########################################################################### ### #@Title Define global variables #@Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved #@Description This file is read once at the start of the build, after reading # in config.mk. It should define the non-MODULE_* variables used # in commands, like ALL_CFLAGS #@License Dual MIT/GPLv2 # # The contents of this file are subject to the MIT license as set out below. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of # the GNU General Public License Version 2 ("GPL") in which case the provisions # of GPL are applicable instead of those above. # # If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of # GPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms # of the MIT license, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above # and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by GPL as set # out in the file called "GPL-COPYING" included in this distribution. If you do # not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file # under the terms of either the MIT license or GPL. # # This License is also included in this distribution in the file called # "MIT-COPYING". # # EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE STATED IN A NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: (A) THE SOFTWARE IS # PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING # BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT; AND (B) IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # ### ########################################################################### ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) COMMON_USER_FLAGS := -Os else OPTIM ?= -O2 COMMON_USER_FLAGS := $(OPTIM) endif # FIXME: We should probably audit the driver for aliasing # COMMON_USER_FLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing # We always enable debugging. Either the release binaries are stripped # and the symbols put in the symbolpackage, or we're building debug. # COMMON_USER_FLAGS += -g # These flags are used for kernel, User C and User C++ # COMMON_FLAGS = -W -Wall # Some GCC warnings are C only, so we must mask them from C++ # COMMON_CFLAGS := $(COMMON_FLAGS) \ -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wno-format-zero-length \ -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes # Additional warnings, and optional warnings. # WARNING_CFLAGS := \ -Wpointer-arith -Wunused-parameter \ -Wmissing-format-attribute \ $(call cc-option,-Wno-missing-field-initializers) \ $(call cc-option,-fdiagnostics-show-option) ifeq ($(W),1) WARNING_CFLAGS += \ $(call cc-option,-Wbad-function-cast) \ $(call cc-option,-Wcast-qual) \ $(call cc-option,-Wcast-align) \ $(call cc-option,-Wconversion) \ $(call cc-option,-Wdisabled-optimization) \ $(call cc-option,-Wlogical-op) \ $(call cc-option,-Wmissing-declarations) \ $(call cc-option,-Wmissing-include-dirs) \ $(call cc-option,-Wnested-externs) \ $(call cc-option,-Wold-style-definition) \ $(call cc-option,-Woverlength-strings) \ $(call cc-option,-Wpacked) \ $(call cc-option,-Wpacked-bitfield-compat) \ $(call cc-option,-Wpadded) \ $(call cc-option,-Wredundant-decls) \ $(call cc-option,-Wshadow) \ $(call cc-option,-Wswitch-default) \ $(call cc-option,-Wvla) \ $(call cc-option,-Wwrite-strings) endif WARNING_CFLAGS += \ $(call cc-optional-warning,-Wunused-but-set-variable) HOST_WARNING_CFLAGS := \ -Wpointer-arith -Wunused-parameter \ -Wmissing-format-attribute \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wno-missing-field-initializers) \ $(call host-cc-option,-fdiagnostics-show-option) ifeq ($(W),1) HOST_WARNING_CFLAGS += \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wbad-function-cast) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wcast-qual) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wcast-align) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wconversion) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wdisabled-optimization) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wlogical-op) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wmissing-declarations) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wmissing-include-dirs) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wnested-externs) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wold-style-definition) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Woverlength-strings) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wpacked) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wpacked-bitfield-compat) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wpadded) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wredundant-decls) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wshadow) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wswitch-default) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wvla) \ $(call host-cc-option,-Wwrite-strings) endif HOST_WARNING_CFLAGS += \ $(call host-cc-optional-warning,-Wunused-but-set-variable) KBUILD_WARNING_CFLAGS := \ -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare KBUILD_WARNING_CFLAGS += \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wbad-function-cast) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wcast-qual) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wcast-align) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wconversion) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wdisabled-optimization) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wlogical-op) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wmissing-declarations) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wmissing-include-dirs) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wnested-externs) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wno-missing-field-initializers) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wold-style-definition) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Woverlength-strings) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wpacked) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wpacked-bitfield-compat) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wpadded) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wredundant-decls) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wshadow) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wswitch-default) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wvla) \ $(call kernel-cc-optional-warning,-Wwrite-strings) # User C only # ALL_CFLAGS := \ $(COMMON_USER_FLAGS) $(COMMON_CFLAGS) $(WARNING_CFLAGS) \ $(SYS_CFLAGS) ALL_HOST_CFLAGS := \ $(COMMON_USER_FLAGS) $(COMMON_CFLAGS) $(HOST_WARNING_CFLAGS) # User C++ only # ALL_CXXFLAGS := \ $(COMMON_USER_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) \ -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \ -Wpointer-arith -Wunused-parameter \ $(SYS_CXXFLAGS) ALL_HOST_CXXFLAGS := \ $(COMMON_USER_FLAGS) $(COMMON_CFLAGS) -Wall # User C and C++ # # NOTE: ALL_HOST_LDFLAGS should probably be using -rpath-link too, and if we # ever need to support building host shared libraries, it's required. # # We can't use it right now because we want to support non-GNU-compatible # linkers like the Darwin 'ld' which doesn't support -rpath-link. # ALL_HOST_LDFLAGS := -L$(HOST_OUT) ALL_LDFLAGS := -L$(TARGET_OUT) -Xlinker -rpath-link=$(TARGET_OUT) ifneq ($(strip $(TOOLCHAIN)),) ALL_LDFLAGS += -L$(TOOLCHAIN)/lib -Xlinker -rpath-link=$(TOOLCHAIN)/lib endif ifneq ($(strip $(LINKER_RPATH)),) ALL_LDFLAGS += $(addprefix -Xlinker -rpath=,$(LINKER_RPATH)) endif ALL_LDFLAGS += $(SYS_LDFLAGS) # Kernel C only # ALL_KBUILD_CFLAGS := $(COMMON_CFLAGS) $(KBUILD_WARNING_CFLAGS) \ $(call kernel-cc-option,-Wno-type-limits) \ $(call kernel-cc-option,-Wno-pointer-arith) \ $(call kernel-cc-option,-Wno-aggregate-return) \ $(call kernel-cc-option,-Wno-unused-but-set-variable) # This variable contains a list of all modules built by kbuild ALL_KBUILD_MODULES := # This variable contains a list of all modules which contain C++ source files ALL_CXX_MODULES := # Toolchain triple for cross environment CROSS_TRIPLE := $(patsubst %-,%,$(CROSS_COMPILE))