path: root/rust/kernel/amba.rs
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diff --git a/rust/kernel/amba.rs b/rust/kernel/amba.rs
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index 000000000000..7ca5358d2580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/kernel/amba.rs
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+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+//! Amba devices and drivers.
+//! C header: [`include/linux/amba/bus.h`](../../../../include/linux/amba/bus.h)
+use crate::{
+ bindings, c_types, device, driver, error::from_kernel_result, io_mem::Resource, power,
+ str::CStr, to_result, types::PointerWrapper, Result, ThisModule,
+/// A registration of an amba driver.
+pub type Registration<T> = driver::Registration<Adapter<T>>;
+/// Id of an Amba device.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct DeviceId {
+ /// Device id.
+ pub id: u32,
+ /// Mask that identifies which bits are valid in the device id.
+ pub mask: u32,
+// SAFETY: `ZERO` is all zeroed-out and `to_rawid` stores `offset` in `amba_id::data`.
+unsafe impl const driver::RawDeviceId for DeviceId {
+ type RawType = bindings::amba_id;
+ const ZERO: Self::RawType = bindings::amba_id {
+ id: 0,
+ mask: 0,
+ data: core::ptr::null_mut(),
+ };
+ fn to_rawid(&self, offset: isize) -> Self::RawType {
+ bindings::amba_id {
+ id: self.id,
+ mask: self.mask,
+ data: offset as _,
+ }
+ }
+/// An amba driver.
+pub trait Driver {
+ /// Data stored on device by driver.
+ type Data: PointerWrapper + Send + Sync + driver::DeviceRemoval = ();
+ /// The type that implements the power-management operations.
+ ///
+ /// The default is a type that implements no power-management operations. Drivers that do
+ /// implement them need to specify the type (commonly [`Self`]).
+ type PowerOps: power::Operations<Data = Self::Data> = power::NoOperations<Self::Data>;
+ /// The type holding information about each device id supported by the driver.
+ type IdInfo: 'static = ();
+ /// The table of device ids supported by the driver.
+ const ID_TABLE: Option<driver::IdTable<'static, DeviceId, Self::IdInfo>> = None;
+ /// Probes for the device with the given id.
+ fn probe(dev: &mut Device, id_info: Option<&Self::IdInfo>) -> Result<Self::Data>;
+ /// Cleans any resources up that are associated with the device.
+ ///
+ /// This is called when the driver is detached from the device.
+ fn remove(_data: &Self::Data) {}
+/// An adapter for the registration of Amba drivers.
+pub struct Adapter<T: Driver>(T);
+impl<T: Driver> driver::DriverOps for Adapter<T> {
+ type RegType = bindings::amba_driver;
+ unsafe fn register(
+ reg: *mut bindings::amba_driver,
+ name: &'static CStr,
+ module: &'static ThisModule,
+ ) -> Result {
+ // SAFETY: By the safety requirements of this function (defined in the trait definition),
+ // `reg` is non-null and valid.
+ let amba = unsafe { &mut *reg };
+ amba.drv.name = name.as_char_ptr();
+ amba.drv.owner = module.0;
+ amba.probe = Some(probe_callback::<T>);
+ amba.remove = Some(remove_callback::<T>);
+ if let Some(t) = T::ID_TABLE {
+ amba.id_table = t.as_ref();
+ }
+ if cfg!(CONFIG_PM) {
+ // SAFETY: `probe_callback` sets the driver data after calling `T::Data::into_pointer`,
+ // and we guarantee that `T::Data` is the same as `T::PowerOps::Data` by a constraint
+ // in the type declaration.
+ amba.drv.pm = unsafe { power::OpsTable::<T::PowerOps>::build() };
+ }
+ // SAFETY: By the safety requirements of this function, `reg` is valid and fully
+ // initialised.
+ to_result(|| unsafe { bindings::amba_driver_register(reg) })
+ }
+ unsafe fn unregister(reg: *mut bindings::amba_driver) {
+ // SAFETY: By the safety requirements of this function (defined in the trait definition),
+ // `reg` was passed (and updated) by a previous successful call to `amba_driver_register`.
+ unsafe { bindings::amba_driver_unregister(reg) };
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn probe_callback<T: Driver>(
+ adev: *mut bindings::amba_device,
+ aid: *const bindings::amba_id,
+) -> c_types::c_int {
+ from_kernel_result! {
+ // SAFETY: `adev` is valid by the contract with the C code. `dev` is alive only for the
+ // duration of this call, so it is guaranteed to remain alive for the lifetime of `dev`.
+ let mut dev = unsafe { Device::from_ptr(adev) };
+ // SAFETY: `aid` is valid by the requirements the contract with the C code.
