diff options
authorNaresh Kamboju <naresh.kamboju@linaro.org>2024-03-17 18:21:16 +0530
committerAnders Roxell <anders.roxell@gmail.com>2024-03-19 10:41:56 +0100
commit491dd1c8015ae06e22bfb5093a16e34e747a2e48 (patch)
parentdf994be9129c956b61cee806ee2753303f8cf4e4 (diff)
linux: adding xfstests2024.03.01
xfstests is a test suite for validating the reliability and stability of file systems in the Linux kernel. It covers a broad range of file systems, including ext4, XFS, Btrfs, and others, with tests for performance, error handling, and filesystem operations. Signed-off-by: Naresh Kamboju <naresh.kamboju@linaro.org>
2 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/automated/linux/xfstests/xfstests.sh b/automated/linux/xfstests/xfstests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2657c90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automated/linux/xfstests/xfstests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Shell Script for Running XFS Tests
+# Load required libraries
+# shellcheck disable=SC1091
+. ../../lib/sh-test-lib
+# Results logs
+# xfstests test build path
+# Print usage
+usage() {
+ info_msg "Usage: $0 [-d </dev/sdb>] [-e </dev/loop0>]
+ [-f <ext4>] [-m </mnt/scratch>]
+ [-t </mnt/test>] [-s <true|false>]
+ [-x <10G>] [-z <10G>] [-h]
+ -d <device> Specify the test device path (default: /dev/loop0)
+ -e <device> Specify the scratch device path (default: /dev/loop1)
+ -f <filesystem> Set the filesystem type (default: ext4)
+ -m <path> Set the scratch mount path (default: /mnt/scratch)
+ -t <path> Set the test mount path (default: /mnt/test)
+ -s <true> Skip package installation (default: false)
+ -x <size> Set the test and scratch size (default: 5G for test, 8G for scratch)
+ -z <size> Set the test and scratch size (default: 5G for test, 8G for scratch)
+ -h Show this help message and exit
+" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+results_parser() {
+ # Parse pass test cases
+ find results/*/*.full -print0 | awk -v RS='\0' -F'/' '{print $2"-"$3" pass"}' | sed 's/.full$//' >> "${RESULT_PASS}"
+ # Parse fail test cases
+ find results/*/*.out.bad -print0 | awk -v RS='\0' -F'/' '{print $2"-"$3" fail"}' | sed 's/.out.bad$//' >> "${RESULT_FAIL}"
+ # Parse skip test cases
+ find results/*/*.notrun -print0 | awk -v RS='\0' -F'/' '{print $2"-"$3" skip"}' | sed 's/.notrun$//' >> "${RESULT_SKIP}"
+ # Append all the results to results.txt file
+ cat "${RESULT_PASS}" "${RESULT_FAIL}" "${RESULT_SKIP}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${RESULT_FILE}"
+# test setup
+test_setup() {
+ export TEST_IMG="${TEST_IMG}"
+ export TEST_DEV="${TEST_DEV}"
+ export TEST_DIR="${TEST_DIR}"
+# run_xfstests ext4
+run_xfstests() {
+ filesystem="$1"
+ info_msg "run xfstests : ${filesystem}"
+ # export required configs
+ test_setup
+ # print disk space usage
+ df
+ # print mount
+ mount
+ if [ "${filesystem}" = "xfs" ]; then
+ ./check -g "${filesystem}"/quick -x dmapi 2>&1 | tee -a "${RESULT_LOG}"
+ elif [ "${filesystem}" = "ext2" ]; then
+ ./check -g generic 2>&1 | tee -a "${RESULT_LOG}"
+ elif [ "${filesystem}" = "ext3" ]; then
+ ./check -g generic 2>&1 | tee -a "${RESULT_LOG}"
+ else
+ ./check -g "${filesystem}"/quick 2>&1 | tee -a "${RESULT_LOG}"
+ fi
+# format_disk_partitions "/dev/sdb" "ext4"
+format_disk_partitions() {
+ device="$1"
+ filesystem="$2"
+ info_msg "Format disk partitions of: ${device}"
+ mkfs."${filesystem}" "${device}"
+ exit_on_fail "format-disk-partitions"
+# fallocate - manipulate file space
+# fallocate_manipulate_file_space "/test-dir" "5G"
+fallocate_manipulate_file_space() {
+ img="$1"
+ size="$2"
+ info_msg "fallocate - manipulate file space"
+ fallocate -l "${size}" "${img}"
+ exit_on_fail "fallocate-l-${size}-${img}"
+# Create fsgqa test users and groups
+create_fsgqa_test_users_groups() {
+ info_msg "Creating fsgqa test users and groups: "
+ useradd -m fsgqa
+ useradd 123456-fsgqa
+ useradd fsgqa2
+ groupadd fsgqa
+while getopts "d:e:f:hm:s:t:x:z:" arg; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ d) TEST_DEV="${OPTARG}";;
+ t) TEST_DIR="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ x) T_SIZE="${OPTARG}";;
+ z) S_SIZE="${OPTARG}";;
+ h|*) usage ;;
+ esac
+# Test run.
