diff options
authorMaxim Kuvyrkov <maxim.kuvyrkov@linaro.org>2015-11-20 12:43:32 +0000
committerLinaro Code Review <review@review.linaro.org>2015-11-20 12:43:32 +0000
commit0476a094113c0a8d3f2d6ab7d0108688926882bb (patch)
parent66765aa7abf337c45db78e8d4e236dce52992e6a (diff)
parentf47a7b289605161c4b0e34b42dbcc0d94104ec3f (diff)
Merge "Remove scripts/compare* scripts/CompareJobs.job and test-backport.sh."
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1172 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/CompareJobs.job b/scripts/CompareJobs.job
deleted file mode 100755
index 5d8648ce..00000000
--- a/scripts/CompareJobs.job
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-# Improve debug logs
-PRGNAME=`basename $0`
-Format-Version: 0.5
-Files-Pattern: *
-License-Type: open
-abe_dir="$(dirname $0)/.."
-trap "ssh ${fileserver} rm -rf ${dest}" 0 1 2 3 5 9 13 15
-rm -rf ${LOGSDIR}
-mkdir -p ${LOGSDIR}
-# Expected input parameters (from Jenkins):
-# reference_job_name
-# reference_number
-# this_job_name
-# this_number
-if test x"${reference_job_name}" = x ; then
- echo "ERROR: No reference_job_name provided."
- exit 1
-if test x"${reference_number}" = x ; then
- echo "ERROR: No reference_number provided."
- exit 1
-if test x"${this_job_name}" = x ; then
- echo "ERROR: No this_job_name provided."
- exit 1
-if test x"${this_number}" = x ; then
- echo "ERROR: No this_number provided."
- exit 1
-ssh ${fileserver} mkdir -p ${dest}
-scp ${abe_dir}/scripts/compare_jobs.sh \
- ${abe_dir}/scripts/compare_tests \
- ${abe_dir}/scripts/compare_dg_tests.pl \
- ${abe_dir}/scripts/unstable-tests.txt ${fileserver}:${dest} || status=1
-ssh ${fileserver} bash ${dest}/compare_jobs.sh \
- ${reference_job_name} ${reference_number} \
- ${this_job_name} ${this_number} || status=1
-# Copy the generated reports
-scp ${fileserver}:${dest}/diff-*.txt ${LOGSDIR}
-scp ${fileserver}:${dest}/*.xml ${LOGSDIR}
-sed -i ${LOGSDIR}/report0.xml -e "s|BUILD_URL|${BUILD_URL}|"
-ssh ${fileserver} rm -rf ${dest}
-exit $status
diff --git a/scripts/compare_dg_tests.pl b/scripts/compare_dg_tests.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 6eb4fd12..00000000
--- a/scripts/compare_dg_tests.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Glob;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
-use File::Basename;
-use Cwd;
-my $app = $0;
-sub read_sum($);
-sub read_unstable($);
-sub dump_result($);
-sub compare_results($$);
-sub usage();
-sub print_compare_results_summary($$);
-sub nothing($$$$);
- # OK
-my $STILL_PASSES = "Still passes [PASS => PASS]";
-my $STILL_FAILS = "Still fails [FAIL => FAIL]";
-my $XFAIL_APPEARS = "Xfail appears [PASS =>XFAIL]";
-my $PASSED_NOW_TIMEOUTS = "Timeout [PASS =>T.OUT]";
-my $FAIL_DISAPPEARS = "Fail disappears [FAIL => ]";
-my $XFAIL_NOW_PASSES = "Expected fail passes [XFAIL=>XPASS]";
-my $FAIL_NOW_PASSES = "Fail now passes [FAIL => PASS]";
-my $NEW_PASSES = "New pass [ => PASS]";
-my $UNHANDLED_CASES = "Unhandled cases [ ..??.. ]";
-my $UNSTABLE_CASES = "Unstable cases, ignored [~RANDOM ]";
-my $PASSED_NOW_FAILS = "Passed now fails [PASS => FAIL]";
-my $PASS_DISAPPEARS = "Pass disappears [PASS => ]";
-my $FAIL_APPEARS = "Fail appears [ => FAIL]";
-my @handler_list = (
- {was=>"PASS", is=>"PASS", cat=>$STILL_PASSES},
- {was=>"PASS", is=>"XPASS", cat=>$STILL_PASSES},
- {was=>"XPASS", is=>"PASS", cat=>$STILL_PASSES},
- {was=>"XPASS", is=>"XPASS", cat=>$STILL_PASSES},
- {was=>"FAIL", is=>"FAIL", cat=>$STILL_FAILS},
- {was=>"FAIL", is=>"XFAIL", cat=>$STILL_FAILS},
- {was=>"XFAIL", is=>"FAIL", cat=>$STILL_FAILS},
- {was=>"XFAIL", is=>"XFAIL", cat=>$STILL_FAILS},
- {was=>"XPASS", is=>"XFAIL", cat=>$XFAIL_APPEARS},
- {was=>"PASS", is=>"XFAIL", cat=>$XFAIL_APPEARS},
- {was=>"FAIL", is=>"NO_EXIST", cat=>$FAIL_DISAPPEARS},
- {was=>"XFAIL", is=>"NO_EXIST", cat=>$FAIL_DISAPPEARS},
- {was=>"XFAIL", is=>"PASS", cat=>$XFAIL_NOW_PASSES},
- {was=>"XFAIL", is=>"XPASS", cat=>$XFAIL_NOW_PASSES},
- {was=>"FAIL", is=>"PASS", cat=>$FAIL_NOW_PASSES},
- {was=>"FAIL", is=>"XPASS", cat=>$FAIL_NOW_PASSES},
- {was=>"NO_EXIST", is=>"PASS", cat=>$NEW_PASSES},
- {was=>"NO_EXIST", is=>"XPASS", cat=>$NEW_PASSES},
- {was=>"PASS", is=>"FAIL", handler=>\&handle_pass_fail},
- {was=>"XPASS", is=>"FAIL", handler=>\&handle_pass_fail},
