// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package runtime #include "runtime.h" #include "arch.h" #include "go-type.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "chan.h" uint32 runtime_Hchansize = sizeof(Hchan); static void dequeueg(WaitQ*); static SudoG* dequeue(WaitQ*); static void enqueue(WaitQ*, SudoG*); static Hchan* makechan(ChanType *t, int64 hint) { Hchan *c; uintptr n; const Type *elem; elem = t->__element_type; // compiler checks this but be safe. if(elem->__size >= (1<<16)) runtime_throw("makechan: invalid channel element type"); if(hint < 0 || (intgo)hint != hint || (elem->__size > 0 && (uintptr)hint > (MaxMem - sizeof(*c)) / elem->__size)) runtime_panicstring("makechan: size out of range"); n = sizeof(*c); n = ROUND(n, elem->__align); // allocate memory in one call c = (Hchan*)runtime_mallocgc(sizeof(*c) + hint*elem->__size, (uintptr)t | TypeInfo_Chan, 0); c->elemsize = elem->__size; c->elemtype = elem; c->dataqsiz = hint; if(debug) runtime_printf("makechan: chan=%p; elemsize=%D; dataqsiz=%D\n", c, (int64)elem->__size, (int64)c->dataqsiz); return c; } func reflect.makechan(t *ChanType, size uint64) (c *Hchan) { c = makechan(t, size); } Hchan* __go_new_channel(ChanType *t, uintptr hint) { return makechan(t, hint); } Hchan* __go_new_channel_big(ChanType *t, uint64 hint) { return makechan(t, hint); } /* * generic single channel send/recv * if the bool pointer is nil, * then the full exchange will * occur. if pres is not nil, * then the protocol will not * sleep but return if it could * not complete. * * sleep can wake up with g->param == nil * when a channel involved in the sleep has * been closed. it is easiest to loop and re-run * the operation; we'll see that it's now closed. */ static bool chansend(ChanType *t, Hchan *c, byte *ep, bool block, void *pc) { USED(pc); SudoG *sg; SudoG mysg; G* gp; int64 t0; G* g; g = runtime_g(); if(c == nil) { USED(t); if(!block) return false; runtime_park(nil, nil, "chan send (nil chan)"); return false; // not reached } if(runtime_gcwaiting()) runtime_gosched(); if(debug) { runtime_printf("chansend: chan=%p\n", c); } t0 = 0; mysg.releasetime = 0; if(runtime_blockprofilerate > 0) { t0 = runtime_cputicks(); mysg.releasetime = -1; } runtime_lock(c); if(c->closed) goto closed; if(c->dataqsiz > 0) goto asynch; sg = dequeue(&c->recvq); if(sg != nil) { runtime_unlock(c); gp = sg->g; gp->param = sg; if(sg->elem != nil) runtime_memmove(sg->elem, ep, c->elemsize); if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); return true; } if(!block) { runtime_unlock(c); return false; } mysg.elem = ep; mysg.g = g; mysg.selectdone = nil; g->param = nil; enqueue(&c->sendq, &mysg); runtime_parkunlock(c, "chan send"); if(g->param == nil) { runtime_lock(c); if(!c->closed) runtime_throw("chansend: spurious wakeup"); goto closed; } if(mysg.releasetime > 0) runtime_blockevent(mysg.releasetime - t0, 2); return true; asynch: if(c->closed) goto closed; if(c->qcount >= c->dataqsiz) { if(!block) { runtime_unlock(c); return false; } mysg.g = g; mysg.elem = nil; mysg.selectdone = nil; enqueue(&c->sendq, &mysg); runtime_parkunlock(c, "chan send"); runtime_lock(c); goto asynch; } runtime_memmove(chanbuf(c, c->sendx), ep, c->elemsize); if(++c->sendx == c->dataqsiz) c->sendx = 0; c->qcount++; sg = dequeue(&c->recvq); if(sg != nil) { gp = sg->g; runtime_unlock(c); if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); } else runtime_unlock(c); if(mysg.releasetime > 0) runtime_blockevent(mysg.releasetime - t0, 2); return true; closed: runtime_unlock(c); runtime_panicstring("send on closed channel"); return false; // not reached } static bool chanrecv(ChanType *t, Hchan* c, byte *ep, bool block, bool *received) { SudoG *sg; SudoG mysg; G *gp; int64 t0; G *g; if(runtime_gcwaiting()) runtime_gosched(); if(debug) runtime_printf("chanrecv: chan=%p\n", c); g = runtime_g(); if(c == nil) { USED(t); if(!block) return false; runtime_park(nil, nil, "chan receive (nil chan)"); return false; // not reached } t0 = 0; mysg.releasetime = 0; if(runtime_blockprofilerate > 0) { t0 = runtime_cputicks(); mysg.releasetime = -1; } runtime_lock(c); if(c->dataqsiz > 0) goto asynch; if(c->closed) goto closed; sg = dequeue(&c->sendq); if(sg != nil) { runtime_unlock(c); if(ep != nil) runtime_memmove(ep, sg->elem, c->elemsize); gp = sg->g; gp->param = sg; if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); if(received != nil) *received = true; return true; } if(!block) { runtime_unlock(c); return false; } mysg.elem = ep; mysg.g = g; mysg.selectdone = nil; g->param = nil; enqueue(&c->recvq, &mysg); runtime_parkunlock(c, "chan receive"); if(g->param == nil) { runtime_lock(c); if(!c->closed) runtime_throw("chanrecv: spurious wakeup"); goto closed; } if(received != nil) *received = true; if(mysg.releasetime > 0) runtime_blockevent(mysg.releasetime - t0, 2); return true; asynch: if(c->qcount <= 0) { if(c->closed) goto closed; if(!block) { runtime_unlock(c); if(received != nil) *received = false; return false; } mysg.g = g; mysg.elem = nil; mysg.selectdone = nil; enqueue(&c->recvq, &mysg); runtime_parkunlock(c, "chan receive"); runtime_lock(c); goto asynch; } if(ep != nil) runtime_memmove(ep, chanbuf(c, c->recvx), c->elemsize); runtime_memclr(chanbuf(c, c->recvx), c->elemsize); if(++c->recvx == c->dataqsiz) c->recvx = 0; c->qcount--; sg = dequeue(&c->sendq); if(sg != nil) { gp = sg->g; runtime_unlock(c); if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); } else runtime_unlock(c); if(received != nil) *received = true; if(mysg.releasetime > 0) runtime_blockevent(mysg.releasetime - t0, 2); return true; closed: if(ep != nil) runtime_memclr(ep, c->elemsize); if(received != nil) *received = false; runtime_unlock(c); if(mysg.releasetime > 0) runtime_blockevent(mysg.releasetime - t0, 2); return true; } // The compiler generates a call to __go_send_small to send a value 8 // bytes or smaller. void __go_send_small(ChanType *t, Hchan* c, uint64 val) { union { byte b[sizeof(uint64)]; uint64 v; } u; byte *v; u.v = val; #ifndef WORDS_BIGENDIAN v = u.b; #else v = u.b + sizeof(uint64) - t->__element_type->__size; #endif chansend(t, c, v, true, runtime_getcallerpc(&t)); } // The compiler generates a call to __go_send_big to send a value // larger than 8 bytes or smaller. void __go_send_big(ChanType *t, Hchan* c, byte* v) { chansend(t, c, v, true, runtime_getcallerpc(&t)); } // The compiler generates a call to __go_receive to receive a // value from a channel. void __go_receive(ChanType *t, Hchan* c, byte* v) { chanrecv(t, c, v, true, nil); } _Bool runtime_chanrecv2(ChanType *t, Hchan* c, byte* v) __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.chanrecv2"); _Bool runtime_chanrecv2(ChanType *t, Hchan* c, byte* v) { bool