path: root/96boards-reference-platform-debian.yaml
diff options
authorFathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org>2016-07-02 12:20:07 +0300
committerFathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org>2016-07-02 12:20:07 +0300
commite0c7324d83a9ae1547d8d363ef708c3c1c881819 (patch)
treef817dc6626a4e643a0accf315848a620ad29289b /96boards-reference-platform-debian.yaml
parentdfc5054ae9b9efdc48a7f5b21350fca158c91333 (diff)
RPB: rename the build jobs files and adjust display names
As part of the Reference Software Platform transition, rename the build jobs files and adjust the display names. It's a purely cosmetic change in order to start to move RPBs into their own namespace: https://ci.linaro.org/view/reference-platform/ Note: the build jobs names aren't yet modified on purpose and avoid to break the build pipeline. Change-Id: Iba180092faafda1378a243d339c19cc2b0c32d9c Signed-off-by: Fathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org>
Diffstat (limited to '96boards-reference-platform-debian.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/96boards-reference-platform-debian.yaml b/96boards-reference-platform-debian.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c44760f3..00000000
--- a/96boards-reference-platform-debian.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-- job:
- name: 96boards-reference-platform-debian
- project-type: matrix
- defaults: global
- logrotate:
- daysToKeep: 30
- numToKeep: 30
- properties:
- - authorization:
- anonymous:
- - job-read
- - job-extended-read
- - job-workspace
- linaro:
- - job-read
- - job-extended-read
- - job-build
- - job-cancel
- parameters:
- - string:
- default: '/public/team/linaro/rpb-debian/'
- - string:
- default: 'validation.linaro.org/RPC2/'
- disabled: false
- node: build
- child-workspace: .
- display-name: '96boards - Reference Platform - Debian'
- axes:
- - axis:
- type: user-defined
- name: BOARD
- values:
- - hikey
- - dragonboard410c
- - axis:
- type: slave
- name: label
- values:
- - docker-jessie-amd64
- execution-strategy:
- sequential: true
- touchstone:
- expr: 'BOARD=="hikey"'
- wrappers:
- - timestamps
- - build-name:
- name: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'
- - matrix-tie-parent:
- node: build
- builders:
- - linaro-publish-token:
- host: builds.96boards.org
- - shell: |
- #!/bin/bash
- set -ex
- trap cleanup_exit INT TERM EXIT
- cleanup_exit()
- {
- sudo kpartx -dv ${BOARD}-debian-*.img || true
- rm -rf configs out
- }
- # Builder setup
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install -y android-tools-fsutils grub-common kpartx libfdt-dev mtools python-pycurl dosfstools
- wget -q \
- http://repo.linaro.org/ubuntu/linaro-tools/pool/main/l/linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools_2016.05-1linarojessie1_amd64.deb \
- http://repo.linaro.org/ubuntu/linaro-tools/pool/main/l/linaro-image-tools/python-linaro-image-tools_2016.05-1linarojessie1_all.deb
- sudo dpkg -i --force-all *.deb
- rm -f *.deb
- git clone --depth 1 http://git.linaro.org/ci/job/configs.git
- # Create the hardware pack
- cp -a configs/96boards-reference-platform-debian/hwpacks/linaro-${BOARD} .
