/*************************************************************************/ /*! @Title @Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved @Description @License Dual MIT/GPLv2 The contents of this file are subject to the MIT license as set out below. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 ("GPL") in which case the provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of GPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MIT license, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by GPL as set out in the file called "GPL-COPYING" included in this distribution. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of either the MIT license or GPL. This License is also included in this distribution in the file called "MIT-COPYING". EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE STATED IN A NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: (A) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT; AND (B) IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Each build option listed here is packed into a dword which * provides up to 32 flags (or up to 28 flags plus a numeric * value in the range 0-15 which corresponds to the number of * cores minus one if SGX_FEATURE_MP is defined). The corresponding * bit is set if the build option was enabled at compile time. * * In order to extract the enabled build flags the INTERNAL_TEST * switch should be enabled in a client program which includes this * header. Then the client can test specific build flags by reading * the bit value at ##OPTIONNAME##_SET_OFFSET in SGX_BUILD_OPTIONS. * * IMPORTANT: add new options to unused bits or define a new dword * (e.g. SGX_BUILD_OPTIONS2) so that the bitfield remains backwards * compatible. */ #if defined(DEBUG) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define DEBUG_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT0 #define OPTIONS_BIT0 0x1U #else #define OPTIONS_BIT0 0x0 #endif /* DEBUG */ #if defined(PDUMP) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define PDUMP_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT1 #define OPTIONS_BIT1 (0x1U << 1) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT1 0x0 #endif /* PDUMP */ #if defined(PVRSRV_USSE_EDM_STATUS_DEBUG) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define PVRSRV_USSE_EDM_STATUS_DEBUG_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT2 #define OPTIONS_BIT2 (0x1U << 2) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT2 0x0 #endif /* PVRSRV_USSE_EDM_STATUS_DEBUG */ #if defined(SUPPORT_HW_RECOVERY) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SUPPORT_HW_RECOVERY_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT3 #define OPTIONS_BIT3 (0x1U << 3) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT3 0x0 #endif /* SUPPORT_HW_RECOVERY */ #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) #define PVR_SECURE_HANDLES_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT4 #define OPTIONS_BIT4 (0x1U << 4) #else #if defined(PVR_SECURE_HANDLES) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define PVR_SECURE_HANDLES_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT4 #define OPTIONS_BIT4 (0x1U << 4) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT4 0x0 #endif /* PVR_SECURE_HANDLES */ #endif #if defined(SGX_BYPASS_SYSTEM_CACHE) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SGX_BYPASS_SYSTEM_CACHE_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT5 #define OPTIONS_BIT5 (0x1U << 5) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT5 0x0 #endif /* SGX_BYPASS_SYSTEM_CACHE */ #if defined(SGX_DMS_AGE_ENABLE) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SGX_DMS_AGE_ENABLE_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT6 #define OPTIONS_BIT6 (0x1U << 6) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT6 0x0 #endif /* SGX_DMS_AGE_ENABLE */ #if defined(SGX_FAST_DPM_INIT) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SGX_FAST_DPM_INIT_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT8 #define OPTIONS_BIT8 (0x1U << 8) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT8 0x0 #endif /* SGX_FAST_DPM_INIT */ #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_WRITEBACK_DCU) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SGX_FEATURE_DCU_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT9 #define OPTIONS_BIT9 (0x1U << 9) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT9 0x0 #endif /* SGX_FEATURE_WRITEBACK_DCU */ #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_MP) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SGX_FEATURE_MP_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT10 #define OPTIONS_BIT10 (0x1U << 10) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT10 0x0 #endif /* SGX_FEATURE_MP */ #define OPTIONS_BIT11 0x0 #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_OVERLAPPED_SPM) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SGX_FEATURE_OVERLAPPED_SPM_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT12 #define OPTIONS_BIT12 (0x1U << 12) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT12 0x0 #endif /* SGX_FEATURE_RENDER_TARGET_ARRAYS */ #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_SYSTEM_CACHE) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SGX_FEATURE_SYSTEM_CACHE_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT13 #define OPTIONS_BIT13 (0x1U << 13) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT13 0x0 #endif /* SGX_FEATURE_SYSTEM_CACHE */ #if defined(SGX_SUPPORT_HWPROFILING) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SGX_SUPPORT_HWPROFILING_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT14 #define OPTIONS_BIT14 (0x1U << 14) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT14 0x0 #endif /* SGX_SUPPORT_HWPROFILING */ #if defined(SUPPORT_ACTIVE_POWER_MANAGEMENT) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SUPPORT_ACTIVE_POWER_MANAGEMENT_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT15 #define OPTIONS_BIT15 (0x1U << 15) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT15 0x0 #endif /* SUPPORT_ACTIVE_POWER_MANAGEMENT */ #if defined(SUPPORT_DISPLAYCONTROLLER_TILING) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SUPPORT_DISPLAYCONTROLLER_TILING_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT16 #define OPTIONS_BIT16 (0x1U << 16) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT16 0x0 #endif /* SUPPORT_DISPLAYCONTROLLER_TILING */ #if defined(SUPPORT_PERCONTEXT_PB) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SUPPORT_PERCONTEXT_PB_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT17 #define OPTIONS_BIT17 (0x1U << 17) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT17 0x0 #endif /* SUPPORT_PERCONTEXT_PB */ #if defined(SUPPORT_SGX_HWPERF) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SUPPORT_SGX_HWPERF_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT18 #define OPTIONS_BIT18 (0x1U << 18) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT18 0x0 #endif /* SUPPORT_SGX_HWPERF */ #if defined(SUPPORT_SGX_MMU_DUMMY_PAGE) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SUPPORT_SGX_MMU_DUMMY_PAGE_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT19 #define OPTIONS_BIT19 (0x1U << 19) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT19 0x0 #endif /* SUPPORT_SGX_MMU_DUMMY_PAGE */ #if defined(SUPPORT_SGX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SUPPORT_SGX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT20 #define OPTIONS_BIT20 (0x1U << 20) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT20 0x0 #endif /* SUPPORT_SGX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING */ #if defined(SUPPORT_SGX_LOW_LATENCY_SCHEDULING) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define SUPPORT_SGX_LOW_LATENCY_SCHEDULING_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT21 #define OPTIONS_BIT21 (0x1U << 21) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT21 0x0 #endif /* SUPPORT_SGX_LOW_LATENCY_SCHEDULING */ #if defined(USE_SUPPORT_NO_TA3D_OVERLAP) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #define USE_SUPPORT_NO_TA3D_OVERLAP_SET_OFFSET OPTIONS_BIT22 #define OPTIONS_BIT22 (0x1U << 22) #else #define OPTIONS_BIT22 0x0 #endif /* USE_SUPPORT_NO_TA3D_OVERLAP */ #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_MP) || defined (INTERNAL_TEST) #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT) #define OPTIONS_HIGHBYTE ((SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT-1) << SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT_SET_OFFSET) #define SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT_SET_OFFSET 28UL #define SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT_SET_MASK 0xFF #else #define OPTIONS_HIGHBYTE (((SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT_TA-1) << SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT_SET_OFFSET) |\ ((SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT_3D-1) << SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT_SET_OFFSET_3D)) #define SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT_SET_OFFSET 24UL #define SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT_SET_OFFSET_3D 28UL #define SGX_FEATURE_MP_CORE_COUNT_SET_MASK 0xFF #endif #else /* SGX_FEATURE_MP */ #define OPTIONS_HIGHBYTE 0x0 #endif /* SGX_FEATURE_MP */ #define SGX_BUILD_OPTIONS \ OPTIONS_BIT0 |\ OPTIONS_BIT1 |\ OPTIONS_BIT2 |\ OPTIONS_BIT3 |\ OPTIONS_BIT4 |\ OPTIONS_BIT5 |\ OPTIONS_BIT6 |\ OPTIONS_BIT8 |\ OPTIONS_BIT9 |\ OPTIONS_BIT10 |\ OPTIONS_BIT11 |\ OPTIONS_BIT12 |\ OPTIONS_BIT13 |\ OPTIONS_BIT14 |\ OPTIONS_BIT15 |\ OPTIONS_BIT16 |\ OPTIONS_BIT17 |\ OPTIONS_BIT18 |\ OPTIONS_BIT19 |\ OPTIONS_BIT20 |\ OPTIONS_BIT21 |\ OPTIONS_BIT22 |\ OPTIONS_HIGHBYTE