AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-10-01Add call path an init path through EGL all the way down to OESGLESinitfbTom Gall
2014-10-01WIP sync pointTom Gall
2014-09-30Start to add the ability to render to a frame buffer texture andTom Gall
2014-09-29Add extremely simple triangle GLES example app and start toTom Gall
2014-09-28Stick MonkVG and the reference implementation of OpenVG by the KhronosTom Gall
2014-09-26Fixed all context up side down on framebuffer issueShow Liu
2014-09-26Added compile flags for neon supportShow Liu
2014-09-26Added samples rectangle, tiger and font.Show Liu
2014-09-25Add framebuffer support for miniEGL libraryShow Liu
2014-09-25fixed pthread link errorShow Liu
2014-09-23initial version OpenVG reference implementationHEADmasterShow Liu