received = false; chanrecv(t, c, v, true, &received); return received; } // compiler implements // // select { // case c <- v: // ... foo // default: // ... bar // } // // as // // if selectnbsend(c, v) { // ... foo // } else { // ... bar // } // func selectnbsend(t *ChanType, c *Hchan, elem *byte) (selected bool) { selected = chansend(t, c, elem, false, runtime_getcallerpc(&t)); } // compiler implements // // select { // case v = <-c: // ... foo // default: // ... bar // } // // as // // if selectnbrecv(&v, c) { // ... foo // } else { // ... bar // } // func selectnbrecv(t *ChanType, elem *byte, c *Hchan) (selected bool) { selected = chanrecv(t, c, elem, false, nil); } // compiler implements // // select { // case v, ok = <-c: // ... foo // default: // ... bar // } // // as // // if c != nil && selectnbrecv2(&v, &ok, c) { // ... foo // } else { // ... bar // } // func selectnbrecv2(t *ChanType, elem *byte, received *bool, c *Hchan) (selected bool) { bool r; selected = chanrecv(t, c, elem, false, received == nil ? nil : &r); if(received != nil) *received = r; } func reflect.chansend(t *ChanType, c *Hchan, elem *byte, nb bool) (selected bool) { selected = chansend(t, c, elem, !nb, runtime_getcallerpc(&t)); } func reflect.chanrecv(t *ChanType, c *Hchan, nb bool, elem *byte) (selected bool, received bool) { received = false; selected = chanrecv(t, c, elem, !nb, &received); } static Select* newselect(int32); func newselect(size int32) (sel *byte) { sel = (byte*)newselect(size); } static Select* newselect(int32 size) { int32 n; Select *sel; n = 0; if(size > 1) n = size-1; // allocate all the memory we need in a single allocation // start with Select with size cases // then lockorder with size entries // then pollorder with size entries sel = runtime_mal(sizeof(*sel) + n*sizeof(sel->scase[0]) + size*sizeof(sel->lockorder[0]) + size*sizeof(sel->pollorder[0])); sel->tcase = size; sel->ncase = 0; sel->lockorder = (void*)(sel->scase + size); sel->pollorder = (void*)(sel->lockorder + size); if(debug) runtime_printf("newselect s=%p size=%d\n", sel, size); return sel; } // cut in half to give stack a chance to split static void selectsend(Select *sel, Hchan *c, int index, void *elem); func selectsend(sel *Select, c *Hchan, elem *byte, index int32) { // nil cases do not compete if(c != nil) selectsend(sel, c, index, elem); } static void selectsend(Select *sel, Hchan *c, int index, void *elem) { int32 i; Scase *cas; i = sel->ncase; if(i >= sel->tcase) runtime_throw("selectsend: too many cases"); sel->ncase = i+1; cas = &sel->scase[i]; cas->index = index; cas->chan = c; cas->kind = CaseSend; cas->sg.elem = elem; if(debug) runtime_printf("selectsend s=%p index=%d chan=%p\n", sel, cas->index, cas->chan); } // cut in half to give stack a chance to split static void selectrecv(Select *sel, Hchan *c, int index, void *elem, bool*); func selectrecv(sel *Select, c *Hchan, elem *byte, index int32) { // nil cases do not compete if(c != nil) selectrecv(sel, c, index, elem, nil); } func selectrecv2(sel *Select, c *Hchan, elem *byte, received *bool, index int32) { // nil cases do not compete if(c != nil) selectrecv(sel, c, index, elem, received); } static void selectrecv(Select *sel, Hchan *c, int index, void *elem, bool *received) { int32 i; Scase *cas; i = sel->ncase; if(i >= sel->tcase) runtime_throw("selectrecv: too many cases"); sel->ncase = i+1; cas = &sel->scase[i]; cas->index = index; cas->chan = c; cas->kind = CaseRecv; cas->sg.elem = elem; cas->receivedp = received; if(debug) runtime_printf("selectrecv s=%p index=%d chan=%p\n", sel, cas->index, cas->chan); } // cut in half to give stack a chance to split static void selectdefault(Select*, int); func selectdefault(sel *Select, index int32) { selectdefault(sel, index); } static void selectdefault(Select *sel, int32 index) { int32 i; Scase *cas; i = sel->ncase; if(i >= sel->tcase) runtime_throw("selectdefault: too many cases"); sel->ncase = i+1; cas = &sel->scase[i]; cas->index = index; cas->chan = nil; cas->kind = CaseDefault; if(debug) runtime_printf("selectdefault s=%p index=%d\n", sel, cas->index); } static void sellock(Select *sel) { uint32 i; Hchan *c, *c0; c = nil; for(i=0; incase; i++) { c0 = sel->lockorder[i]; if(c0 && c0 != c) { c = sel->lockorder[i]; runtime_lock(c); } } } static void selunlock(Select *sel) { int32 i, n, r; Hchan *c; // We must be very careful here to not touch sel after we have unlocked // the last lock, because sel can be freed right after the last unlock. // Consider the following situation. // First M calls runtime_park() in runtime_selectgo() passing the sel. // Once runtime_park() has unlocked the last lock, another M makes // the G that calls select runnable again and schedules it for execution. // When the G runs on another M, it locks all the locks and frees sel. // Now if the first M touches sel, it will access freed memory. n = (int32)sel->ncase; r = 0; // skip the default case if(n>0 && sel->lockorder[0] == nil) r = 1; for(i = n-1; i >= r; i--) { c = sel->lockorder[i]; if(i>0 && sel->lockorder[i-1] == c) continue; // will unlock it on the next iteration runtime_unlock(c); } } static bool selparkcommit(G *gp, void *sel) { USED(gp); selunlock(sel); return true; } func block() { runtime_park(nil, nil, "select (no cases)"); // forever } static int selectgo(Select**); // selectgo(sel *byte); func selectgo(sel *Select) (ret int32) { return selectgo(&sel); } static int selectgo(Select **selp) { Select *sel; uint32 o, i, j, k, done; int64 t0; Scase *cas, *dfl; Hchan *c; SudoG *sg; G *gp; int index; G *g; sel = *selp; if(runtime_gcwaiting()) runtime_gosched(); if(debug) runtime_printf("select: sel=%p\n", sel); g = runtime_g(); t0 = 0; if(runtime_blockprofilerate > 0) { t0 = runtime_cputicks(); for(i=0; incase; i++) sel->scase[i].sg.releasetime = -1; } // The compiler rewrites selects that statically have // only 0 or 1 cases plus default into simpler constructs. // The only way we can end up with such small sel->ncase // values here is for a larger select in which most channels // have been nilled out. The general code handles those // cases correctly, and they are rare enough not to bother // optimizing (and needing to test). // generate permuted order for(i=0; incase; i++) sel->pollorder[i] = i; for(i=1; incase; i++) { o = sel->pollorder[i]; j = runtime_fastrand1()%(i+1); sel->pollorder[i] = sel->pollorder[j]; sel->pollorder[j] = o; } // sort the cases by Hchan address to get the locking order. // simple heap sort, to guarantee n log n time and constant stack footprint. for(i=0; incase; i++) { j = i; c = sel->scase[j].chan; while(j > 0 && sel->lockorder[k=(j-1)/2] < c) { sel->lockorder[j] = sel->lockorder[k]; j = k; } sel->lockorder[j] = c; } for(i=sel->ncase; i-->0; ) { c = sel->lockorder[i]; sel->lockorder[i] = sel->lockorder[0]; j = 0; for(;;) { k = j*2+1; if(k >= i) break; if(k+1 < i && sel->lockorder[k] < sel->lockorder[k+1]) k++; if(c < sel->lockorder[k]) { sel->lockorder[j] = sel->lockorder[k]; j = k; continue; } break; } sel->lockorder[j] = c; } /* for(i=0; i+1ncase; i++) if(sel->lockorder[i] > sel->lockorder[i+1]) { runtime_printf("i=%d %p %p\n", i, sel->lockorder[i], sel->lockorder[i+1]); runtime_throw("select: broken sort"); } */ sellock(sel); loop: // pass 1 - look for something already waiting dfl = nil; for(i=0; incase; i++) { o = sel->pollorder[i]; cas = &sel->scase[o]; c = cas->chan; switch(cas->kind) { case CaseRecv: if(c->dataqsiz > 0) { if(c->qcount > 0) goto asyncrecv; } else { sg = dequeue(&c->sendq); if(sg != nil) goto syncrecv; } if(c->closed) goto rclose; break; case CaseSend: if(c->closed) goto sclose; if(c->dataqsiz > 0) { if(c->qcount < c->dataqsiz) goto asyncsend; } else { sg = dequeue(&c->recvq); if(sg != nil) goto syncsend; } break; case CaseDefault: dfl = cas; break; } } if(dfl != nil) { selunlock(sel); cas = dfl; goto retc; } // pass 2 - enqueue on all chans done = 0; for(i=0; incase; i++) { o = sel->pollorder[i]; cas = &sel->scase[o]; c = cas->chan; sg = &cas->sg; sg->g = g; sg->selectdone = &done; switch(cas->kind) { case CaseRecv: enqueue(&c->recvq, sg); break; case CaseSend: enqueue(&c->sendq, sg); break; } } g->param = nil; runtime_park(selparkcommit, sel, "select"); sellock(sel); sg = g->param; // pass 3 - dequeue from unsuccessful chans // otherwise they stack up on quiet channels for(i=0; incase; i++) { cas = &sel->scase[i]; if(cas != (Scase*)sg) { c = cas->chan; if(cas->kind == CaseSend) dequeueg(&c->sendq); else dequeueg(&c->recvq); } } if(sg == nil) goto loop; cas = (Scase*)sg; c = cas->chan; if(c->dataqsiz > 0) runtime_throw("selectgo: shouldn't happen"); if(debug) runtime_printf("wait-return: sel=%p c=%p cas=%p kind=%d\n", sel, c, cas, cas->kind); if(cas->kind == CaseRecv) { if(cas->receivedp != nil) *cas->receivedp = true; } selunlock(sel); goto retc; asyncrecv: // can receive from buffer if(cas->receivedp != nil) *cas->receivedp = true; if(cas->sg.elem != nil) runtime_memmove(cas->sg.elem, chanbuf(c, c->recvx), c->elemsize); runtime_memclr(chanbuf(c, c->recvx), c->elemsize); if(++c->recvx == c->dataqsiz) c->recvx = 0; c->qcount--; sg = dequeue(&c->sendq); if(sg != nil) { gp = sg->g; selunlock(sel); if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); } else { selunlock(sel); } goto retc; asyncsend: // can send to buffer runtime_memmove(chanbuf(c, c->sendx), cas->sg.elem, c->elemsize); if(++c->sendx == c->dataqsiz) c->sendx = 0; c->qcount++; sg = dequeue(&c->recvq); if(sg != nil) { gp = sg->g; selunlock(sel); if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); } else { selunlock(sel); } goto retc; syncrecv: // can receive from sleeping sender (sg) selunlock(sel); if(debug) runtime_printf("syncrecv: sel=%p c=%p o=%d\n", sel, c, o); if(cas->receivedp != nil) *cas->receivedp = true; if(cas->sg.elem != nil) runtime_memmove(cas->sg.elem, sg->elem, c->elemsize); gp = sg->g; gp->param = sg; if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); goto retc; rclose: // read at end of closed channel selunlock(sel); if(cas->receivedp != nil) *cas->receivedp = false; if(cas->sg.elem != nil) runtime_memclr(cas->sg.elem, c->elemsize); goto