path: root/docs/dev
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authorPaul Rogers <progers@cloudera.com>2018-04-17 17:43:02 -0700
committerVitalii Diravka <vitalii.diravka@gmail.com>2018-04-29 23:20:55 +0300
commit883c8d94b0021a83059fa79563dd516c4299b70a (patch)
tree11504186c50b06de38923afb6b4dc99b702d8132 /docs/dev
parentf8d7acc8274da20a7cd0c44aafdf3f84cc4927aa (diff)
DRILL-6328: Adding unit testing docs.
closes #1220
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/dev')
7 files changed, 653 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# ClusterFixture
+Drill provides two ways to test. The original tests are based on the `BaseTestQuery` are are (or will be) described elsewhere. Limitations of this class prompted creation of a new framework, which this page describes.
+* A single base class `BaseTestQuery` holds a large amount of functionality, making it hard to create specialized test classes. One either starts with `BaseTestQuery`, or must replicate that functionality. Since one often has to create specialized setups, this was a bit of a limitation.
+* `BaseTestQuery` is very handy in that it starts an embedded Drillbit. But, it does so using a fixed set of boot options. To change the boot options as needed for some tests, one has to allow the initial Drillbit to start, then shut it down, create the new config, and restart. This is tedious when using tests for debugging.
+* The set of tools provided by `BaseTestQuery` left some holes: data verification must be in the form of a query, it was hard to run a query and print the results for debugging, and so on.
+The "cluster" fixture framework solves these issues by taking a different approach:
+* Test functionality is not part of the test class hierarchy. Instead, it is something that tests can use as needed, allowing tests to use whatever test class hierarchy is needed for the job at hand.
+* Allows very simply means to set up the config, session and system options needed for a tests.
+* Allows starting and stoping the Drillbit as needed: one Drillbit for the entire test, or one per test case. Even allows multiple Drillbits for concurrency tests.
+* Provides a wide range of tools to execute queries and inspect results. Includes not just the `TestBuilder` functionality from `BaseTestQuery`, but also a new `QueryBuilder` that provides additional options.
+That is the background. Let's see how to use this in practice. The best place to start is with the `ExampleTest` class.
+# Simplest Case: Run Query and Print
+The simplest test case is one that runs a query and prints the results to CSV. While not a true test case, this is often a handy way to get started on a project or bug fix. It also illustrates the basic needed for advanced cases.
+public class ExampleTest {
+ @Test
+ public void firstTest() throws Exception {
+ try (ClusterFixture cluster = ClusterFixture.standardCluster();
+ ClientFixture client = cluster.clientFixture()) {
+ client.queryBuilder().sql("SELECT * FROM `cp`.`employee.json` LIMIT 10").printCsv();
+ }
+ }
+Let's look at each piece. Every test needs two critical components:
+ClusterFixture cluster = ...
+ClientFixture client = ...
+* The cluster fixture which represents your embedded Drill cluster. Most often the "cluster" is a single Drillbit, as is the case here. But, the cluster can include multiple Drillbits (coordinated either via Zookeeper or an embededded cluster coordinator.) For now, let's use a single Drillbit.
+* The client fixture which represents your Drill client application. The client fixture provides a wealth of functionality that a client may need. Here we only use the ability to run a query.
+As your tests grow, you will find the need to set options: often on the server, but sometimes on the client. The two fixtures provide "builder" that help you set up both the client and server the way you want. Here, we use default builders that use the reasonable set of default options.
+ClusterFixture cluster = ClusterFixture.standardCluster();
+ClientFixture client = cluster.clientFixture();
+We want tests to succeed, but sometimes they fail. In fact, some tests even want to test failures (that, say, the server catches configuration mistakes.) To ensure cleanup, we use the try-with-resources idiom to clean up if anything goes wrong.
