Test that darwin archives are created with distinct (name,timestamp) pairs. The two members with the duplicated name "test.o" must have unique non-zero timestamps, while baz.o, being unique, remains a zero timestamp. RUN: mkdir -p %T/sub1 RUN: printf test > %T/test.o RUN: printf sub1/test > %T/sub1/test.o RUN: printf baz > %T/baz.o RUN: rm -f %t.a RUN: llvm-ar -format=darwin rcs %t.a %T/sub1/test.o %T/test.o %T/baz.o RUN: FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s < %t.a CHECK:#1/12 1 0 0 644 28 ` CHECK-NEXT:test.o CHECK:#1/12 2 0 0 644 20 ` CHECK-NEXT:test.o CHECK:#1/12 0 0 0 644 20 ` CHECK-NEXT:baz.o