path: root/src/mcompositewindow.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mcompositewindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mcompositewindow.cpp b/src/mcompositewindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b48210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mcompositewindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of mcompositor.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging
+** of this file.
+#include "mcompositewindow.h"
+#include "mcompwindowanimator.h"
+#include "mcompositemanager.h"
+#include "mcompositemanager_p.h"
+#include "mtexturepixmapitem.h"
+#include <QX11Info>
+#include <QGraphicsScene>
+#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
+#include <X11/Xatom.h>
+bool MCompositeWindow::window_transitioning = false;
+MCompositeWindow::MCompositeWindow(Qt::HANDLE window, QGraphicsItem *p)
+ : QGraphicsItem(p),
+ scalefrom(1),
+ scaleto(1),
+ scaled(false),
+ zval(1),
+ blur(false),
+ iconified(false),
+ iconified_final(false),
+ iconify_state(NoIconifyState),
+ destroyed(false),
+ requestzval(false),
+ process_status(NORMAL),
+ need_decor(false),
+ is_decorator(false),
+ window_visible(true),
+ transient_for(0),
+ wants_focus(false),
+ window_obscured(false),
+ win_id(window)
+ anim = new MCompWindowAnimator(this);
+ connect(anim, SIGNAL(transitionDone()), SLOT(finalizeState()));
+ connect(anim, SIGNAL(transitionDone()), SLOT(windowSettled()));
+ connect(anim, SIGNAL(transitionStart()), SLOT(windowTransitioning()));
+ thumb_mode = false;
+ setAcceptHoverEvents(true);
+ t_ping = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(t_ping, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(pingWindow()));
+ delete anim;
+ anim = 0;
+void MCompositeWindow::setBlurred(bool b)
+ blur = b;
+ update();
+void MCompositeWindow::setUnBlurred()
+ blur = false;
+ update();
+bool MCompositeWindow::blurred()
+ return blur;
+void MCompositeWindow::saveState()
+ anim->saveState();
+void MCompositeWindow::localSaveState()
+ anim->localSaveState();
+// void MCompositeWindow::restore()
+// {
+// anim->restore();
+// }
+// set the scale point to actual values
+void MCompositeWindow::setScalePoint(qreal from, qreal to)
+ scalefrom = from;
+ scaleto = to;
+void MCompositeWindow::setThumbMode(bool mode)
+ thumb_mode = mode;
+/* This is a delayed animation. Actual animation is triggered
+ * when startTransition() is called
+ */
+void MCompositeWindow::iconify(const QRectF &iconGeometry, bool defer)
+ this->iconGeometry = iconGeometry;
+ origPosition = pos();
+ // horizontal and vert. scaling factors
+ qreal sx = iconGeometry.width() / boundingRect().width();
+ qreal sy = iconGeometry.height() / boundingRect().height();
+ anim->deferAnimation(defer);
+ anim->translateScale(qreal(1.0), qreal(1.0), sx, sy,
+ iconGeometry.topLeft());
+ iconified = true;
+void MCompositeWindow::setIconified(bool iconified)
+ iconified_final = iconified;
+ iconify_state = ManualIconifyState;
+ if (iconified && !anim->pendingAnimation())
+ emit itemIconified(this);
+ else if (!iconified && !anim->pendingAnimation())
+ iconify_state = NoIconifyState;
+MCompositeWindow::IconifyState MCompositeWindow::iconifyState() const
+ return iconify_state;
+void MCompositeWindow::setWindowObscured(bool obscured, bool no_notify)
+ if (obscured == window_obscured)
+ return;
+ window_obscured = obscured;
+ if (!no_notify) {
+ XVisibilityEvent c;
+ c.type = VisibilityNotify;
+ c.send_event = True;
+ c.window = window();
+ c.state = obscured ? VisibilityFullyObscured :
+ VisibilityUnobscured;
