (add_radial / 4);
+ ntracks_per_radial_direction += add_radial / 4;
+ long add_axial = remaining_tracks - add_radial;
+ ntracks_per_axial_direction += add_axial / 2;
+ // Calculate all requests needed
+ long max_requests = ntracks_per_radial_direction / tracks_per_msg;
+ max_requests *= 4;
+ max_requests += 2 * (ntracks_per_axial_direction / tracks_per_msg );
+ // One for send, one for receive
+ max_requests *= 2;
+ long send_idx = 0;
+ MPI_Status stat;
+ // Computer Message Size
+ size_t bytes = I.n_egroups * sizeof(float) * tracks_per_msg;
+ if(I.mype==0) printf("MPI Message Size: %.2lf (MB)\n",
+ bytes / 1024. / 1024. );
+ // Use knowledge of underlying flux structure for efficiency
+ float * flux_array = params.tracks[0][0][0].f_psi;
+ // TODO: Send reverse direction as well!!!
+ // make an array of radial sending destinations
+ int send_dest[6] =
+ {
+ grid.x_pos_dest,
+ grid.x_neg_dest,
+ grid.y_pos_dest,
+ grid.y_neg_dest,
+ grid.z_pos_dest,
+ grid.z_neg_dest
+ };
+ // make an array of radial receiving sources
+ int rec_sources[6] =
+ {
+ grid.x_pos_src,
+ grid.x_neg_src,
+ grid.y_pos_src,
+ grid.y_neg_src,
+ grid.z_pos_src,
+ grid.z_neg_src
+ };
+ // make an array of number of messages
+ // NOTE: There is some rounding here, should be corrected in real app
+ long num_messages[6] =
+ {
+ ntracks_per_radial_direction / tracks_per_msg,
+ ntracks_per_radial_direction / tracks_per_msg,
+ ntracks_per_radial_direction / tracks_per_msg,
+ ntracks_per_radial_direction / tracks_per_msg,
+ ntracks_per_axial_direction / tracks_per_msg,
+ ntracks_per_axial_direction / tracks_per_msg
+ };
+ // send_idx is now the beginning of the non-border region memory
+ // i.e., we need to actually MPI Send/Recv the rest of the data
+ // calculate the maximum number of messages sent in any direction
+ long max_msgs_per_dir = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
+ if( num_messages[i] > max_msgs_per_dir )
+ max_msgs_per_dir = num_messages[i];
+ // Flux Memory is assumed to be laid out as follows:
+ // (Border Flux) --- (Send_MSG_Dir_0) (Recv_MSG_Dir_0) (Send_MSG_Dir_1) (Recv_MSG_Dir_1)....
+ // New Comms
+ float ** buffer = (float **) malloc(6 * sizeof(float*));
+ float * _buffer = (float *) malloc( 6 * tracks_per_msg * I.n_egroups * sizeof(float));
+ for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
+ buffer[i] = &_buffer[i * tracks_per_msg * I.n_egroups];
+ long idx = 0;
+ for( long i = 0; i < max_msgs_per_dir; i++ )
+ {
+ MPI_Request request[12];
+ int active[6] = {0};
+ int mpi_send[6] = {0};
+ int mpi_recv[6] = {0};
+ long bookmark = idx;
+ for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
+ {
+ if( i >= num_messages[j] )
+ continue;
+ // check if border assembly
+ else if( send_dest[j] == -1 )
+ {
+ * params.leakage += pairwise_sum( &flux_array[idx],
+ I.n_egroups * tracks_per_msg );
+ idx += (long) I.n_egroups * tracks_per_msg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MPI_Isend(
+ &flux_array[idx], // Send Buffer
+ tracks_per_msg, // Number of Elements
+ grid.Flux_Array, /* Type of element
+ (all energy group array) */
+ send_dest[j], // Destination MPI rank
+ j, // Message ID
+ grid.cart_comm_3d, // MPI Communicator
+ &request[j] ); /* MPI Request (to monitor
+ when call finishes) */
+ idx += (long) I.n_egroups * tracks_per_msg;
+ mpi_send[j] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
+ {
+ if( i >= num_messages[j] )
+ continue;
+ // Check if Border Case
+ else if( rec_sources[j] == -1)
+ for( long k =0; k < I.n_egroups * tracks_per_msg; k++)
+ buffer[j][k] = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ MPI_Irecv(
+ buffer[j], // Recv Buffer
+ tracks_per_msg, // Number of Elements
+ grid.Flux_Array, /* Type of element
+ (all energy group array) */
+ rec_sources[j], // MPI rank to Receive From
+ j, // Message ID
+ grid.cart_comm_3d, // MPI Communicator
+ &request[6+j] ); /* MPI Request (to monitor
+ when call finishes) */
+ mpi_recv[j] = 1;
+ }
+ active[j] = 1;
+ }
+ // Block for Comm Round to complete & copy received data out of buffer
+ for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
+ {
+ if( mpi_send[j] == 1 )
+ {
+ MPI_Wait( &request[j], &stat );
+ }
+ if( mpi_recv[j] == 1 )
+ {
+ MPI_Wait( &request[6+j], &stat );
+ }
+ if( active[j] == 1 )
+ {
+ memcpy(&flux_array[bookmark], buffer[j],
+ I.n_egroups * tracks_per_msg * sizeof(float));
+ bookmark += (long) I.n_egroups*tracks_per_msg;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(&buffer[0][0]);
+ free(buffer);
+ MPI_Barrier( grid.cart_comm_3d );
+ if(I.mype==0) printf("Finished Inter-Node Border Flux Transfer.\n");
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/default.in b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/default.in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdcc19f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/default.in
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+10 - x_assemblies - Number of assemblies in the x-axis of the reactor
+10 - y_assemblies - Number of assemblies in the y-axis of the reactor
+9 - cai - Number of coarse axial intervals
+5 - fai - Number of fine axial intervals per coarse axial interval
+2 - axial_exp - Axial source expansion order
+0.05 - radial_ray_sep - Radial ray separation
+0.25 - axial_z_sep - Axial stacked z-ray separation
+6 - n_azimuthal - Number of azimuthal angles (should be 32)
+10 - n_polar_angles - Number of polar angles
+10 - n_egroups - Number of energy groups
+1 - decompose - Turn decomposition on/off (true = 1, false = 0)
+20 - decomp_assemblies_ax - Number of assemblies per sub-domain (axially)
+20 - segments_per_track - Average number of segments per track
+21.42 - assembly_width - Width of an assembly - 1.26 x 17 cm
+50.0 - height - Height of the reactor
+0.01 - precision - precision for source convergence
+1000 - n_2D_source_regions_per_assembly - 2D src regions per assembly
+0 - papi_event_set - PAPI Event Set Choice
+0 - Turn on/off load tracks from OpenMOC (true = 1, false = 0)
+file_name - name of OpenMOC tracking file to load
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/glibc_compat_rand.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/glibc_compat_rand.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef47b710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/glibc_compat_rand.c
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/*===------------ glibc_compat_rand.c - glibc rand emulation --------------===*\
+ *
+ * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+ * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+ *
+#include "glibc_compat_rand.h"
+ * This rand implementation is designed to emulate the implementation of
+ * rand/srand in recent versions of glibc. This is used for programs which
+ * require this specific rand implementation in order to pass verification
+ * tests.
+ *
+ * For more information, see: http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~selinger/random/
+ **/
+#define TABLE_SIZE 344
+static unsigned int table[TABLE_SIZE];
+static int next;
+int glibc_compat_rand(void) {
+ /* Calculate the indices i-3 and i-31 in the circular vector. */
+ int i3 = (next < 3) ? (TABLE_SIZE + next - 3) : (next - 3);
+ int i31 = (next < 31) ? (TABLE_SIZE + next - 31) : (next - 31);
+ table[next] = table[i3] + table[i31];
+ unsigned int r = table[next] >> 1;
+ ++next;
+ if (next >= TABLE_SIZE)
+ next = 0;
+ return r;
+void glibc_compat_srand(unsigned int seed) {
+ if (seed == 0)
+ seed = 1;
+ table[0] = seed;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 31; i++) {
+ int r = (16807ll * table[i - 1]) % 2147483647;
+ if (r < 0)
+ r += 2147483647;
+ table[i] = r;
+ }
+ for (int i = 31; i < 34; i++)
+ table[i] = table[i - 31];
+ for (int i = 34; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
+ table[i] = table[i - 31] + table[i - 3];
+ next = 0;
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/glibc_compat_rand.h b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/glibc_compat_rand.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ab8a606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/glibc_compat_rand.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/*===------------- glibc_compat_rand.h- glibc rand emulation --------------===*\
+ * |*
+ * |* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+ * |*
+ * |* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+ * |* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+ * |*
+ * \*===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*/
+int glibc_compat_rand(void);
+void glibc_compat_srand(unsigned int seed);
+#endif /* GLIBC_COMPAT_RAND_H */
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/init.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/init.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca158077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// Calculate Derived Inputs
+void calculate_derived_inputs( Input * I )
+ #ifdef MPI
+ int mype;
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mype);
+ I->mype = mype;
+ #endif
+ /* Divide number of azimuthal angles by 2 to accound for forward/backward
+ * tracking */
+ I->n_azimuthal /= 2;
+ // calculate number of 2D tracks, enforcing divisible by 2
+ I->ntracks_2D = I->n_azimuthal *
+ (I->assembly_width * sqrt(2) / I->radial_ray_sep);
+ I->ntracks_2D = 2 * ( I->ntracks_2D / 2 );
+ I->z_stacked = (int) ( I->height / (I->axial_z_sep * I->decomp_assemblies_ax));
+ I->ntracks = I->ntracks_2D * I->n_polar_angles * I->z_stacked;
+ I->domain_height = I->height / I->decomp_assemblies_ax;
+ I->n_source_regions_per_node = I->n_2D_source_regions_per_assembly *
+ I->cai / I->decomp_assemblies_ax;
+// Gets I from user and sets defaults
+Input set_default_input( void )
+ Input I;
+ I.x_assemblies = 17; /* Number of assemblies in the x-axis
+ of the reactor */
+ I.y_assemblies = 17; /* Number of assemblies in the y-axis
+ of the reactor */
+ I.cai = 27; // Number of coarse axial intervals
+ I.fai = 5; /* Number of fine axial intervals per coarse
+ axial interval */
+ I.axial_exp = 2; // Axial source expansion order
+ I.radial_ray_sep = 0.05; // Radial ray separation
+ I.axial_z_sep = 0.25; // Axial stacked z-ray separation
+ I.n_azimuthal = 64; // Number of azimuthal angles (should be 32)
+ I.n_polar_angles = 10; // Number of polar angles
+ I.n_egroups = 104; // Number of energy groups
+ I.decompose = true; /* Turn decomposition on/off (true = on,
+ flase = off) */
+ I.decomp_assemblies_ax =20; /* Number of subdomains per assembly
+ (axially) */
+ I.segments_per_track = 120; // Average number of segments per track (123)
+ I.assembly_width = 21.42; // Width of an assembly - 1.26 x 17 cm
+ I.height = 400.0; // Height of the reactor - 400 cm
+ I.precision = 0.01; // precision for source convergence
+ I.mype = 0; // MPI Rank
+ // source regions per assembly (estimate)
+ I.n_2D_source_regions_per_assembly = 5000;
+ #ifdef PAPI
+ I.papi_event_set = 4;
+ #endif
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ I.nthreads = omp_get_max_threads();
+ #endif
+ I.load_tracks = false;
+ return I;
+// Changes defaults to small problem size
+void set_small_input( Input * I )
+ I->x_assemblies = 15; /* Number of assemblies in the x-axis
+ of the reactor */
+ I->y_assemblies = 15; /* Number of assemblies in the y-axis
+ of the reactor */
+ I->cai = 5; // Number of coarse axial intervals
+ I->fai = 3; /* Number of fine axial intervals per
+ coarse axial interval */
+ I->axial_exp = 2; // Axial source expansion order
+ I->radial_ray_sep = 0.5; // Radial ray separation
+ I->axial_z_sep = 0.2; // Axial stacked z-ray separation
+ I->n_azimuthal = 5; // Number of azimuthal angles
+ I->n_polar_angles = 5; // Number of polar angles
+ I->n_egroups = 104; // Number of energy groups
+ I->decompose = false; /* Turn decomposition on/off (true = on,
+ flase = off) */
+ I->decomp_assemblies_ax = 1; /* Number of sub-domains per assembly
+ (axially) */
+ I->segments_per_track = 120; // Average number of segments per track
+ I->assembly_width = 1.26*17; // Width of an assembly - 1.26 x 17 cm
+ I->height = 400.0; // Height of the reactor - 400 cm
+ I->precision = 0.01; // precision for source convergence
+ // source regions per assembly (estimate)
+ I->n_2D_source_regions_per_assembly = 3000;
+// Initializes all track data
+Params build_tracks( Input* input )
+ Input I = *input;
+ size_t nbytes = 0;
+ Params params;
+ if(I.mype == 0)
+ {
+ center_print("INITIALIZATION", 79);
+ border_print();
+ printf("Initializing 2D tracks...\n");
+ }
+ if(I.load_tracks)
+ {
+ params.tracks_2D = load_OpenMOC_tracks(
+ I.track_file,false, input, &nbytes);
+ I = *input;
+ }
+ else
+ params.tracks_2D = generate_2D_tracks(I, &nbytes);
+ if(I.mype == 0)
+ {
+ printf("Memory allocated thus far (MB): %zu\n", nbytes / 1024 / 1014 );
+ printf("Initializing 3D tracks...\n");
+ }
+ params.tracks = generate_tracks(I, params.tracks_2D, &nbytes);
+ params.polar_angles = generate_polar_angles( I );
+ if(I.mype == 0)
+ {
+ printf("Memory allocated thus far (MB): %zu\n", nbytes / 1024 / 1014 );
+ printf("Initializing flat source regions...\n");
+ }
+ params.sources = initialize_sources(I, &nbytes);
+ if(I.mype == 0)
+ {
+ printf("Memory allocated thus far (MB): %zu\n", nbytes / 1024 / 1014 );
+ border_print();
+ }
+ // initialize to zero leakage
+ float * leakage = calloc( 1, sizeof(float) );
+ params.leakage = leakage;
+ // build exponential table for interpolation
+ params.expTable = buildExponentialTable( I.precision, 10.0 );
+ return params;
+// Initializes 3D Cartesian Communication Grid + Shift Ranks
+CommGrid init_mpi_grid( Input I )
+ CommGrid grid;
+ #ifdef MPI
+ MPI_Comm cart_comm_3d;
+ int ndims = 3;
+ int dims[3] = {2,2,1};
+ int period[3] = {0,0,0};
+ int reorder = 1;
+ MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ndims, dims, period, reorder,
+ &cart_comm_3d);
+ // X Shifts
+ int x_pos_src;
+ int x_pos_dest;
+ int x_neg_src;
+ int x_neg_dest;
+ MPI_Cart_shift( cart_comm_3d, 0, 1, &x_pos_src, &x_pos_dest );
+ MPI_Cart_shift( cart_comm_3d, 0, -1, &x_neg_src, &x_neg_dest );