- {was=>"PASS", is=>"NO_EXIST", cat=>$PASS_DISAPPEARS},
- {was=>"XPASS", is=>"NO_EXIST", cat=>$PASS_DISAPPEARS},
- {was=>"NO_EXIST", is=>"FAIL", cat=>$FAIL_APPEARS},
- {was=>"NO_EXIST", is=>"XFAIL", cat=>$XFAIL_APPEARS},
-# {was=>"NO_EXIST", is=>"NO_EXIST", handler=>\&handle_not_yet_supported}
-my $verbose=0;
-my $quiet=0;
-my $long=0;
-my $short=0;
-my $debug=0;
-my ($testroot, $basename);
-my ($ref_file_name, $res_file_name);
-my $nounstable=0;
-my $unstablefile=0;
-my @unstable_markers=();
-GetOptions ("l" => \$long,
- "s" => \$short,
- "q" => \$quiet,
- "v" => \$verbose,
- "dbg" => \$debug,
- "testroot=s" => \$testroot,
- "basename=s" => \$basename,
- "no-unstable" => \$nounstable,
- "unstable-tests=s" => \$unstablefile,
- "unstable-marker=s" => \@unstable_markers);
-$ref_file_name = $ARGV[0] if ($#ARGV == 1);
-$res_file_name = $ARGV[1] if ($#ARGV == 1);
-$ref_file_name = $testroot."/expected_results/".$basename if ($testroot and $basename);
-$res_file_name = $testroot."/testing/run/".$basename if ($testroot and $basename);
-&usage if (not $ref_file_name or not $res_file_name);
-my ($col_boldred, $col_red, $col_boldgreen, $col_green, $col_boldpink, $col_pink, $col_reset)
- = ("\033[31;1m","\033[31;3m","\033[32;1m","\033[32;3m","\033[35;1m","\033[35;2m","\033[0m");
-($col_boldred, $col_red, $col_boldgreen, $col_green, $col_boldpink, $col_pink, $col_reset)
- = ("","","","","","","") if (not I_am_interactive());
-# print "comparing $ref_file_name $res_file_name\n";
-# If none of the 2 .sum exists, nothing to compare: exit early.
-exit 0 if ( (! -e $ref_file_name) && (! -e $res_file_name ));
-my $ref = read_sum($ref_file_name) ;
-my $res = read_sum($res_file_name) ;
-my @unstablelist = ();
-@unstablelist = read_unstable($unstablefile) if ($unstablefile ne 0);
-compare_results($ref, $res);
-my $final_result = print_compare_results_summary($ref, $res);
-exit $final_result;
-sub empty_result()
- my %empty_result;# = {PASS=>0, FAIL=>0, XPASS=>0, XFAIL=>0, UNSUPPORTED=>0, UNTESTED=>0, UNRESOLVED=>0};
- $empty_result{PASS}=$empty_result{FAIL}=$empty_result{XPASS}=$empty_result{XFAIL}=0;
- $empty_result{UNSUPPORTED}=$empty_result{UNTESTED}=$empty_result{UNRESOLVED}=$empty_result{NO_EXIST}=0;
- return \%empty_result;
-sub I_am_interactive {
- return -t STDIN && -t STDOUT;
-sub usage()
- print "Usage : $app <ref_file.sum> <result_file.sum>\n";
- exit 1;
-sub read_sum($)
- my ($sum_file) = @_;
- my $res = empty_result();
- my %testcases;
- my %unsupported;
- $res->{testcases} = \%testcases;
- my $pending_timeout=0;
- open SUMFILE, $sum_file or die $!;
- while (<SUMFILE>)
- {
- {
- my ($diag,$tc) = ($1,$2);
- my %tcresult;
- $tc =~ s/==[0-9]+== Shadow memory range interleaves with an existing memory mapping. ASan cannot proceed correctly./==<pid>== Shadow memory range interleaves with an existing memory mapping. ASan cannot proceed correctly./;
- $testcases{$tc} = empty_result() if (not exists $testcases{$tc});
- $testcases{$tc}->{$diag}++;
- $testcases{$tc}->{HAS_TIMED_OUT} = $pending_timeout;
- $pending_timeout = 0;
- $res->{$diag}++;
- }
- elsif (m/WARNING: program timed out/)
- {
- $pending_timeout = 1;
- }
- elsif (m/^(# of expected passes|# of unexpected failures|# of expected failures|# of known failures|# of unsupported tests|# of untested testcases)\s+(.*)/)
- {
- $res->{"summary - "."$1"} = $2;
- }
- elsif (m/^\/.*\/([^\/]+)\s+version\s+(.*)/)
- {
- $res->{tool} = $1;
- $res->{version} = $2;
- $res->{version} =~ s/ [-(].*//;
- }
- }
- close SUMFILE;
- return $res;
-# Parse list on unstable tests
-sub read_unstable($)
- my ($unstable_file) = @_;
- my @unstable_tests = ();
- open UNSTABLEFILE, $unstable_file or die $!;
- while (<UNSTABLEFILE>)
- {
- # Skip lines starting with '#', or with spaces only
- if ((/^#/) || (/^[ ]*$/))
- {
- }
- else
- {
- chomp;
- my $test = $_;
- # Check if line is of type: target:testname
- if (/^(.*):/)
- {
- foreach my $unstable_marker (@unstable_markers)
- {
- if ($unstable_marker eq $1) {
- # If target matches the one supplied as script
- # argument, add the testname to the list
- $test =~ s/.*://;
- push @unstable_tests, $test;
- }
- }
- } else {
- push @unstable_tests, $test;
- }
- }
- }
- return @unstable_tests;
-sub handle_pass_fail($$$$)
- my ($ref, $res, $diag_diag, $tc) = @_;
- if ($res->{testcases}->{$tc}->{HAS_TIMED_OUT})