- VERSION=`date +%Y%m%d`-${BUILD_NUMBER}
- linaro-hwpack-create --debug --backports linaro-${BOARD} ${VERSION}
- # Get rootfs
- export ROOTFS_BUILD_NUMBER=`wget -q --no-check-certificate -O - https://ci.linaro.org/job/debian-arm64-rootfs/label=docker-jessie-arm64,rootfs=alip/lastSuccessfulBuild/buildNumber`
- export ROOTFS_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=`wget -q --no-check-certificate -O - https://ci.linaro.org/job/debian-arm64-rootfs/label=docker-jessie-arm64,rootfs=alip/lastSuccessfulBuild/buildTimestamp?format=yyyyMMdd`
- export ROOTFS_BUILD_URL="http://snapshots.linaro.org/debian/images/alip-arm64/${ROOTFS_BUILD_NUMBER}/linaro-jessie-alip-${ROOTFS_BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-${ROOTFS_BUILD_NUMBER}.tar.gz"
- wget --progress=dot -e dotbytes=2M ${ROOTFS_BUILD_URL}
- # Create pre-built image(s)
- linaro-media-create --dev fastmodel --output-directory ${WORKSPACE} --image-file ${BOARD}-debian-jessie-alip-sdcard-${VERSION}.img --image-size 2500M --binary ${ROOTFS_BUILD_TAR} --hwpack hwpack_linaro-${BOARD}_*.tar.gz --hwpack-force-yes --bootloader uefi
- # Create eMMC rootfs image(s)
- mkdir boot rootfs
- for device in $(sudo kpartx -avs ${BOARD}-debian-jessie-alip-sdcard-${VERSION}.img | cut -d' ' -f3); do
- partition=$(echo ${device} | cut -d'p' -f3)
- [ "${partition}" = "1" ] && sudo mount -o loop /dev/mapper/${device} boot
- [ "${partition}" = "2" ] && sudo mount -o loop /dev/mapper/${device} rootfs
- done
- KERNEL_VERSION=`basename rootfs/boot/vmlinuz-* | sed -e "s,^[^0-9]*-,,g"`
- mkdir -p out/${BOARD}
- # Build information
- cat > out/${BOARD}/README.textile << EOF
- h4. 96Boards - Reference Platform Build - Debian
- Build description:
- * ALIP Rootfs: "http://snapshots.linaro.org/debian/images/alip-arm64/$ROOTFS_BUILD_NUMBER":http://snapshots.linaro.org/debian/images/alip-arm64/$ROOTFS_BUILD_NUMBER
- * Kernel: "linux-image-$KERNEL_VERSION":http://repo.linaro.org/ubuntu/linaro-overlay/pool/main/l/linux/
- # Create boot image
- if [ "${BOARD}" == "hikey" ]; then
- FASTBOOT_EFI_BUILD_NUMBER=`wget -q --no-check-certificate -O - https://ci.linaro.org/view/96boards/job/96boards-reference-uefi/MX_PLATFORM=hikey,MX_TYPE=RELEASE,label=docker-jessie-amd64/lastStableBuild/buildNumber`
- FASTBOOT_EFI_URL="http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi/${FASTBOOT_EFI_BUILD_NUMBER}/release/hikey/AndroidFastbootApp.efi"
- wget --progress=dot ${FASTBOOT_EFI_URL} -O fastboot.efi
- GRUB_EFI_BUILD_NUMBER=`wget -q --no-check-certificate -O - https://ci.linaro.org/view/96boards/job/96boards-reference-grub-efi-arm64/lastStableBuild/buildNumber`
- GRUB_EFI_URL="https://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/grub/${GRUB_EFI_BUILD_NUMBER}/grubaa64.efi"
- GRUB_SD_EFI_URL="https://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/grub/${GRUB_EFI_BUILD_NUMBER}/grubaa64-sd.efi"
- wget --progress=dot ${GRUB_EFI_URL} -O grubaa64.efi
- wget --progress=dot ${GRUB_SD_EFI_URL} -O grubaa64-sd.efi
- /sbin/mkfs.fat -F32 -n "boot" -C out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-boot-linux-${VERSION}.uefi.img 65536
- mmd -i out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-boot-linux-${VERSION}.uefi.img EFI
- mmd -i out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-boot-linux-${VERSION}.uefi.img EFI/BOOT
- mcopy -i out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-boot-linux-${VERSION}.uefi.img fastboot.efi ::EFI/BOOT/fastboot.efi
- mcopy -i out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-boot-linux-${VERSION}.uefi.img grubaa64.efi ::EFI/BOOT/grubaa64.efi
- chmod 644 out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-boot-linux-${VERSION}.uefi.img