+ // Y Shifts
+ int y_pos_src;
+ int y_pos_dest;
+ int y_neg_src;
+ int y_neg_dest;
+ MPI_Cart_shift( cart_comm_3d, 1, 1, &y_pos_src, &y_pos_dest );
+ MPI_Cart_shift( cart_comm_3d, 1, -1, &y_neg_src, &y_neg_dest );
+ // Z Shifts
+ int z_pos_src;
+ int z_pos_dest;
+ int z_neg_src;
+ int z_neg_dest;
+ MPI_Cart_shift( cart_comm_3d, 2, 1, &z_pos_src, &z_pos_dest );
+ MPI_Cart_shift( cart_comm_3d, 2, -1, &z_neg_src, &z_neg_dest );
+ grid.cart_comm_3d = cart_comm_3d;
+ grid.x_pos_src = x_pos_src;
+ grid.x_pos_dest = x_pos_dest;
+ grid.x_neg_src = x_neg_src;
+ grid.x_neg_dest = x_neg_dest;
+ grid.y_pos_src = y_pos_src;
+ grid.y_pos_dest = y_pos_dest;
+ grid.y_neg_src = y_neg_src;
+ grid.y_neg_dest = y_neg_dest;
+ grid.z_pos_src = z_pos_src;
+ grid.z_pos_dest = z_pos_dest;
+ grid.z_neg_src = z_neg_src;
+ grid.z_neg_dest = z_neg_dest;
+ // Init flux buffer MPI type
+ MPI_Datatype flux_array;
+ MPI_Type_contiguous(I.n_egroups, MPI_FLOAT, &flux_array);
+ MPI_Type_commit(&flux_array);
+ grid.Flux_Array = flux_array;
+ #endif
+ return grid;
+#ifdef OPENMP
+// Intialized OpenMP Source Region Locks
+omp_lock_t * init_locks( Input I )
+ // Allocate locks array
+ long n_locks = I.n_source_regions_per_node * I.fai;
+ omp_lock_t * locks = (omp_lock_t *) malloc( n_locks* sizeof(omp_lock_t));
+ // Initialize locks array
+ for( long i = 0; i < n_locks; i++ )
+ omp_init_lock(&locks[i]);
+ return locks;
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/io.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/io.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c3a7949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+#include "SimpleMOC_header.h"
+// Prints program logo
+void logo(int version)
+ border_print();
+ printf(
+" _____ _ _ __ __ ____ _____ \n"
+" / ____(_) | | | \\/ |/ __ \\ / ____|\n"
+" | (___ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | | ___| \\ / | | | | | \n"
+" \\___ \\| | '_ ` _ \\| '_ \\| |/ _ \\ |\\/| | | | | | \n"
+" ____) | | | | | | | |_) | | __/ | | | |__| | |____ \n"
+" |_____/|_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\\___|_| |_|\\____/ \\_____|\n"
+" | | \n"
+" |_| \n"
+ );
+ border_print();
+ printf("\n");
+ center_print("Developed at", 79);
+ center_print("The Massachusetts Institute of Technology", 79);
+ center_print("and", 79);
+ center_print("Argonne National Laboratory", 79);
+ printf("\n");
+ char v[100];
+ sprintf(v, "Version: %d", version);
+ center_print(v, 79);
+ printf("\n");
+ border_print();
+// Prints Section titles in center of 80 char terminal
+void center_print(const char *s, int width)
+ int length = strlen(s);
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<=(width-length)/2; i++) {
+ fputs(" ", stdout);
+ }
+ fputs(s, stdout);
+ fputs("\n", stdout);
+// Prints a border
+void border_print(void)
+ printf(
+ "==================================================================="
+ "=============\n");
+// Prints comma separated integers - for ease of reading
+void fancy_int( int a )
+ if( a < 1000 )
+ printf("%d\n",a);
+ else if( a >= 1000 && a < 1000000 )
+ printf("%d,%03d\n", a / 1000, a % 1000);
+ else if( a >= 1000000 && a < 1000000000 )
+ printf("%d,%03d,%03d\n", a / 1000000, (a % 1000000) / 1000, a % 1000 );
+ else if( a >= 1000000000 )
+ printf("%d,%03d,%03d,%03d\n",
+ a / 1000000000,
+ (a % 1000000000) / 1000000,
+ (a % 1000000) / 1000,
+ a % 1000 );
+ else
+ printf("%d\n",a);
+// Prints out the summary of User input
+void print_input_summary(Input I)
+ center_print("INPUT SUMMARY", 79);
+ border_print();
+ #ifdef MPI
+ int nranks;
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nranks);
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "MPI Ranks:", nranks);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "Number of Threads:", I.nthreads);
+ #endif
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "x-axis assemblies:", I.x_assemblies);
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "y-axis assemblies:", I.y_assemblies);
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "coarse axial intervals:", I.cai);
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "fine axial intervals:", I.fai);
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "axial source expansion order:", I.axial_exp);
+ printf("%-35s%.2lf\n", "radial ray separation:", I.radial_ray_sep);
+ printf("%-35s%.2lf\n", "axial z-ray separation:", I.axial_z_sep);
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "azimuthal angles:", I.n_azimuthal);
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "polar angles:", I.n_polar_angles);
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "energy groups:", I.n_egroups);
+ printf("%-35s%d\n", "assemblies per axial sub-domain:",
+ I.decomp_assemblies_ax);
+ printf("%-35s%ld\n", "avg segments per track:", I.segments_per_track);
+ printf("%-35s%.2lf\n", "assembly width:", I.assembly_width);
+ printf("%-35s%.2lf\n", "reactor height:", I.height);
+ printf("%-35s%ld\n", "2D Src regions per assembly:",
+ I.n_2D_source_regions_per_assembly);
+ printf("%-35s%ld\n", "2D Tracks:", I.ntracks_2D);
+ printf("%-35s", "3D Tracks:"); fancy_int(I.ntracks);
+ printf("%-35s%zu (MB)\n", "Estimated Memory Usage:",
+ est_mem_usage(I) / 1024 / 1024);
+ #ifdef PAPI
+ if( I.papi_event_set == -1)
+ printf("%-35s%s\n", "PAPI event to count:", I.event_name);
+ #endif
+ border_print();
+// reads command line inputs and applies options
+void read_CLI( int argc, char * argv[], Input * input )
+ // defaults to max threads on the system
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ input->nthreads = omp_get_num_procs();
+ #else
+ input->nthreads = 1;
+ #endif
+ // Collect Raw Input
+ for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
+ {
+ char * arg = argv[i];
+ // nthreads (-t)
+ if( strcmp(arg, "-t") == 0 )
+ {
+ if( ++i < argc )
+ input->nthreads = atoi(argv[i]);
+ else
+ print_CLI_error();
+ }
+ // input file (-i)
+ else if( strcmp(arg, "-i") == 0 )
+ {
+ if( ++i < argc )
+ read_input_file( input, argv[i]);
+ else
+ print_CLI_error();
+ }
+ // set input for small problem (-s)
+ else if( strcmp(arg, "-s") == 0)
+ set_small_input( input );
+ #ifdef PAPI
+ // Add single PAPI event
+ else if( strcmp(arg, "-p") == 0 )
+ {
+ if( ++i < argc ){
+ input->papi_event_set = -1;
+ strcpy(input->event_name, argv[i]);
+ }
+ else
+ print_CLI_error();
+ }
+ #endif
+ // Load OpenMOC track data file
+ else if( strcmp(arg,"-d") == 0)
+ {
+ if( ++i < argc )
+ {
+ input->track_file = argv[i];
+ input->load_tracks = true;
+ }
+ else
+ print_CLI_error();
+ }
+ else
+ print_CLI_error();
+ }
+ // Validate Input
+ // Validate nthreads
+ if( input->nthreads < 1 )
+ print_CLI_error();
+// print error to screen, inform program options
+void print_CLI_error(void)
+ printf("Usage: ./SimpleMOC <options>\n");
+ printf("Options include:\n");
+ printf(" -t <threads> Number of OpenMP threads to run\n");
+ printf(" -i <filename> Input file name\n");
+ printf(" -p <PAPI event> PAPI event name to count (1 only) \n");
+ printf(" -s Small problem flag \n");
+ printf(" -d <filename> OpenMOC tracking file\n");
+ printf("See readme for full description of default run values\n");
+ exit(1);
+// read input file describing problem parameters
+void read_input_file( Input * I, char * fname)
+ #if TIMING_INFO | 0
+ printf("Attempting to open FIle: %s\n", fname);
+ #endif
+ FILE * fp = fopen(fname, "r");
+ #if TIMING_INFO | 0
+ printf("Opened FIle: %s\n", fname);
+ #endif
+ if( fp == NULL )
+ printf("FIle Open FAILED\n");
+ char c[255];
+ char * stat;
+ int err;
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &I->x_assemblies);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &I->y_assemblies);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &I->cai);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &I->fai);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &I->axial_exp);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%f", &I->radial_ray_sep);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%f", &I->axial_z_sep);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &I->n_azimuthal);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &I->n_polar_angles);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &I->n_egroups);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ int decompose;
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &decompose);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ if(decompose == 0)
+ I->decompose = false;
+ else
+ I->decompose = true;
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &I->decomp_assemblies_ax);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%ld", &I->segments_per_track);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%f", &I->assembly_width);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%f", &I->height);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%f", &I->precision);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%ld", &I->n_2D_source_regions_per_assembly);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ err = fscanf(fp, "%d", &I->papi_event_set);
+ stat = fgets(c, 255, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/main.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..084ce9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
+ int version = 3;
+ int mype = 1;
+ #ifdef MPI
+ int nranks;
+ MPI_Status stat;
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nranks);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mype);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef PAPI
+ papi_serial_init();
+ #endif
+ srand(time(NULL) * (mype+1));
+ Input input = set_default_input();
+ read_CLI( argc, argv, &input );
+ calculate_derived_inputs( &input );
+ if( mype == 0 )
+ logo(version);
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ omp_set_num_threads(input.nthreads);
+ #endif
+ Params params = build_tracks( &input );
+ CommGrid grid = init_mpi_grid( input );
+ if( mype == 0 )
+ print_input_summary(input);
+ float res;
+ float keff = 1.0;
+ int num_iters = 1;
+ double time_transport = 0;
+ double time_flux_exchange = 0;
+ double time_renormalize_flux = 0;
+ double time_update_sources = 0;
+ double time_compute_keff = 0;
+ double start, stop;
+ if(mype==0)
+ {
+ center_print("SIMULATION", 79);
+ border_print();
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < num_iters; i++)
+ {
+ // Transport Sweep
+ start = get_time();
+ transport_sweep(&params, &input);
+ stop = get_time();
+ time_transport += stop-start;
+ // Domain Boundary Flux Exchange (MPI)
+ #ifdef MPI
+ start = get_time();
+ fast_transfer_boundary_fluxes(params, input, grid);
+ stop = get_time();
+ time_flux_exchange += stop-start;
+ #endif
+ // Flux Renormalization
+ start = get_time();
+ renormalize_flux(params,input, grid);
+ stop = get_time();
+ time_renormalize_flux += stop-start;
+ // Update Source Regions
+ start = get_time();
+ res = update_sources(params, input, keff);
+ stop = get_time();
+ time_update_sources += stop-start;
+ // Calculate K-Effective
+ start = get_time();
+ keff = compute_keff(params, input, grid);
+ stop = get_time();
+ time_compute_keff += stop-start;
+ if( mype == 0 )
+ printf("keff = %f\n", keff);
+ }
+ double time_total = time_transport + time_flux_exchange
+ + time_renormalize_flux + time_update_sources + time_compute_keff;
+ if( mype == 0 )
+ {
+ border_print();
+ center_print("RESULTS SUMMARY", 79);
+ border_print();
+ printf("Transport Sweep Time: %6.2lf sec (%4.1lf%%)\n",
+ time_transport, 100*time_transport/time_total);
+ printf("Domain Flux Exchange Time: %6.2lf sec (%4.1lf%%)\n",
+ time_flux_exchange, 100*time_flux_exchange/time_total);
+ printf("Flux Renormalization Time: %6.2lf sec (%4.1lf%%)\n",
+ time_renormalize_flux, 100*time_renormalize_flux/time_total);
+ printf("Update Source Time: %6.2lf sec (%4.1lf%%)\n",
+ time_update_sources, 100*time_update_sources/time_total);
+ printf("K-Effective Calc Time: %6.2lf sec (%4.1lf%%)\n",
+ time_compute_keff, 100*time_compute_keff/time_total);
+ printf("Total Time: %6.2lf sec\n", time_total);
+ }
+ long tracks_per_second = 2 * input.ntracks/time_transport;
+ #ifdef MPI
+ MPI_Barrier(grid.cart_comm_3d);
+ long global_tps = 0;
+ MPI_Reduce( &tracks_per_second, // Send Buffer
+ &global_tps, // Receive Buffer
+ 1, // Element Count
+ MPI_LONG, // Element Type
+ MPI_SUM, // Reduciton Operation Type
+ 0, // Master Rank
+ grid.cart_comm_3d ); // MPI Communicator
+ MPI_Barrier(grid.cart_comm_3d);
+ tracks_per_second = global_tps;
+ #endif
+ if( mype == 0 )
+ {
+ printf("Time per Intersection: ");
+ printf("%.2lf ns\n", time_per_intersection( input, time_transport ));
+ border_print();
+ }
+ free_2D_tracks( params.tracks_2D );
+ free_tracks( params.tracks );
+ #ifdef MPI
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ #endif
+ return 0;
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/papi.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/papi.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f6b3047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/papi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+#ifdef PAPI
+// initialize papi with one thread first
+void papi_serial_init(void)
+ if ( PAPI_library_init(PAPI_VER_CURRENT) != PAPI_VER_CURRENT){
+ fprintf(stderr, "PAPI library init error!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (( PAPI_thread_init((long unsigned int (*)(void))
+ pthread_self )) != PAPI_OK){
+ PAPI_perror("PAPI_thread_init");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+void counter_init( int *eventset, int *num_papi_events, Input * I )
+ char error_str[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
+ int stat;
+ int * events;
+ // Command line event
+ if( I->papi_event_set == -1){
+ *num_papi_events = 1;
+ events = (int *) malloc( *num_papi_events * sizeof(int));
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( I->event_name, &events[0]);
+ }
+ // FLOPS
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 0 )
+ {
+ *num_papi_events = 2;
+ events = (int *) malloc( *num_papi_events * sizeof(int));
+ events[0] = PAPI_SP_OPS;