- {
- push @{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_TIMEOUTS}}, $tc;
- }
- else
- {
- push @{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_FAILS}}, $tc;
- }
-sub compare_results($$)
- my ($ref, $res) = @_;
- @{$res->{$STILL_PASSES}} = ();
- @{$res->{$STILL_FAILS}} = ();
- @{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_FAILS}} = ();
- @{$res->{$PASS_DISAPPEARS}} = ();
- @{$res->{$FAIL_APPEARS}} = ();
- @{$res->{$NEW_PASSES}} = ();
- @{$res->{$FAIL_DISAPPEARS}} = ();
- @{$res->{$XFAIL_APPEARS}} = ();
- @{$res->{$XFAIL_NOW_PASSES}} = ();
- @{$res->{$FAIL_NOW_PASSES}} = ();
- @{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_TIMEOUTS}} = ();
- @{$res->{$UNHANDLED_CASES}} = ();
- @{$res->{$UNSTABLE_CASES}} = ();
- foreach my $key (sort (keys %{$res->{testcases}}))
- {
- if (not exists $ref->{testcases}->{$key}) {
- $ref->{testcases}->{$key} = empty_result();
- $ref->{testcases}->{$key}->{NO_EXIST} = 1;
- }
- }
- foreach my $key (keys %{$ref->{testcases}})
- {
- if (not exists $res->{testcases}->{$key})
- {
- $res->{testcases}->{$key} = empty_result();
- $res->{testcases}->{$key}->{NO_EXIST} = 1;
- }
- }
- my %unstable_found;
- foreach my $key (sort (keys %{$ref->{testcases}}))
- {
- foreach my $diag_diag (@handler_list)
- {
- if ($ref->{testcases}->{$key}->{$diag_diag->{was}} != $res->{testcases}->{$key}->{$diag_diag->{was}}
- and $res->{testcases}->{$key}->{$diag_diag->{is}})
- {
- # If testcase is listed as 'unstable' mark it as
- # such and skip other processing.
- {
- if (grep { (index $key,$_)!=-1} @unstablelist)
- {
- print "[unstable] $key\n" if ($debug);
- $unstable_found{$key}=1;
- }
- else {
- print "[$diag_diag->{was} => $diag_diag->{is}] $key\n" if ($debug);
- if ($diag_diag->{handler})
- {
- $diag_diag->{handler} ($ref, $res, $diag_diag, $key);
- }
- else
- {
- push @{$res->{$diag_diag->{cat}}}, $key;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- push @{$res->{$UNSTABLE_CASES}}, (sort (keys (%unstable_found))) if ($nounstable == 0);
-sub print_tclist($@)
- my ($cat, @tclist) = @_;
- print " - ".$cat.":\n\n ". join("\n ",@tclist) . "\n\n" if (scalar(@tclist));
-sub print_compare_results_summary($$)
- my ($ref, $res) = @_;
- my $return_value=0;
- my $total = 0;
- my $rtotal = 0;
- my $quiet_reg = $quiet;
- if (not $quiet)
- {
- printf "Comparing:\n";
- printf "REFERENCE:$ref_file_name\n";
- printf "CURRENT: $res_file_name\n\n";
- }
- if (not $quiet and not $short)
- {
- printf " ` +---------+---------+\n";
- printf "o RUN STATUS : | REF | RES |\n";
- printf " +------------------------------------------+---------+---------+\n";
- printf " | %-40s | %7d | %7d |\n", "Passes [PASS+XPASS]", $ref->{PASS} + $ref->{XPASS}, $res->{PASS} + $res->{XPASS};
- printf " | %-40s | %7d | %7d |\n", "Unexpected fails [FAIL]", $ref->{FAIL}, $res->{FAIL};
- printf " | %-40s | %7d | %7d |\n", "Expected fails [XFAIL]", $ref->{XFAIL}, $res->{XFAIL};
- printf " | %-40s | %7d | %7d |\n", "Unresolved [UNRESOLVED]", $ref->{UNRESOLVED}, $res->{UNRESOLVED};
- printf " | %-40s | %7d | %7d |\n", "Unsupported [UNTESTED+UNSUPPORTED]", $ref->{UNTESTED}+$ref->{UNSUPPORTED}, $res->{UNTESTED}+$res->{UNSUPPORTED};
- printf " +------------------------------------------+---------+---------+\n";
- printf "\n";
- }
- $quiet_reg=1 if ($short and not scalar(@{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_FAILS}})+scalar(@{$res->{$PASS_DISAPPEARS}})+scalar(@{$res->{$FAIL_APPEARS}})+scalar(@{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_TIMEOUTS}}));
- if (not $quiet_reg)
- {
- $rtotal = scalar(@{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_FAILS}})
- +scalar(@{$res->{$PASS_DISAPPEARS}})
- +scalar(@{$res->{$FAIL_APPEARS}})
- +scalar(@{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_TIMEOUTS}});
- printf "\n$col_red"."o REGRESSIONS : \n";
- printf " +------------------------------------------+---------+\n";
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $PASSED_NOW_FAILS, scalar(@{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_FAILS}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_FAILS}}));
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $PASSED_NOW_TIMEOUTS, scalar(@{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_TIMEOUTS}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_TIMEOUTS}}));
