; REQUIRES: asserts ; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -debug-only=isel < %s -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck %s ; This tests the propagation of fast-math-flags from IR instructions to SDNodeFlags. ; CHECK-LABEL: Initial selection DAG: %bb.0 'fmf_transfer:' ; CHECK: t5: f32 = fadd nsz t2, t4 ; CHECK-NEXT: t6: f32 = fadd arcp t5, t4 ; CHECK-NEXT: t7: f32 = fadd nnan t6, t4 ; CHECK-NEXT: t8: f32 = fadd ninf t7, t4 ; CHECK-NEXT: t9: f32 = fadd contract t8, t4 ; CHECK-NEXT: t10: f32 = fadd afn t9, t4 ; CHECK-NEXT: t11: f32 = fadd reassoc t10, t4 ; CHECK-NEXT: t12: f32 = fadd nnan ninf nsz arcp contract afn reassoc t11, t4 ; CHECK: Optimized lowered selection DAG: %bb.0 'fmf_transfer:' define float @fmf_transfer(float %x, float %y) { %f1 = fadd nsz float %x, %y %f2 = fadd arcp float %f1, %y %f3 = fadd nnan float %f2, %y %f4 = fadd ninf float %f3, %y %f5 = fadd contract float %f4, %y %f6 = fadd afn float %f5, %y %f7 = fadd reassoc float %f6, %y %f8 = fadd fast float %f7, %y ret float %f8 } ; CHECK: Optimized type-legalized selection DAG: %bb.0 'fmf_setcc:' ; CHECK: t13: i8 = setcc nnan ninf nsz arcp contract afn reassoc t2, ConstantFP:f32<0.000000e+00>, setlt:ch define float @fmf_setcc(float %x, float %y) { %cmp = fcmp fast ult float %x, 0.0 %ret = select i1 %cmp, float %x, float %y ret float %ret }