# Platform build configurations for Linaro EDK2 builds # ==================================================== # The configuration file format is extremely simplistic: # - Each platform has a short name. # - A platform entry starts by the short name held in square brackets, '[]' # - Within each entry, all options are described in a NAME=VALUE scheme, # with the name being whatever comes before the first '=' on the line, # and the value being everything that comes after it. # # Mandatory options: # - LONGNAME A more descriptive name of the platform. # - DSC Pointer to the EDK2 build description file. # - ARCH String describing the architecture to build for. # Currently supported are AARCH32 and AARCH64. # - UEFI_BIN Name of executable image produced. # - UEFI_IMAGE_DIR Build output directory name, relative to 'Build'. # # Options for ARM Trusted Firmware platforms # - BUILD_ATF Set to "yes" if the build should automatically build # ARM Trusted Firmware and a fip containing UEFI image. # - ATF_PLATFORM Platform name for ARM Trusted Firmware build, if # different from UEFI platform name. # # Optional options: # - BUILDFLAGS Any special flags you want to pass to the build command. # - EXTRA_FILES Any additional files to be copied to output dir. # - PREBUILD_CMDS Any commands you want to execute before the build step. # - POSTBUILD_CMDS Any commands you want to execute after the build step. # [juno] LONGNAME=aarch64 Juno DSC=OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/ARM/Juno/ArmJuno.dsc BUILDFLAGS=-D USE_ARM_BDS=FALSE ARCH=AARCH64 BUILD_ATF=yes UEFI_BIN=BL33_AP_UEFI.fd UEFI_IMAGE_DIR=ArmJuno SCP_BIN=OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/ARM/Juno/Binary/bl30.bin EXTRA_FILES=../../../../OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/ARM/Juno/Binary/bl0.bin ../../../../OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/ARM/Juno/Binary/Copying.txt [fvp-base-armbds] LONGNAME=aarch64 FVP Base RTSM DSC=OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/ARM/VExpress/ArmVExpress-FVP-AArch64.dsc BUILDFLAGS=-D EDK2_ENABLE_SMSC_91X=1 -D EDK2_OUT_DIR=Build/FVP-Base-ArmBds -D DTB_DIR=OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/ARM/VExpress/DeviceTree ARCH=AARCH64 BUILD_ATF=yes ATF_PLATFORM=fvp UEFI_BIN=FVP_AARCH64_EFI.fd UEFI_IMAGE_DIR=FVP-Base-ArmBds [fvp-foundation-armbds] LONGNAME=aarch64 FVP Foundation RTSM DSC=OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/ARM/VExpress/ArmVExpress-FVP-AArch64.dsc BUILDFLAGS=-D ARM_FOUNDATION_FVP=1 -D EDK2_ENABLE_SMSC_91X=1 -D EDK2_OUT_DIR=Build/FVP-Foundation-ArmBds -D DTB_DIR=OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/ARM/VExpress/DeviceTree ARCH=AARCH64 BUILD_ATF=yes ATF_PLATFORM=fvp UEFI_BIN=FVP_AARCH64_EFI.fd UEFI_IMAGE_DIR=FVP-Foundation-ArmBds [rtsm_a15mpcore-armbds] LONGNAME=Versatile Express RTSM A15 MPCore BUILDFLAGS=-D EDK2_ARMVE_STANDALONE=1 DSC=ArmPlatformPkg/ArmVExpressPkg/ArmVExpress-RTSM-A15_MPCore.dsc ARCH=ARM UEFI_BIN=RTSM_VE_CORTEX-A15_MPCORE_EFI.fd UEFI_IMAGE_DIR=ArmVExpress-RTSM-A15_MPCore [tc2-armbds] LONGNAME=Versatile Express TC2 BUILDFLAGS=-D ARM_BIGLITTLE_TC2=1 DSC=ArmPlatformPkg/ArmVExpressPkg/ArmVExpress-CTA15-A7.dsc ARCH=ARM UEFI_BIN=ARM_VEXPRESS_CTA15A7_EFI.fd UEFI_IMAGE_DIR=ArmVExpress-CTA15-A7 [beagle-armbds] LONGNAME=BeagleBoard BUILDFLAGS= DSC=OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/TexasInstruments/BeagleBoard/BeagleBoardPkg.dsc ARCH=ARM UEFI_BIN=BEAGLEBOARD_EFI.fd UEFI_IMAGE_DIR=BeagleBoard [qemu] LONGNAME=QEMU ARM Emulator BUILDFLAGS=-D INTEL_BDS DSC=ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu.dsc ARCH=ARM UEFI_BIN=QEMU_EFI.fd UEFI_IMAGE_DIR=ArmVirtQemu-ARM [qemu64] LONGNAME=QEMU AArch64 Emulator BUILDFLAGS=-D INTEL_BDS DSC=ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu.dsc ARCH=AARCH64 UEFI_BIN=QEMU_EFI.fd UEFI_IMAGE_DIR=ArmVirtQemu-AARCH64 [xen64] LONGNAME=AArch64 Xen guest BUILDFLAGS= DSC=ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtXen.dsc ARCH=AARCH64 UEFI_BIN=XEN_EFI.fd UEFI_IMAGE_DIR=ArmVirtXen-AARCH64