// REQUIRES: asserts // RUN: %clang_cc1 -x objective-c -emit-llvm -triple x86_64-apple-macosx10.10.0 -fsanitize=nullability-return,returns-nonnull-attribute,nullability-arg,nonnull-attribute %s -o - -w | FileCheck %s // If both the annotation and the attribute are present, prefer the attribute, // since it actually affects IRGen. // CHECK-LABEL: define nonnull i32* @f1 __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) int *_Nonnull f1(int *_Nonnull p) { // CHECK: entry: // CHECK-NEXT: [[SLOC_PTR:%.*]] = alloca i8* // CHECK-NEXT: [[ADDR:%.*]] = alloca i32* // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* null, i8** [[SLOC_PTR]] // CHECK-NEXT: store i32* [[P:%.*]], i32** [[ADDR]] // CHECK-NEXT: store {{.*}} [[SLOC_PTR]] // CHECK-NEXT: [[ARG:%.*]] = load i32*, i32** [[ADDR]] // CHECK-NEXT: [[SLOC:%.*]] = load {{.*}} [[SLOC_PTR]] // CHECK-NEXT: [[SLOC_NONNULL:%.*]] = icmp ne i8* [[SLOC]], null // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[SLOC_NONNULL]], label %nullcheck // // CHECK: nullcheck: // CHECK-NEXT: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* [[ARG]], null, !nosanitize // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], label %[[CONT:.+]], label %[[HANDLE:[^,]+]] // CHECK: [[HANDLE]]: // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_return // CHECK-NEXT: unreachable, !nosanitize // CHECK: [[CONT]]: // CHECK-NEXT: br label %no.nullcheck // CHECK: no.nullcheck: // CHECK-NEXT: ret i32* [[ARG]] return p; } // CHECK-LABEL: define void @f2 void f2(int *_Nonnull __attribute__((nonnull)) p) {} // CHECK-LABEL: define void @call_f2 void call_f2() { // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_arg_abort // CHECK-NOT: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_arg_abort f2((void *)0); } // If the return value isn't meant to be checked, make sure we don't check it. // CHECK-LABEL: define i32* @f3 int *f3(int *p) { // CHECK-NOT: return.sloc // CHECK-NOT: call{{.*}}ubsan return p; } // Check for a valid "return" source location, even when there is no return // statement, to avoid accidentally calling the runtime. // CHECK-LABEL: define nonnull i32* @f4 __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) int *f4() { // CHECK: store i8* null, i8** [[SLOC_PTR:%.*]] // CHECK: [[SLOC:%.*]] = load {{.*}} [[SLOC_PTR]] // CHECK: [[SLOC_NONNULL:%.*]] = icmp ne i8* [[SLOC]], null // CHECK: br i1 [[SLOC_NONNULL]], label %nullcheck // CHECK: nullcheck: }