/*************************************************************************/ /*! @Title Device addressable memory functions @Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved @Description Device addressable memory APIs @License Dual MIT/GPLv2 The contents of this file are subject to the MIT license as set out below. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 ("GPL") in which case the provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of GPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MIT license, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by GPL as set out in the file called "GPL-COPYING" included in this distribution. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of either the MIT license or GPL. This License is also included in this distribution in the file called "MIT-COPYING". EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE STATED IN A NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: (A) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT; AND (B) IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include #include "services_headers.h" #include "buffer_manager.h" #include "pdump_km.h" #include "pvr_bridge_km.h" #include "osfunc.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "lock.h" #if defined (__linux__) #include "mmap.h" #endif #if defined(SUPPORT_ION) #include "ion.h" #include "env_perproc.h" #endif #if defined(SUPPORT_DRI_DRM_EXTERNAL) # include # include "perproc.h" # include "env_perproc.h" extern int pvr_mapper_id; #endif /* local function prototypes */ static PVRSRV_ERROR AllocDeviceMem(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags, IMG_SIZE_T ui32Size, IMG_SIZE_T ui32Alignment, IMG_PVOID pvPrivData, IMG_UINT32 ui32PrivDataLength, IMG_UINT32 ui32ChunkSize, IMG_UINT32 ui32NumVirtChunks, IMG_UINT32 ui32NumPhysChunks, IMG_BOOL *pabMapChunk, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsMemInfo); /* local structures */ /* structure stored in resman to store references to the SRC and DST meminfo */ typedef struct _RESMAN_MAP_DEVICE_MEM_DATA_ { /* the DST meminfo created by the map */ PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo; /* SRC meminfo */ PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psSrcMemInfo; } RESMAN_MAP_DEVICE_MEM_DATA; /* map device class resman memory storage structure */ typedef struct _PVRSRV_DC_MAPINFO_ { PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo; PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode; IMG_UINT32 ui32RangeIndex; IMG_UINT32 ui32TilingStride; PVRSRV_DEVICECLASS_BUFFER *psDeviceClassBuffer; } PVRSRV_DC_MAPINFO; static IMG_UINT32 g_ui32SyncUID = 0; /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVGetDeviceMemHeapsKM @Description Gets the device shared memory heaps @Input hDevCookie : @Output phDevMemContext : ptr to handle to memory context @Output psHeapInfo : ptr to array of heap info @Return PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE, valid devnode or IMG_NULL ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVGetDeviceMemHeapsKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) PVRSRV_HEAP_INFO_KM *psHeapInfo) #else PVRSRV_HEAP_INFO *psHeapInfo) #endif { PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode; IMG_UINT32 ui32HeapCount; DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_INFO *psDeviceMemoryHeap; IMG_UINT32 i; if (hDevCookie == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVGetDeviceMemHeapsKM: hDevCookie invalid")); PVR_DBG_BREAK; return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } psDeviceNode = (PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *)hDevCookie; /* Setup useful pointers */ ui32HeapCount = psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo.ui32HeapCount; psDeviceMemoryHeap = psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo.psDeviceMemoryHeap; /* check we don't exceed the max number of heaps */ PVR_ASSERT(ui32HeapCount <= PVRSRV_MAX_CLIENT_HEAPS); /* retrieve heap information */ for(i=0; i 0) denotes a tiled heap */ psHeapInfo[i].ui32XTileStride = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32XTileStride; } for(; i < PVRSRV_MAX_CLIENT_HEAPS; i++) { OSMemSet(psHeapInfo + i, 0, sizeof(*psHeapInfo)); psHeapInfo[i].ui32HeapID = (IMG_UINT32)PVRSRV_UNDEFINED_HEAP_ID; } return PVRSRV_OK; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVCreateDeviceMemContextKM @Description Creates a device memory context @Input hDevCookie : @Input psPerProc : Per-process data @Output phDevMemContext : ptr to handle to memory context @Output pui32ClientHeapCount : ptr to heap count @Output psHeapInfo : ptr to array of heap info @Return PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE, valid devnode or IMG_NULL ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVCreateDeviceMemContextKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, IMG_HANDLE *phDevMemContext, IMG_UINT32 *pui32ClientHeapCount, #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) PVRSRV_HEAP_INFO_KM *psHeapInfo, #else PVRSRV_HEAP_INFO *psHeapInfo, #endif IMG_BOOL *pbCreated, IMG_BOOL *pbShared) { PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode; IMG_UINT32 ui32HeapCount, ui32ClientHeapCount=0; DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_INFO *psDeviceMemoryHeap; IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext; IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap; IMG_DEV_PHYADDR sPDDevPAddr; IMG_UINT32 i; #if !defined(PVR_SECURE_HANDLES) && !defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pbShared); #endif if (hDevCookie == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVCreateDeviceMemContextKM: hDevCookie invalid")); PVR_DBG_BREAK; return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } psDeviceNode = (PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *)hDevCookie; /* Setup useful pointers */ ui32HeapCount = psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo.ui32HeapCount; psDeviceMemoryHeap = psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo.psDeviceMemoryHeap; /* check we don't exceed the max number of heaps */ PVR_ASSERT(ui32HeapCount <= PVRSRV_MAX_CLIENT_HEAPS); /* Create a memory context for the caller */ hDevMemContext = BM_CreateContext(psDeviceNode, &sPDDevPAddr, psPerProc, pbCreated); if (hDevMemContext == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVCreateDeviceMemContextKM: Failed BM_CreateContext")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } /* create the per context heaps */ for(i=0; i 0) { hDevMemHeap = BM_CreateHeap(hDevMemContext, &psDeviceMemoryHeap[i]); if (hDevMemHeap == IMG_NULL) { BM_DestroyContext(hDevMemContext, IMG_NULL); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { hDevMemHeap = IMG_NULL; } /* return information about the heap */ psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].ui32HeapID = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32HeapID; psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].hDevMemHeap = hDevMemHeap; psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].sDevVAddrBase = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].sDevVAddrBase; psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].ui32HeapByteSize = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32HeapSize; psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].ui32Attribs = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32Attribs; #if defined(SUPPORT_MEMORY_TILING) psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].ui32XTileStride = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32XTileStride; #else psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].ui32XTileStride = 0; #endif #if defined(PVR_SECURE_HANDLES) || defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) pbShared[ui32ClientHeapCount] = IMG_FALSE; #endif ui32ClientHeapCount++; break; } } } /* return shared_exported and per context heap information to the caller */ *pui32ClientHeapCount = ui32ClientHeapCount; *phDevMemContext = hDevMemContext; return PVRSRV_OK; } IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVDestroyDeviceMemContextKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext, IMG_BOOL *pbDestroyed) { PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hDevCookie); return BM_DestroyContext(hDevMemContext, pbDestroyed); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVGetDeviceMemHeapInfoKM @Description gets heap info @Input hDevCookie : @Input hDevMemContext : ptr to handle to memory context @Output pui32ClientHeapCount : ptr to heap count @Output psHeapInfo : ptr to array of heap info @Return ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVGetDeviceMemHeapInfoKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext, IMG_UINT32 *pui32ClientHeapCount, #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) PVRSRV_HEAP_INFO_KM *psHeapInfo, #else PVRSRV_HEAP_INFO *psHeapInfo, #endif IMG_BOOL *pbShared) { PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode; IMG_UINT32 ui32HeapCount, ui32ClientHeapCount=0; DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_INFO *psDeviceMemoryHeap; IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap; IMG_UINT32 i; #if !defined(PVR_SECURE_HANDLES) && !defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pbShared); #endif if (hDevCookie == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVGetDeviceMemHeapInfoKM: hDevCookie invalid")); PVR_DBG_BREAK; return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } psDeviceNode = (PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *)hDevCookie; /* Setup useful pointers */ ui32HeapCount = psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo.ui32HeapCount; psDeviceMemoryHeap = psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo.psDeviceMemoryHeap; /* check we don't exceed the max number of heaps */ PVR_ASSERT(ui32HeapCount <= PVRSRV_MAX_CLIENT_HEAPS); /* create the per context heaps */ for(i=0; i 0) { hDevMemHeap = BM_CreateHeap(hDevMemContext, &psDeviceMemoryHeap[i]); if (hDevMemHeap == IMG_NULL) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { hDevMemHeap = IMG_NULL; } /* return information about the heap */ psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].ui32HeapID = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32HeapID; psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].hDevMemHeap = hDevMemHeap; psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].sDevVAddrBase = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].sDevVAddrBase; psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].ui32HeapByteSize = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32HeapSize; psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].ui32Attribs = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32Attribs; psHeapInfo[ui32ClientHeapCount].ui32XTileStride = psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32XTileStride; #if defined(PVR_SECURE_HANDLES) || defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) pbShared[ui32ClientHeapCount] = IMG_FALSE; #endif ui32ClientHeapCount++; break; } } } /* return shared_exported and per context heap information to the caller */ *pui32ClientHeapCount = ui32ClientHeapCount; return PVRSRV_OK; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function AllocDeviceMem @Description Allocates device memory @Input hDevCookie : @Input hDevMemHeap @Input ui32Flags : Some combination of PVRSRV_MEM_ flags @Input ui32Size : Number of bytes to allocate @Input ui32Alignment : Alignment of allocation @Input pvPrivData : Opaque private data passed through to allocator @Input ui32PrivDataLength : Length of opaque private data @Output **ppsMemInfo : On success, receives a pointer to the created MEM_INFO structure @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ static PVRSRV_ERROR AllocDeviceMem(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags, IMG_SIZE_T ui32Size, IMG_SIZE_T ui32Alignment, IMG_PVOID pvPrivData, IMG_UINT32 ui32PrivDataLength, IMG_UINT32 ui32ChunkSize, IMG_UINT32 ui32NumVirtChunks, IMG_UINT32 ui32NumPhysChunks, IMG_BOOL *pabMapChunk, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsMemInfo) { PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo; BM_HANDLE hBuffer; /* Pointer to implementation details within the mem_info */ PVRSRV_MEMBLK *psMemBlock; IMG_BOOL bBMError; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hDevCookie); *ppsMemInfo = IMG_NULL; if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), (IMG_VOID **)&psMemInfo, IMG_NULL, "Kernel Memory Info") != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"AllocDeviceMem: Failed to alloc memory for block")); return (PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } OSMemSet(psMemInfo, 0, sizeof(*psMemInfo)); psMemBlock = &(psMemInfo->sMemBlk); /* BM supplied Device Virtual Address with physical backing RAM */ psMemInfo->ui32Flags = ui32Flags | PVRSRV_MEM_RAM_BACKED_ALLOCATION; bBMError = BM_Alloc (hDevMemHeap, IMG_NULL, ui32Size, &psMemInfo->ui32Flags, IMG_CAST_TO_DEVVADDR_UINT(ui32Alignment), pvPrivData, ui32PrivDataLength, ui32ChunkSize, ui32NumVirtChunks, ui32NumPhysChunks, pabMapChunk, &hBuffer); if (!bBMError) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"AllocDeviceMem: BM_Alloc Failed")); OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), psMemInfo, IMG_NULL); /*not nulling pointer, out of scope*/ return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } /* Fill in "Implementation dependant" section of mem info */ psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr = BM_HandleToDevVaddr(hBuffer); psMemBlock->hOSMemHandle = BM_HandleToOSMemHandle(hBuffer); /* Convert from BM_HANDLE to external IMG_HANDLE */ psMemBlock->hBuffer = (IMG_HANDLE)hBuffer; /* Fill in the public fields of the MEM_INFO structure */ psMemInfo->pvLinAddrKM = BM_HandleToCpuVaddr(hBuffer); psMemInfo->sDevVAddr = psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr; if (ui32Flags & PVRSRV_MEM_SPARSE) { psMemInfo->uAllocSize = ui32ChunkSize * ui32NumVirtChunks; } else { psMemInfo->uAllocSize = ui32Size; } /* Clear the Backup buffer pointer as we do not have one at this point. We only allocate this as we are going up/down */ psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer = IMG_NULL; /* * Setup the output. */ *ppsMemInfo = psMemInfo; /* * And I think we're done for now.... */ return (PVRSRV_OK); } static PVRSRV_ERROR FreeDeviceMem2(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo, PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN eCallbackOrigin) { BM_HANDLE hBuffer; if (!psMemInfo) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } hBuffer = psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hBuffer; switch(eCallbackOrigin) { case PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_ALLOCATOR: BM_Free(hBuffer, psMemInfo->ui32Flags); break; case PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_IMPORTER: BM_FreeExport(hBuffer, psMemInfo->ui32Flags); break; default: break; } if (psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer && eCallbackOrigin == PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_ALLOCATOR) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, psMemInfo->uAllocSize, psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer, IMG_NULL); psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer = IMG_NULL; } if (psMemInfo->ui32RefCount == 0) OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), psMemInfo, IMG_NULL); return(PVRSRV_OK); } static PVRSRV_ERROR FreeDeviceMem(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo) { BM_HANDLE hBuffer; if (!psMemInfo) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } hBuffer = psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hBuffer; BM_Free(hBuffer, psMemInfo->ui32Flags); if(psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, psMemInfo->uAllocSize, psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer, IMG_NULL); psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer = IMG_NULL; } OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), psMemInfo, IMG_NULL); return(PVRSRV_OK); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM @Description Allocates a sync info @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext, PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO **ppsKernelSyncInfo) { IMG_HANDLE hSyncDevMemHeap; DEVICE_MEMORY_INFO *psDevMemoryInfo; BM_CONTEXT *pBMContext; PVRSRV_ERROR eError; PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO *psKernelSyncInfo; PVRSRV_SYNC_DATA *psSyncData; eError = OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO), (IMG_VOID **)&psKernelSyncInfo, IMG_NULL, "Kernel Synchronization Info"); if (eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM: Failed to alloc memory")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } eError = OSAtomicAlloc(&psKernelSyncInfo->pvRefCount); if (eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM: Failed to allocate atomic")); OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO), psKernelSyncInfo, IMG_NULL); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } /* Get the devnode from the devheap */ pBMContext = (BM_CONTEXT*)hDevMemContext; psDevMemoryInfo = &pBMContext->psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo; /* and choose a heap for the syncinfo */ hSyncDevMemHeap = psDevMemoryInfo->psDeviceMemoryHeap[psDevMemoryInfo->ui32SyncHeapID].hDevMemHeap; /* Cache consistent flag would be unnecessary if the heap attributes were changed to specify it. */ eError = AllocDeviceMem(hDevCookie, hSyncDevMemHeap, PVRSRV_MEM_CACHE_CONSISTENT, sizeof(PVRSRV_SYNC_DATA), sizeof(IMG_UINT32), IMG_NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, IMG_NULL, /* Sparse mapping args, not required */ &psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM); if (eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM: Failed to alloc memory")); OSAtomicFree(psKernelSyncInfo->pvRefCount); OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO), psKernelSyncInfo, IMG_NULL); /*not nulling pointer, out of scope*/ return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } /* init sync data */ psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncData = psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM->pvLinAddrKM; psSyncData = psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncData; psSyncData->ui32WriteOpsPending = 0; psSyncData->ui32WriteOpsComplete = 0; psSyncData->ui32ReadOpsPending = 0; psSyncData->ui32ReadOpsComplete = 0; psSyncData->ui32ReadOps2Pending = 0; psSyncData->ui32ReadOps2Complete = 0; psSyncData->ui32LastOpDumpVal = 0; psSyncData->ui32LastReadOpDumpVal = 0; psSyncData->ui64LastWrite = 0; #if defined(PDUMP) PDUMPCOMMENT("Allocating kernel sync object"); PDUMPMEM(psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM->pvLinAddrKM, psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM, 0, (IMG_UINT32)psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM->uAllocSize, PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS, MAKEUNIQUETAG(psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM)); #endif psKernelSyncInfo->sWriteOpsCompleteDevVAddr.uiAddr = psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM->sDevVAddr.uiAddr + offsetof(PVRSRV_SYNC_DATA, ui32WriteOpsComplete); psKernelSyncInfo->sReadOpsCompleteDevVAddr.uiAddr = psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM->sDevVAddr.uiAddr + offsetof(PVRSRV_SYNC_DATA, ui32ReadOpsComplete); psKernelSyncInfo->sReadOps2CompleteDevVAddr.uiAddr = psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM->sDevVAddr.uiAddr + offsetof(PVRSRV_SYNC_DATA, ui32ReadOps2Complete); psKernelSyncInfo->ui32UID = g_ui32SyncUID++; /* syncinfo meminfo has no syncinfo! */ psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM->psKernelSyncInfo = IMG_NULL; OSAtomicInc(psKernelSyncInfo->pvRefCount); /* return result */ *ppsKernelSyncInfo = psKernelSyncInfo; return PVRSRV_OK; } IMG_EXPORT IMG_VOID PVRSRVAcquireSyncInfoKM(PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO *psKernelSyncInfo) { OSAtomicInc(psKernelSyncInfo->pvRefCount); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVFreeSyncInfoKM @Description Frees a sync info @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT IMG_VOID IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVReleaseSyncInfoKM(PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO *psKernelSyncInfo) { if (OSAtomicDecAndTest(psKernelSyncInfo->pvRefCount)) { FreeDeviceMem(psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM); /* Catch anyone who is trying to access the freed structure */ psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM = IMG_NULL; psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncData = IMG_NULL; OSAtomicFree(psKernelSyncInfo->pvRefCount); (IMG_VOID)OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO), psKernelSyncInfo, IMG_NULL); /*not nulling pointer, copy on stack*/ } } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function freeExternal @Description Code for freeing meminfo elements that are specific to external types memory @Input psMemInfo : Kernel meminfo @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ static IMG_VOID freeExternal(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo) { IMG_HANDLE hOSWrapMem = psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hOSWrapMem; /* free the page addr array if req'd */ if(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.psIntSysPAddr) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(IMG_SYS_PHYADDR), psMemInfo->sMemBlk.psIntSysPAddr, IMG_NULL); psMemInfo->sMemBlk.psIntSysPAddr = IMG_NULL; } /* Mem type dependent stuff */ if (psMemInfo->memType == PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_WRAPPED) { if(hOSWrapMem) { OSReleasePhysPageAddr(hOSWrapMem); } } #if defined(SUPPORT_ION) else if (psMemInfo->memType == PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_ION) { if (hOSWrapMem) { IonUnimportBufferAndReleasePhysAddr(hOSWrapMem); } } #endif } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function FreeMemCallBackCommon @Description Common code for freeing device mem (called for freeing, unwrapping and unmapping) @Input psMemInfo : Kernel meminfo @Input ui32Param : packet size @Input uibFromAllocatorParam : Are we being called by the original allocator? @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR FreeMemCallBackCommon(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo, IMG_UINT32 ui32Param, PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN eCallbackOrigin) { PVRSRV_ERROR eError = PVRSRV_OK; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ui32Param); /* decrement the refcount */ PVRSRVKernelMemInfoDecRef(psMemInfo); /* check no other processes has this meminfo mapped */ if (psMemInfo->ui32RefCount == 0) { if((psMemInfo->ui32Flags & PVRSRV_MEM_EXPORTED) != 0) { #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hMemInfo = 0; #else IMG_HANDLE hMemInfo = IMG_NULL; #endif /* find the handle */ eError = PVRSRVFindHandle(KERNEL_HANDLE_BASE, &hMemInfo, psMemInfo, PVRSRV_HANDLE_TYPE_MEM_INFO); if(eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "FreeMemCallBackCommon: can't find exported meminfo in the global handle list")); return eError; } /* release the handle */ eError = PVRSRVReleaseHandle(KERNEL_HANDLE_BASE, hMemInfo, PVRSRV_HANDLE_TYPE_MEM_INFO); if(eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "FreeMemCallBackCommon: PVRSRVReleaseHandle failed for exported meminfo")); return eError; } } switch(psMemInfo->memType) { /* Fall through: Free only what we should for each memory type */ case PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_WRAPPED: case PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_ION: freeExternal(psMemInfo); case PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_DEVICE: case PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_DEVICECLASS: if (psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo) { /* note: we have to inline PVRSRVReleaseSyncInfoKM here * because we need clean up the GEM obj's ptr to the * sync obj.. need to see if we can find a cleaner * way.. */ PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO *psKernelSyncInfo = psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo; if (OSAtomicDecAndTest(psKernelSyncInfo->pvRefCount)) { #if defined(SUPPORT_DRI_DRM_EXTERNAL) struct drm_gem_object *buf = BM_GetGEM(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hBuffer); if (buf) { omap_gem_set_priv(buf, pvr_mapper_id, NULL); omap_gem_set_sync_object(buf, NULL); } #endif FreeDeviceMem(psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM); /* Catch anyone who is trying to access the freed structure */ psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncDataMemInfoKM = IMG_NULL; psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncData = IMG_NULL; OSAtomicFree(psKernelSyncInfo->pvRefCount); (IMG_VOID)OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO), psKernelSyncInfo, IMG_NULL); /*not nulling pointer, copy on stack*/ } } break; default: PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "FreeMemCallBackCommon: Unknown memType")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_MEMINFO; } } /* * FreeDeviceMem2 will do the right thing, freeing * the virtual memory info when the allocator calls * but only releaseing the physical pages when everyone * is done. */ if (eError == PVRSRV_OK) { eError = FreeDeviceMem2(psMemInfo, eCallbackOrigin); } return eError; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function FreeDeviceMemCallBack @Description ResMan call back to free device memory @Input pvParam : data packet @Input ui32Param : packet size @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ static PVRSRV_ERROR FreeDeviceMemCallBack(IMG_PVOID pvParam, IMG_UINT32 ui32Param, IMG_BOOL bDummy) { PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo = (PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *)pvParam; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bDummy); return FreeMemCallBackCommon(psMemInfo, ui32Param, PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_ALLOCATOR); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVFreeDeviceMemKM @Description Frees memory allocated with PVRAllocDeviceMem, including the mem_info structure @Input psMemInfo : @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVFreeDeviceMemKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo) { PVRSRV_ERROR eError; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hDevCookie); if (!psMemInfo) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } if (psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem != IMG_NULL) { eError = ResManFreeResByPtr(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem, CLEANUP_WITH_POLL); } else { /* PVRSRV_MEM_NO_RESMAN */ eError = FreeDeviceMemCallBack(psMemInfo, 0, CLEANUP_WITH_POLL); } return eError; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVRemapToDevKM @Description Remaps buffer to GPU virtual address space @Input psMemInfo @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVRemapToDevKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo, IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR *psDevVAddr) { PVRSRV_MEMBLK *psMemBlock; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hDevCookie); if (!psMemInfo) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVRemapToDevKM: invalid parameters")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } psMemBlock = &(psMemInfo->sMemBlk); if (! BM_RemapToDev(psMemBlock->hBuffer)) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVRemapToDevKM: could not remap")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr = BM_HandleToDevVaddr(psMemBlock->hBuffer); psMemInfo->sDevVAddr = psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr; *psDevVAddr = psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr; return PVRSRV_OK; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVUnmapFromDevKM @Description Unmaps buffer from GPU virtual address space @Input psMemInfo @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVUnmapFromDevKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo) { PVRSRV_MEMBLK *psMemBlock; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hDevCookie); if (!psMemInfo) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVUnmapFromDevKM: invalid parameters")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } psMemBlock = &(psMemInfo->sMemBlk); if (! BM_UnmapFromDev(psMemBlock->hBuffer)) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVUnmapFromDevKM: could not unmap")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // XXX hmm, should pick better error code } return PVRSRV_OK; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVAllocDeviceMemKM @Description Allocates device memory @Input hDevCookie : @Input psPerProc : Per-process data @Input hDevMemHeap @Input ui32Flags : Some