+ try (ClusterFixture cluster = ClusterFixture.standardCluster();
+ ClientFixture client = cluster.clientFixture()) {
+ // Your test here
+ }
+Next, we want to run a query. Drill has many ways to run a query, and many ways to process the query results. Rather than provide zillions of functions, the client fixture provides a "query builder" that lets you walk through the steps to build and run the query. In the example above, we build the query from a SQL statement, then run it synchronously and print the results to CSV.
+ // Create a query builder for our Drill client
+ // Run a SQL statement
+ .sql("SELECT * FROM `cp`.`employee.json` LIMIT 10")
+ // Print the results as CSV
+ .printCsv();
+The best thing at this point is to try the above test case. Create a new JUnit test case, copy the test case from `ExampleTest` (including imports) and run it as a JUnit test case. If there are any glitches, now is the time to catch them.
+# Setting Boot Options
+By default, the cluster fixture builder sets a standard set of boot options. These include:
+* The same options set on the command line in the SureFire setup in the root `pom.xml` file.
+* Adjusts some thread counts to a smaller size to allow faster Drillbit start in tests.
+* Adjusts some local directory paths.
+You can see the full set of options in `ClusterFixture.TEST_CONFIGURATIONS`.
+But, often you want to set up boot options in some special way. To do that, just use the cluster fixture builder. Suppose we want to set the slice target to 10:
+ @Test
+ public void secondTest() throws Exception {
+ FixtureBuilder builder = ClusterFixture.builder()
+ .configProperty(ExecConstants.SLICE_TARGET, 10)
+ ;
+ try (ClusterFixture cluster = builder.build();
+ ClientFixture client = cluster.clientFixture()) {
+The above uses the `configProperty()` method to set the config property as a name/value pair. The name can be a string. But, often it is a bit more maintainable to use the constant declaration for the property, here we use one defined in `ExecConstants`.
+The `configProperty()` method has another convenience: you can pass the value as a Java value, not just as a string. For example, above we passed the value as an integer. You can also use strings, doubles, Booleans and other types.
+# Setting System Options
+Drill provides both boot and system options. System options can be set at the system or session level by running SQL statements. But, it is often cleaner to simply declare the desired session options as part of the test setup, using the same cluster fixture above:
+ @Test
+ public void fourthTest() throws Exception {
+ FixtureBuilder builder = ClusterFixture.builder()
+ // Easy way to run single threaded for easy debugging
+ .maxParallelization(1)
+ // Set some session options
+ .systemOption(ExecConstants.MAX_QUERY_MEMORY_PER_NODE_KEY, 2L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
+ .systemOption(PlannerSettings.EXCHANGE.getOptionName(), true)
+ .systemOption(PlannerSettings.HASHAGG.getOptionName(), false)
+ ;
+The above uses some session options defined in `PlannerSettings` as `OptionValidator`s. We need the name which we get using `getOptionName()`.
+In some cases, you may want to change an option in a test. Rather than writing out the `ALTER SESSION` statement, you can use a shortcut:
+ client.alterSession(PlannerSettings.EXCHANGE.getOptionName(), false);
+Again, you can pass a Java value which the test code will convert to a string, then will build the `ALTER SESSION` command.
+# The Mock Data Source
+The test framework provides a [mock data source](The Mock Record Reader) that is sometimes handy, especially when you need to generate a large amount of data for, say, testing a sort or aggregation. The test framework automatically defines the required storage plugin:
+ public void thirdTest() throws Exception {
+ ...
+ String sql = "SELECT id_i, name_s10 FROM `mock`.`employees_5`";
+ client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).printCsv();
+# Defining A Storage Plugin Configuration
+It is often very handy, during development, to accumulate a collection of test files in a directory somewhere. To use them, you can define an ad-hoc storage plugin configuration:
+ @Test
+ public void fourthTest() throws Exception {
+ ...
