path: root/jerry-core/lit
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-31Remove ES_NEXT macro (#4915)Szilagyi Adam
2022-01-14Fix invalid assertion CESU8-UTF8 buffer copy (#4946)Robert Fancsik
2021-12-15Implement 'hasOwn' routine of Object object (#4835)Csaba Repasi
2021-12-07Rename resource_name to source_name (#4846)Yonggang Luo
2021-12-06Rework the public API (#4829)Dániel Bátyai
2021-12-03Improve float number handling and conversion (#4820)Dániel Bátyai
2021-11-26Implement ECMAScript 2022 private class methods and fields (#4831)Szilagyi Adam
2021-11-25Outsource magic error messages (#4821)Csaba Repasi
2021-11-05Replace vera++ with clang-format (#4518)Robert Fancsik
2021-10-20Add Atomics support (#4721)Gergo Csizi
2021-10-20Optimize lit_is_valid_utf8_string (#4762)Gergo Csizi
2021-10-15Fix magic-string generation (#4751)Gergo Csizi
2021-08-31Implement function.toString operation (#4752)Zoltan Herczeg
2021-08-30Add new test for resource_name (#4737)Gergo Csizi
2021-08-10Add guards for SharedArrayBuffer (#4723)Gergo Csizi
2021-08-10Implement {Array, %TypedArray%, String}.prototype.at method (#4681)batizdaniel
2021-08-02Merge Promise Guard with ESNEXT (#4725)Tóth Béla
2021-07-23Add SharedArrayBuffer support (#4689)Gergo Csizi
2021-07-12Merge Map and Set Guards with Container (#4709)Tóth Béla
2021-04-19Add reference support for native pointers. (#4615)Zoltan Herczeg
2021-04-13Support native modules (#4649)Zoltan Herczeg
2021-04-06Remove pseudo array object type from the project (#4643)Zoltan Herczeg
2021-03-22Implement Promise.any and AggregateError Object (#4623)kisbg
2021-03-10Add custom configuration to jerry_parse and its variants (#4620)Zoltan Herczeg
2021-03-08Implement Promise.allsettled (#4616)kisbg
2021-03-01Implement WeakRef Object (#4546)kisbg
2021-02-23Create special objects for scripts instead of functions (#4610)Zoltan Herczeg
2021-02-09Split globalThis to be configurable. (#4575)Yonggang Luo
2021-02-04Remove the ENABLED/DISABLED macros (#4515)Robert Fancsik
2021-01-18Implement Symbol.matchAll (#4082)Szilagyi Adam
2021-01-18Add a callback which is called when Error objects are created (#4465)Zoltan Herczeg
2021-01-18Rework module parsing and execution (#4462)Dániel Bátyai
2021-01-16Fixes ENABLE_AMALGAM need FORCE set to ON when building with MSVC (#4392)Yonggang Luo
2020-12-09Continue working on realms (#4356)Zoltan Herczeg
2020-10-28Implement DataView.prototype.{set, get}Big{U}int64 methods (#4315)Csaba Osztrogonác
2020-10-22Implement ES11 globalThis (#4306)Zoltan Herczeg
2020-10-12Implement environment record for class constructors (#4207)Zoltan Herczeg
2020-09-17Improve support for built-in native handlers (#4184)Dániel Bátyai
2020-09-17Initial implementation of class fields (#4191)Zoltan Herczeg
2020-08-31Introduce new API function to obtain well-known symbols (#4163)Robert Fancsik
2020-08-28Implement String.prototype.replaceAll (#4088)Szilagyi Adam
2020-08-25Implement TrimStart TrimEnd and aliases (#4102)Tóth Béla
2020-08-24Implement BigInt64 and BigUint64 typedArrays (#4151)Szilagyi Adam
2020-08-12Implement Array.flat and Array.flatMap (#3925)kisbg
2020-08-07Implement Object.prototype.fromEntries (#4065)kisbg
2020-08-06Fix whitespace ranges for ES.next profile (#4110)Dániel Bátyai
2020-08-04Implement Object.prototype.{__lookupGetter__, __lookupSetter__} (#4039)Szilagyi Adam
2020-07-31Improve case conversion related fast paths (#4083)Dániel Bátyai
2020-07-30Implement Object.prototype.{__defineGetter__, __defineSetter__} (#4032)Szilagyi Adam
2020-07-30Implement BigInt primitve type and some of its operations (#4062)Zoltan Herczeg