+ events[1] = PAPI_TOT_CYC;
+ }
+ // Bandwidth
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 1 )
+ {
+ *num_papi_events = 2;
+ events = (int *) malloc( *num_papi_events * sizeof(int));
+ events[0] = PAPI_L3_TCM;
+ events[1] = PAPI_TOT_CYC;
+ }
+ // CPU Stall Reason
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 2 )
+ {
+ *num_papi_events = 4;
+ events = (int *) malloc( *num_papi_events * sizeof(int));
+ int EventCode;
+ char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:ANY";
+ char * event2 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:SB";
+ char * event3 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:RS";
+ char * event4 = "RESOURCE_STALLS2:OOO_RSRC";
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event3, &EventCode );
+ events[2] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event4, &EventCode );
+ events[3] = EventCode;
+ }
+ // CPU Stall Percentage
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 3 )
+ {
+ *num_papi_events = 2;
+ events = (int *) malloc( *num_papi_events * sizeof(int));
+ int EventCode;
+ char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:ANY";
+ char * event2 = "PAPI_TOT_CYC";
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ }
+ // Memory Loads
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 4 )
+ {
+ *num_papi_events = 4;
+ events = (int *) malloc( *num_papi_events * sizeof(int));
+ int EventCode;
+ char * event1 = "MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED";
+ char * event2 = "MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED:L1_HIT";
+ char * event3 = "MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED:L2_HIT";
+ char * event4 = "MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED:L3_HIT";
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event3, &EventCode );
+ events[2] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event4, &EventCode );
+ events[3] = EventCode;
+ }
+ // LLC Miss Rate
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 5 )
+ {
+ *num_papi_events = 2;
+ events = (int *) malloc( *num_papi_events * sizeof(int));
+ events[0] = PAPI_L3_TCM;
+ events[1] = PAPI_L3_TCA;
+ }
+ // Branch MisPrediction
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 6 )
+ {
+ *num_papi_events = 3;
+ events = (int *) malloc( *num_papi_events * sizeof(int));
+ events[0] = PAPI_BR_MSP;
+ events[1] = PAPI_BR_CN;
+ events[2] = PAPI_BR_PRC;
+ }
+ // TLB Misses
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 7 )
+ {
+ *num_papi_events = 4;
+ events = (int *) malloc( *num_papi_events * sizeof(int));
+ int EventCode;
+ char * event1 = "perf::DTLB-LOADS";
+ char * event2 = "perf::DTLB-LOAD-MISSES";
+ char * event3 = "perf::DTLB-STORES";
+ char * event4 = "perf::DTLB-STORE-MISSES";
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event3, &EventCode );
+ events[2] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event4, &EventCode );
+ events[3] = EventCode;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // User can comment/uncomment blocks as they see fit within this seciton
+ // Some Standard Events
+ //int events[] = {PAPI_TOT_INS,PAPI_LD_INS,PAPI_FP_INS};
+ // Bandwidth Used
+ // ((PAPI_Lx_TCM * Lx_linesize) / PAPI_TOT_CYC) * Clock(MHz)
+ //int events[] = {PAPI_L3_TCM, PAPI_TOT_CYC};
+ // L3 Total Cache Miss Ratio
+ // (On Xeon dual octo - 65%, not dependent on # of threads)
+ //int events[] = {PAPI_L3_TCM, PAPI_L3_TCA};
+ // % Cycles with no instruction use
+ //int events[] = { PAPI_STL_ICY, PAPI_TOT_CYC };
+ // % Branch instructions Mispredicted
+ //int events[] = { PAPI_BR_MSP, PAPI_BR_CN, PAPI_BR_PRC };
+ // TLB Misses
+ //int events[] = { PAPI_TLB_DM };
+ // MFlops
+ // (PAPI_FP_INS/PAPI_TOT_CYC) * Clock(MHz)
+ //int events[] = { PAPI_FP_INS, PAPI_TOT_CYC };
+ // MFlops (Alternate?)
+ // (PAPI_FP_INS/PAPI_TOT_CYC) * Clock(MHz)
+ //int events[] = { PAPI_DP_OPS, PAPI_TOT_CYC };
+ // TLB misses (Using native counters)
+ /*
+ int events[2];
+ int EventCode;
+ char * event1 = "perf::DTLB-LOADS";
+ char * event2 = "perf::DTLB-LOAD-MISSES";
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ */
+ /*
+ // Stalled Cycles, front v back (Using native counters)
+ int events[3];
+ int EventCode;
+ char * event1 = "perf::STALLED-CYCLES-FRONTEND";
+ char * event2 = "perf::STALLED-CYCLES-BACKEND";
+ char * event3 = "perf::PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES";
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event3, &EventCode );
+ events[2] = EventCode;
+ */
+ /*
+ // LLC Cache Misses (Using native counters)
+ int events[2];
+ int EventCode;
+ char * event1 = "ix86arch::LLC_REFERENCES";
+ char * event2 = "ix86arch::LLC_MISSES";
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ */
+ /*
+ // Node Prefetch Misses (Using native counters)
+ int events[1];
+ int EventCode;
+ //char * event1 = "perf::NODE-PREFETCHES";
+ //char * event2 = "perf::NODE-PREFETCH-MISSES";
+ char * event1 = "perf::NODE-PREFETCHES";
+ char * event2 = "perf::NODE-LOAD-MISSES:COUNT";
+ //PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ //events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ */
+ /*
+ // CPU Stalls Due to lack of Load Buffers (Using native counters)
+ int events[2];
+ int EventCode;
+ char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:LB";
+ char * event2 = "perf::PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES";
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ */
+ /*
+ // CPU Stalls Due to ANY Resource (Using native counters)
+ int events[2];
+ int EventCode;
+ char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:ANY";
+ char * event2 = "PAPI_TOT_CYC";
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ */
+ /*
+ // CPU Stalls at Reservation Station (Using native counters)
+ int events[2];
+ int EventCode;
+ char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:RS";
+ char * event2 = "perf::PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES";
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ */
+ /*
+ // CPU Stall Reason Breakdown (Using native counters)
+ int events[4];
+ int EventCode;
+ // Set 1
+ char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:ANY";
+ char * event2 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:LB";
+ char * event3 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:RS";
+ char * event4 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:SB";
+ // Set 1
+ // Set 2
+ char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:ANY";
+ char * event2 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:ROB";
+ char * event3 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:MEM_RS";
+ char * event4 = "RESOURCE_STALLS2:ALL_FL_EMPTY";
+ // Set 2
+ // Set 3
+ char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:ANY";
+ char * event3 = "RESOURCE_STALLS2:ANY_PRF_CONTROL"; // duplicate
+ char * event4 = "RESOURCE_STALLS2:OOO_RSRC";
+ // Set 3
+ char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:ANY";
+ char * event2 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:SB";
+ char * event3 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:RS"; // duplicate
+ char * event4 = "RESOURCE_STALLS2:OOO_RSRC";
+ // Events that don't need to be counted
+ // Don't bother measuring these
+ //char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:FCSW"; // Always 0, don't measure
+ //char * event1 = "RESOURCE_STALLS:MXCSR"; // Always 0, don't measure
+ //char * event3 = "RESOURCE_STALLS2:BOB_FULL"; // Always trivial
+ //char * event3 = "RESOURCE_STALLS2:ANY_PRF_CONTROL"; // duplicate
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event1, &EventCode );
+ events[0] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event2, &EventCode );
+ events[1] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event3, &EventCode );
+ events[2] = EventCode;
+ PAPI_event_name_to_code( event4, &EventCode );
+ events[3] = EventCode;
+ */
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Users should not need to alter anything within this section
+ int thread = omp_get_thread_num();
+ if ( (stat= PAPI_create_eventset(eventset)) != PAPI_OK)
+ {
+ PAPI_perror("PAPI_create_eventset");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < *num_papi_events; i++ )
+ {
+ if ((stat=PAPI_add_event(*eventset,events[i])) != PAPI_OK)
+ {
+ PAPI_perror("PAPI_add_event");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((stat=PAPI_start(*eventset)) != PAPI_OK)
+ {
+ PAPI_perror("PAPI_start");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ void counter_init( int *eventset, int *num_papi_events )
+ {
+ char error_str[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
+// int events[] = {PAPI_TOT_INS,PAPI_BR_INS,PAPI_SR_INS};
+int events[] = {ix86arch::LLC_REFERENCES,
+int stat;
+int thread = omp_get_thread_num();
+if( thread == 0 )
+printf("Initializing PAPI counters...\n");
+ *num_papi_events = sizeof(events) / sizeof(int);
+ if ((stat = PAPI_thread_init((long unsigned int (*)(void)) omp_get_thread_num)) != PAPI_OK){
+ PAPI_perror("PAPI_thread_init");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ( (stat= PAPI_create_eventset(eventset)) != PAPI_OK){
+ PAPI_perror("PAPI_create_eventset");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < *num_papi_events; i++ ){
+ if ((stat=PAPI_add_event(*eventset,events[i])) != PAPI_OK){
+ PAPI_perror("PAPI_add_event");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((stat=PAPI_start(*eventset)) != PAPI_OK){
+ PAPI_perror("PAPI_start");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+// Stops the papi counters and prints results
+void counter_stop( int * eventset, int num_papi_events, Input * I )
+ int * events = malloc(num_papi_events * sizeof(int));
+ int n = num_papi_events;
+ PAPI_list_events( *eventset, events, &n );
+ PAPI_event_info_t info;
+ long_long * values = malloc( num_papi_events * sizeof(long_long));
+ PAPI_stop(*eventset, values);
+ int thread = omp_get_thread_num();
+ int nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
+ static long LLC_cache_miss = 0;
+ static long total_cycles = 0;
+ static long FLOPS = 0;
+ static long stall_any = 0;
+ static long stall_SB = 0;
+ static long stall_RS = 0;
+ static long stall_OO = 0;
+ static long tlb_load = 0;
+ static long tlb_load_m = 0;
+ static long tlb_store = 0;
+ static long tlb_store_m = 0;
+ #pragma omp master
+ {
+ I->vals_accum = malloc( num_papi_events * sizeof(long long));
+ for(int i=0; i < num_papi_events ; i ++)
+ I->vals_accum[i] = 0;
+ }
+ #pragma omp barrier
+ #pragma omp critical (papi)
+ {
+ printf("Thread %d\n", thread);
+ for( int i = 0; i < num_papi_events; i++ )
+ {
+ I->vals_accum[i] += values[i];
+ PAPI_get_event_info(events[i], &info);
+ printf("%-15lld\t%s\t%s\n", values[i],info.symbol,info.long_descr);
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "PAPI_L3_TCM") == 0 )
+ LLC_cache_miss += values[i];
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "PAPI_TOT_CYC") == 0 )
+ total_cycles += values[i];
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "PAPI_SP_OPS") == 0 )
+ FLOPS += values[i];
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "RESOURCE_STALLS:ANY") == 0 )
+ stall_any += values[i];
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "RESOURCE_STALLS:SB") == 0 )
+ stall_SB += values[i];
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "RESOURCE_STALLS:RS") == 0 )
+ stall_RS += values[i];
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "RESOURCE_STALLS2:OOO_RSRC") == 0 )
+ stall_OO += values[i];
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "perf::DTLB-LOADS") == 0 )
+ tlb_load += values[i];
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "perf::DTLB-LOAD-MISSES") == 0 )
+ tlb_load_m += values[i];
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "perf::DTLB-STORES") == 0 )
+ tlb_store += values[i];
+ if( strcmp(info.symbol, "perf::DTLB-STORE-MISSES") == 0 )
+ tlb_store_m += values[i];
+ }
+ free(values);
+ }
+ {
+ #pragma omp barrier
+ }
+ #pragma omp master
+ {
+ if( omp_get_num_threads() > 1){
+ printf("Thread Totals:\n");
+ for( int i = 0; i < num_papi_events; i++ )
+ {
+ PAPI_get_event_info(events[i], &info);
+ printf("%-15lld\t%s\t%s\n", I->vals_accum[i],info.symbol,info.long_descr);
+ }
+ }
+ free( I->vals_accum );
+ border_print();
+ center_print("PERFORMANCE SUMMARY", 79);
+ border_print();
+ long cycles = (long) (total_cycles / (double) nthreads);
+ double bw = LLC_cache_miss*64./cycles*2.8e9/1024./1024./1024.;
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 0 )
+ printf("GFLOPs: %.3lf\n", FLOPS / (double) cycles * 2.8 );
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 1 )
+ printf("Bandwidth: %.3lf (GB/s)\n", bw);
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 2 )
+ {
+ printf("%-30s %.2lf%%\n", "Store Buffer Full:",
+ stall_SB / (double) stall_any * 100.);
+ printf("%-30s %.2lf%%\n", "Reservation Station Full:",
+ stall_RS / (double) stall_any * 100.);
+ printf("%-30s %.2lf%%\n", "OO Pipeline Full:",
+ stall_OO / (double) stall_any * 100.);
+ }
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 3 )
+ printf("CPU Stalled Cycles: %.2lf%%\n",
+ stall_any / (double) total_cycles * 100.);
+ if( I->papi_event_set == 7 )
+ {
+ printf("%-30s %.2lf%%\n", "Data TLB Load Miss Rate: ",
+ tlb_load_m / (double) tlb_load * 100 );
+ printf("%-30s %.2lf%%\n", "Data TLB Store Miss Rate: ",
+ tlb_store_m / (double) tlb_store * 100 );
+ }
+ border_print();
+ }
+ free(events);
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/solver.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/solver.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9fca131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/solver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1469 @@
+/* Efficient version of attenuate fluxes which determines the change in angular
+ * flux along a particular track across a fine axial region and tallies the
+ * contribution to the scalar flux in the fine axial region. This function
+ * assumes a quadratic source, which is calculated on the fly using neighboring
+ * source values.