combination of PVRSRV_MEM_ flags @Input ui32Size : Number of bytes to allocate @Input ui32Alignment : @Output **ppsMemInfo : On success, receives a pointer to the created MEM_INFO structure @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV _PVRSRVAllocDeviceMemKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags, IMG_SIZE_T ui32Size, IMG_SIZE_T ui32Alignment, IMG_PVOID pvPrivData, IMG_UINT32 ui32PrivDataLength, IMG_UINT32 ui32ChunkSize, IMG_UINT32 ui32NumVirtChunks, IMG_UINT32 ui32NumPhysChunks, IMG_BOOL *pabMapChunk, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsMemInfo) { PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo; PVRSRV_ERROR eError; BM_HEAP *psBMHeap; IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext; if (!hDevMemHeap || ((ui32Size == 0) && ((ui32Flags & PVRSRV_MEM_SPARSE) == 0)) || (((ui32ChunkSize == 0) || (ui32NumVirtChunks == 0) || (ui32NumPhysChunks == 0) || (pabMapChunk == IMG_NULL )) && (ui32Flags & PVRSRV_MEM_SPARSE))) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } /* Sprase alloc input validation */ if (ui32Flags & PVRSRV_MEM_SPARSE) { IMG_UINT32 i; IMG_UINT32 ui32Check = 0; if (ui32NumVirtChunks < ui32NumPhysChunks) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } for (i=0;ipsKernelSyncInfo = IMG_NULL; } else { /* allocate a syncinfo but don't register with resman because the holding devicemem will handle the syncinfo */ psBMHeap = (BM_HEAP*)hDevMemHeap; hDevMemContext = (IMG_HANDLE)psBMHeap->pBMContext; eError = PVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM(hDevCookie, hDevMemContext, &psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo); if(eError != PVRSRV_OK) { goto free_mainalloc; } } /* * Setup the output. */ *ppsMemInfo = psMemInfo; if (ui32Flags & PVRSRV_MEM_NO_RESMAN) { psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem = IMG_NULL; } else { /* register with the resman */ psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem = ResManRegisterRes(psPerProc->hResManContext, RESMAN_TYPE_DEVICEMEM_ALLOCATION, psMemInfo, 0, &FreeDeviceMemCallBack); if (psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem == IMG_NULL) { eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto free_mainalloc; } } /* increment the refcount */ PVRSRVKernelMemInfoIncRef(psMemInfo); psMemInfo->memType = PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_DEVICE; /* * And I think we're done for now.... */ return (PVRSRV_OK); free_mainalloc: if (psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo) { PVRSRVKernelSyncInfoDecRef(psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo, psMemInfo); } FreeDeviceMem(psMemInfo); return eError; } #if defined(SUPPORT_ION) static PVRSRV_ERROR IonUnmapCallback(IMG_PVOID pvParam, IMG_UINT32 ui32Param, IMG_BOOL bDummy) { PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo = (PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *)pvParam; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bDummy); return FreeMemCallBackCommon(psMemInfo, ui32Param, PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_ALLOCATOR); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVMapIonHandleKM @Description Map an ION buffer into the specified device memory context @Input psPerProc : PerProcess data @Input hDevCookie : Device node cookie @Input hDevMemContext : Device memory context cookie @Input hIon : Handle to ION buffer @Input ui32Flags : Mapping flags @Input ui32Size : Mapping size @Output ppsKernelMemInfo: Output kernel meminfo if successful @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR PVRSRVMapIonHandleKM(PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext, IMG_HANDLE hIon, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags, IMG_UINT32 ui32Size, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsKernelMemInfo) { PVRSRV_ENV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProcEnv = PVRSRVProcessPrivateData(psPerProc); PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode; PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psNewKernelMemInfo; DEVICE_MEMORY_INFO *psDevMemoryInfo; DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_INFO *psDeviceMemoryHeap; IMG_SYS_PHYADDR *pasSysPhysAddr; PVRSRV_MEMBLK *psMemBlock; PVRSRV_ERROR eError; IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap = IMG_NULL; IMG_HANDLE hPriv; BM_HANDLE hBuffer; IMG_UINT32 ui32HeapCount; IMG_UINT32 ui32PageCount; IMG_UINT32 i; IMG_BOOL bAllocSync = (ui32Flags & PVRSRV_MEM_NO_SYNCOBJ)?IMG_FALSE:IMG_TRUE; if ((hDevCookie == IMG_NULL) || (ui32Size == 0) || (hDevMemContext == IMG_NULL) || (ppsKernelMemInfo == IMG_NULL)) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "%s: Invalid params", __FUNCTION__)); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } psDeviceNode = (PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *)hDevCookie; if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), (IMG_VOID **)&psNewKernelMemInfo, IMG_NULL, "Kernel Memory Info") != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"%s: Failed to alloc memory for block", __FUNCTION__)); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } OSMemSet(psNewKernelMemInfo, 0, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO)); /* Choose the heap to map to */ ui32HeapCount = psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo.ui32HeapCount; psDevMemoryInfo = &psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo; psDeviceMemoryHeap = psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo.psDeviceMemoryHeap; for(i=0; iui32IonHeapID) { if(psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].DevMemHeapType == DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_PERCONTEXT) { if (psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32HeapSize > 0) { hDevMemHeap = BM_CreateHeap(hDevMemContext, &psDeviceMemoryHeap[i]); } else { hDevMemHeap = IMG_NULL; } } else { hDevMemHeap = psDevMemoryInfo->psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].hDevMemHeap; } break; } } if (hDevMemHeap == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "%s: Failed to get ION heap", __FUNCTION__)); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_HEAPINFO; goto exitFailedHeap; } /* Import the ION buffer into our ion_client and DMA map it */ eError = IonImportBufferAndAquirePhysAddr(psPerProcEnv->psIONClient, hIon, &ui32PageCount, &pasSysPhysAddr, &psNewKernelMemInfo->pvLinAddrKM, &hPriv); if (eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "%s: Failed to get ion buffer/buffer phys addr", __FUNCTION__)); goto exitFailedHeap; } /* Wrap the returned addresses into our memory context */ if (!BM_Wrap(hDevMemHeap, ui32Size, 0, IMG_FALSE, pasSysPhysAddr, IMG_NULL, &ui32Flags, /* This function clobbers our bits in ui32Flags */ &hBuffer)) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "%s: Failed to wrap ion buffer", __FUNCTION__)); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto exitFailedWrap; } /* Fill in "Implementation dependant" section of mem info */ psMemBlock = &psNewKernelMemInfo->sMemBlk; psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr = BM_HandleToDevVaddr(hBuffer); psMemBlock->hOSMemHandle = BM_HandleToOSMemHandle(hBuffer); psMemBlock->hBuffer = (IMG_HANDLE) hBuffer; psMemBlock->hOSWrapMem = hPriv; /* Saves creating a new element as we know hOSWrapMem will not be used */ psMemBlock->psIntSysPAddr = pasSysPhysAddr; psNewKernelMemInfo->ui32Flags = ui32Flags; psNewKernelMemInfo->sDevVAddr = psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr; psNewKernelMemInfo->uAllocSize = ui32Size; psNewKernelMemInfo->memType = PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_ION; PVRSRVKernelMemInfoIncRef(psNewKernelMemInfo); /* Clear the Backup buffer pointer as we do not have one at this point. We only allocate this as we are going up/down */ psNewKernelMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer = IMG_NULL; if (!bAllocSync) { psNewKernelMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo = IMG_NULL; } else { eError = PVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM(hDevCookie, hDevMemContext, &psNewKernelMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo); if(eError != PVRSRV_OK) { goto exitFailedSync; } } /* register with the resman */ psNewKernelMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem = ResManRegisterRes(psPerProc->hResManContext, RESMAN_TYPE_DEVICEMEM_ION, psNewKernelMemInfo, 0, &IonUnmapCallback); if (psNewKernelMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem == IMG_NULL) { eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto exitFailedResman; } psNewKernelMemInfo->memType = PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_ION; *ppsKernelMemInfo = psNewKernelMemInfo; return PVRSRV_OK; exitFailedResman: if (psNewKernelMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo) { PVRSRVKernelSyncInfoDecRef(psNewKernelMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo, psNewKernelMemInfo); } exitFailedSync: BM_Free(hBuffer, ui32Flags); exitFailedWrap: IonUnimportBufferAndReleasePhysAddr(hPriv); OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(IMG_SYS_PHYADDR) * ui32PageCount, pasSysPhysAddr, IMG_NULL); exitFailedHeap: OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), psNewKernelMemInfo, IMG_NULL); return eError; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVUnmapIonHandleKM @Description Frees an ion buffer mapped with PVRSRVMapIonHandleKM, including the mem_info structure @Input psMemInfo : @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVUnmapIonHandleKM(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo) { if (!psMemInfo) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } return