if [ "X$(basename -- "$0")" == "Xzephyr-env.sh" ]; then echo "Source this file (do NOT execute it!) to set the Zephyr Kernel environment." exit fi # You can further customize your environment by creating a bash script called # zephyr-env_install.bash in your home directory. It will be automatically # run (if it exists) by this script. # identify OS source tree root directory export ZEPHYR_BASE=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) scripts_path=${ZEPHYR_BASE}/scripts echo "${PATH}" | grep -q "${scripts_path}" [ $? != 0 ] && export PATH=${scripts_path}:${PATH} unset scripts_path # enable custom environment settings zephyr_answer_file=~/zephyr-env_install.bash [ -f ${zephyr_answer_file} ] && . ${zephyr_answer_file} unset zephyr_answer_file