+ *
+ * This version decomposes the work into many for loops for efficient SIMD
+ * instructions and to reduce register pressure. For a more descriptive
+ * (but less effiient) version of the code in terms of the underlying physics,
+ * see alt_attenuate_fluxes which solves the problem in a more naive,
+ * straightforward manner. */
+void attenuate_fluxes( Track * track, bool forward, Source * QSR, Input * I_in,
+ Params * params_in, float ds, float mu, float az_weight,
+ AttenuateVars * A )
+ Input I = *I_in;
+ Params params = *params_in;
+ // unload attenuate vars
+ float * restrict q0 = A->q0;
+ float * restrict q1 = A->q1;
+ float * restrict q2 = A->q2;
+ float * restrict sigT = A->sigT;
+ float * restrict tau = A->tau;
+ float * restrict sigT2 = A->sigT2;
+ float * restrict expVal = A->expVal;
+ float * restrict reuse = A->reuse;
+ float * restrict flux_integral = A->flux_integral;
+ float * restrict tally = A->tally;
+ float * restrict t1 = A->t1;
+ float * restrict t2 = A->t2;
+ float * restrict t3 = A->t3;
+ float * restrict t4 = A->t4;
+ // compute fine axial interval spacing
+ float dz = I.height / (I.fai * I.decomp_assemblies_ax * I.cai);
+ // compute z height in cell
+ float zin = track->z_height - dz *
+ ( (int)( track->z_height / dz ) + 0.5f );
+ // compute fine axial region ID
+ int fine_id = (int) ( track->z_height / dz ) % I.fai;
+ // compute weight (azimuthal * polar)
+ // NOTE: real app would also have volume weight component
+ float weight = track->p_weight * az_weight;
+ float mu2 = mu * mu;
+ // load fine source region flux vector
+ float * FSR_flux = QSR -> fine_flux[fine_id];
+ if( fine_id == 0 )
+ {
+ // adjust z height to account for edge
+ zin -= dz;
+ // cycle over energy groups
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ // load neighboring sources
+ float y1 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id][g];
+ float y2 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id+1][g];
+ float y3 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id+2][g];
+ // do quadratic "fitting"
+ float c0 = y2;
+ float c1 = (y1 - y3) / (2.f*dz);
+ float c2 = (y1 - 2.f*y2 + y3) / (2.f*dz*dz);
+ // calculate q0, q1, q2
+ q0[g] = c0 + c1*zin + c2*zin*zin;
+ q1[g] = c1 + 2.f*c2*zin;
+ q2[g] = c2;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( fine_id == I.fai - 1 )
+ {
+ // adjust z height to account for edge
+ zin += dz;
+ // cycle over energy groups
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ // load neighboring sources
+ float y1 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id-2][g];
+ float y2 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id-1][g];
+ float y3 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id][g];
+ // do quadratic "fitting"
+ float c0 = y2;
+ float c1 = (y1 - y3) / (2.f*dz);
+ float c2 = (y1 - 2.f*y2 + y3) / (2.f*dz*dz);
+ // calculate q0, q1, q2
+ q0[g] = c0 + c1*zin + c2*zin*zin;
+ q1[g] = c1 + 2.f*c2*zin;
+ q2[g] = c2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // cycle over energy groups
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ // load neighboring sources
+ float y1 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id-1][g];
+ float y2 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id][g];
+ float y3 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id+1][g];
+ // do quadratic "fitting"
+ float c0 = y2;
+ float c1 = (y1 - y3) / (2.f*dz);
+ float c2 = (y1 - 2.f*y2 + y3) / (2.f*dz*dz);
+ // calculate q0, q1, q2
+ q0[g] = c0 + c1*zin + c2*zin*zin;
+ q1[g] = c1 + 2.f*c2*zin;
+ q2[g] = c2;
+ }
+ }
+ // cycle over energy groups
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ // load total cross section
+ sigT[g] = QSR->sigT[g];
+ // calculate common values for efficiency
+ tau[g] = sigT[g] * ds;
+ sigT2[g] = sigT[g] * sigT[g];
+ }
+ // cycle over energy groups
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ expVal[g] = interpolateTable( params.expTable, tau[g] );
+ // Flux Integral
+ // Re-used Term
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ reuse[g] = tau[g] * (tau[g] - 2.f) + 2.f * expVal[g]
+ / (sigT[g] * sigT2[g]);
+ }
+ float * psi;
+ if(forward)
+ psi = track->f_psi;
+ else
+ psi = track->b_psi;
+ //#pragma vector nontemporal
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ // add contribution to new source flux
+ flux_integral[g] = (q0[g] * tau[g] + (sigT[g] * psi[g] - q0[g])
+ * expVal[g]) / sigT2[g] + q1[g] * mu * reuse[g] + q2[g] * mu2
+ * (tau[g] * (tau[g] * (tau[g] - 3.f) + 6.f) - 6.f * expVal[g])
+ / (3.f * sigT2[g] * sigT2[g]);
+ }
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ // Prepare tally
+ tally[g] = weight * flux_integral[g];
+ }
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ omp_set_lock(QSR->locks + fine_id);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ FSR_flux[g] += tally[g];
+ }
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ omp_unset_lock(QSR->locks + fine_id);
+ #endif
+ // Term 1
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ t1[g] = q0[g] * expVal[g] / sigT[g];
+ }
+ // Term 2
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ t2[g] = q1[g] * mu * (tau[g] - expVal[g]) / sigT2[g];
+ }
+ // Term 3
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ t3[g] = q2[g] * mu2 * reuse[g];
+ }
+ // Term 4
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ t4[g] = psi[g] * (1.f - expVal[g]);
+ }
+ // Total psi
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ psi[g] = t1[g] + t2[g] + t3[g] + t4[g];
+ }
+// single direction transport sweep
+void transport_sweep( Params * params, Input * I )
+ if(I->mype==0) printf("Starting transport sweep ...\n");
+ // calculate the height of a node's domain and of each FSR
+ double node_delta_z = I->height / I->decomp_assemblies_ax;
+ double fine_delta_z = node_delta_z / (I->cai * I->fai);
+ /* loop over tracks (implicitly azimuthal angles, tracks in azimuthal
+ * angles, polar angles, and z stacked rays) */
+ //print_Input_struct( I );
+ long segments_processed = 0;
+ #pragma omp parallel default(none) \
+ shared( I, params, node_delta_z, fine_delta_z ) \
+ reduction(+ : segments_processed )
+ {
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ int thread = omp_get_thread_num();
+ int nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
+ unsigned int seed = time(NULL) * (thread+1);
+ #endif
+ //print_Input_struct( I );
+ #ifdef PAPI
+ int eventset = PAPI_NULL;
+ int num_papi_events;
+ #pragma omp critical
+ {
+ counter_init(&eventset, &num_papi_events, I);
+ }
+ #endif
+ AttenuateVars A;
+ float * ptr = (float * ) malloc( I->n_egroups * 14 * sizeof(float));
+ A.q0 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.q1 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.q2 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.sigT = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.tau = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.sigT2 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.expVal = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.reuse = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.flux_integral = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.tally = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.t1 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.t2 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.t3 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.t4 = ptr;
+ #pragma omp for schedule( dynamic )
+ for (long i = 0; i < I->ntracks_2D; i++)
+ {
+ #if TIMING_INFO | 0
+ // print progress
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ if(I->mype==0 && thread == 0)
+ {
+ printf("\rAttenuating Tracks... (%.0lf%% completed)",
+ (i / ( (double)I->ntracks_2D / (double) nthreads ))
+ / (double) nthreads * 100.0);
+ }
+ #else
+ if( i % 50 == 0)
+ if(I->mype==0)
+ printf("%s%ld%s%ld\n","2D Tracks Completed = ", i," / ",
+ I->ntracks_2D );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ // treat positive-z traveling rays first
+ bool pos_z_dir = true;
+ for( int j = 0; j < I->n_polar_angles; j++)
+ {
+ if( j == I->n_polar_angles / 2 )
+ pos_z_dir = false;
+ float p_angle = params->polar_angles[j];
+ float mu = cos(p_angle);
+ // start with all z stacked rays
+ int begin_stacked = 0;
+ int end_stacked = I->z_stacked;
+ for( int n = 0; n < params->tracks_2D[i].n_segments; n++)
+ {
+ // calculate distance traveled in cell if segment completed
+ float s_full = params->tracks_2D[i].segments[n].length
+ / sin(p_angle);
+ // allocate varaible for distance traveled in an FSR
+ float ds = 0;
+ // loop over remaining z-stacked rays
+ for( int k = begin_stacked; k < end_stacked; k++)
+ {
+ // initialize s to full length
+ float s = s_full;
+ // select current track
+ Track * track = &params->tracks[i][j][k];
+ // set flag for completeion of segment
+ bool seg_complete = false;
+ // calculate interval
+ int curr_interval;
+ if( pos_z_dir)
+ curr_interval = get_pos_interval(track->z_height,
+ fine_delta_z);
+ else
+ curr_interval = get_neg_interval(track->z_height,
+ fine_delta_z);
+ while( !seg_complete )
+ {
+ // flag to reset z position
+ bool reset = false;
+ /* calculate new height based on s
+ * (distance traveled in FSR) */
+ float z = track->z_height + s * cos(p_angle);
+ // check if still in same FSR (fine axial interval)
+ int new_interval;
+ if( pos_z_dir )
+ new_interval = get_pos_interval(z,
+ fine_delta_z);
+ else
+ new_interval = get_neg_interval(z,
+ fine_delta_z);
+ if( new_interval == curr_interval )
+ {
+ seg_complete = true;
+ ds = s;
+ }
+ // otherwise, we need to recalculate distances
+ else
+ {
+ // correct z
+ if( pos_z_dir )
+ {
+ curr_interval++;
+ z = fine_delta_z * (float) curr_interval;
+ }
+ else{
+ curr_interval--;
+ z = fine_delta_z * (float) curr_interval;
+ }
+ // calculate distance travelled in FSR (ds)
+ ds = (z - track->z_height) / cos(p_angle);
+ // update track length remaining
+ s -= ds;
+ /* check remaining track length to protect
+ * against potential roundoff errors */
+ if( s <= 0 )
+ seg_complete = true;
+ // check if out of bounds or track complete
+ if( z <= 0 || z >= node_delta_z )
+ {
+ // mark segment as completed
+ seg_complete = true;
+ // remember to no longer treat this track
+ if ( pos_z_dir )
+ end_stacked--;
+ else
+ begin_stacked++;
+ // reset z height
+ reset = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // pick a random FSR (cache miss expected)
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ long QSR_id = rand_r(&seed) %
+ I->n_source_regions_per_node;
+ #else
+ long QSR_id = rand() %
+ I->n_source_regions_per_node;
+ #endif
+ /* update sources and fluxes from attenuation
+ * over FSR */