+! check_root && error_msg "You need to be root to run this script."
+create_out_dir "${OUTPUT}"
+info_msg "About to run fdisk tests ..."
+info_msg "Output directory: ${OUTPUT}"
+pkgs="acl attr automake bc dbench dump e2fsprogs fio gawk gcc git indent libacl1-dev libaio-dev libcap-dev libgdbm-dev libtool libtool-bin liburing-dev libuuid1 lvm2 make psmisc python3 quota sed uuid-dev uuid-runtime xfsprogs linux-headers-$(uname -r) sqlite3 libgdbm-compat-dev"
+install_deps "${pkgs}" "${SKIP_INSTALL}"
+if [ -d "${XFSTESTS_PATH}" ]; then
+ info_msg "xfstests found on rootfs"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2164
+ cd "${XFSTESTS_PATH}" || exit 1
+ info_msg "xfstests not found"
+ error_fatal "xfstests-not-found"
+mkdir -p "${TEST_DIR}"
+mkdir -p "${SCRATCH_MNT}"
+fallocate_manipulate_file_space "${TEST_IMG}" "${T_SIZE}"
+fallocate_manipulate_file_space "${SCRATCH_IMG}" "${S_SIZE}"
+format_disk_partitions "${TEST_IMG}" "${FILESYSTEM}"
+format_disk_partitions "${SCRATCH_IMG}" "${FILESYSTEM}"
+TEST_DEV=$(losetup -f "${TEST_IMG}" --show)
+SCRATCH_DEV=$(losetup -f "${SCRATCH_IMG}" --show)
+# Run xfstests
+run_xfstests "${FILESYSTEM}"
+# Parse xfstests results
diff --git a/automated/linux/xfstests/xfstests.yaml b/automated/linux/xfstests/xfstests.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e128d925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automated/linux/xfstests/xfstests.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ name: xfstests
+ format: "Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0"
+ description: "xfstests is a test suite for validating the reliability and
+ stability of file systems in the Linux kernel."
+ maintainer:
+ - anders.roxell@linaro.org
+ - naresh.kamboju@linaro.org
+ os:
+ - debian
+ - ubuntu
+ scope:
+ - functional
+ devices:
+ - all
+ environment:
+ - lava-test-shell
+ # example: TEST_DEV=/dev/loop0
+ TEST_DEV: "/dev/loop0"
+ # example: SCRATCH_DEV=/dev/loop1
+ SCRATCH_DEV: "/dev/loop1"
+ # example: TEST_DIR=/mnt/test
+ TEST_DIR: "/mnt/test"
+ # example: SCRATCH_MNT=/mnt/scratch
+ SCRATCH_MNT: "/mnt/scratch"
+ FILESYSTEM: "ext4"
+ T_SIZE: "5G"
+ S_SIZE: "8G"
+ SKIP_INSTALL: "true"
+ steps:
+ - cd ./automated/linux/xfstests/
+ - ./xfstests.sh -d "${TEST_DEV}" -e "${SCRATCH_DEV}" -f "${FILESYSTEM}" -m "${SCRATCH_MNT}" -s "${SKIP_INSTALL}" -t "${TEST_DIR}" -x "${T_SIZE}" -z "${S_SIZE}"
+ - ../../utils/send-to-lava.sh ./output/result.txt