path: root/gcc/f/g77.1
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+.\" Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation -*-Text-*-
+.\" See section COPYING for conditions for redistribution
+.\" FIXME: no info here on predefines. Should there be? extra for F77...
+.TH G77 1 "1997-06-20" "GNU Tools" "GNU Tools"
+.de BP
+.ti \-.2i
+g77 \- GNU project F77 Compiler (v0.5.18)
+.RB g77 " [" \c
+.IR option " | " "filename " ].\|.\|.
+The information in this man page is an extract from the full
+documentation of the GNU Fortran compiler (version 0.5.18),
+and is limited to the meaning of the options.
+This man page is not up to date, since no volunteers want to
+maintain it. If you find a discrepancy between the man page and the
+software, please check the Info file, which is the authoritative
+The version of GNU Fortran documented by the Info file is 0.5.21,
+which includes substantial improvements and changes since 0.5.18,
+the version documented in this man page.
+If we find that the things in this man page that are out of date cause
+significant confusion or complaints, we will stop distributing the man
+page. The alternative, updating the man page when we update the Info
+file, is impractical because the rest of the work of maintaining GNU Fortran
+leaves us no time for that. The GNU project regards man pages as
+obsolete and should not let them take time away from other things.
+For complete and current documentation, refer to the Info file `\|\c
+.B g77\c
+\&\|' or the manual
+Using and Porting GNU Fortran (for version 0.5.18)\c
+\&. Both are made from the Texinfo source file
+.BR g77.texi .
+If your system has the `\|\c
+.B info\c
+\&\|' command installed, the command `\|\c
+.B info g77\c
+\&\|' should work, unless
+.B g77
+has not been properly installed.
+If your system lacks `\|\c
+.B info\c
+\&\|', or you wish to avoid using it for now,
+the command `\|\c
+.B more /usr/info/g77.info*\c
+\&\|' should work, unless
+.B g77
+has not been properly installed.
+.B g77
+has not been properly installed, so that you
+cannot easily access the Info file for it,
+ask your system administrator, or the installer
+.B g77
+(if you know who that is) to fix the problem.
+The C and F77 compilers are integrated;
+.B g77
+is a program to call
+.B gcc with options to recognize F77.
+.B gcc
+processes input files
+through one or more of four stages: preprocessing, compilation,
+assembly, and linking. This man page contains full descriptions for
+.I only
+F77 specific aspects of the compiler, though it also contains
+summaries of some general-purpose options. For a fuller explanation
+of the compiler, see
+.BR gcc ( 1 ).
+For complete documentation on GNU Fortran, type
+.BR info g77
+F77 source files use the suffix `\|\c
+.B .f\c
+\&\|'; F77 files to be preprocessed by
+.BR cpp ( 1 )
+use the suffix `\|\c
+.B .F\c
+There are many command-line options, including options to control
+details of optimization, warnings, and code generation, which are
+common to both
+.B gcc
+.B g77\c
+\&. For full information on all options, see
+.BR gcc ( 1 ).
+Options must be separate: `\|\c
+.B \-dr\c
+\&\|' is quite different from `\|\c
+.B \-d \-r
+Most `\|\c
+.B \-f\c
+\&\|' and `\|\c
+.B \-W\c
+\&\|' options have two contrary forms:
+.BI \-f name
+.BI \-fno\- name\c
+\& (or
+.BI \-W name
+.BI \-Wno\- name\c
+\&). Only the non-default forms are shown here.
+.B \-c
+Compile or assemble the source files, but do not link. The compiler
+output is an object file corresponding to each source file.
+.BI \-D macro
+Define macro \c
+.I macro\c
+\& with the string `\|\c
+.B 1\c
+\&\|' as its definition.