+ cluster.defineWorkspace("dfs", "data", "/tmp/drill-test", "psv");
+ String sql = "select * from `dfs.data`.`example.tbl` order by columns[0]";
+ QuerySummary results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).run();
+`defineWorkspace()` arguments are:
+* The (existing) storage plugin
+* The workspace name you want to use
+* The (local) file system location
+* The default format
+# Additional Query Tools
+As shown above, the query build provides a number of tools.
+* Run the query and produce a results summary (with row count, batch count and run time): `run()`
+* Run the query and produce a single integer (from the first column of the first row): `singletonInt()`. (Also avalable for longs and strings.)
+* Run a query from a logical or physical plan.
+* Run a query with an asynchronous listener (rather than waiting for completion as shown thus far.)
+* Explain the query (instead of running) with results in either JSON or text.
+The following is an example of getting a plan explanation:
+ System.out.println(client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).explainJson());
+See the `QueryBuilder` class for these options and more. This class has ample Javadoc to help. (But, let us know if anything is missing.)
+# Controlling Logging
+Often, during debugging, you want to view the log messages, at debug or trace level, but only for one class or module. You could edit your `logback.xml` file, run the query, and view the result log file. Or, you can just log the desired messages directly to your console.
+ @Test
+ public void fourthTest() throws Exception {
+ LogFixtureBuilder logBuilder = LogFixture.builder()
+ // Log to the console for debugging convenience
+ .toConsole()
+ // All debug messages in the xsort package
+ .logger("org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.xsort", Level.DEBUG)
+ // And trace messages for one class.
+ .logger(ExternalSortBatch.class, Level.TRACE)
+ ;
+ ...
+ try (LogFixture logs = logBuilder.build();
+ ...
+Here, you use the `LogFixtureBuilder` to set up ad-hoc logging options. The above logs to the console, but only for the `org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.xsort` package and `ExternalSortBatch` class. The try-with-resources block sets up logging for the duration of the test, then puts the settings back to the original state at completion.
+Note that this fixture only works if you create a `drill-java-exec/src/main/resources/logback-test.xml` file with the following contents:
+ <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
+ <encoder>
+ <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n
+ </pattern>
+ </encoder>
+ </appender>
+ <logger name="org.apache.drill" additivity="false">
+ <level value="error" />
+ <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
+ </logger>
+ <root>
+ <level value="error" />
+ <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
+ </root>
+This file turns off all but error logging by default. It does not include the `SOCKET` setup used by folks who like the "Lilith" system.
+The reason you must create this file is that Logback makes it very difficult to set one log level for the `SOCKET` appender, another for `STDOUT`. And, for the `LogFixture` to work, logging must start with minimum logging so that the fixture adds more detailed configuration; the fixture can't take away existing configuration. (This is something we hope to improve when time allows.)
+In practice, it just means you get the `logback-test.xml` file to work, and copy it into each new branch, but don't include it in your pull requests.
+# Using the Test Builder
+Most Drill tests use a class called `TestBuilder`. Previously, only tests derived from `BaseTestQuery` could use the test builder. You can also use the test builder with the cluster fixture:
+ client.testBuilder(). ...
+This particular feature makes it easy to convert existing `BaseTestQuery` cases to use the new framework.
+# Going Further
+The above will solve 80% of your needs to run a query to exercise some particular bit of code. The framework can be used for ad-hoc tests used in development, or for permanent unit tests. In particular, this author constantly uses ad-hoc tests with Eclipse to allow very fast edit/compile/debug cycles.
+But, there are times when you may have specialized needs. The test framework has many other features useful for more advanced cases:
+* Setting up a "mini cluster" with two or more Drillbits which can be coordinated using an in-process or external Zookeeper.
+* Gather the query profile, parse it, and print a summary. (Very useful when optimizing code.)
+* Return results as a `RowSet` that allows programmatic inspection of values, in-process validation of results, and so on.
+If you find you have a special need, poke around the test framework code to see if the feature is already available. If not, feel free to add the feature and post a pull request. \ No newline at end of file
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+# Testing with JUnit
+Most of us know the basics of JUnit. Drill uses many advanced features that we mention here. Drill uses [JUnit 4](http://junit.org/junit4/), currently version 4.11.
