path: root/.clang-format
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-01-20Update jerry-port and jerry-ext (#4907)Dániel Bátyai
Notable changes: - Updated and the port API interface, new functions have been added and some have been changed. The port library is now cleaned up to not have any dependency on jerry-core, as it should be. The port library is now strictly a collection of functions that implement embedding/platform specific behavior. - The default port implementation has been split for windows and unix. Implemented port functions have been categorized and reorganized, and marked with attribute((weak)) for better reusability. - External context allocation has been moved to the port API instead of a core API callback. The iterface has also been extended with a function to free the allocated context. When external context is enabled, jerry_init now automatically calls the port implementation to allocate the context and jerry_cleanup automatically calls the port to free the context. - jerry_port_log has been changed to no longer require formatting to be implemented by the port. The reason beind this is that it was vague what format specifiers were used by the engine, and in what manner. The port function now takes a zero-terminated string, and should only implement how the string should be logged. - Logging and log message formatting is now handled by the core jerry library where it can be implemented as necessary. Logging can be done through a new core API function, which uses the port to output the final log message. - Log level has been moved into jerry-core, and an API function has been added to set the log level. It should be the library that filters log messages based on the requested log level, instead of logging everything and requiring the user to do so. - Module resolving logic has been moved into jerry-core. There's no reason to have it in the port library and requiring embedders to duplicate the code. It also added an unnecessary dependency on jerry-core to the port. Platform specific behavior is still used through the port API, like resolving module specifiers, and reading source file contents. If necessary, the resolving logic can still be overridden as previously. - The jerry-ext library has also been cleaned up, and many utility functions have been added that previously were implemented in jerry-main. This allows easier reusability for some common operations, like printing unhandled exceptions or providing a repl console. - Debugger interaction with logged/printed messages has been fixed, so that it's no longer the port implementations responsibility to send the output to the debugger, as the port should have no notion of what a debugger is. The printing and logging functions will now pass the result message to the debugger, if connected. - Cleaned up TZA handling in the date port implementation, and simplified the API function prototype. - Moved property access helper functions that use ASCII strings as keys from jerry-ext to the core API. JerryScript-DCO-1.0-Signed-off-by: Dániel Bátyai dbatyai@inf.u-szeged.hu
2021-11-05Fix goto labels indentation (#4818)Robert Fancsik
JerryScript-DCO-1.0-Signed-off-by: Robert Fancsik robert.fancsik@h-lab.eu
2021-11-05Replace vera++ with clang-format (#4518)Robert Fancsik
JerryScript-DCO-1.0-Signed-off-by: Robert Fancsik robert.fancsik@h-lab.eu