- # Replicate boot image into the original img file
- sudo rm -rf boot/*
- sudo mkdir -p boot/EFI/BOOT
- sudo cp fastboot.efi boot/EFI/BOOT/
- # Boot partition for SD needs a different grub (default root search)
- sudo cp grubaa64-sd.efi boot/EFI/BOOT/grubaa64.efi
- sudo cp grubaa64-sd.efi boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOTAA64.EFI
- # Compress boot partition image
- gzip -9 out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-boot-linux-${VERSION}.uefi.img
- cat >> out/${BOARD}/README.textile << EOF
- * Grub UEFI: "http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/grub/$GRUB_EFI_BUILD_NUMBER":http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/grub/$GRUB_EFI_BUILD_NUMBER
- * ARM TF / EDK2 UEFI: "http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi/$FASTBOOT_EFI_BUILD_NUMBER/release/hikey":http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi/$FASTBOOT_EFI_BUILD_NUMBER/release/hikey
- # Grub config to be set as part of the rootfs
- ## FIXME: Make this generic
- sudo mkdir rootfs/boot/grub/fonts
- sudo cp rootfs/usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2 rootfs/boot/grub/fonts
- sudo grub-editenv rootfs/boot/grubenv create
- sed -e "s/KERNEL_VERSION/$KERNEL_VERSION/" configs/96boards-reference-platform-debian/grub/grub-hikey.cfg.in > grub.cfg
- sed -e "s/root=(hd0,gpt9)/root=(hd1,msdos2)/g" -e "s/mmcblk0p9/mmcblk1p2/g" grub.cfg > grub-sd.cfg
- sudo cp configs/96boards-reference-platform-debian/grub/grub-fastboot.cfg rootfs/boot/grub/custom.cfg
- sudo cp -a rootfs/usr/lib/grub/arm64-efi rootfs/boot/grub
- sudo cp hi6220-hikey.dtb rootfs/boot/hi6220-hikey.dtb-${KERNEL_VERSION}
- sudo ln -s hi6220-hikey.dtb-${KERNEL_VERSION} rootfs/boot/hi6220-hikey.dtb
- echo "KERNEL_DEVICETREE=hi6220-hikey" | sudo tee rootfs/etc/default/kernel
- sudo sed -i 's/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.*/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="efi=noruntime rw quiet"/g' rootfs/etc/default/grub
- # Since it uses uefi, create the boot efi fstab entry
- sudo mkdir rootfs/boot/efi
- cat << EOF | sudo tee rootfs/etc/fstab
- /dev/disk/by-partlabel/boot /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 0
- elif [ "${BOARD}" == "dragonboard410c" ]; then
- # Boot image tools
- git clone git://codeaurora.org/quic/kernel/skales
- (cd skales && git log -1)
- export PATH=`pwd`/skales:$PATH
- ## FIXME: See if we can find a better way to package this
- # Firmware (adreno, venus and WCN)
- wget --progress=dot -e dotbytes=1M https://developer.qualcomm.com/download/db410c/firmware-410c-1.2.0.bin
- yes | sh firmware-410c-1.2.0.bin > /dev/null
- sudo cp -a linux-ubuntu-board-support-package-*/proprietary-ubuntu/* rootfs/lib/firmware
- sudo rm -f rootfs/lib/firmware.tar
- # add license file in the generated rootfs
- wget https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/qualcomm/lt-docs.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/license/license.txt
- sudo cp -f license.txt rootfs/etc/license.txt
- # Create device tree table (not really required by u-boot, but needed by mkbootimg)
- dtbTool -o dt.img -s 2048 rootfs/usr/lib/linux-image-*/qcom
- # mkbootimg also needs initrd, just use an empty one
- touch initrd
- # Create boot image (u-boot)
- mkbootimg \
- --kernel rootfs/usr/lib/u-boot/dragonboard410c/u-boot.bin \
- --ramdisk initrd \
- --output out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-boot-linux-${VERSION}.img \
- --dt dt.img \
- --pagesize "2048" \
- --base "0x80000000" \
- --cmdline ""
- gzip -9 out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-boot-linux-${VERSION}.img
- # For U-Boot
- sudo cp apq8016-sbc.dtb rootfs/boot/apq8016-sbc.dtb-${KERNEL_VERSION}