+ XSendEvent(QX11Info::display(), window(), true,
+ VisibilityChangeMask, (XEvent *)&c);
+ }
+void MCompositeWindow::startTransition()
+ if (anim->pendingAnimation()) {
+ anim->startAnimation();
+ anim->deferAnimation(false);
+ }
+// TODO: have an option of disabling the animation
+void MCompositeWindow::restore(const QRectF &iconGeometry, bool defer)
+ this->iconGeometry = iconGeometry;
+ // horizontal and vert. scaling factors
+ qreal sx = iconGeometry.width() / boundingRect().width();
+ qreal sy = iconGeometry.height() / boundingRect().height();
+ setVisible(true);
+ anim->deferAnimation(defer);
+ anim->translateScale(qreal(1.0), qreal(1.0), sx, sy, origPosition, true);
+ iconified = false;
+void MCompositeWindow::prettyDestroy()
+ setVisible(true);
+ destroyed = true;
+ iconify();
+void MCompositeWindow::finalizeState()
+ // request zvalue
+ if (requestzval)
+ setZValue(zval);
+ // iconification status
+ if (iconified) {
+ iconified_final = true;
+ hide();
+ iconify_state = TransitionIconifyState;
+ emit itemIconified(this);
+ } else {
+ iconify_state = NoIconifyState;
+ iconified_final = false;
+ show();
+ QTimer::singleShot(200, this, SLOT(q_itemRestored()));
+ }
+ // item lifetime
+ if (destroyed)
+ deleteLater();
+ requestzval = false;
+void MCompositeWindow::q_itemRestored()
+ emit itemRestored(this);
+void MCompositeWindow::requestZValue(int zvalue)
+ if (anim->isActive()) {
+ zval = zvalue;
+ requestzval = true;
+ } else {
+ setZValue(zvalue);
+ requestzval = false;
+ }
+bool MCompositeWindow::isIconified() const
+ if (anim->isActive())
+ return false;
+ return iconified_final;
+bool MCompositeWindow::isScaled() const
+ return scaled;
+void MCompositeWindow::setScaled(bool s)
+ scaled = s;
+Window MCompositeWindow::transientFor()
+ /* TODO: make this update the property based on PropertyNotifys */
+ XGetTransientForHint(QX11Info::display(), win_id, &transient_for);
+ return transient_for;
+bool MCompositeWindow::wantsFocus()
+ /* FIXME: check if it is enough to cache this... */
+ bool val = true;
+ XWMHints *h = XGetWMHints(QX11Info::display(), win_id);
+ if (h) {
+ if ((h->flags & InputHint) && (h->input == False))
+ val = false;
+ XFree(h);
+ }
+ wants_focus = val;
+ return wants_focus;
+XID MCompositeWindow::windowGroup()
+ /* FIXME: check if it is enough to cache this... */
+ XID val = 0;
+ XWMHints *h = XGetWMHints(QX11Info::display(), win_id);
+ if (h) {
+ if (h->flags & WindowGroupHint)
+ val = h->window_group;
+ XFree(h);
+ }
+ return val;
+const QList<Atom>& MCompositeWindow::supportedProtocols()
+ static Atom atom = 0;
+ Atom actual_type;
+ int actual_format;
+ unsigned long actual_n, left;
+ unsigned char *data = NULL;
+ if (!atom)
+ atom = XInternAtom(QX11Info::display(), "WM_PROTOCOLS", False);
+ int result = XGetWindowProperty(QX11Info::display(), win_id,
+ atom, 0, 100,
+ False, XA_ATOM, &actual_type,
+ &actual_format,
+ &actual_n, &left, &data);
+ if (result == Success && data && actual_type == XA_ATOM) {
+ wm_protocols.clear();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < actual_n; ++i)
+ wm_protocols.append(((Atom *)data)[i]);
+ }
+ if (data) XFree(data);
+ return wm_protocols;
+void MCompositeWindow::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *e)
+ if (thumb_mode) {
+ zval = zValue();
+ setZValue(scene()->items().count() + 1);
+ setZValue(100);
+ anim->translateScale(scalefrom, scalefrom, scaleto, scaleto, pos());
+ }
+ return QGraphicsItem::hoverEnterEvent(e);
+void MCompositeWindow::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *e)
+ if (thumb_mode) {
+ setZValue(zval);