+## References
+* [Tutorial](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Getting-started) if you are new to JUnit.
+* [JUnit Wiki](http://junit.org/junit4/), especially the Usage and Idioms section.
+* [Hamcrest Tutorial](http://code.google.com/p/hamcrest/wiki/Tutorial)
+* [Hamcrest Java on GitHub](https://github.com/hamcrest/JavaHamcrest)
+* [Understanding JUnit method order execution](https://garygregory.wordpress.com/2011/09/25/understaning-junit-method-order-execution/). Good overview of how the before/after annotations work.
+* See also the [update](https://garygregory.wordpress.com/2013/01/23/understanding-junit-method-order-execution-updated-for-version-4-11/) to the above.
+* [Using JUnit with Maven](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Use-with-Maven)
+## JUnit/Hamcrest Idioms
+Drill tests use the JUnit 4 series that uses annotations to identify tests. Drill makes use of the "Hamcrest" additions (which seem to have come from a separate project, later merged into JUnit, hence the strange naming.) Basic rules:
+* All tests are packaged into classes, all classes start or end with the word "Test". In Drill, most tests use the prefix format: "TestMumble".
+* Test methods are indicted with `@Test`.
+* Disabled tests are indicated with [`@Ignore("reason for ignoring")`](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Ignoring-tests)
+* Tests use "classic" [JUnit assertions](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Assertions) such as `assertEquals(expected,actual,opt_msg)`.
+* Tests also use the newer ["Hamcrest" `assertThat`](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Matchers-and-assertthat) formulation. The Hamcrest project provided a system based on assertions and matchers that are quite handy for cases that are cumbersome with the JUnit-Style assertions.
+* Many tests make use of the [test fixture](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Test-fixtures) annotations. These include methods marked to run before or after all tests in a class (`@BeforeClass` and `@AfterClass`) and those that run before or after each test (`@Before` and `@After`).
+* The base `DrillTest` class uses the [`ExceptionRule`](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Rules#expectedexception-rules) to declare that no test should throw an exception.
+* Some Drill tests verify exceptions directly using the `expected` parameter of `@Test`:
+ @Test(expected = ExpressionParsingException.class)
+ public void testSomething( ) {
+* Other code uses the [try/catch idiom](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Exception-testing#deeper-testing-of-the-exception).
+* Drill tests have the potential to run for a long time, or hang, if thing go wrong. To prevent this, Drill tests use a [timeout](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Timeout-for-tests). The main Drill test base class, `DrillTest` uses a [timeout rule](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Rules#timeout-rule) to set a default timeout of 50 seconds:
+@Rule public final TestRule TIMEOUT = TestTools.getTimeoutRule(50000);
+* Individual tests (override?) this rule with the timeout parameter to the Test annotation `@Test(timeout=1000)`. This form an only decrease (but not increase) the timeout set by the timeout rule.
+* Tests that need a temporary file system folder use the [`@TemporaryFolder` rule](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Rules#temporaryfolder-rule).
+* The base `DrillTest` class uses the [`TestName` rule](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Rules#testname-rule) to make the current test name available to code: `System.out.println( TEST_NAME );`.
+## Additional Resources
+Some other resources that may be of interest moving forward:
+* [JUnitParams](https://github.com/Pragmatists/JUnitParams) - a cleaner way to parameterize tests.
+* [Assumptions](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Assumptions-with-assume) for declaring dependencies and environment setup that a test assumes.
+* [JUnit Rules](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Rules) may occasionally be helpful for specialized tests.
+* [Categories](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Categories) to, perhaps, identify those "smoke" tests that should be run frequently, and a larger, more costly set of "full" tests to be run before commits, etc.
+* [System Rules][http://stefanbirkner.github.io/system-rules/] -
+A collection of JUnit rules for testing code that uses `java.lang.System` such as printing to `System.out`, environment variables, etc.
