path: root/rust/kernel/sync.rs
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diff --git a/rust/kernel/sync.rs b/rust/kernel/sync.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..66536fe2ba18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/kernel/sync.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+//! Synchronisation primitives.
+//! This module contains the kernel APIs related to synchronisation that have been ported or
+//! wrapped for usage by Rust code in the kernel and is shared by all of them.
+//! # Example
+//! ```
+//! # use kernel::mutex_init;
+//! # use kernel::sync::Mutex;
+//! # use alloc::boxed::Box;
+//! # use core::pin::Pin;
+//! // SAFETY: `init` is called below.
+//! let mut data = Pin::from(Box::try_new(unsafe { Mutex::new(10) }).unwrap());
+//! mutex_init!(data.as_mut(), "test::data");
+//! assert_eq!(*data.lock(), 10);
+//! *data.lock() = 20;
+//! assert_eq!(*data.lock(), 20);
+//! ```
+use crate::{bindings, str::CStr};
+use core::pin::Pin;
+mod arc;
+mod condvar;
+mod guard;
+mod locked_by;
+mod mutex;
+mod nowait;
+mod revocable;
+mod rwsem;
+mod seqlock;
+pub mod smutex;
+mod spinlock;
+pub use arc::{Ref, RefBorrow, UniqueRef};
+pub use condvar::CondVar;
+pub use guard::{Guard, Lock, LockFactory, LockInfo, LockIniter, ReadLock, WriteLock};
+pub use locked_by::LockedBy;
+pub use mutex::{Mutex, RevocableMutex, RevocableMutexGuard};
+pub use nowait::{NoWaitLock, NoWaitLockGuard};
+pub use revocable::{Revocable, RevocableGuard};
+pub use rwsem::{RevocableRwSemaphore, RevocableRwSemaphoreGuard, RwSemaphore};
+pub use seqlock::{SeqLock, SeqLockReadGuard};
+pub use spinlock::{RawSpinLock, SpinLock};
+/// Safely initialises an object that has an `init` function that takes a name and a lock class as
+/// arguments, examples of these are [`Mutex`] and [`SpinLock`]. Each of them also provides a more
+/// specialised name that uses this macro.
+macro_rules! init_with_lockdep {
+ ($obj:expr, $name:expr) => {{
+ static mut CLASS1: core::mem::MaybeUninit<$crate::bindings::lock_class_key> =
+ core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
+ static mut CLASS2: core::mem::MaybeUninit<$crate::bindings::lock_class_key> =
+ core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
+ let obj = $obj;
+ let name = $crate::c_str!($name);
+ // SAFETY: `CLASS1` and `CLASS2` are never used by Rust code directly; the C portion of the
+ // kernel may change it though.
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ unsafe {
+ $crate::sync::NeedsLockClass::init(obj, name, CLASS1.as_mut_ptr(), CLASS2.as_mut_ptr())
+ };
+ }};
+/// A trait for types that need a lock class during initialisation.
+/// Implementers of this trait benefit from the [`init_with_lockdep`] macro that generates a new
+/// class for each initialisation call site.
+pub trait NeedsLockClass {
+ /// Initialises the type instance so that it can be safely used.
+ ///
+ /// Callers are encouraged to use the [`init_with_lockdep`] macro as it automatically creates a
+ /// new lock class on each usage.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// `key1` and `key2` must point to valid memory locations and remain valid until `self` is
+ /// dropped.
+ unsafe fn init(
+ self: Pin<&mut Self>,
+ name: &'static CStr,
+ key1: *mut bindings::lock_class_key,
+ key2: *mut bindings::lock_class_key,
+ );
+/// Automatically initialises static instances of synchronisation primitives.
+/// The syntax resembles that of regular static variables, except that the value assigned is that
+/// of the protected type (if one exists). In the examples below, all primitives except for
+/// [`CondVar`] require the inner value to be supplied.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```ignore
+/// # use kernel::{init_static_sync, sync::{CondVar, Mutex, RevocableMutex, SpinLock}};
+/// struct Test {
+/// a: u32,
+/// b: u32,
+/// }
+/// init_static_sync! {
+/// static A: Mutex<Test> = Test { a: 10, b: 20 };
+/// /// Documentation for `B`.
+/// pub static B: Mutex<u32> = 0;
+/// pub(crate) static C: SpinLock<Test> = Test { a: 10, b: 20 };
+/// static D: CondVar;
+/// static E: RevocableMutex<Test> = Test { a: 30, b: 40 };
+/// }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! init_static_sync {
+ ($($(#[$outer:meta])* $v:vis static $id:ident : $t:ty $(= $value:expr)?;)*) => {
+ $(
+ $(#[$outer])*
+ $v static $id: $t = {
+ #[link_section = ".init_array"]
+ #[used]
+ static TMP: extern "C" fn() = {
+ extern "C" fn constructor() {
+ // SAFETY: This locally-defined function is only called from a constructor,
+ // which guarantees that `$id` is not accessible from other threads
+ // concurrently.
+ #[allow(clippy::cast_ref_to_mut)]
+ let mutable = unsafe { &mut *(&$id as *const _ as *mut $t) };
+ // SAFETY: It's a shared static, so it cannot move.
+ let pinned = unsafe { core::pin::Pin::new_unchecked(mutable) };
+ $crate::init_with_lockdep!(pinned, stringify!($id));
+ }
+ constructor
+ };
+ $crate::init_static_sync!(@call_new $t, $($value)?)
+ };
+ )*
+ };
+ (@call_new $t:ty, $value:expr) => {{
+ let v = $value;
+ // SAFETY: the initialisation function is called by the constructor above.
+ unsafe { <$t>::new(v) }
+ }};
+ (@call_new $t:ty,) => {
+ // SAFETY: the initialisation function is called by the constructor above.
+ unsafe { <$t>::new() }
+ };
+/// Reschedules the caller's task if needed.
+pub fn cond_resched() -> bool {
+ // SAFETY: No arguments, reschedules `current` if needed.
+ unsafe { bindings::cond_resched() != 0 }