; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-pc-win32 -mattr=+sse2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=SSE2 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-pc-win32 -mattr=+sse2,+avx | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=AVX ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-pc-win32 -mattr=+sse2,+avx,+avx512f | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=AVX512 --check-prefix=AVX512F ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-pc-win32 -mattr=+sse2,+avx,+avx512vl | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=AVX512 --check-prefix=AVX512VL ; While we don't support varargs with fastcall, we do support forwarding. @asdf = internal constant [4 x i8] c"asdf" declare void @puts(i8*) define i32 @call_fast_thunk() { %r = call x86_fastcallcc i32 (...) @fast_thunk(i32 inreg 1, i32 inreg 2, i32 3) ret i32 %r } define x86_fastcallcc i32 @fast_thunk(...) { call void @puts(i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @asdf, i32 0, i32 0)) %r = musttail call x86_fastcallcc i32 (...) bitcast (i32 (i32, i32, i32)* @fast_target to i32 (...)*) (...) ret i32 %r } ; Check that we spill and fill around the call to puts. ; CHECK-LABEL: @fast_thunk@0: ; CHECK-DAG: movl %ecx, {{.*}} ; CHECK-DAG: movl %edx, {{.*}} ; CHECK: calll _puts ; CHECK-DAG: movl {{.*}}, %ecx ; CHECK-DAG: movl {{.*}}, %edx ; CHECK: jmp @fast_target@12 define x86_fastcallcc i32 @fast_target(i32 inreg %a, i32 inreg %b, i32 %c) { %a0 = add i32 %a, %b %a1 = add i32 %a0, %c ret i32 %a1 } ; Repeat the test for vectorcall, which has XMM registers. define i32 @call_vector_thunk() { %r = call x86_vectorcallcc i32 (...) @vector_thunk(i32 inreg 1, i32 inreg 2, i32 3) ret i32 %r } define x86_vectorcallcc i32 @vector_thunk(...) { call void @puts(i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @asdf, i32 0, i32 0)) %r = musttail call x86_vectorcallcc i32 (...) bitcast (i32 (i32, i32, i32)* @vector_target to i32 (...)*) (...) ret i32 %r } ; Check that we spill and fill SSE registers around the call to puts. ; CHECK-LABEL: vector_thunk@@0: ; CHECK-DAG: movl %ecx, {{.*}} ; CHECK-DAG: movl %edx, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm0, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm1, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm2, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm3, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm4, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm5, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm0, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm1, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm2, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm3, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm4, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm5, {{.*}} ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups %zmm0, {{.*}} ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups %zmm1, {{.*}} ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups %zmm2, {{.*}} ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups %zmm3, {{.*}} ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups %zmm4, {{.*}} ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups %zmm5, {{.*}} ; CHECK: calll _puts ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm0 ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm1 ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm2 ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm3 ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm4 ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm5 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm0 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm1 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm2 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm3 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm4 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm5 ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm0 ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm1 ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm2 ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm3 ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm4 ; AVX512-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm5 ; CHECK-DAG: movl {{.*}}, %ecx ; CHECK-DAG: movl {{.*}}, %edx ; CHECK: jmp vector_target@@12 define x86_vectorcallcc i32 @vector_target(i32 inreg %a, i32 inreg %b, i32 %c) { %a0 = add i32 %a, %b %a1 = add i32 %a0, %c ret i32 %a1 } ; Repeat the test for vectorcall, which has XMM registers. define i32 @call_vector_thunk_prefer256() "min-legal-vector-width"="256" "prefer-vector-width"="256" { %r = call x86_vectorcallcc i32 (...) @vector_thunk_prefer256(i32 inreg 1, i32 inreg 2, i32 3) ret i32 %r } define x86_vectorcallcc i32 @vector_thunk_prefer256(...) "min-legal-vector-width"="256" "prefer-vector-width"="256" { call void @puts(i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @asdf, i32 0, i32 0)) %r = musttail call x86_vectorcallcc i32 (...) bitcast (i32 (i32, i32, i32)* @vector_target_prefer256 to i32 (...)*) (...) ret i32 %r } ; Check that we spill and fill SSE registers around the call to puts. ; CHECK-LABEL: vector_thunk_prefer256@@0: ; CHECK-DAG: movl %ecx, {{.*}} ; CHECK-DAG: movl %edx, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm0, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm1, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm2, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm3, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm4, {{.*}} ; SSE2-DAG: movups %xmm5, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm0, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm1, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm2, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm3, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm4, {{.*}} ; AVX-DAG: vmovups %ymm5, {{.*}} ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups %zmm0, {{.*}} ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups %zmm1, {{.*}} ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups %zmm2, {{.*}} ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups %zmm3, {{.*}} ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups %zmm4, {{.*}} ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups %zmm5, {{.*}} ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups %ymm0, {{.*}} ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups %ymm1, {{.*}} ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups %ymm2, {{.*}} ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups %ymm3, {{.*}} ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups %ymm4, {{.*}} ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups %ymm5, {{.*}} ; CHECK: calll _puts ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm0 ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm1 ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm2 ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm3 ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm4 ; SSE2-DAG: movups {{.*}}, %xmm5 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm0 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm1 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm2 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm3 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm4 ; AVX-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm5 ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm0 ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm1 ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm2 ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm3 ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm4 ; AVX512F-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %zmm5 ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm0 ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm1 ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm2 ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm3 ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm4 ; AVX512VL-DAG: vmovups {{.*}}, %ymm5 ; CHECK-DAG: movl {{.*}}, %ecx ; CHECK-DAG: movl {{.*}}, %edx ; CHECK: jmp vector_target_prefer256@@12 define x86_vectorcallcc i32 @vector_target_prefer256(i32 inreg %a, i32 inreg %b, i32 %c) "min-legal-vector-width"="256" "prefer-vector-width"="256" { %a0 = add i32 %a, %b %a1 = add i32 %a0, %c ret i32 %a1 }