// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -fobjc-arc -fobjc-runtime-has-weak -triple i386-apple-darwin -print-ivar-layout -emit-llvm -o /dev/null %s > %t-32.layout // RUN: FileCheck --input-file=%t-32.layout %s // rdar://12184410 // rdar://12752901 @class NSString; extern void NSLog(NSString *format, ...); extern int printf(const char *, ...); int main() { NSString *strong; unsigned long long eightByte = 0x8001800181818181ull; // Test1 // CHECK: Inline block variable layout: 0x0100, BL_STRONG:1, BL_OPERATOR:0 void (^block1)() = ^{ printf("%#llx", eightByte); NSLog(@"%@", strong); }; // Test2 int i = 1; // CHECK: Inline block variable layout: 0x0100, BL_STRONG:1, BL_OPERATOR:0 void (^block2)() = ^{ printf("%#llx, %d", eightByte, i); NSLog(@"%@", strong); }; // Test3 char ch = 'a'; // CHECK: Inline block variable layout: 0x0100, BL_STRONG:1, BL_OPERATOR:0 void (^block3)() = ^{ printf("%c %#llx", ch, eightByte); NSLog(@"%@", strong); }; // Test4 unsigned long fourByte = 0x8001ul; // CHECK: Inline block variable layout: 0x0100, BL_STRONG:1, BL_OPERATOR:0 void (^block4)() = ^{ printf("%c %#lx", ch, fourByte); NSLog(@"%@", strong); }; // Test5 // Nothing gets printed here since the descriptor of this block is merged with // the descriptor of Test3's block. void (^block5)() = ^{ NSLog(@"%@", strong); printf("%c %#llx", ch, eightByte); }; // Test6 // CHECK: Block variable layout: BL_OPERATOR:0 void (^block6)() = ^{ printf("%#llx", eightByte); }; } /** struct __block_literal_generic { // 32bytes (64bit) and 20 bytes (32bit). 0 void *__isa; 4 int __flags; 8 int __reserved; 12 void (*__invoke)(void *); 16 struct __block_descriptor *__descriptor; }; */