# Testing for the 'lnt runtest test-suite --diagnose' feature. # # RUN: rm -rf %t.SANDBOX %t.SANDBOX2 || true # RUN: export SUDO_CMD="" # RUN: export IPROFILER_CMD=%S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-iprofiler # Check --diagnose requires --only-test # RUN: lnt runtest test-suite \ # RUN: --sandbox %t.SANDBOX \ # RUN: --no-timestamp \ # RUN: --test-suite %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake \ # RUN: --cc %{shared_inputs}/FakeCompilers/clang-r154331 \ # RUN: --use-cmake %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-cmake \ # RUN: --use-make %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-make \ # RUN: --use-lit %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-lit \ # RUN: --diagnose \ # RUN: 2>&1 | tee %t.err || echo "expected to fail" # RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix CHECK-ARGS < %t.err %s # CHECK-ARGS: --diagnose requires --only-test # Check a basic nt run. # RUN: lnt runtest test-suite \ # RUN: --sandbox %t.SANDBOX \ # RUN: --no-timestamp \ # RUN: --test-suite %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake \ # RUN: --cc %{shared_inputs}/FakeCompilers/clang-r154331 \ # RUN: --use-cmake %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-cmake \ # RUN: --use-make %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-diagnose-make \ # RUN: --use-lit %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-lit \ # RUN: --diagnose --only-test SingleSource/Benchmarks/Stanford/Bubblesort \ # RUN: 2>&1 | tee %t.diagnose.log # RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix CHECK-DIAGNOSE < %t.diagnose.log %s # CHECK-DIAGNOSE: Report produced in: # CHECK-DIAGNOSE: Bubblesort.report # RUN: stat Bubblesort.report # RUN: stat Bubblesort.report/Bubblesort # RUN: stat Bubblesort.report/Bubblesort.bc # RUN: stat Bubblesort.report/Bubblesort.o # RUN: stat Bubblesort.report/Bubblesort.i # RUN: stat Bubblesort.report/Bubblesort.s # RUN: stat Bubblesort.report/Bubblesort.test # RUN: stat Bubblesort.report/time-report.txt