+ if( I->axial_exp == 2 )
+ {
+ attenuate_fluxes( track, true,
+ &params->sources[QSR_id],
+ I, params, ds, mu,
+ params->tracks_2D[i].az_weight, &A );
+ segments_processed++;
+ }
+ else if( I->axial_exp == 0 )
+ {
+ attenuate_FSR_fluxes( track, true,
+ &params->sources[QSR_id],
+ I, params, ds, mu,
+ params->tracks_2D[i].az_weight, &A );
+ segments_processed++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Error: invalid axial expansion order");
+ printf("\n Please input 0 or 2\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // update with new z height or reset if finished
+ if( n == params->tracks_2D[i].n_segments - 1
+ || reset)
+ {
+ if( pos_z_dir)
+ track->z_height = I->axial_z_sep * k;
+ else
+ track->z_height = I->axial_z_sep * (k+1);
+ }
+ else
+ track->z_height = z;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ if(thread == 0 && I->mype==0) printf("\n");
+ #endif
+ #ifdef PAPI
+ if( thread == 0 )
+ {
+ printf("\n");
+ border_print();
+ center_print("PAPI COUNTER RESULTS", 79);
+ border_print();
+ printf("Count \tSmybol \tDescription\n");
+ }
+ {
+ #pragma omp barrier
+ }
+ counter_stop(&eventset, num_papi_events, I);
+ #endif
+ }
+ I->segments_processed = segments_processed;
+ return;
+// run one full transport sweep, return k
+void two_way_transport_sweep( Params * params, Input * I )
+ if(I->mype==0) printf("Starting transport sweep ...\n");
+ // calculate the height of a node's domain and of each FSR
+ double node_delta_z = I->height / I->decomp_assemblies_ax;
+ int num_intervals = (I->cai * I->fai);
+ double fine_delta_z = node_delta_z / num_intervals;
+ /* loop over tracks (implicitly azimuthal angles, tracks in azimuthal
+ * angles, polar angles, and z stacked rays) */
+ long segments_processed = 0;
+ #pragma omp parallel default(none) \
+ shared( I, params, node_delta_z, fine_delta_z, num_intervals ) \
+ reduction(+ : segments_processed )
+ {
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ int thread = omp_get_thread_num();
+ int nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
+ unsigned int seed = time(NULL) * (thread+1);
+ #endif
+ //print_Input_struct( I );
+ #ifdef PAPI
+ int eventset = PAPI_NULL;
+ int num_papi_events;
+ #pragma omp critical
+ {
+ counter_init(&eventset, &num_papi_events, I);
+ }
+ #endif
+ AttenuateVars A;
+ float * ptr = (float * ) malloc( I->n_egroups * 14 * sizeof(float));
+ A.q0 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.q1 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.q2 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.sigT = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.tau = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.sigT2 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.expVal = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.reuse = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.flux_integral = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.tally = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.t1 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.t2 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.t3 = ptr;
+ ptr += I->n_egroups;
+ A.t4 = ptr;
+ #pragma omp for schedule( dynamic )
+ for (long i = 0; i < I->ntracks_2D; i++)
+ {
+ // print progress
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ if(I->mype==0 && thread == 0)
+ {
+ printf("\rAttenuating Tracks... (%.0lf%% completed)",
+ (i / ( (double)I->ntracks_2D / (double) nthreads ))
+ / (double) nthreads * 100.0);
+ }
+ #else
+ if( i % 50 == 0)
+ if(I->mype==0)
+ printf("%s%ld%s%ld\n","2D Tracks Completed = ", i," / ",
+ I->ntracks_2D );
+ #endif
+ // allocate arrays for segment storage FIXME
+ double ** seg_dist = malloc( I->z_stacked * sizeof(double *) );
+ Source *** seg_src = malloc( I->z_stacked * sizeof(Source**) );
+ int * seg_idx = malloc( I->z_stacked * sizeof(int) );
+ int * seg_size = malloc( I->z_stacked * sizeof(int) );
+ // fill matrix with arrays FIXME
+ for( int k = 0; k < I->z_stacked; k++)
+ {
+ seg_size[k] = 2 * I->segments_per_track;
+ seg_dist[k] = malloc( seg_size[k] * sizeof(double) );
+ seg_src[k] = malloc( seg_size[k] * sizeof(Source *) );
+ seg_idx[k] = 0;
+ }
+ // treat positive-z traveling rays first
+ bool pos_z_dir = true;
+ for( int j = 0; j < I->n_polar_angles; j++)
+ {
+ if( j == I->n_polar_angles / 2 )
+ pos_z_dir = false;
+ float p_angle = params->polar_angles[j];
+ float mu = cos(p_angle);
+ // start with all z stacked rays
+ int begin_stacked = 0;
+ int end_stacked = I->z_stacked;
+ // reset semgnet indexes
+ for( int k = 0; k < I->z_stacked; k++)
+ seg_idx[k] = 0;
+ for( int n = 0; n < params->tracks_2D[i].n_segments; n++)
+ {
+ // calculate distance traveled in cell if segment completed
+ float s_full = params->tracks_2D[i].segments[n].length
+ / sin(p_angle);
+ // allocate varaible for distance traveled in an FSR
+ float ds = 0;
+ // loop over remaining z-stacked rays
+ int tracks_completed = 0;
+ for( int k = begin_stacked; k < end_stacked; k++)
+ {
+ // select current track
+ Track * track = &params->tracks[i][j][k];
+ // determine current axial interval
+ int interval = (int) track->z_height / fine_delta_z;
+ // calculate distance to domain boundary
+ float bound_dist;
+ if( pos_z_dir)
+ bound_dist = (node_delta_z - track->z_height) / mu;
+ else
+ bound_dist = -track->z_height / mu;
+ // determine track length
+ float s;
+ if( s_full < bound_dist )
+ s = s_full;
+ else
+ {
+ // note completion of track
+ s = bound_dist;
+ tracks_completed++;
+ }
+ // set flag for completeion of segment
+ bool seg_complete = false;
+ while( !seg_complete )
+ {
+ // initialize tracking variables
+ long QSR_id = interval + num_intervals * n;
+ float ds;
+ float z;
+ // calculate z height of next fine axial interval
+ float fai_z_height;
+ if( pos_z_dir )
+ fai_z_height = (interval + 1) * fine_delta_z ;
+ else
+ fai_z_height = interval * fine_delta_z;
+ // calculate z distance to next fine axial interval
+ float z_dist_to_fai =
+ fai_z_height - track->z_height;
+ /* calculate total distance (s) to fine axial
+ * interval */
+ float s_dist_to_fai = z_dist_to_fai / mu;
+ // determine if a fine axial interval is crossed
+ if( s_dist_to_fai < s )
+ {
+ if( pos_z_dir )
+ interval++;
+ else
+ interval--;
+ ds = s_dist_to_fai;
+ z = track->z_height + z_dist_to_fai;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ds = s;
+ z = track->z_height + s * mu;
+ }
+ /* shorten remaining segment length and check if
+ * completed (accounting for potential roundoff) */
+ s -= ds;
+ if( s <= 0 || interval < 0
+ || interval >= num_intervals)
+ seg_complete = true;
+ // pick a random FSR (cache miss expected)
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ QSR_id = rand_r(&seed) %
+ I->n_source_regions_per_node;
+ #else
+ QSR_id = rand() % I->n_source_regions_per_node;
+ #endif
+ /* update sources and fluxes from attenuation
+ * over FSR */
+ if( I->axial_exp == 2 )
+ {
+ attenuate_fluxes( track, true,
+ &params->sources[QSR_id],
+ I, params, ds, mu,
+ params->tracks_2D[i].az_weight, &A );
+ segments_processed++;
+ }
+ else if( I->axial_exp == 0 )
+ attenuate_FSR_fluxes( track, true,
+ &params->sources[QSR_id],
+ I, params, ds, mu,
+ params->tracks_2D[i].az_weight, &A );
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Error: invalid axial expansion order");
+ printf("\n Please input 0 or 2\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // update track height
+ track->z_height = z;
+ // save segment length and source FIXME
+ seg_dist[k][seg_idx[k]] = ds;
+ seg_src[k][seg_idx[k]] = &params->sources[QSR_id];
+ seg_idx[k]++;
+ // check if array needs to grow FIXME
+ if( seg_idx[k] >= seg_size[k] )
+ {
+ seg_size[k] *= 2;
+ seg_dist[k] = (double *) realloc( seg_dist[k],
+ seg_size[k] * sizeof(double) );
+ seg_src[k] = (Source **) realloc( seg_src[k],
+ seg_size[k] * sizeof(Source *) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pos_z_dir)
+ end_stacked -= tracks_completed;
+ else
+ begin_stacked += tracks_completed;
+ }
+ // loop over all z stacked rays again
+ for( int k = 0; k < I->z_stacked; k++ )
+ {
+ for( int n = seg_idx[k]-1; n >= 0; n--)
+ {
+ // load distance
+ float ds = seg_dist[k][n];
+ // select current track
+ Track * track = &params->tracks[i][j][k];
+ // update sources and fluxes from attenuation over FSR
+ if( I->axial_exp == 2 )
+ {
+ attenuate_fluxes( track, false,
+ seg_src[k][n],
+ I, params, ds, -mu,
+ params->tracks_2D[i].az_weight, &A );
+ segments_processed++;
+ }
+ else if( I->axial_exp == 0 )
+ attenuate_FSR_fluxes( track, false,
+ seg_src[k][n],
+ I, params, ds, -mu,
+ params->tracks_2D[i].az_weight, &A );
+ // update z height
+ track->z_height -= ds * mu;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Update all tracks with correct starting z location again
+ * NOTE: this is only here to acocunt for roundoff error */
+ for( int k = 0; k < I->z_stacked; k++)
+ {
+ Track * track = &params->tracks[i][j][k];
+ if( pos_z_dir)
+ track->z_height = I->axial_z_sep * k;
+ else
+ track->z_height = I->axial_z_sep * (k+1);
+ }
+ }
+ // free memory
+ for( int k = 0; k < I->z_stacked; k++)
+ {
+ free(seg_dist[k]);
+ free(seg_src[k]);
+ }
+ free(seg_dist);
+ free(seg_src);
+ free(seg_idx);
+ free(seg_size);
+ }
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ if(thread == 0 && I->mype==0) printf("\n");
+ #endif
+ #ifdef PAPI
+ if( thread == 0 )
+ {
+ printf("\n");
+ border_print();
+ center_print("PAPI COUNTER RESULTS", 79);
+ border_print();
+ printf("Count \tSmybol \tDescription\n");
+ }
+ {
+ #pragma omp barrier
+ }
+ counter_stop(&eventset, num_papi_events, I);
+ #endif
+ }
+ //printf("Number of segments processed: %ld\n", segments_processed);
+ I->segments_processed = segments_processed;
+ return;
+/* returns integer number for axial interval for tracks traveling in the
+ * positive direction */
+int get_pos_interval( float z, float dz)
+ int interval = (int) (z/dz);
+ return interval;
+/* returns integer number for axial interval for tracks traveling in the
+ * negative direction */
+int get_neg_interval( float z, float dz)
+ // NOTE: a bit of trickery using floors to obtain ceils
+ int interval = INT_MAX - (int) ( (double) INT_MAX
+ - (double) ( z / dz ) );
+ return interval;
+int calc_next_fai( float z, float dz, bool pos_dir)
+ int interval = z/dz;
+ float lower_z = dz * (float) interval;
+ if(pos_dir)
+ return interval + 1;
+ else
+ return interval;
+/* Determines the change in angular flux along a particular track across a fine
+ * axial region and tallies the contribution to the scalar flux in the fine
+ * axial region. This function assumes a quadratic source, which is calculated
+ * on the fly using neighboring source values.