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $PASS_DISAPPEARS, scalar(@{$res->{$PASS_DISAPPEARS}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$PASS_DISAPPEARS}}));
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $FAIL_APPEARS, scalar(@{$res->{$FAIL_APPEARS}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$FAIL_APPEARS}}));
- printf " +------------------------------------------+---------+\n";
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", "TOTAL_REGRESSIONS", $rtotal;
- printf " +------------------------------------------+---------+\n";
- printf "\n";
- if ($long)
- {
- print_tclist($PASSED_NOW_FAILS, @{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_FAILS}});
- print_tclist($PASSED_NOW_TIMEOUTS, @{$res->{$PASSED_NOW_TIMEOUTS}});
- print_tclist($PASS_DISAPPEARS, @{$res->{$PASS_DISAPPEARS}});
- print_tclist($FAIL_APPEARS, @{$res->{$FAIL_APPEARS}});
- }
- printf "$col_reset\n";
- }
- if (not $quiet and not $short)
- {
- $total = scalar(@{$res->{$XFAIL_NOW_PASSES}})+
- scalar(@{$res->{$FAIL_NOW_PASSES}})+
- scalar(@{$res->{$NEW_PASSES}})+
- scalar(@{$res->{$FAIL_DISAPPEARS}})+
- scalar(@{$res->{$XFAIL_APPEARS}})+
- scalar(@{$res->{$UNHANDLED_CASES}})+
- scalar(@{$res->{$UNSTABLE_CASES}});
- printf "$col_pink"."o MINOR TO BE CHECKED : \n";
- printf " +------------------------------------------+---------+\n";
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $XFAIL_APPEARS, scalar(@{$res->{$XFAIL_APPEARS}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$XFAIL_APPEARS}}));
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $FAIL_DISAPPEARS, scalar(@{$res->{$FAIL_DISAPPEARS}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$FAIL_DISAPPEARS}}));
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $XFAIL_NOW_PASSES, scalar(@{$res->{$XFAIL_NOW_PASSES}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$XFAIL_NOW_PASSES}}));
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $FAIL_NOW_PASSES, scalar(@{$res->{$FAIL_NOW_PASSES}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$FAIL_NOW_PASSES}}));
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $NEW_PASSES, scalar(@{$res->{$NEW_PASSES}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$NEW_PASSES}}));
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $UNHANDLED_CASES, scalar(@{$res->{$UNHANDLED_CASES}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$UNHANDLED_CASES}}));
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", $UNSTABLE_CASES, scalar(@{$res->{$UNSTABLE_CASES}}) if (scalar(@{$res->{$UNSTABLE_CASES}}));
- printf " +------------------------------------------+---------+\n";
- printf " | %-40s | %7d |\n", "TOTAL_MINOR_TO_BE_CHECKED", $total;
- printf " +------------------------------------------+---------+\n";
- printf "\n";
- if ($long)
- {
- print_tclist($XFAIL_NOW_PASSES, @{$res->{$XFAIL_NOW_PASSES}});
- print_tclist($FAIL_NOW_PASSES, @{$res->{$FAIL_NOW_PASSES}});
- print_tclist($FAIL_DISAPPEARS, @{$res->{$FAIL_DISAPPEARS}});
- print_tclist($XFAIL_APPEARS, @{$res->{$XFAIL_APPEARS}});
- print_tclist($UNHANDLED_CASES, @{$res->{$UNHANDLED_CASES}});
- print_tclist($UNSTABLE_CASES, @{$res->{$UNSTABLE_CASES}});
- print_tclist($NEW_PASSES, @{$res->{$NEW_PASSES}});
- }
- printf "$col_reset\n";
- }
- $return_value = 1 if ($total);
- $return_value = 2 if ($rtotal);
- # Error if there was no PASS (eg when sth went wrong and no .sum was generated
- $return_value = 2 if (($res->{PASS} + $res->{XPASS}) == 0);
- return $return_value;
diff --git a/scripts/compare_jobs.sh b/scripts/compare_jobs.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 6e8b3836..00000000
--- a/scripts/compare_jobs.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-mydir="`dirname $0`"
-if [ $# != 2 ]
- echo "Usage: $0 ref_logs new_logs"
- exit 1
-trap "rm -f ${tmptargets}" 0 1 2 3 5 9 13 15
-rm -f ${tmptargets}
-function xml_report_print_row
- local target=${1?}
- local failed=${2?}
- local log_url=BUILD_URL/artifact/artifacts/logs/diff-${target}.txt
- local color='#00FF00'
- $failed && color='#FF0000'
- local message=PASSED
- $failed && message=FAILED
- cat <<EOF
- <td>${target}</td>
- <td fontattribute="bold" bgcolor="${color}">${message}</td>
- <td><![CDATA[<a href="$log_url">log for ${target}</a>]]></td>