+* The [`Stopwatch` rule](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/blob/master/doc/ReleaseNotes4.12.md#pull-request-552-pull-request-937-stopwatch-rule) added in JUnit 4.12 to measure the time a test takes.
+* the [`DisableonDebug` rule](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/blob/master/doc/ReleaseNotes4.12.md#pull-request-956-disableondebug-rule) added in JUnit 4.12 which can turn off other rules when needed in a debug session (to prevent, say, timeouts, etc.)
+## JUnit with Maven
+The root Drill `pom.xml` declares a test-time dependency on [JUnit 4.11](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Use-with-Maven):
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>junit</groupId>
+ <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+ <version>4.11</version>
+ <scope>test</scope>
+ </dependency>
+Since this dependency is in the root POM, there is no need to add it to the POM files of each Drill module.
+## JUnit with Eclipse
+Using JUnit with Eclipse is trivial:
+* To run all tests in a class, select the class name (or ensure no text is selected) and use the context menu option Debug As... --> JUnit.
+* To run a single test, select the name of the test method, and invoke the same menu command.
+It is necessary to have Eclipse run on the same version of Java as Drill.
+To use Java 8:
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+# Testing with Physical Plans and Mock Data
+Drill processes SQL in a series of steps that result in a physical plan sent to each Drillbit for execution. Early in Drill's development the system consisted of operators, but did not yet provide the SQL parser we have today. To test operators, developers created physical plans as input to test cases. Though later tests often focused on SQL, the physical plan approach is still very valuable when the goal is to exercise specific features of operators or the fragment hierarchy as it gives us fine control over the precise test setup.
+In addition, it turns out that Drill provides a very basic test data generator in the form of a mock scanner that allows a test to generate a large amount of test data without actually having a large file.
+Both topics are explained here.
+## Using Physical Plans
+Physical plans are a JSON representation of a series of operators to be run within one or more fragments. For testing we most often consider a single fragment (or maybe two for testing the network communication operators. Here is an [example plan](https://github.com/apache/drill/blob/master/exec/java-exec/src/test/resources/xsort/oom_sort_test.json) for testing the external sort. A single operator (external sort in this case) looks like this:
+ {
+ @id:4,
+ child: 3,
+ pop:"external-sort",
+ orderings: [
+ {expr: "blue", order : "DESC"}
+ ],
+ initialAllocation: 1000000,
+ maxAllocation: 30000000
+ },
+There are two ways to get a physical plan (short of writing it from scratch):
+* Modify an existing test plan to suit your specific needs.
+* Capture the physical plan created for an SQL query and modify it as needed.
+## Using the Mock Scanner
+Take a look at [`TestSimpleExternalSort`](https://github.com/apache/drill/blob/master/exec/java-exec/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/exec/physical/impl/xsort/TestSimpleExternalSort.java). This uses a physical plan: [`xsort/one_key_sort_descending.json`](https://github.com/apache/drill/blob/master/exec/java-exec/src/test/resources/xsort/one_key_sort_descending.json). This plan contains the following:
+ {
+ @id:1,
+ pop:"mock-scan",
+ url: "http://apache.org",
+ entries:[
+ {records: 1000000, types: [
+ {name: "blue", type: "INT", mode: "REQUIRED"},
+ {name: "green", type: "INT", mode: "REQUIRED"}
+ ]}
+ ]
+ },
+Which, when invoked, uses [`MockScanBatchCreator`](https://github.com/apache/drill/blob/master/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/store/mock/MockScanBatchCreator.java) which creates [`MockRecordReader`](https://github.com/apache/drill/blob/master/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/store/mock/MockRecordReader.java).
+The mock reader invokes the `generateTestData()` method on value vectors to generate data. The generated data is not very random, however. Also, the `generateTestData()` method is marked as deprecated, meaning someone intended to remove it.