+ anim->translateScale(scalefrom, scalefrom, scaleto, scaleto, pos(), true);
+ }
+ return QGraphicsItem::hoverLeaveEvent(e);
+void MCompositeWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *m)
+ anim->restore();
+ setThumbMode(false);
+ setScaled(false);
+ setZValue(100);
+ emit acceptingInput();
+ windowRaised();
+ QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent(m);
+void MCompositeWindow::manipulationEnabled(bool isEnabled)
+ setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, isEnabled);
+ setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, isEnabled);
+void MCompositeWindow::setVisible(bool visible)
+ // Set the iconification status as well
+ iconified_final = !visible;
+ if (visible != window_visible)
+ emit visualized(visible);
+ window_visible = visible;
+ QGraphicsItem::setVisible(visible);
+ MCompositeManager *p = (MCompositeManager *) qApp;
+ p->d->setWindowDebugProperties(window());
+void MCompositeWindow::startPing()
+ if (t_ping->isActive())
+ t_ping->stop();
+ // this could be configurable. But will do for now. Most WMs use 5s delay
+ t_ping->start(5000);
+void MCompositeWindow::stopPing()
+ t_ping->stop();
+void MCompositeWindow::receivedPing(ulong serverTimeStamp)
+ ping_server_timestamp = serverTimeStamp;
+ startPing();
+ process_status = NORMAL;
+ if (blurred())
+ setBlurred(false);
+void MCompositeWindow::pingTimeout()
+ if (ping_server_timestamp != ping_client_timestamp && process_status != HUNG) {
+ setBlurred(true);
+ emit windowHung(this);
+ process_status = HUNG;
+ }
+void MCompositeWindow::setClientTimeStamp(ulong timeStamp)
+ ping_client_timestamp = timeStamp;
+void MCompositeWindow::pingWindow()
+ QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(pingTimeout()));
+ emit pingTriggered(this);
+MCompositeWindow::ProcessStatus MCompositeWindow::status() const
+ return process_status;
+bool MCompositeWindow::needDecoration() const
+ return need_decor;
+void MCompositeWindow::setDecorated(bool decorated)
+ need_decor = decorated;
+MCompositeWindow *MCompositeWindow::compositeWindow(Qt::HANDLE window)
+ MCompositeManager *p = (MCompositeManager *) qApp;
+ return p->d->texturePixmapItem(window);
+Qt::HANDLE MCompositeWindow::window() const
+ return win_id;
+bool MCompositeWindow::isDecorator() const
+ return is_decorator;
+void MCompositeWindow::setIsDecorator(bool decorator)
+ is_decorator = decorator;
+void MCompositeWindow::windowTransitioning()
+ window_transitioning = true;
+void MCompositeWindow::windowSettled()
+ window_transitioning = false;
+bool MCompositeWindow::isTransitioning()
+ return window_transitioning;
+void MCompositeWindow::delayShow(int delay)
+ // TODO: only do this for qt/dui apps because it delays translucency
+ setVisible(false);
+ QTimer::singleShot(delay, this, SLOT(q_delayShow()));
+void MCompositeWindow::q_delayShow()
+ MCompositeWindow::setVisible(true);
+ updateWindowPixmap();
+ MCompositeManager *p = (MCompositeManager *) qApp;
+ p->d->updateWinList();
+QVariant MCompositeWindow::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value)
+ MCompositeManager *p = (MCompositeManager *) qApp;
+ bool zvalChanged = (change == ItemZValueHasChanged);
+ if (zvalChanged)
+ p->d->setWindowDebugProperties(window());
+ if (zvalChanged || change == ItemVisibleHasChanged || change == ItemParentHasChanged)
+ p->d->glwidget->update();
+ return QGraphicsItem::itemChange(change, value);
+void MCompositeWindow::update()
+ MCompositeManager *p = (MCompositeManager *) qApp;
+ p->d->glwidget->update();
+bool MCompositeWindow::windowVisible() const
+ return window_visible;