// go-location.h -- GCC specific Location declaration. -*- C++ -*- // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef GO_LOCATION_H #define GO_LOCATION_H #include "go-system.h" // A location in an input source file. class Location { public: Location() : gcc_loc_(UNKNOWN_LOCATION) { } explicit Location(location_t loc) : gcc_loc_(loc) { } location_t gcc_location() const { return this->gcc_loc_; } private: location_t gcc_loc_; }; // The Go frontend requires the ability to compare Locations. inline bool operator<(Location loca, Location locb) { return loca.gcc_location() < locb.gcc_location(); } inline bool operator==(Location loca, Location locb) { return loca.gcc_location() == locb.gcc_location(); } #endif // !defined(GO_LOCATION_H)