+ let offset = unsafe { (*aid).data };
+ let info = if offset.is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ // SAFETY: The offset comes from a previous call to `offset_from` in `IdArray::new`,
+ // which guarantees that the resulting pointer is within the table.
+ let ptr = unsafe { aid.cast::<u8>().offset(offset as _).cast::<Option<T::IdInfo>>() };
+ // SAFETY: The id table has a static lifetime, so `ptr` is guaranteed to be valid for
+ // read.
+ unsafe { (&*ptr).as_ref() }
+ };
+ let data = T::probe(&mut dev, info)?;
+ let ptr = T::Data::into_pointer(data);
+ // SAFETY: `adev` is valid for write by the contract with the C code.
+ unsafe { bindings::amba_set_drvdata(adev, ptr as _) };
+ Ok(0)
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn remove_callback<T: Driver>(adev: *mut bindings::amba_device) {
+ // SAFETY: `adev` is valid by the contract with the C code.
+ let ptr = unsafe { bindings::amba_get_drvdata(adev) };
+ // SAFETY: The value returned by `amba_get_drvdata` was stored by a previous call to
+ // `amba_set_drvdata` in `probe_callback` above; the value comes from a call to
+ // `T::Data::into_pointer`.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::from_pointer(ptr) };
+ T::remove(&data);
+ <T::Data as driver::DeviceRemoval>::device_remove(&data);
+/// An Amba device.
+/// # Invariants
+/// The field `ptr` is non-null and valid for the lifetime of the object.
+pub struct Device {
+ ptr: *mut bindings::amba_device,
+ res: Option<Resource>,
+impl Device {
+ /// Creates a new device from the given pointer.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// `ptr` must be non-null and valid. It must remain valid for the lifetime of the returned
+ /// instance.
+ unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut bindings::amba_device) -> Self {
+ // SAFETY: The safety requirements of the function ensure that `ptr` is valid.
+ let dev = unsafe { &mut *ptr };
+ // INVARIANT: The safety requirements of the function ensure the lifetime invariant.
+ Self {
+ ptr,
+ res: Resource::new(dev.res.start, dev.res.end),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the io mem resource associated with the device, if there is one.
+ ///
+ /// Ownership of the resource is transferred to the caller, so subsequent calls to this
+ /// function will return [`None`].
+ pub fn take_resource(&mut self) -> Option<Resource> {
+ self.res.take()
+ }
+ /// Returns the index-th irq associated with the device, if one exists.
+ pub fn irq(&self, index: usize) -> Option<u32> {
+ // SAFETY: By the type invariants, `self.ptr` is valid for read.
+ let dev = unsafe { &*self.ptr };
+ if index >= dev.irq.len() || dev.irq[index] == 0 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(dev.irq[index])
+ }
+ }
+// SAFETY: The device returned by `raw_device` is the raw Amba device.
+unsafe impl device::RawDevice for Device {
+ fn raw_device(&self) -> *mut bindings::device {
+ // SAFETY: By the type invariants, we know that `self.ptr` is non-null and valid.
+ unsafe { &mut (*self.ptr).dev }
+ }
+/// Declares a kernel module that exposes a single amba driver.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```ignore
+/// # use kernel::{amba, define_amba_id_table, module_amba_driver};
+/// #
+/// struct MyDriver;
+/// impl amba::Driver for MyDriver {
+/// // [...]
+/// # fn probe(_dev: &mut amba::Device, _id: Option<&Self::IdInfo>) -> Result {
+/// # Ok(())
+/// # }
+/// # define_amba_id_table! {(), [
+/// # ({ id: 0x00041061, mask: 0x000fffff }, None),
+/// # ]}
+/// }
+/// module_amba_driver! {
+/// type: MyDriver,
+/// name: b"module_name",
+/// author: b"Author name",
+/// license: b"GPL",
+/// }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! module_amba_driver {
+ ($($f:tt)*) => {
+ $crate::module_driver!(<T>, $crate::amba::Adapter<T>, { $($f)* });
+ };
+/// Defines the id table for amba devices.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # use kernel::{amba, define_amba_id_table};
+/// #
+/// # struct Sample;
+/// # impl kernel::amba::Driver for Sample {
+/// # fn probe(_dev: &mut amba::Device, _id: Option<&Self::IdInfo>) -> Result {
+/// # Ok(())
+/// # }
+/// define_amba_id_table! {(), [
+/// ({ id: 0x00041061, mask: 0x000fffff }, None),
+/// ]}
+/// # }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! define_amba_id_table {
+ ($data_type:ty, $($t:tt)*) => {
+ type IdInfo = $data_type;
+ $crate::define_id_table!(ID_TABLE, $crate::amba::DeviceId, $data_type, $($t)*);
+ };