path: root/exec/interpreter/src/test/java/org/apache/drill
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authorJason Altekruse <altekrusejason@gmail.com>2015-03-03 15:58:04 -0800
committerJason Altekruse <altekrusejason@gmail.com>2015-03-17 12:20:54 -0700
commit0aa8b19d624d173da51de36aa164f3435d3366a4 (patch)
tree6d9c804e65dc4a9eb866706fe5973ec17f50544c /exec/interpreter/src/test/java/org/apache/drill
parent1c5decc17cf38cbf4a4119d7ca19653cb19e1b53 (diff)
DRILL-2406: part 1 - Remove interpreter generation, add new reflection based expression interpretation.
Changed interpreted evaluation to run the setup method after the input parameters have been set using reflection so they are available in the case where the inputs are constant and are used in the setup method. Changes that were originally committed in later patches for 2060 and 2173, as they are needed for this to run on its own: - Change to DrillSimpleFuncHolder that belongs with the interpreter refactoring. - ValueHolderHelper changes needed for interpreter refactoring. Updates after review comments from Jinfeng: Change the DrillSimpleFunc creation in the new interpreter to use a direct reference to the class type of the Function rather than the class name. Add test case for 'like' function evaluated in the interpreter (has a meaningful setup method that uses one of the inputs to initialize a pattern matcher) Update from Aman's review: Add a test case for using a cast in interpreted expression evaluation.
Diffstat (limited to 'exec/interpreter/src/test/java/org/apache/drill')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/exec/interpreter/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/exec/expr/ExpressionInterpreterTest.java b/exec/interpreter/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/exec/expr/ExpressionInterpreterTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9df7472aa..000000000
--- a/exec/interpreter/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/exec/expr/ExpressionInterpreterTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.drill.exec.expr;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream;
-import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
-import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
-import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.DrillRuntimeException;
-import org.apache.drill.common.expression.ErrorCollector;
-import org.apache.drill.common.expression.ErrorCollectorImpl;
-import org.apache.drill.common.expression.LogicalExpression;
-import org.apache.drill.common.expression.parser.ExprLexer;
-import org.apache.drill.common.expression.parser.ExprParser;
-import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos;
-import org.apache.drill.common.types.Types;
-import org.apache.drill.common.util.DrillStringUtils;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.interpreter.InterpreterEvaluator;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.holders.TimeStampTZHolder;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.ops.FragmentContext;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.ops.QueryDateTimeInfo;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.pop.PopUnitTestBase;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.BitControl;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.record.MaterializedField;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatch;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.server.RemoteServiceSet;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.store.mock.MockGroupScanPOP;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.store.mock.MockScanBatchCreator;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.store.mock.MockSubScanPOP;
-import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector;
-import org.joda.time.DateTime;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.util.List;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-public class ExpressionInterpreterTest extends PopUnitTestBase {
- static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExpressionInterpreterTest.class);
- @Test
- public void interpreterNullableStrExpr() throws Exception {
- String[] colNames = {"col1"};
- TypeProtos.MajorType[] colTypes = {Types.optional(TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR)};
- String expressionStr = "substr(col1, 1, 3)";
- String[] expectedFirstTwoValues = {"aaa", "null"};
- doTest(expressionStr, colNames, colTypes, expectedFirstTwoValues);
- }
- @Test
- public void interpreterNullableBooleanExpr() throws Exception {
- String[] colNames = {"col1"};
- TypeProtos.MajorType[] colTypes = {Types.optional(TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR)};
- String expressionStr = "col1 < 'abc' and col1 > 'abc'";
- String[] expectedFirstTwoValues = {"false", "null"};
- doTest(expressionStr, colNames, colTypes, expectedFirstTwoValues);
- }
- @Test
- public void interpreterNullableIntegerExpr() throws Exception {
- String[] colNames = {"col1"};
- TypeProtos.MajorType[] colTypes = {Types.optional(TypeProtos.MinorType.INT)};
- String expressionStr = "col1 + 100 - 1 * 2 + 2";
- String[] expectedFirstTwoValues = {"-2147483548", "null"};
- doTest(expressionStr, colNames, colTypes, expectedFirstTwoValues);
- }
- @Test
- public void interpreterCaseExpr() throws Exception {
- String[] colNames = {"col1"};
- TypeProtos.MajorType[] colTypes = {Types.optional(TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR)};
- String expressionStr = "case when substr(col1, 1, 3)='aaa' then 'ABC' else 'XYZ' end";
- String[] expectedFirstTwoValues = {"ABC", "XYZ"};
- doTest(expressionStr, colNames, colTypes, expectedFirstTwoValues);
- }
- @Test
- public void interpreterDateTest() throws Exception {
- String[] colNames = {"col1"};
- TypeProtos.MajorType[] colTypes = {Types.optional(TypeProtos.MinorType.INT)};
- String expressionStr = "now()";
- BitControl.PlanFragment planFragment = BitControl.PlanFragment.getDefaultInstance();
- QueryDateTimeInfo dateTime = new QueryDateTimeInfo(planFragment.getQueryStartTime(), planFragment.getTimeZone());
- int timeZoneIndex = dateTime.getRootFragmentTimeZone();
- org.joda.time.DateTimeZone timeZone = org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.forID(org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.DateUtility.getTimeZone(timeZoneIndex));
- org.joda.time.DateTime now = new org.joda.time.DateTime(dateTime.getQueryStartTime(), timeZone);
- long queryStartDate = now.getMillis();
- int timezoneIndex = org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl.DateUtility.getIndex(now.getZone().toString());
- TimeStampTZHolder out = new TimeStampTZHolder();
- out.value = queryStartDate;
- out.index = timezoneIndex;
- ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(12);
- buffer.putLong(out.value);
- buffer.putInt(out.index);
- long l = buffer.getLong(0);
- DateTime t = new DateTime(l);
- String[] expectedFirstTwoValues = {t.toString(), t.toString()};
- doTest(expressionStr, colNames, colTypes, expectedFirstTwoValues, planFragment);
- }
- protected void doTest(String expressionStr, String[] colNames, TypeProtos.MajorType[] colTypes, String[] expectFirstTwoValues) throws Exception {
- doTest(expressionStr, colNames, colTypes, expectFirstTwoValues, BitControl.PlanFragment.getDefaultInstance());
- }
- protected void doTest(String expressionStr, String[] colNames, TypeProtos.MajorType[] colTypes, String[] expectFirstTwoValues, BitControl.PlanFragment planFragment) throws Exception {
- RemoteServiceSet serviceSet = RemoteServiceSet.getLocalServiceSet();
- Drillbit bit1 = new Drillbit(CONFIG, serviceSet);
- bit1.run();
- // Create a mock scan batch as input for evaluation.