retc; syncsend: // can send to sleeping receiver (sg) selunlock(sel); if(debug) runtime_printf("syncsend: sel=%p c=%p o=%d\n", sel, c, o); if(sg->elem != nil) runtime_memmove(sg->elem, cas->sg.elem, c->elemsize); gp = sg->g; gp->param = sg; if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); retc: // return index corresponding to chosen case index = cas->index; if(cas->sg.releasetime > 0) runtime_blockevent(cas->sg.releasetime - t0, 2); runtime_free(sel); return index; sclose: // send on closed channel selunlock(sel); runtime_panicstring("send on closed channel"); return 0; // not reached } // This struct must match ../reflect/value.go:/runtimeSelect. typedef struct runtimeSelect runtimeSelect; struct runtimeSelect { uintptr dir; ChanType *typ; Hchan *ch; byte *val; }; // This enum must match ../reflect/value.go:/SelectDir. enum SelectDir { SelectSend = 1, SelectRecv, SelectDefault, }; func reflect.rselect(cases Slice) (chosen int, recvOK bool) { int32 i; Select *sel; runtimeSelect* rcase, *rc; chosen = -1; recvOK = false; rcase = (runtimeSelect*)cases.__values; sel = newselect(cases.__count); for(i=0; idir) { case SelectDefault: selectdefault(sel, i); break; case SelectSend: if(rc->ch == nil) break; selectsend(sel, rc->ch, i, rc->val); break; case SelectRecv: if(rc->ch == nil) break; selectrecv(sel, rc->ch, i, rc->val, &recvOK); break; } } chosen = (intgo)(uintptr)selectgo(&sel); } static void closechan(Hchan *c, void *pc); func closechan(c *Hchan) { closechan(c, runtime_getcallerpc(&c)); } func reflect.chanclose(c *Hchan) { closechan(c, runtime_getcallerpc(&c)); } static void closechan(Hchan *c, void *pc) { USED(pc); SudoG *sg; G* gp; if(c == nil) runtime_panicstring("close of nil channel"); if(runtime_gcwaiting()) runtime_gosched(); runtime_lock(c); if(c->closed) { runtime_unlock(c); runtime_panicstring("close of closed channel"); } c->closed = true; // release all readers for(;;) { sg = dequeue(&c->recvq); if(sg == nil) break; gp = sg->g; gp->param = nil; if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); } // release all writers for(;;) { sg = dequeue(&c->sendq); if(sg == nil) break; gp = sg->g; gp->param = nil; if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); } runtime_unlock(c); } void __go_builtin_close(Hchan *c) { runtime_closechan(c); } func reflect.chanlen(c *Hchan) (len int) { if(c == nil) len = 0; else len = c->qcount; } intgo __go_chan_len(Hchan *c) { return reflect_chanlen(c); } func reflect.chancap(c *Hchan) (cap int) { if(c == nil) cap = 0; else cap = c->dataqsiz; } intgo __go_chan_cap(Hchan *c) { return reflect_chancap(c); } static SudoG* dequeue(WaitQ *q) { SudoG *sgp; loop: sgp = q->first; if(sgp == nil) return nil; q->first = sgp->link; // if sgp participates in a select and is already signaled, ignore it if(sgp->selectdone != nil) { // claim the right to signal if(*sgp->selectdone != 0 || !runtime_cas(sgp->selectdone, 0, 1)) goto loop; } return sgp; } static void dequeueg(WaitQ *q) { SudoG **l, *sgp, *prevsgp; G *g; g = runtime_g(); prevsgp = nil; for(l=&q->first; (sgp=*l) != nil; l=&sgp->link, prevsgp=sgp) { if(sgp->g == g) { *l = sgp->link; if(q->last == sgp) q->last = prevsgp; break; } } } static void enqueue(WaitQ *q, SudoG *sgp) { sgp->link = nil; if(q->first == nil) { q->first = sgp; q->last = sgp; return; } q->last->link = sgp; q->last = sgp; }