+It seems this concept could be extended to do a better job of random data generation. Or, generate the data using a class provided in the physical spec.
+I've not found a way to invoke the mock reader from SQL. That would be another handy addition.
+## Test Framework for Physical Plans
+Once you have a physical plan, you need a way to execute it within a test. Again, consider [`TestSimpleExternalSort`](https://github.com/apache/drill/blob/master/exec/java-exec/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/exec/physical/impl/xsort/TestSimpleExternalSort.java) which runs physical plans as follows:
+public class TestSimpleExternalSort extends BaseTestQuery {
+ ...
+ private void sortOneKeyDescendingMergeSort() throws Throwable {
+ List<QueryDataBatch> results = testPhysicalFromFileWithResults("xsort/one_key_sort_descending.json");
+ // Process the results
+The `BaseTestQuery` class sets up an embedded Drillbit and client. This pattern is different from other tests which do the setup work as part of the test. Because the client is already running, you can set session options in SQL before you run the physical plan:
+ QueryTestUtil.test(client, "ALTER SESSION SET `a.b.c` = "def");
+Another good enhancement would be to rationalize the many ways that tests set up the test Drillbit and client. \ No newline at end of file
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+# MockRecordReader
+Drill provides a mock record reader to generate test data in the package: `org.apache.drill.exec.store.mock`.
+Mock data is available for physical plans. Here is a typical example:
+ {
+ @id:1,
+ pop:"mock-scan",
+ url: "http://apache.org",
+ entries:[
+ {records: 1000000, types: [
+ {name: "blue", type: "INT", mode: "REQUIRED"},
+ {name: "green", type: "INT", mode: "REQUIRED"}
+ ]}
+ ]
+ },
+The JSON fields are:
+* `@id`: Standard required Physical OPerator (pop) ID.
+* `pop`: Must be `"mock-scan"`
+* `url`: Unused
+* `entries`: A list of schemas of the files to generate.
+The scanner supports parallelization based on the number of entries.
+The fields for the schema are:
+* `records`: The number of records to generate.
+* `types`: A list of columns (the "types" name is a misnomer.)
+Field schema fields include:
+* `name`: Field name
+* `type`: The Drill minor type as defined in `MinorType`.
+* `mode`: The cardinality (mode) as defined in `DataMode`: `OPTIONAL`, `REQUIRED` or `REPEATED`.
+* `width`: Optional field width (need only for variable-size types such as `VARCHAR`.)
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+# OperatorFixture
+Drill provides a simple way to test internal components without a full Drill server (assuming, of course, that the component is structured in a way that allows such testing; something that only a few parts of the code allow at the moment.)
+Testing is based on the `OperatorFixture` which sets up the basic internal mechanisms:
+* Memory allocator
+* Operator context
+* Fragment context (but without the server-related `DrillbitContext`)
+Here is a very simple example to allow testing a UDF that uses VarChar holders, which in turn use DrillBuf, which requires access to a memory allocator:
+ @Test
+ public void testDupItFn() throws Exception {
+ try (OperatorFixture fixture = OperatorFixture.standardFixture()) {
+ OperatorContext context = fixture.operatorContext(null);
+ try {
+ // Test code goes here
+ } finally {
+ context.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+In the above, we simply create an instance of the `OperatorFixture` in a try-with-resources block so we can be sure that the memory allocator shuts down, even if the test fails.
+Then, since this test needs an `OperatorContext`, we go ahead and create one of those. Since it isn't auto-closeable, we run tests in a try/finally block so we can be sure it is closed.
+Then, our code that run tests (in this case, that allocates a buffer using the managed allocator) goes in the test block.
+Tests that don't need an operator context are even simpler. See Drill code for examples.
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+# Test Logging
+Drill code makes extensive use of logging to provide the developer with in-depth information about Drill's internals. The logging is vital when tracking down a problem, but a distraction at other times. To control logging, you must understand the various forms of logging and logging control.