- assert(colNames.length == colTypes.length);
- MockGroupScanPOP.MockColumn[] columns = new MockGroupScanPOP.MockColumn[colNames.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++ ) {
- columns[i] = new MockGroupScanPOP.MockColumn(colNames[i], colTypes[i].getMinorType(), colTypes[i].getMode(),0,0,0);
- }
- MockGroupScanPOP.MockScanEntry entry = new MockGroupScanPOP.MockScanEntry(10, columns);
- MockSubScanPOP scanPOP = new MockSubScanPOP("testTable", java.util.Collections.singletonList(entry));
- RecordBatch batch = createMockScanBatch(bit1, scanPOP, planFragment);
- batch.next();
- ValueVector vv = evalExprWithInterpreter(expressionStr, batch, bit1);
- // Verify the first 2 values in the output of evaluation.
- assert(expectFirstTwoValues.length == 2);
- assertEquals(expectFirstTwoValues[0], getValueFromVector(vv, 0));
- assertEquals(expectFirstTwoValues[1], getValueFromVector(vv, 1));
- showValueVectorContent(vv);
- vv.clear();
- batch.cleanup();
- batch.getContext().close();
- bit1.close();
- }
- private RecordBatch createMockScanBatch(Drillbit bit, MockSubScanPOP scanPOP, BitControl.PlanFragment planFragment) {
- List<RecordBatch> children = Lists.newArrayList();
- MockScanBatchCreator creator = new MockScanBatchCreator();
- try {
- FragmentContext context = new FragmentContext(bit.getContext(), planFragment, null, bit.getContext().getFunctionImplementationRegistry());
- return creator.getBatch(context,scanPOP, children);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- throw new DrillRuntimeException("Error when setup fragment context" + ex);
- }
- }
- private LogicalExpression parseExpr(String expr) throws RecognitionException {
- ExprLexer lexer = new ExprLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(expr));
- CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
- ExprParser parser = new ExprParser(tokens);
- ExprParser.parse_return ret = parser.parse();
- return ret.e;
- }
- private ValueVector evalExprWithInterpreter(String expression, RecordBatch batch, Drillbit bit) throws Exception {
- LogicalExpression expr = parseExpr(expression);
- ErrorCollector error = new ErrorCollectorImpl();
- LogicalExpression materializedExpr = ExpressionTreeMaterializer.materialize(expr, batch, error, bit.getContext().getFunctionImplementationRegistry());
- if (error.getErrorCount() != 0) {
- logger.error("Failure while materializing expression [{}]. Errors: {}", expression, error);
- assertEquals(0, error.getErrorCount());
- }
- final MaterializedField outputField = MaterializedField.create("outCol", materializedExpr.getMajorType());
- ValueVector vector = TypeHelper.getNewVector(outputField, bit.getContext().getAllocator());
- vector.allocateNewSafe();
- InterpreterEvaluator.evaluate(batch, vector, materializedExpr);
- return vector;
- }
- private void showValueVectorContent(ValueVector vw) {
- for (int row = 0; row < vw.getAccessor().getValueCount(); row ++ ) {
- Object o = vw.getAccessor().getObject(row);
- String cellString;
- if (o instanceof byte[]) {
- cellString = DrillStringUtils.toBinaryString((byte[]) o);
- } else {
- cellString = DrillStringUtils.escapeNewLines(String.valueOf(o));
- }
- System.out.printf(row + "th value: " + cellString + "\n");
- }
- }
- private String getValueFromVector(ValueVector vw, int index) {
- Object o = vw.getAccessor().getObject(index);
- String cellString;
- if (o instanceof byte[]) {
- cellString = DrillStringUtils.toBinaryString((byte[]) o);
- } else {
- cellString = DrillStringUtils.escapeNewLines(String.valueOf(o));
- }
- return cellString;
- }