+ *
+ * This legacy function is unused since it is less efficient than the current
+ * attenuate_fluxes function. However, it provides a more straightforward
+ * description of the underlying physical problem. */
+void alt_attenuate_fluxes( Track * track, bool forward, Source * QSR, Input * I,
+ Params * params, float ds, float mu, float az_weight )
+ // compute fine axial interval spacing
+ float dz = I->height / (I->fai * I->decomp_assemblies_ax * I->cai);
+ // compute z height in cell
+ float zin = track->z_height - dz * ( (int)( track->z_height / dz ) + 0.5 );
+ // compute fine axial region ID
+ int fine_id = (int) ( track->z_height / dz ) % I->fai;
+ // compute weight (azimuthal * polar)
+ // NOTE: real app would also have volume weight component
+ float weight = track->p_weight * az_weight;
+ float mu2 = mu * mu;
+ // load fine source region flux vector
+ float * FSR_flux = QSR -> fine_flux[fine_id];
+ // cycle over energy groups
+ for( int g = 0; g < I->n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ // load total cross section
+ float sigT = QSR->sigT[g];
+ // define source parameters
+ float q0, q1, q2;
+ // calculate source components
+ if( fine_id == 0 )
+ {
+ // load neighboring sources
+ float y2 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id][g];
+ float y3 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id+1][g];
+ // do linear "fitting"
+ float c0 = y2;
+ float c1 = (y3 - y2) / dz;
+ // calculate q0, q1, q2
+ q0 = c0 + c1*zin;
+ q1 = c1;
+ q2 = 0;
+ }
+ else if( fine_id == I->fai - 1 )
+ {
+ // load neighboring sources
+ float y1 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id-1][g];
+ float y2 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id][g];
+ // do linear "fitting"
+ float c0 = y2;
+ float c1 = (y2 - y1) / dz;
+ // calculate q0, q1, q2
+ q0 = c0 + c1*zin;
+ q1 = c1;
+ q2 = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // load neighboring sources
+ float y1 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id-1][g];
+ float y2 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id][g];
+ float y3 = QSR->fine_source[fine_id+1][g];
+ // do quadratic "fitting"
+ float c0 = y2;
+ float c1 = (y1 - y3) / (2*dz);
+ float c2 = (y1 - 2*y2 + y3) / (2*dz*dz);
+ // calculate q0, q1, q2
+ q0 = c0 + c1*zin + c2*zin*zin;
+ q1 = c1 + 2*c2*zin;
+ q2 = c2;
+ }
+ // calculate common values for efficiency
+ float tau = sigT * ds;
+ float sigT2 = sigT * sigT;
+ // compute exponential ( 1 - exp(-x) ) using table lookup
+ float expVal = interpolateTable( params->expTable, tau );
+ // load correct angular flux vector
+ float * psi;
+ if(forward)
+ psi = track->f_psi;
+ else
+ psi = track->b_psi;
+ // add contribution to new source flux
+ float flux_integral = (q0 * tau + (sigT * psi[g] - q0) * expVal)
+ / sigT2
+ + q1 * mu * (tau * (tau - 2) + 2 * expVal)
+ / (sigT * sigT2)
+ + q2 * mu2 * (tau * (tau * (tau - 3) + 6) - 6 * expVal)
+ / (3 * sigT2 * sigT2);
+ #pragma omp atomic
+ FSR_flux[g] += weight * flux_integral;
+ // update angular flux
+ psi[g] = psi[g] * (1.0 - expVal) + q0 * expVal / sigT
+ + q1 * mu * (tau - expVal) / sigT2 + q2 * mu2 *
+ (tau * (tau - 2) + 2 * expVal) / (sigT2 * sigT);
+ }
+/* Determines the change in angular flux along a particular track across a fine
+ * axial region and tallies the contribution to the scalar flux in the fine
+ * axial region. This function assumes a constant source. */
+void attenuate_FSR_fluxes( Track * track, bool forward, Source * FSR, Input * I,
+ Params * params_in, float ds, float mu, float az_weight,
+ AttenuateVars *A)
+ // upack attenuate vars struct
+ float * restrict tally = A->tally;
+ float * restrict expVal = A->expVal;
+ float * restrict sigT = A->sigT;
+ float * restrict tau = A->tau;
+ Params params = * params_in;
+ // compute fine axial interval spacing
+ float dz = I->height / (I->fai * I->decomp_assemblies_ax * I->cai);
+ // compute z height in cell
+ float zin = track->z_height - dz *
+ ( (int)( track->z_height / dz ) + 0.5f );
+ // compute fine axial region ID
+ int fine_id = (int) ( track->z_height / dz ) % I->fai;
+ // compute weight (azimuthal * polar)
+ // NOTE: real app would also have volume weight component
+ float weight = track->p_weight * az_weight * mu;
+ // load fine source region flux vector
+ float * FSR_flux = FSR -> fine_flux[fine_id];
+ // cycle over energy groups
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I->n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ // load total cross section
+ sigT[g] = FSR->sigT[g];
+ tau[g] = sigT[g] * ds;
+ }
+ // compute exponential ( 1 - exp(-x) ) using table lookup
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for(int g = 0; g < I->n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ expVal[g] = interpolateTable( params.expTable, tau[g] );
+ }
+ float * psi;
+ if(forward)
+ psi = track->f_psi;
+ else
+ psi = track->b_psi;
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I->n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ // compute angular flux attenuation
+ float q = FSR->fine_source[fine_id][g] / sigT[g];
+ float delta_psi = (psi[g] - q) * expVal[g];
+ // add contribution to new source flux
+ tally[g] = weight * delta_psi;
+ // update angular flux
+ psi[g] -= delta_psi;
+ }
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ omp_set_lock(&FSR->locks[fine_id]);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef INTEL
+ #pragma simd
+ #elif defined IBM
+ #pragma simd_level(10)
+ #endif
+ for( int g = 0; g < I->n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ FSR_flux[g] += tally[g];
+ }
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ omp_unset_lock(&FSR->locks[fine_id]);
+ #endif
+/* Renormalizes scalar and angular flux for next transport sweep iteration.
+ * Calculation requires multiple pair-wise sums and a reduction accross all
+ * nodes. */
+void renormalize_flux( Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid )
+ if( I.mype == 0 ) printf("Renormalizing Flux...\n");
+ float node_fission_rate = 0;
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(params, I, grid) \
+ reduction(+ : node_fission_rate)
+ {
+ #endif
+ // tally total fission rate (pair-wise sum)
+ float * fission_rates = malloc( I.n_source_regions_per_node
+ * sizeof(float) );
+ float * fine_fission_rates = malloc( I.fai * sizeof(float) );
+ float * g_fission_rates = malloc( I.n_egroups * sizeof(float) );
+ // accumulate total fission rate on node domain
+ #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
+ for( int i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ {
+ Source src = params.sources[i];
+ for( int j = 0; j < I.fai; j++)
+ {
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ g_fission_rates[g] = src.fine_flux[j][g] * src.vol
+ * src.XS[g][0];
+ fine_fission_rates[j] = pairwise_sum( g_fission_rates,
+ I.n_egroups );
+ }
+ fission_rates[i] = pairwise_sum( fine_fission_rates, I.fai );
+ }
+ node_fission_rate = pairwise_sum(fission_rates,
+ I.n_source_regions_per_node);
+ // free allocated memory
+ free(fission_rates);
+ free(fine_fission_rates);
+ free(g_fission_rates);
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ }
+ #endif
+ #ifdef MPI
+ // accumulate total fission rate by MPI Allreduce
+ float total_fission_rate = 0;
+ MPI_Barrier(grid.cart_comm_3d);
+ MPI_Allreduce( &node_fission_rate, // Send Buffer
+ &total_fission_rate, // Receive Buffer
+ 1, // Element Count
+ MPI_FLOAT, // Element Type
+ MPI_SUM, // Reduciton Operation Type
+ grid.cart_comm_3d ); // MPI Communicator
+ MPI_Barrier(grid.cart_comm_3d);
+ #else
+ float total_fission_rate = node_fission_rate;
+ #endif
+ // normalize fluxes by fission reaction rate
+ float norm_factor = 1.0 / total_fission_rate;
+ #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
+ shared(I, params) private(norm_factor) schedule(dynamic)
+ for( int i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ {
+ Source * src = &params.sources[i];
+ float adjust = norm_factor * 4 * M_PI * I.fai / src->vol;
+ for( int k = 0; k < I.fai; k++)
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ src->fine_flux[k][g] *= adjust;
+ }
+ // normalize boundary fluxes by same factor
+ #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
+ shared(I, params) private(norm_factor) schedule(dynamic)
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.ntracks_2D; i++)
+ for( int j = 0; j < I.n_polar_angles; j++)
+ for( int k = 0; k < I.z_stacked; k++)
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ params.tracks[i][j][k].f_psi[g] *= norm_factor;
+ params.tracks[i][j][k].b_psi[g] *= norm_factor;
+ }
+ if( I.mype == 0 ) printf("Renormalizing Flux Complete.\n");
+ return;
+/* Updates sources for next iteration by computing scattering and fission
+ * components. Calculation includes multiple pair-wise sums and reductions
+ * accross all nodes */
+float update_sources( Params params, Input I, float keff )
+ // source residual
+ float residual;
+ // calculate inverse multiplication facotr for efficiency
+ float inverse_k = 1.0 / keff;
+ // allocate residual arrays
+ float * group_res = (float *) malloc(I.n_egroups * sizeof(float));
+ float * fine_res = (float *) malloc(I.fai * sizeof(float));
+ float * residuals = (float *) malloc(I.n_source_regions_per_node
+ * sizeof(float));
+ // allocate arrays for summation
+ float * fission_rates = malloc(I.n_egroups * sizeof(float));
+ float * scatter_rates = malloc(I.n_egroups * sizeof(float));
+ // cycle through all coarse axial intervals to update source
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ {
+ Source src = params.sources[i];
+ // cycle thorugh all fine axial regions to calculate new source
+ for( int j = 0; j < I.fai; j++)
+ {
+ // calculate total fission source and scattering source
+ float fission_source;
+ float scatter_source;
+ // compute total fission source
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++ )
+ fission_rates[g] = src.fine_flux[j][g] * src.XS[g][0];
+ fission_source = pairwise_sum( fission_rates, (long) I.n_egroups);
+ // normalize fission source by multiplication factor
+ fission_source *= inverse_k;
+ // compute scattering and new total source for each group
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++ )
+ {
+ for( int g2 = 0; g2 < I.n_egroups; g2++ )
+ {
+ // compute scatter source originating from g2 -> g
+ scatter_rates[g2] = src.scattering_matrix[g][g2] *
+ src.fine_flux[j][g2];
+ }
+ scatter_source = pairwise_sum(scatter_rates,
+ (long) I.n_egroups);
+ // compuate new total source
+ float chi = src.XS[g][2];
+ // calculate new fine source
+ float newSrc = (fission_source * chi + scatter_source)
+ / (4.0 * M_PI);
+ // calculate residual
+ float oldSrc = src.fine_source[j][g];
+ group_res[g] = (newSrc - oldSrc) * (newSrc - oldSrc)
+ / (oldSrc * oldSrc);
+ /* calculate new source in fine axial interval assuming
+ * isotropic source components */
+ src.fine_source[j][g] = newSrc;
+ }
+ fine_res[j] = pairwise_sum(group_res, (long) I.n_egroups);
+ }
+ residuals[i] = pairwise_sum(fine_res, (long) I.fai);
+ }
+ // calculate source residual
+ residual = pairwise_sum(residuals, I.n_source_regions_per_node);
+ // free memory
+ free(fission_rates);
+ free(scatter_rates);
+ free(group_res);
+ free(fine_res);
+ free(residuals);
+ // NOTE: See code around line 600 of CPUSolver.cpp in ClosedMOC/ OpenMOC
+ return residual;
+/* Computes globall k-effective using multiple pair-wise summations and finally
+ * a reduction accross all nodes */
+float compute_keff(Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid)
+ // allocate temporary memory
+ float * sigma = malloc( I.n_egroups * sizeof(float) );
+ float * group_rates = malloc( I.n_egroups * sizeof(float) );
+ float * fine_rates = malloc( I.fai * sizeof(float) );
+ float * QSR_rates = malloc( I.n_source_regions_per_node * sizeof(float) );
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // compute total absorption rate, looping over source regions
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ {
+ // load absorption XS data
+ Source src = params.sources[i];
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ sigma[g] = src.XS[g][1];
+ for( int j = 0; j < I.fai; j++ )
+ {
+ // calculate absorption rates
+ float * fine_flux = src.fine_flux[j];
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ group_rates[g] = sigma[g] * fine_flux[g];
+ // sum absorption over all energy groups
+ fine_rates[j] = pairwise_sum( group_rates, (long) I.n_egroups );
+ }
+ // sum absorption over all fine axial intervals
+ QSR_rates[i] = pairwise_sum( fine_rates, (long) I.fai );
+ }
+ // sum absorption over all source regions in a node
+ float node_abs = pairwise_sum( QSR_rates, I.n_source_regions_per_node);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // compute total absorption rate, looping over source regions
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ {
+ // load nuSigmaF XS data
+ Source src = params.sources[i];
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ sigma[g] = src.XS[g][0];
+ for( int j = 0; j < I.fai; j++ )
+ {
+ // calculate absorption rates
+ float * fine_flux = src.fine_flux[j];
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ group_rates[g] = sigma[g] * fine_flux[g];
+ // sum fission over all energy groups
+ fine_rates[j] = pairwise_sum( group_rates, (long) I.n_egroups );
+ }
+ // sum fission over all fine axial intervals
+ QSR_rates[i] = pairwise_sum( fine_rates, (long) I.fai );
+ }
+ // sum fission over all source regions in a node
+ float node_fission = pairwise_sum( QSR_rates, I.n_source_regions_per_node);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // MPi Reduction
+ float tot_abs = 0;
+ float tot_fission = 0;
+ float leakage = 0;
+ #ifdef MPI
+ // Total Absorption Reduction
+ MPI_Reduce( &node_abs, // Send Buffer
+ &tot_abs, // Receive Buffer
+ 1, // Element Count
+ MPI_FLOAT, // Element Type
+ MPI_SUM, // Reduciton Operation Type
+ 0, // Master Rank
+ grid.cart_comm_3d ); // MPI Communicator
+ // Total Fission Reduction
+ MPI_Reduce( &node_fission, // Send Buffer
+ &tot_fission, // Receive Buffer
+ 1, // Element Count
+ MPI_FLOAT, // Element Type
+ MPI_SUM, // Reduciton Operation Type
+ 0, // Master Rank
+ grid.cart_comm_3d ); // MPI Communicator
+ // Total Leakage Reduction
+ MPI_Reduce( params.leakage, // Send Buffer
+ &leakage, // Receive Buffer
+ 1, // Element Count
+ MPI_FLOAT, // Element Type
+ MPI_SUM, // Reduciton Operation Type
+ 0, // Master Rank
+ grid.cart_comm_3d ); // MPI Communicator
+ MPI_Barrier(grid.cart_comm_3d);
+ // calculate keff
+ float keff = tot_fission/ (tot_abs + leakage);
+ #else
+ float keff = node_fission / (node_abs + *params.leakage);
+ #endif
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // free memory
+ free(sigma);
+ free(group_rates);
+ free(fine_rates);
+ free(QSR_rates);
+ return keff;
+/* Interpolates a formed exponential table to compute ( 1- exp(-x) )
+ * at the desired x value */
+float interpolateTable( Table table, float x)
+ // check to ensure value is in domain
+ if( x > table.maxVal )
+ return 1.0f;
+ else
+ {
+ int interval = (int) ( x / table.dx + 0.5f * table.dx );
+ /*
+ if( interval >= table.N || interval < 0)
+ {
+ printf( "Interval = %d\n", interval);
+ printf( "N = %d\n", table.N);
+ printf( "x = %f\n", x);
+ printf( "dx = %f\n", table.dx);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ */
+ float slope = table.values[ 2 * interval ];
+ float intercept = table.values[ 2 * interval + 1 ];
+ float val = slope * x + intercept;
+ return val;
+ }
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/source.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/source.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90351965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/source.c
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// intitialize source structures and intitialize XS values to random numbers
+Source * initialize_sources( Input I, size_t * nbytes )
+ // Allocate space
+ Source * sources = (Source *) malloc( I.n_source_regions_per_node
+ * sizeof(Source) );
+ *nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * sizeof(Source);
+ // determine number of cross section and coarse axial regions
+ long n_xs_regions = I.n_source_regions_per_node / 8;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Allocate scattering matrix matrix ptrs
+ float *** s_matrices = (float ***) malloc( n_xs_regions
+ * sizeof(float**) );
+ *nbytes += n_xs_regions * sizeof(float **);
+ // Allocate space for ALL scattering matrix ptrs
+ float ** s_matrix_ptrs = (float **) malloc( n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups
+ * sizeof(float *));
+ *nbytes += n_xs_regions * sizeof(float **);
+ // Allocate space for ALL scattering data
+ if(I.mype==0)
+ printf("Scattering data requires %zu MB of data...\n",
+ n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups * I.n_egroups
+ * sizeof(float) / 1024 / 1024);
+ float * s_matrix_data = (float *) malloc( n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups
+ * I.n_egroups * sizeof(float));
+ *nbytes += n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups * I.n_egroups * sizeof(float);
+ // Stitch allocation ptrs together
+ for( long i = 0; i < n_xs_regions; i++ )
+ s_matrices[i] = &s_matrix_ptrs[i * I.n_egroups];
+ for( long i = 0; i < n_xs_regions; i++ )
+ for( long j = 0; j < I.n_egroups; j++ )
+ s_matrices[i][j] = &s_matrix_data[i * I.n_egroups * I.n_egroups
+ + j * I.n_egroups];
+ // Iniitalize Scattering Matrix Values
+ for( long i = 0; i < n_xs_regions; i++ )
+ for( long j = 0; j < I.n_egroups; j++ )
+ for( long k = 0; k < I.n_egroups; k++ )
+ s_matrices[i][j][k] = urand();
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*
+ * Create data scrtucture for storing XS data (and chi) as follows:
+ * An array is created which stores in contigious memory as
+ * [ ... , nu*SigmaF, SigmaA, Chi, ...]