-function html_report_print_row
- local target=${1?}
- local failed=${2?}
- local log_url=diff-${target}.txt
- local color='#00FF00'
- $failed && color='#FF0000'
- local message=PASSED
- $failed && message=FAILED
- cat <<EOF
- <tr>
- <td>${target}</td>
- <td style="background-color:$color"><a href="$log_url"><b>${message}</b></a></td>
- </tr>
-function xml_report_print_header
- cat <<EOF
-<section name="Results comparison ${ref_logs} vs ${new_logs}"><table>
- <tr>
- <td fontattribute="bold" width="120" align="center">Target</td>
- <td fontattribute="bold" width="120" align="center">Status</td>
- <td fontattribute="bold" width="120" align="center">Log</td>
-function html_report_print_header
- cat <<EOF
-<h1>Results comparison ${ref_logs} vs ${new_logs}</h1>
-<table border="1">
- <tr>
- <td><b>Target</b></td>
- <td><b>Status</b></td>
- </tr>
-function xml_report_print_footer
- cat <<EOF
-function html_report_print_footer
- cat <<EOF
-function xml_log_print_field
- local target=${1?}
- local log=${2?}
- cat <<EOF
- <field name="${target}">
- <![CDATA[
-cat $log
-cat <<EOF
- ]]></field>
-function html_log_print_field
- local target=${1?}
- local log=${2?}
- cat <<EOF
- <p>${target}</p>
-cat $log
-cat <<EOF
-function xml_log_print_header
- cat <<EOF
-<section name="Logs">
-function html_log_print_header
- cat <<EOF
-function xml_log_print_footer
- cat <<EOF
-function html_log_print_footer
- cat <<EOF
-# For the time being, we expect different jobs to store their results
-# in similar directories.
-# Build list of all build-targets validated for ${ref_logs}
-for dir in `find ${ref_logs}/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d`
- basename ${dir} >> ${tmptargets}
-# Build list of all build-targets validated for ${new_logs}
-for dir in `find ${new_logs}/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d`
- basename ${dir} >> ${tmptargets}
-if [ -s ${tmptargets} ]; then
- buildtargets=`sort -u ${tmptargets}`
-rm -f ${tmptargets}
-rm -f ${XML_REPORT} ${XML_REPORT}.part
-rm -f ${HTML_REPORT} ${HTML_REPORT}.part
-rm -f ${XML_LOG} ${XML_LOG}.part
-rm -f ${HTML_LOG} ${HTML_LOG}.part
-xml_report_print_header > ${XML_REPORT}.part
-html_report_print_header > ${HTML_REPORT}.part
-xml_log_print_header > ${XML_LOG}.part
-html_log_print_header > ${HTML_LOG}.part
-for buildtarget in ${buildtargets}
- ref="${ref_logs}/${buildtarget}"
- build="${new_logs}/${buildtarget}"
- echo "REF = "${ref}
- echo "BUILD = "${build}
- failed=false
- mylog=${mydir}/diff-${buildtarget}.txt
- target=`echo ${buildtarget} | cut -d. -f2`
- printf "\t# ============================================================== #\n" > ${mylog}
- printf "\t#\t\t*** ${buildtarget} ***\n" >> ${mylog}
- printf "\t# ============================================================== #\n\n" >> ${mylog}
- [ -d "${build}" -a -d "${ref}" ] && ${mydir}/compare_tests -target ${target} \
- ${ref} ${build} >> ${mylog} || failed=true
- ${failed} && status=1
- xml_report_print_row "${buildtarget}" "${failed}" >> $XML_REPORT.part
- html_report_print_row "${buildtarget}" "${failed}" >> $HTML_REPORT.part
- xml_log_print_field "${buildtarget}" ${mylog} >> $XML_LOG.part
- html_log_print_field "${buildtarget}" ${mylog} >> $HTML_LOG.part
-xml_report_print_footer >> ${XML_REPORT}.part
-html_report_print_footer >> ${HTML_REPORT}.part
-xml_log_print_footer >> ${XML_LOG}.part
-html_log_print_footer >> ${HTML_LOG}.part
-mv ${XML_REPORT}.part ${XML_REPORT}
-mv ${XML_LOG}.part ${XML_LOG}
-mv ${HTML_LOG}.part ${HTML_LOG}
-exit ${status}
diff --git a/scripts/compare_tests b/scripts/compare_tests
deleted file mode 100755
index c2bcb2a7..00000000
--- a/scripts/compare_tests
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# This script automatically test the given tool with the tool's test cases,
-# reporting anything of interest.
-# Written by Mike Stump <mrs@cygnus.com>
-# Subdir comparison added by Quentin Neill <quentin.neill@amd.com>
-# Modified by Yvan Roux <yvan.roux@linaro.org> and
-# Christophe Lyon <christophe.lyon@linaro.org>
- if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
- echo "$0: Error: $1" >&2
- echo >&2
- fi
- cat >&2 <<EOUSAGE
-Usage: $0 [-strict] [-target target-triplet] PREVIOUS CURRENT
-Compare the PREVIOUS and CURRENT test case .sum files, reporting anything of interest.