ResManFreeResByPtr(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem, CLEANUP_WITH_POLL); } #endif /* SUPPORT_ION */ /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVDissociateDeviceMemKM @Description Dissociates memory from the process that allocates it. Intended for transfering the ownership of device memory from a particular process to the kernel. @Input psMemInfo : @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVDissociateDeviceMemKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo) { PVRSRV_ERROR eError; PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode = hDevCookie; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hDevCookie); if (!psMemInfo) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } eError = ResManDissociateRes(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem, psDeviceNode->hResManContext); PVR_ASSERT(eError == PVRSRV_OK); return eError; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVGetFreeDeviceMemKM @Description Determines how much memory remains available in the system with the specified capabilities. @Input ui32Flags : @Output pui32Total : @Output pui32Free : @Output pui32LargestBlock : @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVGetFreeDeviceMemKM(IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags, IMG_SIZE_T *pui32Total, IMG_SIZE_T *pui32Free, IMG_SIZE_T *pui32LargestBlock) { /* TO BE IMPLEMENTED */ PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ui32Flags); PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pui32Total); PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pui32Free); PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pui32LargestBlock); return PVRSRV_OK; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVUnwrapExtMemoryKM @Description On last unwrap of a given meminfo, unmaps physical pages from a wrapped allocation, and frees the associated device address space. Note: this can only unmap memory mapped by PVRSRVWrapExtMemory @Input psMemInfo - mem info describing the wrapped allocation @Return None ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVUnwrapExtMemoryKM (PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo) { if (!psMemInfo) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } return ResManFreeResByPtr(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem, CLEANUP_WITH_POLL); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function UnwrapExtMemoryCallBack @Description Resman callback to unwrap memory @Input pvParam - opaque void ptr param @Input ui32Param - opaque unsigned long param @Return PVRSRV_ERROR ******************************************************************************/ static PVRSRV_ERROR UnwrapExtMemoryCallBack(IMG_PVOID pvParam, IMG_UINT32 ui32Param, IMG_BOOL bDummy) { PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo = (PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *)pvParam; #if defined(SUPPORT_DRI_DRM_EXTERNAL) IMG_BOOL bPhysContig = (IMG_BOOL)ui32Param; struct drm_gem_object *buf = BM_GetGEM(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hBuffer); #endif PVRSRV_ERROR err = FreeMemCallBackCommon(psMemInfo, ui32Param, PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_ALLOCATOR); PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bDummy); #if defined(SUPPORT_DRI_DRM_EXTERNAL) if (buf) { if (omap_gem_flags(buf) & OMAP_BO_TILED_MASK) { omap_gem_put_paddr(buf); } else { if (bPhysContig) { omap_gem_put_paddr(buf); } else { omap_gem_put_pages(buf); } } } #endif /* SUPPORT_DRI_DRM_EXTERNAL */ return err; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM @Description Allocates a Device Virtual Address in the shared mapping heap and maps physical pages into that allocation. Note, if the pages are already mapped into the heap, the existing allocation is returned. @Input hDevCookie - Device cookie @Input psPerProc - Per-process data @Input hDevMemContext - device memory context @Input uByteSize - Size of allocation @Input uPageOffset - Offset into the first page of the memory to be wrapped @Input bPhysContig - whether the underlying memory is physically contiguous @Input psExtSysPAddr - The list of Device Physical page addresses @Input pvLinAddr - ptr to buffer to wrap @Output ppsMemInfo - mem info describing the wrapped allocation @Return None ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM(IMG_HANDLE hDevCookie, PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext, IMG_SIZE_T uByteSize, IMG_SIZE_T uPageOffset, IMG_BOOL bPhysContig, IMG_SYS_PHYADDR *psExtSysPAddr, IMG_VOID *pvLinAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsMemInfo) { PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo = IMG_NULL; DEVICE_MEMORY_INFO *psDevMemoryInfo; IMG_SIZE_T ui32HostPageSize = HOST_PAGESIZE(); IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap = IMG_NULL; PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE* psDeviceNode; BM_HANDLE hBuffer; PVRSRV_MEMBLK *psMemBlock; IMG_BOOL bBMError; BM_HEAP *psBMHeap; PVRSRV_ERROR eError; IMG_VOID *pvPageAlignedCPUVAddr; IMG_SYS_PHYADDR *psIntSysPAddr = IMG_NULL; IMG_HANDLE hOSWrapMem = IMG_NULL; DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_INFO *psDeviceMemoryHeap; IMG_UINT32 i; IMG_SIZE_T uPageCount = 0; psDeviceNode = (PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE*)hDevCookie; PVR_ASSERT(psDeviceNode != IMG_NULL); if (psDeviceNode == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: invalid parameter")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } if(pvLinAddr) { /* derive the page offset from the cpu ptr (in case it's not supplied) */ uPageOffset = (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pvLinAddr & (ui32HostPageSize - 1); /* get the pagecount and the page aligned base ptr */ uPageCount = HOST_PAGEALIGN(uByteSize + uPageOffset) / ui32HostPageSize; pvPageAlignedCPUVAddr = (IMG_VOID *)((IMG_UINTPTR_T)pvLinAddr - uPageOffset); /* allocate array of SysPAddr to hold page addresses */ if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, uPageCount * sizeof(IMG_SYS_PHYADDR), (IMG_VOID **)&psIntSysPAddr, IMG_NULL, "Array of Page Addresses") != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for block")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } eError = OSAcquirePhysPageAddr(pvPageAlignedCPUVAddr, uPageCount * ui32HostPageSize, psIntSysPAddr, &hOSWrapMem); if(eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for block")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;//FIXME: need better error code goto ErrorExitPhase1; } /* replace the supplied page address list */ psExtSysPAddr = psIntSysPAddr; /* assume memory is not physically contiguous; we shouldn't trust what the user says here */ bPhysContig = IMG_FALSE; } /* Choose the heap to map to */ psDevMemoryInfo = &((BM_CONTEXT*)hDevMemContext)->psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo; psDeviceMemoryHeap = psDevMemoryInfo->psDeviceMemoryHeap; for(i=0; iui32MappingHeapID) { if(psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].DevMemHeapType == DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_PERCONTEXT) { if (psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32HeapSize > 0) { hDevMemHeap = BM_CreateHeap(hDevMemContext, &psDeviceMemoryHeap[i]); } else { hDevMemHeap = IMG_NULL; } } else { hDevMemHeap = psDevMemoryInfo->psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].hDevMemHeap; } break; } } if(hDevMemHeap == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: unable to find mapping heap")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_MAPPING_HEAP; goto ErrorExitPhase2; } if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), (IMG_VOID **)&psMemInfo, IMG_NULL, "Kernel Memory Info") != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for block")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto ErrorExitPhase2; } OSMemSet(psMemInfo, 0, sizeof(*psMemInfo)); psMemInfo->ui32Flags = ui32Flags; psMemBlock = &(psMemInfo->sMemBlk); bBMError = BM_Wrap(hDevMemHeap, uByteSize, uPageOffset, bPhysContig, psExtSysPAddr, IMG_NULL, &psMemInfo->ui32Flags, &hBuffer); if (!bBMError) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: BM_Wrap Failed")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_BAD_MAPPING; goto ErrorExitPhase3; } /* Fill in "Implementation dependant" section of mem info */ psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr = BM_HandleToDevVaddr(hBuffer); psMemBlock->hOSMemHandle = BM_HandleToOSMemHandle(hBuffer); psMemBlock->hOSWrapMem = hOSWrapMem; psMemBlock->psIntSysPAddr = psIntSysPAddr; /* Convert from BM_HANDLE to external IMG_HANDLE */ psMemBlock->hBuffer = (IMG_HANDLE)hBuffer; /* Fill in the public fields of the MEM_INFO structure */ psMemInfo->pvLinAddrKM = BM_HandleToCpuVaddr(hBuffer); psMemInfo->sDevVAddr = psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr; psMemInfo->uAllocSize = uByteSize; /* Clear the Backup buffer pointer as we do not have one at this point. We only allocate this as we are going up/down */ psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer = IMG_NULL; /* allocate a syncinfo but don't register with resman because the holding devicemem will handle the syncinfo */ psBMHeap = (BM_HEAP*)hDevMemHeap; hDevMemContext = (IMG_HANDLE)psBMHeap->pBMContext; eError = PVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM(hDevCookie, hDevMemContext, &psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo); if(eError != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrorExitPhase4; } /* increment the refcount */ PVRSRVKernelMemInfoIncRef(psMemInfo); psMemInfo->memType = PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_WRAPPED; /* Register Resource */ psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem = ResManRegisterRes(psPerProc->hResManContext, RESMAN_TYPE_DEVICEMEM_WRAP, psMemInfo, 0, &UnwrapExtMemoryCallBack); /* return the meminfo */ *ppsMemInfo = psMemInfo; return PVRSRV_OK; /* error handling: */ ErrorExitPhase4: if(psMemInfo) { FreeDeviceMem(psMemInfo); /* FreeDeviceMem will free the meminfo so set it to NULL to avoid double free below */ psMemInfo = IMG_NULL; } ErrorExitPhase3: if(psMemInfo) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), psMemInfo, IMG_NULL); /*not nulling pointer, out of scope*/ } ErrorExitPhase2: if(psIntSysPAddr) { OSReleasePhysPageAddr(hOSWrapMem); } ErrorExitPhase1: if(psIntSysPAddr) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, uPageCount * sizeof(IMG_SYS_PHYADDR), psIntSysPAddr, IMG_NULL); /*not nulling shared pointer, uninitialized to this point*/ } return eError; } struct async_unmap_data { PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo; IMG_UINT32 ui32PID; }; static void async_unmap(void *arg) { struct async_unmap_data *data = arg; PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo = data->psMemInfo; LinuxLockMutex(&gPVRSRVLock); ResManFreeResByPtr(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem, CLEANUP_WITH_POLL); /* decrement the refcnt on the per-proc: */ PVRSRVPerProcessDataDisconnect(data->ui32PID); LinuxUnLockMutex(&gPVRSRVLock); kfree(data); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVUnmapDeviceMemoryKM @Description Unmaps an existing allocation previously mapped by PVRSRVMapDeviceMemory @Input psMemInfo @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVUnmapDeviceMemoryKM (PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo, PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc) { struct drm_gem_object *buf; if (!psMemInfo) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } buf = BM_GetGEM(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hBuffer); if (buf) { struct async_unmap_data *data = kmalloc(sizeof *data, GFP_KERNEL); int ret; /* need to hold a ref to the per-proc, so an exiting/crashing * app while there are still pending buffers for async free * doesn't trigger premature cleanup.. */ PVRSRVPerProcessDataConnect(psPerProc->ui32PID, 0); data->psMemInfo = psMemInfo; data->ui32PID = psPerProc->ui32PID; LinuxUnLockMutex(&gPVRSRVLock); ret = omap_gem_op_async(buf, OMAP_GEM_READ|OMAP_GEM_WRITE, async_unmap, data); LinuxLockMutex(&gPVRSRVLock); if (ret == 0) return PVRSRV_OK; /* otherwise fallthru and delete immediately! */ } return ResManFreeResByPtr(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem, CLEANUP_WITH_POLL); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function UnmapDeviceMemoryCallBack @Description Resman callback to unmap memory memory previously mapped from one allocation to another @Input pvParam - opaque void ptr param @Input ui32Param - opaque unsigned long param @Return PVRSRV_ERROR ******************************************************************************/ static PVRSRV_ERROR UnmapDeviceMemoryCallBack(IMG_PVOID pvParam, IMG_UINT32 ui32Param, IMG_BOOL bDummy) { PVRSRV_ERROR eError; RESMAN_MAP_DEVICE_MEM_DATA *psMapData = pvParam; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ui32Param); PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bDummy); if(psMapData->psMemInfo->sMemBlk.psIntSysPAddr) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(IMG_SYS_PHYADDR), psMapData->psMemInfo->sMemBlk.psIntSysPAddr, IMG_NULL); psMapData->psMemInfo->sMemBlk.psIntSysPAddr = IMG_NULL; } if( psMapData->psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo ) { PVRSRVKernelSyncInfoDecRef(psMapData->psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo, psMapData->psMemInfo); } eError = FreeDeviceMem(psMapData->psMemInfo); if(eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"UnmapDeviceMemoryCallBack: Failed to free DST meminfo")); return eError; } /* This will only free the src psMemInfo if we hold the last reference */ eError = FreeMemCallBackCommon(psMapData->psSrcMemInfo, 0, PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_IMPORTER); OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(RESMAN_MAP_DEVICE_MEM_DATA), psMapData, IMG_NULL); /*not nulling pointer, copy on stack*/ return eError; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM @Description Maps an existing allocation to a specific device address space and heap Note: it's valid to map from one physical device to another @Input psPerProc : Per-process data @Input psSrcMemInfo @Input hDstDevMemHeap @Input ppsDstMemInfo @Return PVRSRV_ERROR : ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM(PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psSrcMemInfo, IMG_HANDLE hDstDevMemHeap, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsDstMemInfo) { PVRSRV_ERROR eError; IMG_UINT32 i; IMG_SIZE_T uPageCount, uPageOffset; IMG_SIZE_T ui32HostPageSize = HOST_PAGESIZE(); IMG_SYS_PHYADDR *psSysPAddr = IMG_NULL; IMG_DEV_PHYADDR sDevPAddr; BM_BUF *psBuf; IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sDevVAddr; PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo = IMG_NULL; BM_HANDLE hBuffer; PVRSRV_MEMBLK *psMemBlock; IMG_BOOL bBMError; PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode; IMG_VOID *pvPageAlignedCPUVAddr; RESMAN_MAP_DEVICE_MEM_DATA *psMapData = IMG_NULL; /* check params */ if(!psSrcMemInfo || !hDstDevMemHeap || !ppsDstMemInfo) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM: invalid parameters")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } /* initialise the Dst Meminfo to NULL*/ *ppsDstMemInfo = IMG_NULL; uPageOffset = psSrcMemInfo->sDevVAddr.uiAddr & (ui32HostPageSize - 1); uPageCount = HOST_PAGEALIGN(psSrcMemInfo->uAllocSize + uPageOffset) / ui32HostPageSize; pvPageAlignedCPUVAddr = (IMG_VOID *)((IMG_UINTPTR_T)psSrcMemInfo->pvLinAddrKM - uPageOffset); /* allocate array of SysPAddr to hold SRC allocation page addresses */ if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, uPageCount*sizeof(IMG_SYS_PHYADDR), (IMG_VOID **)&psSysPAddr, IMG_NULL, "Array of Page Addresses") != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for block")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } psBuf = psSrcMemInfo->sMemBlk.hBuffer; /* get the device node */ psDeviceNode = psBuf->pMapping->pBMHeap->pBMContext->psDeviceNode; /* build a list of physical page addresses */ sDevVAddr.uiAddr = psSrcMemInfo->sDevVAddr.uiAddr - IMG_CAST_TO_DEVVADDR_UINT(uPageOffset); for(i=0; isDevId.eDeviceType, sDevPAddr); /* advance the DevVaddr one page */ sDevVAddr.uiAddr += IMG_CAST_TO_DEVVADDR_UINT(ui32HostPageSize); } /* allocate the resman map data */ if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(RESMAN_MAP_DEVICE_MEM_DATA), (IMG_VOID **)&psMapData, IMG_NULL, "Resource Manager Map Data") != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM: Failed to alloc resman map data")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit; } if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), (IMG_VOID **)&psMemInfo, IMG_NULL, "Kernel Memory Info") != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for block")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit; } OSMemSet(psMemInfo, 0, sizeof(*psMemInfo)); psMemInfo->ui32Flags = psSrcMemInfo->ui32Flags; psMemBlock = &(psMemInfo->sMemBlk); bBMError = BM_Wrap(hDstDevMemHeap, psSrcMemInfo->uAllocSize, uPageOffset, IMG_FALSE, psSysPAddr, pvPageAlignedCPUVAddr, &psMemInfo->ui32Flags, &hBuffer); if (!bBMError) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM: BM_Wrap Failed")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_BAD_MAPPING; goto ErrorExit; } /* Fill in "Implementation dependant" section of mem info */ psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr = BM_HandleToDevVaddr(hBuffer); psMemBlock->hOSMemHandle = BM_HandleToOSMemHandle(hBuffer); /* Convert from BM_HANDLE to external IMG_HANDLE */ psMemBlock->hBuffer = (IMG_HANDLE)hBuffer; /* Store page list */ psMemBlock->psIntSysPAddr = psSysPAddr; /* patch up the CPU VAddr into the meminfo */ psMemInfo->pvLinAddrKM = psSrcMemInfo->pvLinAddrKM; /* Fill in the public fields of the MEM_INFO structure */ psMemInfo->sDevVAddr = psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr; psMemInfo->uAllocSize = psSrcMemInfo->uAllocSize; psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo = psSrcMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo; /* reference the same ksi that the original meminfo referenced */ if(psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo) { PVRSRVKernelSyncInfoIncRef(psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo, psMemInfo); } /* Clear the Backup buffer pointer as we do not have one at this point. We only allocate this as we are going up/down */ psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer = IMG_NULL; /* increment our refcount */ PVRSRVKernelMemInfoIncRef(psMemInfo); /* increment the src refcount */ PVRSRVKernelMemInfoIncRef(psSrcMemInfo); /* Tell the buffer manager about the export */ BM_Export(psSrcMemInfo->sMemBlk.hBuffer); psMemInfo->memType = PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_MAPPED; /* setup the resman map data */ psMapData->psMemInfo = psMemInfo; psMapData->psSrcMemInfo = psSrcMemInfo; /* Register Resource */ psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem = ResManRegisterRes(psPerProc->hResManContext, RESMAN_TYPE_DEVICEMEM_MAPPING, psMapData, 0, &UnmapDeviceMemoryCallBack); *ppsDstMemInfo = psMemInfo; return PVRSRV_OK; /* error handling: */ ErrorExit: if(psSysPAddr) { /* Free the page address list */ OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(IMG_SYS_PHYADDR), psSysPAddr, IMG_NULL); /*not nulling shared pointer, holding structure could be not initialized*/ } if(psMemInfo) { /* Free the page address list */ OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), psMemInfo, IMG_NULL); /*not nulling shared pointer, holding structure could be not initialized*/ } if(psMapData) { /* Free the resman map data */ OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(RESMAN_MAP_DEVICE_MEM_DATA), psMapData, IMG_NULL); /*not nulling pointer, out of scope*/ } return eError; } #if defined(SUPPORT_DRI_DRM_EXTERNAL) IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVImportGEMKM(PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, IMG_HANDLE hDstDevMemHeap, IMG_UINT32 bo, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsDstMemInfo) { PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo = IMG_NULL; IMG_SIZE_T ui32HostPageSize = HOST_PAGESIZE(); BM_HANDLE hBuffer; PVRSRV_MEMBLK *psMemBlock; IMG_BOOL bBMError; PVRSRV_ERROR eError; IMG_UINT32 i; IMG_UINT32 j; IMG_SIZE_T uByteSize = 0; IMG_SIZE_T uPageOffset; IMG_SIZE_T uTilerStride = 0; IMG_UINT32 uTilerBPP = 0; IMG_SIZE_T uPagesPerRow = 0; IMG_UINT16 uTiledBufWidth; IMG_UINT16 uTiledBufHeight; IMG_BOOL bPhysContig; IMG_SYS_PHYADDR *psSysPAddr; /* array of page addresses */ IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags; IMG_SIZE_T uPageCount = 0; dma_addr_t paddr = 0; struct page **pages = NULL; PVRSRV_ENV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psEnvPerProc = (PVRSRV_ENV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *)PVRSRVProcessPrivateData(psPerProc); struct drm_gem_object *buf = drm_gem_object_lookup(psEnvPerProc->dev, psEnvPerProc->file, bo); if (!buf) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVImportGEMKM: no object")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } ui32Flags = PVRSRV_HAP_GPU_PAGEABLE | PVRSRV_MEM_READ | PVRSRV_MEM_WRITE; switch (omap_gem_flags(buf) & OMAP_BO_CACHE_MASK) { case OMAP_BO_WC: ui32Flags |= PVRSRV_HAP_WRITECOMBINE; break; case OMAP_BO_UNCACHED: ui32Flags |= PVRSRV_HAP_UNCACHED; break; default: ui32Flags |= PVRSRV_HAP_CACHED; break; } if (omap_gem_flags(buf) & OMAP_BO_TILED_MASK) { if (!omap_gem_get_paddr(buf, &paddr, true)) { if (omap_gem_tiled_size(buf, &uTiledBufWidth, &uTiledBufHeight)) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVImportGEMKM: Failed to get TILED buffer size. Maybe buf is not tiled after all ?")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } switch (omap_gem_flags(buf) & OMAP_BO_TILED_MASK) { case OMAP_BO_TILED_8: uTilerBPP = 1; break; case OMAP_BO_TILED_16: uTilerBPP = 2; break; case OMAP_BO_TILED_32: uTilerBPP = 4; break; default: PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVImportGEMKM: Wrong GEM bo format for rotation !")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } uPageOffset = paddr & (ui32HostPageSize - 1); paddr &= ~(ui32HostPageSize - 1); bPhysContig = IMG_FALSE; uTilerStride = omap_gem_tiled_stride(buf, 0); uPagesPerRow = ((uTiledBufWidth * uTilerBPP) / PAGE_SIZE) + 1; uPageCount = uPagesPerRow * uTiledBufHeight; uByteSize = buf->size; } else { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVImportGEMKM: Failed to get paddr of TILED buffer")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } } else { if (!omap_gem_get_paddr(buf, &paddr, false)) { uPageOffset = paddr & (ui32HostPageSize - 1); paddr &= ~(ui32HostPageSize - 1); bPhysContig = IMG_TRUE; } else if (!omap_gem_get_pages(buf, &pages, true)) { uPageOffset = 0; bPhysContig = IMG_FALSE; } else { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVImportGEMKM: hrm?")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } uByteSize = buf->size; uPageCount = HOST_PAGEALIGN(uByteSize + uPageOffset) / ui32HostPageSize; } PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE,"paddr=%08x, pages=%p, uByteSize=%d, uPageCount=%d", (u32)paddr, pages, uByteSize, uPageCount)); if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, uPageCount * sizeof(IMG_SYS_PHYADDR), (IMG_VOID **)&psSysPAddr, IMG_NULL, "Array of Page Addresses") != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVImportGEMKM: Failed to alloc memory for block")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if (omap_gem_flags(buf) & OMAP_BO_TILED_MASK) { for (i = 0; i < uTiledBufHeight; i++) { for (j = 0; j < uPagesPerRow; j++) { psSysPAddr[(i * uPagesPerRow) + j].uiAddr = paddr + (i * uTilerStride) + (j * PAGE_SIZE); } } } else { if (bPhysContig) { for (i = 0; i < uPageCount; i++) { psSysPAddr[i].uiAddr = paddr; paddr += PAGE_SIZE; } } else { for (i = 0; i < uPageCount; i++) { psSysPAddr[i].uiAddr = (IMG_UINTPTR_T)page_to_phys(pages[i]); } } } if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), (IMG_VOID **)&psMemInfo, IMG_NULL, "Kernel Memory Info") != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVImportGEMKM: Failed to alloc memory for block")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto ErrorExitPhase2; } OSMemSet(psMemInfo, 0, sizeof(*psMemInfo)); psMemInfo->ui32Flags = ui32Flags; psMemBlock = &(psMemInfo->sMemBlk); bBMError = BM_Wrap(hDstDevMemHeap, uByteSize, uPageOffset, bPhysContig, psSysPAddr, IMG_NULL, &psMemInfo->ui32Flags, &hBuffer); if (!bBMError) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVImportGEMKM: BM_Wrap Failed")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_BAD_MAPPING; goto ErrorExitPhase3; } psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr = BM_HandleToDevVaddr(hBuffer); psMemBlock->hOSMemHandle = BM_HandleToOSMemHandle(hBuffer); psMemBlock->psIntSysPAddr = psSysPAddr; psMemBlock->hBuffer = (IMG_HANDLE)hBuffer; psMemInfo->pvLinAddrKM = BM_HandleToCpuVaddr(hBuffer); psMemInfo->sDevVAddr = psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr; psMemInfo->uAllocSize = uByteSize; psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer = IMG_NULL; psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo = omap_gem_priv(buf, pvr_mapper_id); if (!psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo) { /* allocate sync-object on the first time we import a GEM buffer, * and on subsequent imports, re-use the existing sync-object. */ BM_HEAP *psBMHeap = (BM_HEAP*)hDstDevMemHeap; eError = PVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM(IMG_NULL, (IMG_HANDLE)psBMHeap->pBMContext, &psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo); if(eError != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrorExitPhase4; } omap_gem_set_priv(buf, pvr_mapper_id, psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo); omap_gem_set_sync_object(buf, psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo->psSyncData); } else { PVRSRVKernelSyncInfoIncRef(psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo, psMemInfo); } psMemInfo->ui32RefCount++; psMemInfo->memType = PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_WRAPPED; BM_SetGEM(hBuffer, buf); psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem = ResManRegisterRes(psPerProc->hResManContext, RESMAN_TYPE_DEVICEMEM_WRAP, psMemInfo, bPhysContig, &UnwrapExtMemoryCallBack); *ppsDstMemInfo = psMemInfo; return PVRSRV_OK; ErrorExitPhase4: if(psMemInfo) { FreeDeviceMem(psMemInfo); psMemInfo = IMG_NULL; } ErrorExitPhase3: if(psMemInfo) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), psMemInfo, IMG_NULL); } ErrorExitPhase2: if(psSysPAddr) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, uPageCount * sizeof(IMG_SYS_PHYADDR), psSysPAddr, IMG_NULL); } if (buf) { drm_gem_object_unreference_unlocked(buf); } return eError; } #endif /* SUPPORT_DRI_DRM_EXTERNAL */ /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVUnmapDeviceClassMemoryKM @Description unmaps physical pages from devices address space at a specified Device Virtual Address. Note: this can only unmap memory mapped by PVRSRVMapDeviceClassMemoryKM @Input psMemInfo - mem info describing the device virtual address to unmap RAM from @Return None ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVUnmapDeviceClassMemoryKM(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo) { if (!psMemInfo) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } return ResManFreeResByPtr(psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem, CLEANUP_WITH_POLL); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function UnmapDeviceClassMemoryCallBack @Description Resman callback to unmap device class memory @Input pvParam - opaque void ptr param @Input ui32Param - opaque unsigned long param @Return PVRSRV_ERROR ******************************************************************************/ static PVRSRV_ERROR UnmapDeviceClassMemoryCallBack(IMG_PVOID pvParam, IMG_UINT32 ui32Param, IMG_BOOL bDummy) { PVRSRV_DC_MAPINFO *psDCMapInfo = pvParam; PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ui32Param); PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bDummy); psMemInfo = psDCMapInfo->psMemInfo; #if defined(SUPPORT_MEMORY_TILING) if(psDCMapInfo->ui32TilingStride > 0) { PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode = psDCMapInfo->psDeviceNode; if (psDeviceNode->pfnFreeMemTilingRange(psDeviceNode, psDCMapInfo->ui32RangeIndex) != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"UnmapDeviceClassMemoryCallBack: FreeMemTilingRange failed")); } } #endif (psDCMapInfo->psDeviceClassBuffer->ui32MemMapRefCount)--; OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(PVRSRV_DC_MAPINFO), psDCMapInfo, IMG_NULL); return FreeMemCallBackCommon(psMemInfo, ui32Param, PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_ALLOCATOR); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVMapDeviceClassMemoryKM @Description maps physical pages for DeviceClass buffers into a devices address space at a specified and pre-allocated Device Virtual Address @Input psPerProc - Per-process data @Input hDevMemContext - Device memory context @Input hDeviceClassBuffer - Device Class Buffer (Surface) handle @Input hDevMemContext - device memory context to which mapping is made @Output ppsMemInfo - mem info describing the mapped memory @Output phOSMapInfo - OS specific mapping information @Return None ******************************************************************************/ IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVMapDeviceClassMemoryKM(PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext, IMG_HANDLE hDeviceClassBuffer, PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO **ppsMemInfo, IMG_HANDLE *phOSMapInfo) { PVRSRV_ERROR eError; PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE* psDeviceNode; PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo = IMG_NULL; PVRSRV_DEVICECLASS_BUFFER *psDeviceClassBuffer; IMG_SYS_PHYADDR *psSysPAddr; IMG_VOID *pvCPUVAddr, *pvPageAlignedCPUVAddr; IMG_BOOL bPhysContig; BM_CONTEXT *psBMContext; DEVICE_MEMORY_INFO *psDevMemoryInfo; DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_INFO *psDeviceMemoryHeap; IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap = IMG_NULL; IMG_SIZE_T uByteSize; IMG_SIZE_T ui32Offset; IMG_SIZE_T ui32PageSize = HOST_PAGESIZE(); BM_HANDLE hBuffer; PVRSRV_MEMBLK *psMemBlock; IMG_BOOL bBMError; IMG_UINT32 i; PVRSRV_DC_MAPINFO *psDCMapInfo = IMG_NULL; if(!hDeviceClassBuffer || !ppsMemInfo || !phOSMapInfo || !hDevMemContext) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceClassMemoryKM: invalid parameters")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } /* allocate resman storage structure */ if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(PVRSRV_DC_MAPINFO), (IMG_VOID **)&psDCMapInfo, IMG_NULL, "PVRSRV_DC_MAPINFO") != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceClassMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for psDCMapInfo")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } OSMemSet(psDCMapInfo, 0, sizeof(PVRSRV_DC_MAPINFO)); psDeviceClassBuffer = (PVRSRV_DEVICECLASS_BUFFER*)hDeviceClassBuffer; /* call into external driver to get info so we can map a meminfo Notes: It's expected that third party displays will only support physically contiguous display surfaces. However, it's possible a given display may have an MMU and therefore support non-contig' display surfaces. If surfaces are contiguous, ext driver should return: - a CPU virtual address, or IMG_NULL where the surface is not mapped to CPU - (optional) an OS Mapping handle for KM->UM surface mapping - the size in bytes - a single system physical address If surfaces are non-contiguous, ext driver should return: - a CPU virtual address - (optional) an OS Mapping handle for KM->UM surface mapping - the size in bytes (must be multiple of 4kB) - a list of system physical addresses (at 4kB intervals) */ eError = psDeviceClassBuffer->pfnGetBufferAddr(psDeviceClassBuffer->hExtDevice, psDeviceClassBuffer->hExtBuffer, &psSysPAddr, &uByteSize, &pvCPUVAddr, phOSMapInfo, &bPhysContig, &psDCMapInfo->ui32TilingStride); if(eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceClassMemoryKM: unable to get buffer address")); goto ErrorExitPhase1; } /* Choose the heap to map to */ psBMContext = (BM_CONTEXT*)psDeviceClassBuffer->hDevMemContext; psDeviceNode = psBMContext->psDeviceNode; psDevMemoryInfo = &psDeviceNode->sDevMemoryInfo; psDeviceMemoryHeap = psDevMemoryInfo->psDeviceMemoryHeap; for(i=0; iui32MappingHeapID) { if(psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].DevMemHeapType == DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_PERCONTEXT) { if (psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].ui32HeapSize > 0) { hDevMemHeap = BM_CreateHeap(hDevMemContext, &psDeviceMemoryHeap[i]); } else { hDevMemHeap = IMG_NULL; } } else { hDevMemHeap = psDevMemoryInfo->psDeviceMemoryHeap[i].hDevMemHeap; } break; } } if(hDevMemHeap == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceClassMemoryKM: unable to find mapping heap")); eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_RESOURCE; goto ErrorExitPhase1; } /* Only need lower 12 bits of the cpu addr - don't care what size a void* is */ ui32Offset = ((IMG_UINTPTR_T)pvCPUVAddr) & (ui32PageSize - 1); pvPageAlignedCPUVAddr = (IMG_VOID *)((IMG_UINTPTR_T)pvCPUVAddr - ui32Offset); eError = OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), (IMG_VOID **)&psMemInfo, IMG_NULL, "Kernel Memory Info"); if(eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceClassMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for block")); goto ErrorExitPhase1; } OSMemSet(psMemInfo, 0, sizeof(*psMemInfo)); psMemBlock = &(psMemInfo->sMemBlk); bBMError = BM_Wrap(hDevMemHeap, uByteSize, ui32Offset, bPhysContig, psSysPAddr, pvPageAlignedCPUVAddr, &psMemInfo->ui32Flags, &hBuffer); if (!bBMError) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceClassMemoryKM: BM_Wrap Failed")); /*not nulling pointer, out of scope*/ eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_BAD_MAPPING; goto ErrorExitPhase2; } /* Fill in "Implementation dependant" section of mem info */ psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr = BM_HandleToDevVaddr(hBuffer); psMemBlock->hOSMemHandle = BM_HandleToOSMemHandle(hBuffer); /* Convert from BM_HANDLE to external IMG_HANDLE */ psMemBlock->hBuffer = (IMG_HANDLE)hBuffer; /* patch up the CPU VAddr into the meminfo - use the address from the BM, not the one from the deviceclass api, to ensure user mode mapping is possible */ psMemInfo->pvLinAddrKM = BM_HandleToCpuVaddr(hBuffer); /* Fill in the public fields of the MEM_INFO structure */ psMemInfo->sDevVAddr = psMemBlock->sDevVirtAddr; psMemInfo->uAllocSize = uByteSize; psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo = psDeviceClassBuffer->psKernelSyncInfo; PVR_ASSERT(psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo != IMG_NULL); if (psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo) { PVRSRVKernelSyncInfoIncRef(psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo, psMemInfo); } /* Clear the Backup buffer pointer as we do not have one at this point. We only allocate this as we are going up/down */ psMemInfo->pvSysBackupBuffer = IMG_NULL; /* setup DCMapInfo */ psDCMapInfo->psMemInfo = psMemInfo; psDCMapInfo->psDeviceClassBuffer = psDeviceClassBuffer; #if defined(SUPPORT_MEMORY_TILING) psDCMapInfo->psDeviceNode = psDeviceNode; if(psDCMapInfo->ui32TilingStride > 0) { /* try to acquire a tiling range on this device */ eError = psDeviceNode->pfnAllocMemTilingRange(psDeviceNode, psMemInfo, psDCMapInfo->ui32TilingStride, &psDCMapInfo->ui32RangeIndex); if (eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"PVRSRVMapDeviceClassMemoryKM: AllocMemTilingRange failed")); goto ErrorExitPhase3; } } #endif /* Register Resource */ psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hResItem = ResManRegisterRes(psPerProc->hResManContext, RESMAN_TYPE_DEVICECLASSMEM_MAPPING, psDCMapInfo, 0, &UnmapDeviceClassMemoryCallBack); (psDeviceClassBuffer->ui32MemMapRefCount)++; PVRSRVKernelMemInfoIncRef(psMemInfo); psMemInfo->memType = PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_DEVICECLASS; /* return the meminfo */ *ppsMemInfo = psMemInfo; #if defined(SUPPORT_PDUMP_MULTI_PROCESS) /* If the 3PDD supplies a kernel virtual address, we can PDUMP it */ if(psMemInfo->pvLinAddrKM) { /* FIXME: * Initialise the display surface here when it is mapped into Services. * Otherwise there is a risk that pdump toolchain will assign previously * used physical pages, leading to visual artefacts on the unrendered surface * (e.g. during LLS rendering). * * A better method is to pdump the allocation from the DC driver, so the * BM_Wrap pdumps only the virtual memory which better represents the driver * behaviour. */ PDUMPCOMMENT("Dump display surface"); PDUMPMEM(IMG_NULL, psMemInfo, ui32Offset, psMemInfo->uAllocSize, PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS, ((BM_BUF*)psMemInfo->sMemBlk.hBuffer)->pMapping); } #endif return PVRSRV_OK; #if defined(SUPPORT_MEMORY_TILING) ErrorExitPhase3: if(psMemInfo) { if (psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo) { PVRSRVKernelSyncInfoDecRef(psMemInfo->psKernelSyncInfo, psMemInfo); } FreeDeviceMem(psMemInfo); /* FreeDeviceMem will free the meminfo so set it to NULL to avoid double free below */ psMemInfo = IMG_NULL; } #endif ErrorExitPhase2: if(psMemInfo) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), psMemInfo, IMG_NULL); } ErrorExitPhase1: if(psDCMapInfo) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_OS_PAGEABLE_HEAP, sizeof(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO), psDCMapInfo, IMG_NULL); } return eError; } IMG_EXPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVChangeDeviceMemoryAttributesKM(IMG_HANDLE hKernelMemInfo, IMG_UINT32 ui32Attribs) { PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psKMMemInfo; if (hKernelMemInfo == IMG_NULL) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } psKMMemInfo = (PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *)hKernelMemInfo; if (ui32Attribs & PVRSRV_CHANGEDEVMEM_ATTRIBS_CACHECOHERENT) { psKMMemInfo->ui32Flags |= PVRSRV_MEM_CACHE_CONSISTENT; } else { psKMMemInfo->ui32Flags &= ~PVRSRV_MEM_CACHE_CONSISTENT; } return PVRSRV_OK; } /****************************************************************************** End of file (devicemem.c) ******************************************************************************/