+ */
+ if(I.mype==0) printf("Beginning XS Allocation...\n");
+ // Allocate space for XS ptrs (by region)
+ float *** XS = (float ***) malloc( n_xs_regions * sizeof(float **) );
+ *nbytes += n_xs_regions * sizeof(float **);
+ // Allocate space for each XS type of interest (total, nu*SigmaF, and chi)
+ float ** XS_arrays = (float **) malloc (n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups
+ * sizeof(float *) );
+ *nbytes += n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups * sizeof(float *);
+ // Allocate space for total XS data
+ float * XS_data = (float *) malloc( n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups * 3
+ * sizeof(float) );
+ *nbytes += n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups * 3 * sizeof(float);
+ // stitch allocation ptrs together for XS data
+ for( long i = 0; i < n_xs_regions; i++)
+ XS[i] = &XS_arrays[i * I.n_egroups];
+ for( long i = 0; i < n_xs_regions; i++)
+ for(long j = 0; j < I.n_egroups; j++)
+ XS[i][j] = &XS_data[i * I.n_egroups * 3 + j * 3];
+ // Initialize XS data
+ for( long i = 0; i < n_xs_regions; i++)
+ for( int j = 0; j < I.n_egroups; j++)
+ for( int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
+ XS[i][j][k] = urand();
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /* Here I allocate useful source parameters and fluxes for use in the
+ * attenuate_fluxes function in solver.c - the parameters are arranged
+ * contigiously for efficiency */
+ if(I.mype==0) printf("Beginning Source and Flux Parameter Allocation...\n");
+ // Allocate space for source parameters (quadratic axially)
+ float *** fineSource = (float ***) malloc( I.n_source_regions_per_node
+ * sizeof(float **) );
+ *nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * sizeof(float **);
+ // Allocate space for array pointers to parameters
+ float ** fineSourcePtrs = (float **) malloc ( I.n_source_regions_per_node
+ * I.fai * sizeof(float *) );
+ *nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * I.fai * sizeof(float *);
+ // Allocate space for flux parameters (quadratic axially)
+ float *** fineFlux = (float ***) malloc( I.n_source_regions_per_node
+ * sizeof(float **) );
+ *nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * sizeof(float **);
+ // Allocate space for array pointers to parameters
+ float ** fineFluxPtrs = (float **) malloc ( I.n_source_regions_per_node
+ * I.fai * sizeof(float *) );
+ *nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * I.fai * sizeof(float *);
+ // Allocate space for cross section pointers
+ float ** sigT = (float **) malloc( I.n_source_regions_per_node
+ * sizeof(float *) );
+ // Allocate space for parameter data
+ float * data = (float *) malloc( (2 * I.fai + 1) *
+ I.n_source_regions_per_node * I.n_egroups * sizeof(float) );
+ *nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * I.fai * I.n_egroups
+ * sizeof(float);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // stitch pointers together
+ // stitch allocation ptrs together for source data
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ fineSource[i] = &fineSourcePtrs[i * I.fai];
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ for(long j = 0; j < I.fai; j++)
+ fineSource[i][j] = &data[i * I.fai * I.n_egroups
+ + j * I.n_egroups];
+ // stitch allocation ptrs together for flux data
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ fineFlux[i] = &fineFluxPtrs[i * I.fai];
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ for(int j = 0; j < I.fai; j++)
+ fineFlux[i][j] = &data[I.n_egroups * I.fai *
+ (I.n_source_regions_per_node + i) + j * I.n_egroups];
+ // stitch allocation ptrs together for total XS
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ sigT[i] = &data[ 2 * I.n_source_regions_per_node * I.fai * I.n_egroups
+ + i * I.n_egroups];
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Initialize source to random numbers
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ for( int j = 0; j < I.fai; j++)
+ for( int k = 0; k < I.n_egroups; k++)
+ fineSource[i][j][k] = urand();
+ // Initialize fine flux to zeros
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ for( int j = 0; j < I.fai; j++)
+ for( int k = 0; k < I.n_egroups; k++)
+ fineFlux[i][j][k] = 0;
+ // Initialize total XS to random numbers
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++)
+ for( int k = 0; k < I.n_egroups; k++)
+ sigT[i][k] = urand();
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ omp_lock_t * locks = init_locks(I);
+ long lock_idx = 0;
+ #endif
+ // Assign to source regions
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.n_source_regions_per_node; i++ )
+ {
+ long idx;
+ if( i == 0 )
+ idx = 0;
+ else
+ idx = rand() % n_xs_regions;
+ sources[i].scattering_matrix = s_matrices[idx];
+ sources[i].XS = XS[idx];
+ sources[i].fine_flux = fineFlux[i];
+ sources[i].fine_source = fineSource[i];
+ sources[i].sigT = sigT[i];
+ // initialize FSR volume
+ sources[i].vol = urand();
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ sources[i].locks = &locks[lock_idx];
+ lock_idx += I.fai;
+ #endif
+ }
+ // free memory of temporary variables
+ free( s_matrices );
+ free( XS );
+ free( fineFlux );
+ free( fineSource);
+ free( sigT);
+ return sources;
+void free_sources( Input I, Source * sources )
+ // Free XS's
+ free( sources[0].XS[0] );
+ free( sources[0].XS );
+ // Free Flux's
+ free( sources[0].fine_flux[0] );
+ free( sources[0].fine_flux );
+ // Free scattering matrices
+ free( sources[0].scattering_matrix[0] );
+ free( sources[0].scattering_matrix );
+ // Free source values
+ free( sources[0].fine_source[0] );
+ free( sources[0].fine_source );
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/test.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/test.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17ac14cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// prints input parameters to screen
+void print_Input_struct( Input I )
+ printf("INPUT STRUCT\n");
+ printf("%d\n", I.x_assemblies); /* Number of assemblies in the
+ x-axis of the reactor */
+ printf("%d\n", I.y_assemblies); /* Number of assemblies in the
+ y-axis of the reactor */
+ printf("%d\n", I.cai); // Number of course axial intervals
+ printf("%d\n", I.fai); /* Number of fine axial intervals
+ per coarse axial interval */
+ printf("%d\n", I.axial_exp); // Axial source expansion order
+ printf("%lf\n", I.radial_ray_sep); // Radial ray separation
+ printf("%lf\n", I.axial_z_sep); // Axial stacked z-ray separation
+ printf("%d\n", I.n_azimuthal); // Number of azimuthal angles
+ printf("%d\n", I.n_polar_angles); // Number of polar angles
+ printf("%d\n", I.n_egroups); // Number of energy groups
+ printf("%d\n", I.decomp_assemblies_ax); /* Number of assemblies per
+ sub-domain (axially) */
+ printf("%ld\n", I.segments_per_track); /* Average number of segments per
+ track */
+ printf("%lf\n", I.assembly_width); // Width of an assembly
+ printf("%lf\n", I.height); // Height of the reactor
+ printf("%lf\n", I.domain_height); // Z Height of a domain
+ printf("%lf\n", I.precision); // precision for source convergence
+ printf("%ld\n", I.mype); // MPI Rank
+ printf("%ld\n", I.ntracks_2D); // Number of 2D tracks (derived)
+ printf("%d\n", I.z_stacked); // Number of z rays (derived)
+ printf("%ld\n", I.ntracks); /* Total number of 3D tracks per
+ assembly (derived) */
+ printf("%d\n", I.nthreads); // Number of OpenMP Threads
+ printf("%d\n", I.papi_event_set); /* PAPI event set:
+ 0 - FLOPS
+ 1 - Bandwidth
+ 2 - CPU Stall reason
+ */
+ // Source regions per assembly
+ printf("%ld\n", I.n_2D_source_regions_per_assembly);
+ // Source regions per node (derived)
+ printf("%ld\n", I.n_source_regions_per_node);
+ printf("END INPUT STRUCT\n");
+// generates normally distributed random numbers
+void gen_norm_pts(float mean, float sigma, int n_pts)
+ // generate output file
+ FILE * out;
+ out = fopen("gen_points.txt","w");
+ fprintf(out, "Random numbers generated for a normal distribution\n");
+ fprintf(out, "Mean = %f\n", mean);
+ fprintf(out, "Standard deviation = %f\n", sigma);
+ fprintf(out, "Generated points:\n");
+ // generate gaussian random points
+ for(int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++)
+ {
+ float random = nrand(mean,sigma);
+ fprintf(out, "%f\n", random);
+ }
+ // close stream
+ fclose(out);
+ return;
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/tracks.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/tracks.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d18ce67f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/tracks.c
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+// Allocates and initializes an array of 2D tracks
+Track2D * generate_2D_tracks( Input I, size_t * nbytes )
+ // Allocate space for 2D tracks
+ Track2D * tracks = (Track2D *) malloc( I.ntracks_2D * sizeof(Track2D));
+ *nbytes += I.ntracks_2D * sizeof(Track2D);
+ // Fill weights with randomized data
+ for( int i = 0; i < I.ntracks_2D; i++ )
+ tracks[i].az_weight = urand();
+ // Allocate and randomize segments
+ generate_2D_segments( I, tracks, nbytes );
+ return tracks;
+// Allocates and initializes all segments
+void generate_2D_segments(
+ Input I,
+ Track2D * tracks,
+ size_t * nbytes )
+ /* Randomize Number of segments per track, and accumulate total 2D
+ * segments in assembly */
+ long total_segments = 0;
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.ntracks_2D; i++ )
+ {
+ tracks[i].n_segments = segments_per_2D_track_distribution( I );
+ total_segments += tracks[i].n_segments;
+ }
+ // Allocate contiguous space for segments
+ Segment * contiguous_segments = (Segment *) malloc( total_segments
+ * sizeof(Segment));
+ *nbytes += total_segments * sizeof(Segment);
+ // Set segments arrays to correct locations within contiguous allocation
+ long idx = 0;
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.ntracks_2D; i++ )
+ {
+ tracks[i].segments = &contiguous_segments[idx];
+ idx += tracks[i].n_segments;
+ }
+ // Initialize segments to randomized values
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.ntracks_2D; i++ )
+ {
+ for( long j = 0; j < tracks[i].n_segments; j++ )
+ {
+ tracks[i].segments[j].length = urand() * I.assembly_width
+ / tracks[i].n_segments;
+ // source ID to be calculated on the fly
+ }
+ }
+// generate segments per 2D track based on a normal distribution
+long segments_per_2D_track_distribution( Input I )
+ return nrand(I.segments_per_track, sqrt(I.segments_per_track));
+// free memory associated with 2D tracks
+void free_2D_tracks( Track2D * tracks )
+ free(tracks[0].segments);
+ free(tracks);
+// allocate memory for tracks (primarily angular fluxes)
+Track *** generate_tracks(Input I, Track2D * tracks_2D, size_t * nbytes)
+ // Allocate space for tracks (3D)
+ Track *** tracks = (Track ***) malloc( I.ntracks_2D * sizeof(Track **));
+ *nbytes += I.ntracks_2D * sizeof(Track **);
+ // Allocate pointers for tracks associated with a 2D track
+ Track ** tracks_in_track2D = (Track **) malloc( I.ntracks_2D *
+ I.n_polar_angles * sizeof(Track *));
+ *nbytes += I.ntracks_2D * I.n_polar_angles * sizeof(Track *);
+ // Allocate complete array of track data
+ Track * track_data = (Track *) malloc( I.ntracks * sizeof(Track) );
+ *nbytes += I.ntracks * sizeof(Track);
+ if(I.mype==0) printf("3D track data requires %zu MB of data...\n",
+ I.ntracks * sizeof(Track) / 1024 / 1024 );
+ // stitch pointers together
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.ntracks_2D; i++ )
+ tracks[i] = &tracks_in_track2D[ i * I.n_polar_angles ];