- If PREVIOUS and CURRENT are directories, find and compare any *.sum files.
- Unless -strict is given, these discrepancies are not counted as errors:
- missing/extra .sum files when comparing directories
- tests that failed in PREVIOUS but pass in CURRENT
- tests that were not in PREVIOUS but appear in CURRENT
- tests in PREVIOUS that are missing in CURRENT
- -target enables to provide the target name to use when parsing
- the file containing the list of unstable tests.
- Exit with the following values:
- 0 if there is nothing of interest
- 1 if there are errors when comparing single test case files
- N for the number of errors found when comparing directories
- exit 2
-export LC_ALL=C
-me="`which $0`"
-my_path="`dirname ${me}`"
-tmps="$tmp1 $tmp2 $now_s $before_s $lst1 $lst2 $lst3 $lst4 $lst5 $sum1 $sum2"
-[ "$1" = "-strict" ] && strict=$1 && shift
-[ "$1" = "-target" ] && target=$2 && shift 2
-[ "$1" = "-?" ] && usage
-[ "$2" = "" ] && usage "Must specify both PREVIOUS and CURRENT"
-trap "rm -f $tmps" 0 1 2 3 5 9 13 15
-if [ -d "$1" -a -d "$2" ] ; then
- find "$1/" \( -name '*.sum.xz' ! -name '*go.sum.xz' ! -name 'libgo-all.sum.xz' \)>$lst1
- find "$2/" \( -name '*.sum.xz' ! -name '*go.sum.xz' ! -name 'libgo-all.sum.xz' \)>$lst2
- echo "# Comparing directories"
- echo "# REFERENCE: $1"
- echo "# CURRENT: $2"
- echo
- # remove leading directory components to compare
- sed -e "s|^$1[/]*||" $lst1 | sort >$lst3
- sed -e "s|^$2[/]*||" $lst2 | sort >$lst4
- comm -23 $lst3 $lst4 >$lst5
- if [ -s $lst5 ] ; then
- echo "# Extra sum files in Dir1=$1"
- sed -e "s|^|< $1/|" $lst5
- echo
- [ -n "$strict" ] && exit_status=`expr $exit_status + 1`
- fi
- comm -13 $lst3 $lst4 >$lst5
- if [ -s $lst5 ] ; then
- echo "# Extra sum files in Dir2=$2"
- sed -e "s|^|> $2/|" $lst5
- echo
- [ -n "$strict" ] && exit_status=`expr $exit_status + 1`
- fi
- comm -12 $lst3 $lst4 | sort -u >$lst5
- if [ ! -s $lst5 ] ; then
- echo "# No common sum files"
- exit_status=`expr $exit_status + 1`
- exit $exit_status
- fi
- cmnsums=`cat $lst5 | wc -l`
- echo "# Comparing $cmnsums common sum files:"
- cat $lst5
- ( for fname in `cat $lst5`; do
- bname=`basename $fname .sum.xz`
- xzcat $1/$fname | sed -e "s/^\([A-Z]*: \)/\1 $bname:/" | sed -r 's:of file /home.*/gcc/:of file :;s:==[0-9]+==:==X==:;s/output pattern test,.*$/output pattern XXX/'
- done ) >$sum1
- ( for fname in `cat $lst5`; do
- bname=`basename $fname .sum.xz`
- xzcat $2/$fname | sed -e "s/^\([A-Z]*: \)/\1 $bname:/" | sed -r 's:of file /home.*/gcc/:of file :;s:==[0-9]+==:==X==:;s/output pattern test,.*$/output pattern XXX/'
- done ) >$sum2
- if [ "x${target}" != "x" ] ; then
- unstable_target="--unstable-marker ${target}"
- fi
- for sum in $sum1 $sum2; do
- board="$(grep "Running target " $sum | head -n 1 | sed -e "s/Running target //")"
- if [ x"$board" != x"" ]; then
- unstable_target="$unstable_target --unstable-marker $board"
- fi
- done
- rm -rf ${my_path}/gcc-unstable-tests
- git clone http://git.linaro.org/toolchain/gcc-unstable-tests.git ${my_path}/gcc-unstable-tests || exit 1
- ${CONFIG_SHELL-/usr/bin/perl} ${my_path}/compare_dg_tests.pl -l --unstable-test=${my_path}/gcc-unstable-tests/unstable-tests.txt ${unstable_target} $sum1 $sum2
- ret=$?
- if [ $ret -eq 2 ]; then
- exit_status=`expr $exit_status + 1`
- echo "# Regressions found"
- else
- if [ $ret -eq 1 ]; then
- echo "# Improvements found"
- fi
- fi
- if [ $exit_status -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "# Regressions in $cmnsums common sum files found"
- else
- echo "# No regression found in $cmnsums common sum files"
- fi
- exit $exit_status
-elif [ -d "$1" -o -d "$2" ] ; then
- usage "Must specify either two directories or two files"
diff --git a/test-backport.sh b/test-backport.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2580923d..00000000
--- a/test-backport.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014,2015 Linaro, Inc
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-# To run, this script takes arguments in the same format as abe.sh. The two
-# arguments it needs are the target architecture to build, and the gcc backport
-# branch name. Example:
-# $PATH/test-backport.sh --target arm-linux-gnueabihf gcc.git~4.9-backport-209419
- # Format this section with 75 columns.