- sudo ln -s apq8016-sbc.dtb-${KERNEL_VERSION} rootfs/boot/apq8016-sbc.dtb
- echo "KERNEL_DEVICETREE=apq8016-sbc" | sudo tee rootfs/etc/default/kernel
- sudo mkdir -p rootfs/boot/extlinux
- sudo cp configs/96boards-reference-platform-debian/extlinux/dragonboard410c.conf rootfs/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
- fi
- # Create the ext4fs (fastboot compatible)
- sudo mkfs.ext4 -L rootfs ${BOARD}-rootfs-debian-jessie-alip-${VERSION}.emmc.img.raw 2500M
- mkdir rootfs_ext4
- sudo mount -o loop ${BOARD}-rootfs-debian-jessie-alip-${VERSION}.emmc.img.raw rootfs_ext4
- sudo cp -a rootfs/* rootfs_ext4
- ## Make grub specific to the image type (e.g. emmc, sd)
- if [ -f grub.cfg ]; then
- sudo cp grub.cfg rootfs_ext4/boot/grub
- sudo cp grub-sd.cfg rootfs/boot/grub/grub.cfg
- fi
- sudo umount boot rootfs_ext4 rootfs
- sudo ext2simg -v ${BOARD}-rootfs-debian-jessie-alip-${VERSION}.emmc.img.raw out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-rootfs-debian-jessie-alip-${VERSION}.emmc.img
- sudo kpartx -dv ${BOARD}-debian-jessie-alip-sdcard-${VERSION}.img
- sudo rm -rf boot rootfs rootfs_ext4 ${BOARD}-rootfs-debian-jessie-alip-${VERSION}.emmc.img.raw
- # Compress image
- gzip -9 out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-rootfs-debian-jessie-alip-${VERSION}.emmc.img
- # Publish remaining files
- mkdir -p out/${BOARD}/hwpack
- cp hwpack* out/${BOARD}/hwpack
- ## For SD Card or other boot medias
- cp ${BOARD}-debian-jessie-alip-sdcard-${VERSION}.img out/${BOARD}/
- gzip -9 out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-debian-jessie-alip-sdcard-${VERSION}.img
- # Create MD5SUMS files
- (cd out/${BOARD} && md5sum *.gz > MD5SUMS.txt)
- (cd out/${BOARD}/hwpack && md5sum * > MD5SUMS.txt)
- # Publish
- test -d ${HOME}/bin || mkdir ${HOME}/bin
- wget https://git.linaro.org/ci/publishing-api.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/linaro-cp.py -O ${HOME}/bin/linaro-cp.py
- time python ${HOME}/bin/linaro-cp.py \
- --server ${PUBLISH_SERVER} \
- out/${BOARD} snapshots/reference-platform/debian/${BUILD_NUMBER}/${BOARD}
- python ${HOME}/bin/linaro-cp.py \
- --server ${PUBLISH_SERVER} \
- --make-link snapshots/reference-platform/debian/${BUILD_NUMBER}
- cat << EOF > post_build_lava_parameters
- BOOT_URL=http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/debian/${BUILD_NUMBER}/${BOARD}/$(ls out/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-boot-linux-${VERSION}.*img.gz | xargs basename)
- ROOTFS_BUILD_URL=http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/debian/${BUILD_NUMBER}/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-rootfs-debian-jessie-alip-${VERSION}.emmc.img.gz
- SYSTEM_URL=http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/debian/${BUILD_NUMBER}/${BOARD}/${BOARD}-rootfs-debian-jessie-alip-${VERSION}.emmc.img.gz
- DTB=hi6220-hikey.dtb-${KERNEL_VERSION}
- - inject:
- properties-file: post_build_lava_parameters
- - shell: |
- case "${BOARD}" in
- hikey)
- export DEVICE_TYPE=hi6220-hikey
- export root='$root'
- ;;
- dragonboard410c)
- export DEVICE_TYPE=apq8016-sbc
- ;;
- esac
- rm -rf configs lci-build-tools
- git clone --depth 1 http://git.linaro.org/ci/lci-build-tools.git
- git clone --depth 1 http://git.linaro.org/ci/job/configs.git
- ./lci-build-tools/yaml-to-json.py configs/96boards-reference-platform-debian/lava-job-definitions/${DEVICE_TYPE}/template-wa2.yaml > custom_lava_job_definition_wa2.json
- cat << EOF > post_build_lava_parameters
- CUSTOM_JSON_URL=${JOB_URL}/ws/custom_lava_job_definition_wa2.json
- - trigger-builds:
- - project: 'post-build-lava'
- property-file: post_build_lava_parameters
- block: true
- publishers:
- - email:
- recipients: 'fathi.boudra@linaro.org ricardo.salveti@linaro.org'