+## Logback Classic
+Drill uses [Logback Classic](http://logback.qos.ch) as its logger. In production mode, you control logging via the `$DRILL_HOME/conf/logback.xml` (or, alternatively, `$DRILL_SITE/logback.xml`) file. This configuration is _not_ used when testing, however.
+When running tests, either in Maven or your IDE, Drill uses a different configuration file: the one in the `src/test/resources` folder for the Maven subproject that holds the test. For example, if you run tests in the `drill-common` project, Logback will find the configuration in `common/src/test/resources/logback.xml`.
+Configure logging in this test file. For example, to set the debug log level:
+ <logger name="org.apache.drill" additivity="false">
+ <level value="debug" />
+Under Maven, each module has visibility to is own test resources, but not the test resources from any other Maven module. To control test logging, therefore, we must have a copy of `logback-test.xml` in the `src/test/resources` folder of each Maven module.
+Sometimes it is helpful to verify which configuration file Logback actually uses. As explained in [this Stack Overflow post](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18922730/how-can-i-determine-what-log-configuration-source-logback-actually-used), you can find this information using a Logback property:
+mvn surefire:test -Dtest=TestClassPathScanner \
+ -Dlogback.statusListenerClass=ch.qos.logback.core.status.OnConsoleStatusListener
+## Test Logging with Maven
+Maven output is controlled by [Maven's logging mechanism](https://maven.apache.org/maven-logging.html) which seems to be [SLF4J Simple](http://www.slf4j.org/apidocs/org/slf4j/impl/SimpleLogger.html).
+To "quiet" the amount of Maven output, you must modify the logging configuration file in your Maven installation. (There seems to be no way to modify logging in the POM file itself.)
+$ cd `dirname \`which mvn\``/../conf/logging
+$ pwd # Should print /some/path/apache-maven-3.x.y/conf/logging
+$ vi simplelogger.properties
+The following suppresses all but the most of Maven's "info" logging:
+# Custom entries
+# Display check style issues (shown at info log level)
+Since the `maven-checkstyle-plugin` displays its errors to the log at the INFO log level, we have to allow it to display info-level messages (the last line in the example.)
+Since this is a Maven configuration (not a POM file change), you must make it on each machine on which you run Maven.
+As noted above, logging within Drill tests is controlled by Logback, not Maven.
+## Logback Test Logging in Eclipse
+[Logback](http://logback.qos.ch) really prefers to find a single `logback.xml` configuration file on the class path. There seems to be a subtle difference in how Eclipse and Maven build the class path used to run tests. Eclipse includes the test resources from all dependencies, whereas Surefire does not. This means that, if you run a test in `exec/java-exec`, such as `TestClassPathScanner`, the test resources from `common` will be on the class path if run from Eclipse, but not run from Surefire.
+For the most part, having extra items on the class path in Eclipse is benign. Problems occur, however, when files of the same name appears multiple time on the class path. This is the situation with Logback.
+When run under Maven Surefire, each project requires its own `logback.xml` (or, preferably `logback-test.xml`) in `src/test/resources`.
+But, when run under Eclipse, the test program sees all the Logback config files on the path, causing Logback to print a bunch of log messages:
+...WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] -
+ Resource [logback.xml] occurs multiple times on the classpath.
+...WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] -
+ Resource [logback.xml] occurs at [file:/path/to/drill/exec/java-exec/target/test-classes/logback.xml]
+...WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] -
+ Resource [logback.xml] occurs at [file:/path/to/drill/common/target/test-classes/logback.xml]
+To see this, add the following to any test from `java-exec`, such as `TestClassPathScanner`:
+ System.out.println( "Class path: " + System.getProperty("java.class.path") );
+When run in Eclipse:
+Class path: /path/to/drill/exec/java-exec/target/test-classes:\
+...INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - \
+Found resource [logback.xml] at [file:/path/to/drill/common/target/test-classes/logback.xml]
+But, when run under Maven:
+Class path: /path/to/drill/exec/java-exec/target/test-classes:\
+...INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback.xml]
+The Eclipse behavior seems to be both [known and unlikely to change](http://stackoverflow.com/a/15723127).
