#!/usr/bin/env perl # ompts_parser [option] INFILE OUTFILE # # Creats the tests and the crosstests for the OpenMP-Testsuite out of an templatefiles which are given to the programm. # # Options: # --test: make test # --crosstest: make crosstest # --orphan if possible generate tests using orphan # # Return: # Succes: 0 # Template not found -1 # # Using Getopt::long to extract the programm options use Getopt::Long; # Using functions: Set of subroutines to modify the testcode use ompts_parserFunctions; # Getting given options GetOptions("test" => \$test,"crosstest" => \$crosstest, "orphan!" => \$orphan); # Remaining arguments are the templatefiles. # Adding these to the list of to be parsed files if they exist. my $templatefile; my $sourcefile; my $mainprocsrc = "ompts_standaloneProc.c"; $templatefile = $ARGV[0]; $outfile = $ARGV[1]; if (!-e $templatefile) { print "Temaplte file not found"; exit -1; } # Checking if options were valid: ################################################################# # preparations and checks for sourcefiles # Reading the template for the tests open(TEST,$templatefile) or die "Error: Could not open template $srcfile\n"; while(){ $src .= $_; } close(TEST); # Extracting the source for the mainprogramm and saving it in $mainprocsrc open(MAINPROC,$mainprocsrc) or die "Could not open the sourcefile for the main program $mainprocsrc"; while(){ $mainproc .= $_; } close (MAINPROC); # Some temporary testinformation: my ($description) = get_tag_values ('ompts:testdescription',$src); my ($directive) = get_tag_values ('ompts:directive',$src); my ($functionname) = get_tag_values ('ompts:testcode:functionname',$src); open (OUTFILE,">$outfile") or die "Could not create the output file for $directive"; # Creating the source for the test: my ($code) = get_tag_values('ompts:testcode',$src); # Putting together the functions and the mainprogramm: $code .= $mainproc; my $testprefix = ""; # Make modifications for the orphaned testversion if necessary: if ($orphan) { # Get the global variables: @defs = get_tag_values("ompts:orphan:vars",$code); $orphvarsdef = ""; foreach (@defs) { $orphvarsdef = join("\n",$orphvarsdef,$_); } # Generate predeclarations for orpahn functions: $orphfuncsdefs = orph_functions_declarations($code); # Generate the orphan functions: $orphfuncs = create_orph_cfunctions($code); # Repla:e orphan regions by functioncalls: $code = orphan_regions2cfunctions($code); # Deleting the former declarations of the variables in the orphan regions: ($code) = delete_tags('ompts:orphan:vars',($code)); # Put all together: $code = "#include \"omp_testsuite.h\"\n" . $orphvarsdef . $orphfuncsdefs . $code . $orphfuncs; $testprefix .= "orph_"; } # Remove remaining marks for the orpahn regions and its variables: ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan','','',($code)); ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan:vars','','',($code)); if($test) { # Remove the marks for the testcode and remove the code for the crosstests: ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:check','','',($code)); ($code) = delete_tags('ompts:crosscheck',($code)); $testprefix .= "test_"; } elsif($crosstest) { # Remove the marks for the crosstestcode and remove the code for the tests: ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:crosscheck','','',($code)); ($code) = delete_tags('ompts:check',($code)); $testprefix .= "ctest_"; } # Making some final modifications: ($code) = replace_tags('testfunctionname',$testprefix.$functionname,($code)); ($code) = replace_tags('directive',$directive,($code)); ($code) = replace_tags('description',$description,($code)); ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:testcode:functionname',$testprefix,'',($code) ); # $code = "\#include \"omp_testsuite.h\"\n".$code; # Write the result into the file and close it: print OUTFILE $code; close(OUTFILE);