path: root/rust/kernel/miscdev.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'rust/kernel/miscdev.rs')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rust/kernel/miscdev.rs b/rust/kernel/miscdev.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8b1110b0143c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/kernel/miscdev.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+//! Miscellaneous devices.
+//! C header: [`include/linux/miscdevice.h`](../../../../include/linux/miscdevice.h)
+//! Reference: <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/driver-api/misc_devices.html>
+use crate::bindings;
+use crate::error::{code::*, Error, Result};
+use crate::file;
+use crate::{device, str::CStr, str::CString, ThisModule};
+use alloc::boxed::Box;
+use core::marker::PhantomPinned;
+use core::{fmt, mem::MaybeUninit, pin::Pin};
+/// Options which can be used to configure how a misc device is registered.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # use kernel::{c_str, device::RawDevice, file, miscdev, prelude::*};
+/// fn example(
+/// reg: Pin<&mut miscdev::Registration<impl file::Operations<OpenData = ()>>>,
+/// parent: &dyn RawDevice,
+/// ) -> Result {
+/// miscdev::Options::new()
+/// .mode(0o600)
+/// .minor(10)
+/// .parent(parent)
+/// .register(reg, fmt!("sample"), ())
+/// }
+/// ```
+pub struct Options<'a> {
+ minor: Option<i32>,
+ mode: Option<u16>,
+ parent: Option<&'a dyn device::RawDevice>,
+impl<'a> Options<'a> {
+ /// Creates new [`Options`] instance with the required fields.
+ pub const fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ minor: None,
+ mode: None,
+ parent: None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Sets the minor device number.
+ pub const fn minor(&mut self, v: i32) -> &mut Self {
+ self.minor = Some(v);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the device mode.
+ ///
+ /// This is usually an octal number and describes who can perform read/write/execute operations
+ /// on the device.
+ pub const fn mode(&mut self, m: u16) -> &mut Self {
+ self.mode = Some(m);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the device parent.
+ pub const fn parent(&mut self, p: &'a dyn device::RawDevice) -> &mut Self {
+ self.parent = Some(p);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Registers a misc device using the configured options.
+ pub fn register<T: file::Operations>(
+ &self,
+ reg: Pin<&mut Registration<T>>,
+ name: fmt::Arguments<'_>,
+ open_data: T::OpenData,
+ ) -> Result {
+ reg.register_with_options(name, open_data, self)
+ }
+ /// Allocates a new registration of a misc device and completes the registration with the
+ /// configured options.
+ pub fn register_new<T: file::Operations>(
+ &self,
+ name: fmt::Arguments<'_>,
+ open_data: T::OpenData,
+ ) -> Result<Pin<Box<Registration<T>>>> {
+ let mut r = Pin::from(Box::try_new(Registration::new())?);
+ self.register(r.as_mut(), name, open_data)?;
+ Ok(r)
+ }
+/// A registration of a miscellaneous device.
+/// # Invariants
+/// `Context` is always initialised when `registered` is `true`, and not initialised otherwise.
+pub struct Registration<T: file::Operations> {
+ registered: bool,
+ mdev: bindings::miscdevice,
+ name: Option<CString>,
+ _pin: PhantomPinned,
+ /// Context initialised on construction and made available to all file instances on
+ /// [`file::Operations::open`].
+ open_data: MaybeUninit<T::OpenData>,
+impl<T: file::Operations> Registration<T> {
+ /// Creates a new [`Registration`] but does not register it yet.
+ ///
+ /// It is allowed to move.
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ // INVARIANT: `registered` is `false` and `open_data` is not initialised.
+ Self {
+ registered: false,
+ mdev: bindings::miscdevice::default(),
+ name: None,
+ _pin: PhantomPinned,
+ open_data: MaybeUninit::uninit(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Registers a miscellaneous device.
+ ///
+ /// Returns a pinned heap-allocated representation of the registration.
+ pub fn new_pinned(name: fmt::Arguments<'_>, open_data: T::OpenData) -> Result<Pin<Box<Self>>> {
+ Options::new().register_new(name, open_data)
+ }
+ /// Registers a miscellaneous device with the rest of the kernel.
+ ///
+ /// It must be pinned because the memory block that represents the registration is
+ /// self-referential.
+ pub fn register(
+ self: Pin<&mut Self>,
+ name: fmt::Arguments<'_>,
+ open_data: T::OpenData,
+ ) -> Result {
+ Options::new().register(self, name, open_data)
+ }
+ /// Registers a miscellaneous device with the rest of the kernel. Additional optional settings
+ /// are provided via the `opts` parameter.
+ ///
+ /// It must be pinned because the memory block that represents the registration is
+ /// self-referential.
+ pub fn register_with_options(
+ self: Pin<&mut Self>,
+ name: fmt::Arguments<'_>,
+ open_data: T::OpenData,
+ opts: &Options<'_>,
+ ) -> Result {
+ // SAFETY: We must ensure that we never move out of `this`.