+Based on the [Logback Configuration](http://logback.qos.ch/manual/configuration.html) documentation, the solution seems to be to apply a "No-op" logger by default. In Eclipse -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs, select your default JRE or JDK. Click Edit... Add the following as one of the Default VM arguments:
+(Since this is a system property, it will be passed to every run or debug session. No harm if you happen to use a project that does not use Logback, the property will just be ignored by everything else.)
+Then, if for some reason you want to see the Logback logging, add the following to your debug launch configuration:
+The launch configuration option overrides (appears on the Java command line after) the global setting.
diff --git a/docs/dev/Testing.md b/docs/dev/Testing.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7c2ee29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/Testing.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Testing
+Drill makes extensive use of [JUnit](http://junit.org/junit4/) and other libraries for testing. This page provides pointers to the information you need to work with Drill tests. We don't repeat that information; you will want to follow the links and read the original material to get a complete understanding of the libraries that Drill uses.
+Caveat: information here about Drill is "reverse engineered" from the code; this page has not yet had the benefit of insight from the developers who created Drill's test structure.
+# Topics
+"Classic" Drill testing techniques
+* [Testing with JUnit](JUnit.md)
+* [Test Logging](TestLogging.md)
+* [Testing with Physical Plans and Mock Data](LegacyTestingFrameworks.md)
+"Updated" Drill testing techniques
+* [Cluster Fixture Framework](ClusterFixture.md)
+* [Operator Fixture Framework](OperatorFixture.md)
+* [The Mock Record Reader](MockRecordReader.md)
+# Mockito
+Drill depends on the [Mockito](http://site.mockito.org) framework. (Need to find & document usages.)
+# Maven
+It is often helpful to know the [set of properties](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/Maven+Properties+Guide) that Maven defines and are available for use in the POM file.
+## Surefire Plugin
+Drill uses the [Maven Surefire plugin](http://maven.apache.org/components/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/) to run tests. The root POM contains significant test configuration that you may or may not want to include when running tests in a debugger:
+ <configuration>
+ <argLine>-Xms512m -Xmx3g -Ddrill.exec.http.enabled=false
+ -Ddrill.exec.sys.store.provider.local.write=false
+ -Dorg.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit.system_options=\
+ "org.apache.drill.exec.compile.ClassTransformer.scalar_replacement=on"
+ -Ddrill.test.query.printing.silent=true
+ -Ddrill.catastrophic_to_standard_out=true
+ -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=3072M
+ -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
+ -Djava.awt.headless=true
+ -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -ea</argLine>
+ <forkCount>${forkCount}</forkCount>
+ <reuseForks>true</reuseForks>
+ <additionalClasspathElements>
+ <additionalClasspathElement>./exec/jdbc/src/test/resources/storage-plugins.json</additionalClasspathElement>
+ </additionalClasspathElements>
+You can [run individual tests](http://maven.apache.org/components/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/examples/single-test.html) as follows. First, cd into the project that contains the test. Then, run the test. (You'll get an error if you try to run the test from the root Drill directory.)
+cd /path/to/drill/project
+mvn surefire:test -Dtest=TestCircle
+# Java Assertions
+Drill code makes sparse use of Java exceptions, preferring the Guava equivalents. One area that assertions (`-ea` option) does affect is performance: queries run about 10x slower with assertions enabled due to allocator logging. When doing any performance-related work, ensure that assertions are not enabled.
+class DrillBuf ...
+ public boolean release(int decrement) {
+ ...
+ if (BaseAllocator.DEBUG) {
+ historicalLog.recordEvent("release(%d). original value: %d", decrement, refCnt + decrement);
+ }
+# IntelliJ
+TBA \ No newline at end of file