Class TJTransformer

  extended by org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJDecompressor
      extended by org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJTransformer

public class TJTransformer
extends TJDecompressor

TurboJPEG lossless transformer

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJDecompressor
handle, jpegBuf, jpegBufSize, jpegHeight, jpegSubsamp, jpegWidth
Constructor Summary
          Create a TurboJPEG lossless transformer instance.
TJTransformer(byte[] jpegImage)
          Create a TurboJPEG lossless transformer instance and associate the JPEG image stored in jpegImage with the newly-created instance.
TJTransformer(byte[] jpegImage, int imageSize)
          Create a TurboJPEG lossless transformer instance and associate the JPEG image of length imageSize bytes stored in jpegImage with the newly-created instance.
Method Summary
 int[] getTransformedSizes()
          Returns an array containing the sizes of the transformed JPEG images from the most recent call to transform().
 void transform(byte[][] dstBufs, TJTransform[] transforms, int flags)
          Losslessly transform the JPEG image associated with this transformer instance into one or more JPEG images stored in the given destination buffers.
 TJDecompressor[] transform(TJTransform[] transforms, int flags)
          Losslessly transform the JPEG image associated with this transformer instance and return an array of TJDecompressor instances, each of which has a transformed JPEG image associated with it.
Methods inherited from class org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJDecompressor
close, decompress, decompress, decompress, decompress, decompressToYUV, decompressToYUV, finalize, getHeight, getJPEGBuf, getJPEGSize, getScaledHeight, getScaledWidth, getSubsamp, getWidth, setJPEGImage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TJTransformer()
              throws java.lang.Exception
Create a TurboJPEG lossless transformer instance.



public TJTransformer(byte[] jpegImage)
              throws java.lang.Exception
Create a TurboJPEG lossless transformer instance and associate the JPEG image stored in jpegImage with the newly-created instance.

jpegImage - JPEG image buffer (size of the JPEG image is assumed to be the length of the array)


public TJTransformer(byte[] jpegImage,
                     int imageSize)
              throws java.lang.Exception
Create a TurboJPEG lossless transformer instance and associate the JPEG image of length imageSize bytes stored in jpegImage with the newly-created instance.

jpegImage - JPEG image buffer
imageSize - size of the JPEG image (in bytes)
Method Detail


public void transform(byte[][] dstBufs,
                      TJTransform[] transforms,
                      int flags)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Losslessly transform the JPEG image associated with this transformer instance into one or more JPEG images stored in the given destination buffers. Lossless transforms work by moving the raw coefficients from one JPEG image structure to another without altering the values of the coefficients. While this is typically faster than decompressing the image, transforming it, and re-compressing it, lossless transforms are not free. Each lossless transform requires reading and Huffman decoding all of the coefficients in the source image, regardless of the size of the destination image. Thus, this method provides a means of generating multiple transformed images from the same source or of applying multiple transformations simultaneously, in order to eliminate the need to read the source coefficients multiple times.

dstBufs - an array of image buffers. dstbufs[i] will receive a JPEG image that has been transformed using the parameters in transforms[i]. Use TJ.bufSize(int, int, int) to determine the maximum size for each buffer based on the cropped width and height.
transforms - an array of TJTransform instances, each of which specifies the transform parameters and/or cropping region for the corresponding transformed output image
flags - the bitwise OR of one or more of TJ.FLAG_*


public TJDecompressor[] transform(TJTransform[] transforms,
                                  int flags)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Losslessly transform the JPEG image associated with this transformer instance and return an array of TJDecompressor instances, each of which has a transformed JPEG image associated with it.

transforms - an array of TJTransform instances, each of which specifies the transform parameters and/or cropping region for the corresponding transformed output image
flags - the bitwise OR of one or more of TJ.FLAG_*
an array of TJDecompressor instances, each of which has a transformed JPEG image associated with it


public int[] getTransformedSizes()
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an array containing the sizes of the transformed JPEG images from the most recent call to transform().

an array containing the sizes of the transformed JPEG images from the most recent call to transform()