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.ntracks_2D; i++ )
+ {
+ for( int j = 0; j < I.n_polar_angles; j++ )
+ {
+ tracks[i][j] = &track_data[
+ (i * I.n_polar_angles + j) * I.z_stacked ];
+ }
+ }
+ // Allocate space for Flux Arrays
+ size_t flux_bytes_needed = 2 * I.ntracks * I.n_egroups * sizeof(float);
+ if(I.mype==0) printf("Flux Arrays Require %zu MB of data...\n",
+ flux_bytes_needed / 1024 / 1024);
+ float * flux_space = (float *) malloc( flux_bytes_needed );
+ *nbytes += flux_bytes_needed;
+ size_t flux_idx = 0;
+ long offset = I.ntracks * I.n_egroups;
+ for( long i = 0; i < I.ntracks_2D; i++ )
+ {
+ for( int j = 0; j < I.n_polar_angles; j++ )
+ {
+ for( int k = 0; k < I.z_stacked; k++ )
+ {
+ /* bottom z heights should only have upward directed polar
+ * angles and similarly top should only have downward directed
+ * polar angles */
+ if( j < I.n_polar_angles/2 )
+ tracks[i][j][k].z_height = I.axial_z_sep * k;
+ else
+ tracks[i][j][k].z_height = I.axial_z_sep * ( k + 1 );
+ // set polar weight, NOTE: this is the same for same polar angle
+ tracks[i][j][k].p_weight = urand();
+ // assign angular flux array memory
+ tracks[i][j][k].f_psi = &flux_space[flux_idx];
+ flux_idx += I.n_egroups;
+ tracks[i][j][k].b_psi = &flux_space[flux_idx];
+ flux_idx += I.n_egroups;
+ // set incoming flux to 0 (guess 0 for inner assemblies)
+ for( int g = 0; g < I.n_egroups; g++)
+ {
+ tracks[i][j][k].f_psi[g] = 0;
+ tracks[i][j][k].b_psi[g] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tracks;
+// free memory associated with tracks
+void free_tracks( Track *** tracks )
+ free(tracks);
+// assign polar angles
+float * generate_polar_angles( Input I )
+ float * polar_angles = (float *) malloc( I.n_polar_angles *
+ sizeof(float) );
+ for( int i = 0; i < I.n_polar_angles; i++)
+ polar_angles[i] = M_PI * (i + 0.5) / I.n_polar_angles;
+ return polar_angles;
+Track2D * load_OpenMOC_tracks(char* fname, bool CMFD_obj, Input* I, size_t* nbytes)
+ int ret;
+ FILE* in;
+ in = fopen(fname, "r");
+ printf("Reading track data from:\n%s\n",fname);
+ int string_length;
+ /* Import Geometry metadata from the Track file */
+ ret = fread(&string_length, sizeof(int), 1, in);
+ char geometry_to_string[string_length];
+ ret = fread(geometry_to_string, sizeof(char)*string_length, 1, in);
+ printf("Importing ray tracing data from file...\n");
+ /* Import ray tracing metadata from the Track file */
+ double spacing;
+ ret = fread(&I->n_azimuthal, sizeof(int), 1, in);
+ ret = fread(&spacing, sizeof(double), 1, in);
+ I->radial_ray_sep = (float) spacing;
+ /* Initialize data structures for Tracks */
+ int num_tracks[I->n_azimuthal];
+ int num_x[I->n_azimuthal];
+ int num_y[I->n_azimuthal];
+ double azim_weights[I->n_azimuthal];
+ ret = fread(num_tracks, sizeof(int), I->n_azimuthal, in);
+ ret = fread(num_x, sizeof(int), I->n_azimuthal, in);
+ ret = fread(num_y, sizeof(int), I->n_azimuthal, in);
+ ret = fread(azim_weights, sizeof(double), I->n_azimuthal, in);
+ /* Import azimuthal angle quadrature weights from Track file */
+ double x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ double phi;
+ int azim_angle_index;
+ int num_segments;
+ double length;
+ int material_id;
+ int region_id;
+ int mesh_surface_fwd;
+ int mesh_surface_bwd;
+ long num_2D_tracks;
+ /* Calculate the total number of 2D Tracks */
+ I->ntracks_2D = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i < I->n_azimuthal; i++)
+ I->ntracks_2D += (long) num_tracks[i];
+ /* Allocate memory for 2D tracks */
+ Track2D * tracks = (Track2D *) malloc( I->ntracks_2D * sizeof(Track2D));
+ *nbytes += I->ntracks_2D * sizeof(Track2D);
+ // Allocate memory for the number of segments per Track array
+ long tot_num_segments = 0;
+ fpos_t checkpoint;
+ fgetpos(in, &checkpoint);
+ // Loop over tracks to determine total number of segments
+ for (int i=0; i < I->n_azimuthal; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j=0; j < num_tracks[i]; j++)
+ {
+ // Skip to segment number information
+ fseek( in, 5*sizeof(double) + sizeof(int), SEEK_CUR);
+ // Load number of segments
+ ret = fread(&num_segments, sizeof(int), 1, in);
+ tot_num_segments += (long) num_segments;
+ // Loop over all segments in this Track
+ for (int s=0; s < num_segments; s++)
+ {
+ // Skip ahead again
+ fseek( in, 2*sizeof(int) + sizeof(double), SEEK_CUR);
+ if (CMFD_obj)
+ fseek( in, 2*sizeof(int), SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Allocate contiguous space for segments
+ Segment * contiguous_segments = (Segment *) malloc( tot_num_segments
+ * sizeof(Segment));
+ *nbytes += tot_num_segments * sizeof(Segment);
+ // Reset file handle
+ fsetpos(in, &checkpoint);
+ /* Initialize 2D track unique identifer (uid) end semgnet index (idx)*/
+ int uid = 0;
+ int idx = 0;
+ /* Loop over Tracks */
+ for (int i=0; i < I->n_azimuthal; i++)
+ {
+ //TODO: recored actual azimuthal angles
+ for (int j=0; j < num_tracks[i]; j++)
+ {
+ /* Import data for this Track from Track file */
+ ret = fread(&x0, sizeof(double), 1, in);
+ ret = fread(&y0, sizeof(double), 1, in);
+ ret = fread(&x1, sizeof(double), 1, in);
+ ret = fread(&y1, sizeof(double), 1, in);
+ ret = fread(&phi, sizeof(double), 1, in);
+ ret = fread(&azim_angle_index, sizeof(int), 1, in);
+ /* Load number of segments */
+ ret = fread(&num_segments, sizeof(int), 1, in);
+ tracks[uid].n_segments = (long) num_segments;
+ /* Allocate memory for segments */
+ tracks[uid].segments = &contiguous_segments[idx];
+ idx += tracks[uid].n_segments;
+ // TODO: set real azimuthal weight
+ tracks[uid].az_weight = urand();
+ /* Loop over all segments in this Track */
+ for (int s=0; s < num_segments; s++)
+ {
+ /* Import data for this segment from Track file */
+ ret = fread(&length, sizeof(double), 1, in);
+ ret = fread(&material_id, sizeof(int), 1, in);
+ ret = fread(&region_id, sizeof(int), 1, in);
+ /* record track length */
+ tracks[uid].segments[s].length = (float) length;
+ /* record region_id (not used at the moment) */
+ tracks[uid].segments[s].source_id = (long) region_id;
+ /* Import CMFD-related data if needed */
+ if (CMFD_obj)
+ {
+ ret = fread(&mesh_surface_fwd, sizeof(int), 1, in);
+ ret = fread(&mesh_surface_bwd, sizeof(int), 1, in);
+ }
+ }
+ uid++;
+ }
+ }
+ // recalculate average number of segments per track
+ I->segments_per_track = tot_num_segments / I->ntracks_2D;
+ printf("Number of 2D tracks = %ld\n", I->ntracks_2D);
+ I->ntracks = I->ntracks_2D * I->n_polar_angles * I->z_stacked;
+ printf("Number of 3D tracks = %ld\n", I->ntracks);
+ printf("Number of segments = %ld\n", tot_num_segments);
+ /* Close the Track file */
+ fclose(in);
+ return tracks;
diff --git a/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/utils.c b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/utils.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d66ca0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/SimpleMOC/utils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// generates a random number between 0 and 1
+float urand(void)
+ return (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
+/* generates a random number from a normal distribution of a
+ * given mean and standard deviation (Box-Muller) */
+float nrand(float mean, float sigma)
+ // generate two random numbers
+ float rand1 = urand();
+ float rand2 = urand();
+ /* use first for "exponential part" and second for
+ * "azimuthal part" to create a standard normal random number */
+ float x = sqrt( -2 * log(rand1) ) * cos( 2 * M_PI * rand2);
+ // NOTE: We can generate a second random number if neeeded
+ // y = sqrt(-2*log(rand1)) * sin( 2 * M_PI * rand2);
+ // shift random number to appropriate normal distribution and return
+ return x * sigma + mean;
+// pairwise summation for long arrays
+float pairwise_sum( float * vector, long size ){
+ float sum = 0;
+ // Base case: perform summation if size <= 16
+ if( size <= 16)
+ for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
+ sum += vector[i];
+ else
+ {
+ // otherwise, split
+ sum = pairwise_sum( &vector[0], size/2 ) +
+ pairwise_sum( &vector[size/2], size - size/2 );
+ }
+ return sum;
+// Builds a table of exponential values for linear interpolation
+Table buildExponentialTable( float precision, float maxVal )
+ // define table
+ Table table;
+ // compute number of arry values
+ int N = (int) ( maxVal * sqrt(1.0 / ( 8.0 * precision * 0.01 ) ) );
+ // compute spacing
+ float dx = maxVal / (float) N;
+ // allocate an array to store information
+ float * tableVals = malloc( (2 * N ) * sizeof(float) );
+ // store linear segment information (slope and y-intercept)
+ for( int n = 0; n < N; n++ )
+ {
+ // compute slope and y-intercept for ( 1 - exp(-x) )
+ float exponential = exp( - n * dx );
+ tableVals[ 2*n ] = - exponential;
+ tableVals[ 2*n + 1 ] = 1 + ( n * dx - 1 ) * exponential;
+ }
+ // assign data to table
+ table.dx = dx;
+ table.values = tableVals;
+ table.maxVal = maxVal - table.dx;
+ table.N = N;
+ return table;
+// Timer function. Depends on if compiled with MPI, openmp, or vanilla
+double get_time(void)
+ #ifdef MPI
+ return MPI_Wtime();
+ #endif
+ #ifdef OPENMP
+ return omp_get_wtime();
+ #endif
+ time_t time;
+ time = clock();
+ return (double) time / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+// Memory Usage Estimator
+size_t est_mem_usage( Input I )
+ size_t nbytes = 0;
+ int z_stacked = (int) ( I.height / (I.axial_z_sep *
+ I.decomp_assemblies_ax) );
+ long n_xs_regions = I.n_source_regions_per_node / 8;
+ nbytes += I.ntracks_2D * sizeof(Track2D);
+ nbytes += I.segments_per_track * I.ntracks_2D * sizeof(Segment);
+ nbytes += I.ntracks_2D * sizeof(Track **);
+ nbytes += I.ntracks_2D * I.n_polar_angles * sizeof(Track *);
+ nbytes += I.ntracks * sizeof(Track);
+ nbytes += I.ntracks_2D * I.n_polar_angles * z_stacked
+ * I.n_egroups * sizeof(float) * 2;
+ nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * sizeof(Source);
+ nbytes += n_xs_regions * sizeof(float **);
+ nbytes += n_xs_regions * sizeof(float **);
+ nbytes += n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups * I.n_egroups * sizeof(float);
+ nbytes += n_xs_regions * sizeof(float **);
+ nbytes += n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups * sizeof(float *);
+ nbytes += n_xs_regions * I.n_egroups * 3 * sizeof(float);
+ nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * sizeof(float **);
+ nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * I.fai * sizeof(float *);
+ nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * sizeof(float **);
+ nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * I.fai * sizeof(float *);
+ nbytes += I.n_source_regions_per_node * I.fai * I.n_egroups
+ * sizeof(float);
+ // 2way tracking memory
+ nbytes += I.nthreads * I.z_stacked * sizeof(double *);
+ nbytes += I.nthreads * I.z_stacked * sizeof(Source**);
+ nbytes += I.nthreads * I.z_stacked * sizeof(int);
+ nbytes += I.nthreads * I.z_stacked * sizeof(int);
+ nbytes += I.nthreads * I.z_stacked * 2 * I.segments_per_track
+ * sizeof(double);
+ nbytes += I.nthreads * I.z_stacked * 2 * I.segments_per_track
+ * sizeof(Source *);
+ // MPI Buffers
+ #ifdef MPI
+ nbytes += 6 * I.n_egroups * 10000 * sizeof(float);
+ #endif
+ return nbytes;
+// Calculates Time per Intersection
+double time_per_intersection( Input I, double time )
+ /* This was the old estimate - new way uses actual tracking data
+ double tpi = time / (double) I.ntracks /
+ (double) I.segments_per_track / (double) I.n_egroups / 1e-9 / 2;
+ */
+ double tpi = time / (double) I.segments_processed * 1.0e9 / (double) I.n_egroups;
+ return tpi;