+ let this = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
+ if this.registered {
+ // Already registered.
+ return Err(EINVAL);
+ }
+ let name = CString::try_from_fmt(name)?;
+ // SAFETY: The adapter is compatible with `misc_register`.
+ this.mdev.fops = unsafe { file::OperationsVtable::<Self, T>::build() };
+ this.mdev.name = name.as_char_ptr();
+ this.mdev.minor = opts.minor.unwrap_or(bindings::MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR as i32);
+ this.mdev.mode = opts.mode.unwrap_or(0);
+ this.mdev.parent = opts
+ .parent
+ .map_or(core::ptr::null_mut(), |p| p.raw_device());
+ // We write to `open_data` here because as soon as `misc_register` succeeds, the file can be
+ // opened, so we need `open_data` configured ahead of time.
+ //
+ // INVARIANT: `registered` is set to `true`, but `open_data` is also initialised.
+ this.registered = true;
+ this.open_data.write(open_data);
+ let ret = unsafe { bindings::misc_register(&mut this.mdev) };
+ if ret < 0 {
+ // INVARIANT: `registered` is set back to `false` and the `open_data` is destructued.
+ this.registered = false;
+ // SAFETY: `open_data` was initialised a few lines above.
+ unsafe { this.open_data.assume_init_drop() };
+ return Err(Error::from_kernel_errno(ret));
+ }
+ this.name = Some(name);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<T: file::Operations> Default for Registration<T> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::new()
+ }
+impl<T: file::Operations> file::OpenAdapter<T::OpenData> for Registration<T> {
+ unsafe fn convert(
+ _inode: *mut bindings::inode,
+ file: *mut bindings::file,
+ ) -> *const T::OpenData {
+ // SAFETY: The caller must guarantee that `file` is valid.
+ let reg = crate::container_of!(unsafe { (*file).private_data }, Self, mdev);
+ // SAFETY: This function is only called while the misc device is still registered, so the
+ // registration must be valid. Additionally, the type invariants guarantee that while the
+ // miscdev is registered, `open_data` is initialised.
+ unsafe { (*reg).open_data.as_ptr() }
+ }
+// SAFETY: The only method is `register()`, which requires a (pinned) mutable `Registration`, so it
+// is safe to pass `&Registration` to multiple threads because it offers no interior mutability.
+unsafe impl<T: file::Operations> Sync for Registration<T> {}
+// SAFETY: All functions work from any thread. So as long as the `Registration::open_data` is
+// `Send`, so is `Registration<T>`.
+unsafe impl<T: file::Operations> Send for Registration<T> where T::OpenData: Send {}
+impl<T: file::Operations> Drop for Registration<T> {
+ /// Removes the registration from the kernel if it has completed successfully before.
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if self.registered {
+ // SAFETY: `registered` being `true` indicates that a previous call to `misc_register`
+ // succeeded.
+ unsafe { bindings::misc_deregister(&mut self.mdev) };
+ // SAFETY: The type invariant guarantees that `open_data` is initialised when
+ // `registered` is `true`.
+ unsafe { self.open_data.assume_init_drop() };
+ }
+ }
+/// Kernel module that exposes a single miscdev device implemented by `T`.
+pub struct Module<T: file::Operations<OpenData = ()>> {
+ _dev: Pin<Box<Registration<T>>>,
+impl<T: file::Operations<OpenData = ()>> crate::Module for Module<T> {
+ fn init(name: &'static CStr, _module: &'static ThisModule) -> Result<Self> {
+ Ok(Self {
+ _dev: Registration::new_pinned(crate::fmt!("{name}"), ())?,
+ })
+ }
+/// Declares a kernel module that exposes a single misc device.
+/// The `type` argument should be a type which implements the [`FileOpener`] trait. Also accepts
+/// various forms of kernel metadata.
+/// C header: [`include/linux/moduleparam.h`](../../../include/linux/moduleparam.h)
+/// [`FileOpener`]: ../kernel/file_operations/trait.FileOpener.html
+/// # Examples
+/// ```ignore
+/// use kernel::prelude::*;
+/// module_misc_device! {
+/// type: MyFile,
+/// name: b"my_miscdev_kernel_module",
+/// author: b"Rust for Linux Contributors",
+/// description: b"My very own misc device kernel module!",
+/// license: b"GPL",
+/// }
+/// #[derive(Default)]
+/// struct MyFile;
+/// impl kernel::file::Operations for MyFile {
+/// kernel::declare_file_operations!();
+/// }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! module_misc_device {
+ (type: $type:ty, $($f:tt)*) => {
+ type ModuleType = kernel::miscdev::Module<$type>;
+ module! {
+ type: ModuleType,
+ $($f)*
+ }
+ }