- cat << EOF
- test-backport.sh [--help]
- [-f| --fileserver [remote file server]
- [-t] --target triplet [config triplet]
- [-s] --snapshots [path to snapshots directory]
- [-r] --revisions [revision1,revision2]
- [-g] --gitref [git reference directory]
- [-b] --branch [GCC git branch]
- [-w] --workspace [alternate workspace]
-For example:
-test-backport.sh --fileserver fileserver.linaro.org --target arm-none-eabi --gitref /linaro/shared/snapshots --snapshots ~/workspace/snapshots --branch gcc.git~linaro-4.9-branch
- exit 0
-# Improve debug logs
-PRGNAME=`basename $0`
-if test $# -lt 2; then
- echo "ERROR: No branch to build!"
- usage
- exit 1
-# load commonly used functions
-which_dir="`which $0`"
-topdir="`dirname ${which_dir}`"
-. "${topdir}/lib/common.sh" || exit 1
-# since host.conf isn't loaded, get the build architecture
-# Configure Abe itself. Force the use of bash instead of the Ubuntu
-# default of dash as some configure scripts go into an infinite loop with
-# dash. Not good...
-# In addition, we may have overridden CONFIG_SHELL to use a schroot
-# before, and need to reset it now that we are in the schroot.
-export CONFIG_SHELL="/bin/bash"
-if test x"${debug}" = x"true"; then
- export CONFIG_SHELL="/bin/bash -x"
-if test x"${abe_dir}" = x; then
- abe_dir=${topdir}
-# Non matrix builds use node_selector, but matrix builds use NODE_NAME
-if test x"${node_selector}" != x; then
- node="`echo ${node_selector} | tr '-' '_'`"
- job=${JOB_NAME}
- node="`echo ${NODE_NAME} | tr '-' '_'`"
- job="`echo ${JOB_NAME} | cut -d '/' -f 1`"
-node=${node:-`uname -n`}
-# These are needed by the functions in the ABE library.
-# Whether to exclude some component from 'make check'
-OPTS="`getopt -o s:r:f:w:o:t:b:g:c:h -l target:,fileserver:,help,snapshots:,branch:,gitref:,repo:,workspace:,revisions:,options,check,excludecheck: -- "$@"`"
-while test $# -gt 0; do
- case $1 in
- -s|--snapshots) user_snapshots=$2; shift ;;
- -f|--fileserver) fileserver=$2; shift ;;
- -r|--revisions) revision_str=$2; shift ;;
- -g|--gitref) git_reference_dir=$2; shift ;;
- -b|--branch) branch=$2; shift ;;
- -w|--workspace) user_workspace=$2; shift ;;
- -o|--options) user_options=$2; shift ;;
- -t|--target) target=$2; shift ;;
- -c|--check) check=$2; shift ;;
- -h|--help) usage ;;
- --excludecheck) excludecheck=$2; shift ;;
- *) branch=$1;;
- --) break ;;
- esac
- shift
-# If triggered by Gerrit, use the REST API. This assumes the lava-bot account
-# is supported by Gerrit, and the public SSH key is available.
-if test x"${GERRIT_CHANGE_ID}" != x; then
- eval `gerrit_info $HOME`
- gerrit_trigger=yes
- #gerrit_query_status gcc
- eval "`gerrit_query_patchset ${GERRIT_CHANGE_ID}`"
- # Check out the revision made before this patch gets merged in
- checkout "`get_URL gcc.git@${records['parents']}`"
- gerrit_cherry_pick ${gerrit['REFSPEC']}
- gerrit_trigger=no
-# The two revisions are specified on the command line
-if test x"${revision_str}" != x; then
- GIT_COMMIT="`echo ${revision_str} | cut -d ',' -f 1`"
- GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT="`echo ${revision_str} | cut -d ',' -f 2`"
-if test x"${target}" != x"native" -a x"${target}" != x; then
- platform="--target ${target}"
- targetname=${target}
- # For native builds, we need to know the effective target name to
- # be able to find the results
- targetname=${build}
-check="--check ${check:-all}"
-check="${check}${excludecheck:+ --excludecheck ${excludecheck}}"
-if test "`echo ${branch} | grep -c gcc.git`" -gt 0; then
- branch="`echo ${branch} | sed -e 's:gcc.git~::'`"
-if test x"${git_reference_dir}" != x; then
- srcdir="${git_reference_dir}/gcc.git~${branch}"
- snapshots_ref="${git_reference_dir}"
- git_reference_dir="${user_snapshots}"
- snapshots_ref="${user_snapshots}"
- srcdir="${user_snapshots}/gcc.git~${branch}"
-# Create a build directory
-if test -d ${topbuild}; then
- rm -fr ${topbuild}
-mkdir -p ${topbuild}
-# Use the newly created build directory
-pushd ${topbuild}
-$CONFIG_SHELL ${abe_dir}/configure --enable-schroot-test --with-local-snapshots=${user_snapshots} --with-git-reference-dir=${snapshots_ref} --with-fileserver=${fileserver} --with-remote-snapshots=/snapshots-ref
-# If Gerrit is specifing the two git revisions, don't try to extract them.
-if test x"${gerrit_trigger}" != xyes; then
- checkout "`get_URL gcc.git`"
- srcdir="`get_srcdir gcc.git`"
- # Due to update cycles, sometimes the branch isn't in the repository yet.
