// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package runtime import ( "runtime/internal/sys" "unsafe" ) type mOS struct { unused byte } func futex(addr unsafe.Pointer, op int32, val uint32, ts, addr2 unsafe.Pointer, val3 uint32) int32 { return int32(syscall(_SYS_futex, uintptr(addr), uintptr(op), uintptr(val), uintptr(ts), uintptr(addr2), uintptr(val3))) } // Linux futex. // // futexsleep(uint32 *addr, uint32 val) // futexwakeup(uint32 *addr) // // Futexsleep atomically checks if *addr == val and if so, sleeps on addr. // Futexwakeup wakes up threads sleeping on addr. // Futexsleep is allowed to wake up spuriously. const ( _FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG = 128 _FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE = 0 | _FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG _FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE = 1 | _FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG ) // Atomically, // if(*addr == val) sleep // Might be woken up spuriously; that's allowed. // Don't sleep longer than ns; ns < 0 means forever. //go:nosplit func futexsleep(addr *uint32, val uint32, ns int64) { var ts timespec // Some Linux kernels have a bug where futex of // FUTEX_WAIT returns an internal error code // as an errno. Libpthread ignores the return value // here, and so can we: as it says a few lines up, // spurious wakeups are allowed. if ns < 0 { futex(unsafe.Pointer(addr), _FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, val, nil, nil, 0) return } // It's difficult to live within the no-split stack limits here. // On ARM and 386, a 64-bit divide invokes a general software routine // that needs more stack than we can afford. So we use timediv instead. // But on real 64-bit systems, where words are larger but the stack limit // is not, even timediv is too heavy, and we really need to use just an // ordinary machine instruction. if sys.PtrSize == 8 { ts.set_sec(ns / 1000000000) ts.set_nsec(int32(ns % 1000000000)) } else { ts.tv_nsec = 0 ts.set_sec(int64(timediv(ns, 1000000000, (*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts.tv_nsec))))) } futex(unsafe.Pointer(addr), _FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, val, unsafe.Pointer(&ts), nil, 0) } // If any procs are sleeping on addr, wake up at most cnt. //go:nosplit func futexwakeup(addr *uint32, cnt uint32) { ret := futex(unsafe.Pointer(addr), _FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, cnt, nil, nil, 0) if ret >= 0 { return } // I don't know that futex wakeup can return // EAGAIN or EINTR, but if it does, it would be // safe to loop and call futex again. systemstack(func() { print("futexwakeup addr=", addr, " returned ", ret, "\n") }) *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(0x1006))) = 0x1006 } const ( _AT_NULL = 0 // End of vector _AT_PAGESZ = 6 // System physical page size _AT_HWCAP = 16 // hardware capability bit vector _AT_RANDOM = 25 // introduced in 2.6.29 _AT_HWCAP2 = 26 // hardware capability bit vector 2 ) var procAuxv = []byte("/proc/self/auxv\x00") var addrspace_vec [1]byte //extern mincore func mincore(addr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr, dst *byte) int32 func sysargs(argc int32, argv **byte) { n := argc + 1 // skip over argv, envp to get to auxv for argv_index(argv, n) != nil { n++ } // skip NULL separator n++ // now argv+n is auxv auxv := (*[1 << 28]uintptr)(add(unsafe.Pointer(argv), uintptr(n)*sys.PtrSize)) if sysauxv(auxv[:]) != 0 { return } // In some situations we don't get a loader-provided // auxv, such as when loaded as a library on Android. // Fall back to /proc/self/auxv. fd := open(&procAuxv[0], 0 /* O_RDONLY */, 0) if fd < 0 { // On Android, /proc/self/auxv might be unreadable (issue 9229), so we fallback to // try using mincore to detect the physical page size. // mincore should return EINVAL when address is not a multiple of system page size. const size = 256 << 10 // size of memory region to allocate p, err := mmap(nil, size, _PROT_READ|_PROT_WRITE, _MAP_ANON|_MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0) if err != 0 { return } var n uintptr for n = 4 << 10; n < size; n <<= 1 { err := mincore(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+n), 1, &addrspace_vec[0]) if err == 0 { physPageSize = n break } } if physPageSize == 0 { physPageSize = size } munmap(p, size) return } var buf [128]uintptr n = read(fd, noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), int32(unsafe.Sizeof(buf))) closefd(fd) if n < 0 { return } // Make sure buf is terminated, even if we didn't read // the whole file. buf[len(buf)-2] = _AT_NULL sysauxv(buf[:]) } func sysauxv(auxv []uintptr) int { var i int for ; auxv[i] != _AT_NULL; i += 2 { tag, val := auxv[i], auxv[i+1] switch tag { case _AT_RANDOM: // The kernel provides a pointer to 16-bytes // worth of random data. startupRandomData = (*[16]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(val))[:] setRandomNumber(uint32(startupRandomData[4]) | uint32(startupRandomData[5])<<8 | uint32(startupRandomData[6])<<16 | uint32(startupRandomData[7])<<24) case _AT_PAGESZ: physPageSize = val } archauxv(tag, val) // Commented out for gccgo for now. // vdsoauxv(tag, val) } return i / 2 }