; RUN: llc %s -combiner-tokenfactor-inline-limit=5 -o - | FileCheck %s target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" %struct.snork = type { i8 } %struct.wombat = type { [15 x i32] } ; CHECK: pushq %rbx ; CHECK-NEXT: andq $-32, %rsp ; CHECK-NEXT: subq $66144, %rsp # imm = 0x10260 ; CHECK-NEXT: .cfi_offset %rbx, -24 ; CHECK-NEXT: movabsq $-868076584853899022, %rax # imm = 0xF3F3F8F201F2F8F2 ; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rax, (%rsp) ; CHECK-NEXT: movb $-13, 8263(%rsp) ; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rdi, %rbx ; CHECK-NEXT: callq hoge ; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rbx, %rdi ; CHECK-NEXT: callq hoge ; CHECK-NEXT: callq hoge ; CHECK-NEXT: callq hoge ; CHECK-NEXT: callq eggs ; CHECK-NEXT: callq hoge ; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rbx, %rax ; CHECK-NEXT: leaq -8(%rbp), %rsp ; CHECK-NEXT: popq %rbx ; CHECK-NEXT: popq %rbp ; CHECK-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: retq define void @spam(%struct.snork* noalias sret %arg, %struct.snork* %arg2) { bb: %tmp = alloca i8, i64 66112, align 32 %tmp7 = ptrtoint i8* %tmp to i64 %tmp914 = inttoptr i64 undef to %struct.wombat* %tmp915 = inttoptr i64 undef to %struct.snork* %tmp916 = inttoptr i64 undef to %struct.snork* %tmp917 = inttoptr i64 undef to %struct.wombat* %tmp918 = inttoptr i64 undef to %struct.snork* %tmp921 = inttoptr i64 undef to %struct.snork* %tmp2055 = inttoptr i64 %tmp7 to i64* store i64 -868076584853899022, i64* %tmp2055, align 1 %tmp2056 = add i64 %tmp7, 8263 %tmp2057 = inttoptr i64 %tmp2056 to i8* store i8 -13, i8* %tmp2057, align 1 br label %bb2058 bb2058: ; preds = %bb call void @hoge(%struct.snork* %arg) call void @hoge(%struct.snork* %arg) call void @hoge(%struct.snork* %tmp915) call void @hoge(%struct.snork* %tmp916) call void @eggs(%struct.snork* %tmp918, %struct.wombat* %tmp914, %struct.wombat* %tmp917) call void @hoge(%struct.snork* %tmp921) ret void } declare void @hoge(%struct.snork*) declare void @eggs(%struct.snork*, %struct.wombat*, %struct.wombat*)