- exists="`cd ${srcdir} && git branch -a | grep -c "${branch}"`"
- if test "${exists}" -eq 0; then
- warning "Branch isn't in GCC repository yet!"
- pushd ${srcdir} && git pull
- popd
- fi
- checkout "`get_URL gcc.git~${branch}`"
- srcdir="`get_srcdir gcc.git~${branch}`"
- # Get the last two revisions
- declare -a revisions=(`cd ${srcdir} && git log -n 2 | grep ^commit | cut -d ' ' -f 2`)
- notice "Validating: ${revisions[0]} and ${revisions[1]}"
- declare -a revisions=(${records['parents']} ${records['revision']})
-# Don't update any sources, we should be in sync already from the above.
-update="--disable update"
-# Force GCC to not build the docs
-export BUILD_INFO=""
-# Don't try to add comments to Gerrit if run manually
-if test x"${gerrit_trigger}" != x; then
- gerritopt="--enable gerrit"
- gerritopt=""
-while test $i -lt ${#revisions[@]}; do
- # Don't build if a previous build of this revision exists
- dir="${basedir}/gcc-linaro/${branch}/${job}${BUILD_NUMBER}/${build}.${target}/gcc.git@${revisions[$i]}"
- exists="`ssh ${fileserver} "if test -d ${dir}; then echo YES; else echo NO; fi"`"
- if test x"${exists}" = x"YES"; then
- echo "${dir} already exists"
- i="`expr $i + 1`"
- continue
- fi
- bash -x ${topdir}/abe.sh ${gerrit_opt} ${update} ${platform} gcc=gcc.git@${revisions[$i]} --build all --disable make_docs ${check} ${user_options}
- if test $? -gt 0; then
- echo "ERROR: Abe failed!"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Don't update any sources for the other revision.
- if test x"${update}" = x; then
- update="--disable update"
- fi
- # Compress .sum and .log files
- sums="`find ${local_builds} -name \*.sum`"
- logs="`find ${local_builds} -name \*.log | egrep -v 'config.log|check-.*.log|install.log'`"
- xz ${sums} ${logs}
- # FIXME: The way this is currently implemented only handles GCC backports. If binutils
- # backports are desired, this will have to be implented here.
- sums="`find ${local_builds}/binutils-* -name \*.sum.xz`"
- sums="${sums} `find ${local_builds}/gcc.git@${revisions[$i]}-stage2 -name \*.sum.xz`"
- # Copy only the log files we want
- logs="`find ${local_builds}/binutils-* -name \*.log.xz | egrep -v 'config.log|check-.*.log|install.log'`"
- logs="${logs} `find ${local_builds}/gcc.git@${revisions[$i]}-stage2 -name \*.log.xz | egrep -v 'config.log|check-.*.log|install.log'`"
- manifest="`find ${local_builds} -name gcc.git@${revisions[$i]}\*manifest.txt`"
- # xz ${resultsdir}${revisions[$i]}/*.sum ${resultsdir}${revisions[$i]}/*.log
- echo "Copying test results files to ${fileserver}:${dir}/ which will take some time..."
- ssh ${fileserver} mkdir -p ${dir}
- scp -C ${manifest} ${sums} ${logs} ${fileserver}:${dir}/
- # rm -fr ${resultsdir}${revisions[$i]}
- i="`expr $i + 1`"
-# Test results and logs have been copied to this fileserver, so the validation is
-# done remotely.
-if test x"${fileserver}" != x; then
- # Diff the two directories
- tmp="/tmp/${node}/abe$$"
- ssh ${fileserver} mkdir -p ${tmp}
- # report.sh does not support .sum.xz for the moment
- #scp -r ${topdir}/scripts/report.sh ${fileserver}:${tmp}
- # For comparison with the perl script:
- scp ${topdir}/scripts/compare_tests ${fileserver}:${tmp}
- scp ${topdir}/scripts/compare_dg_tests.pl ${fileserver}:${tmp}
- scp ${topdir}/scripts/unstable-tests.txt ${fileserver}:${tmp}
- toplevel="`dirname ${dir}`"
- dir1="${toplevel}/${revisions[0]}"
- dir2="${toplevel}/${revisions[1]}"
-# for i in gcc g++ gfortran libstdc++ ld gas binutils libgomp libitm; do
-# ssh ${fileserver} "${tmp}/report.sh ${toplevel} ${i}.sum > ${toplevel}/diff-${i}.txt"
-# if test $? -gt 0; then
-# ret=1
-# fi
-# ssh ${fileserver} cat ${toplevel}/diff-${i}.txt
-# done
- ssh ${fileserver} "${tmp}/compare_tests -target ${target} ${dir2} ${dir1} > ${toplevel}/diff.txt"
- if test $? -ne 0; then
- ret=1
- fi
- ssh ${fileserver} cat ${toplevel}/diff.txt
- ssh ${fileserver} rm -fr ${tmp}
- echo "### Compared REFERENCE:"
- man="`find ${local_builds} -name gcc.git@${revisions[1]}\*manifest.txt`"
- cat ${man}
- echo "### with NEW COMMIT:"
- man="`find ${local_builds} -name gcc.git@${revisions[0]}\*manifest.txt`"
- cat ${man}
- wwwpath="`echo ${toplevel} | sed -e 's:/work::' -e 's:/space::'`"
- echo "Full build logs: http://${fileserver}${wwwpath}/"
-exit ${ret}