+.BI \-D macro = defn
+Define macro \c
+.I macro\c
+\& as \c
+.I defn\c
+.BI \-\-driver= command
+Specifies that
+.IR command ,
+rather than
+.RB ` gcc ',
+is to be invoked by
+.RB ` g77 '
+to do its job. Example: Within the gcc build directory after building
+GNU Fortran (but without having to install it),
+ ./g77 \-\-driver=./xgcc -B./ foo.f
+.B \-E
+Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper. The
+output is preprocessed source code, which is sent to the
+standard output.
+.B \-g
+Produce debugging information in the operating system's native format
+(for DBX or SDB or DWARF). GDB also can work with this debugging
+information. On most systems that use DBX format, `\|\c
+.B \-g\c
+\&\|' enables use
+of extra debugging information that only GDB can use.
+Unlike most other Fortran compilers, GNU Fortran allows you to use `\|\c
+.B \-g\c
+\&\|' with
+.B \-O\c
+\&\|'. The shortcuts taken by optimized code may occasionally
+produce surprising results: some variables you declared may not exist
+at all; flow of control may briefly move where you did not expect it;
+some statements may not be executed because they compute constant
+results or their values were already at hand; some statements may
+execute in different places because they were moved out of loops.
+Nevertheless it proves possible to debug optimized output. This makes
+it reasonable to use the optimizer for programs that might have bugs.
+.BI "\-I" "dir"\c
+Append directory \c
+.I dir\c
+\& to the list of directories searched for include files.
+.BI "\-L" "dir"\c
+Add directory \c
+.I dir\c
+\& to the list of directories to be searched
+for `\|\c
+.B \-l\c
+.BI \-l library\c
+Use the library named \c
+.I library\c
+\& when linking.
+.B \-nostdinc
+Do not search the standard system directories for header files. Only
+the directories you have specified with
+.B \-I
+options (and the current directory, if appropriate) are searched.
+.B \-O
+Optimize. Optimizing compilation takes somewhat more time, and a lot
+more memory for a large function. See the GCC documentation for
+further optimisation options. Loop unrolling, in particular, may be
+worth investigating for typical numerical Fortran programs.
+.BI "\-o " file\c
+Place output in file \c
+.I file\c
+.B \-S
+Stop after the stage of compilation proper; do not assemble. The output
+is an assembler code file for each non-assembler input
+file specified.
+.BI \-U macro
+Undefine macro \c
+.I macro\c
+.B \-v
+Print (on standard error output) the commands executed to run the
+stages of compilation. Also print the version number of the compiler
+driver program and of the preprocessor and the compiler proper. The
+version numbers of g77 itself and the GCC distribution on which it is
+based are distinct. Use
+.RB ` \-\-driver=true '
+to disable actual invocation of
+.RB ` gcc '
+.RB ` true '
+is the name of a UNIX command that simply returns success status).
+The command
+.RB ` "gcc -v" '
+is the appropriate one to determine the g77 and GCC version numbers;
+it will produce an irrelevant error message from
+.RB ` ld '.
+.B \-Wall
+Issue warnings for conditions which pertain to usage that we recommend
+avoiding and that we believe is easy to avoid, even in conjunction
+with macros.
+.ta \w'LIBDIR/g77\-include 'u
+file.h C header (preprocessor) file
+file.f Fortran source file
+file.for Fortran source file
+file.F preprocessed Fortran source file
+file.fpp preprocessed Fortran source file
+file.s assembly language file
+file.o object file
+a.out link edited output
+\fITMPDIR\fR/cc\(** temporary files
+\fILIBDIR\fR/cpp preprocessor
+\fILIBDIR\fR/f771 compiler
+\fILIBDIR\fR/libf2c.a Fortran run-time library
+\fILIBDIR\fR/libgcc.a GCC subroutine library
+/lib/crt[01n].o start-up routine
+/lib/libc.a standard C library, see
+.IR intro (3)
+/usr/include standard directory for
+.B #include
+\fILIBDIR\fR/include standard gcc directory for
+.B #include
+is usually
+.B /usr/local/lib/\c
+.IR machine / version .
+comes from the environment variable
+.B /usr/tmp
+if available, else
+.B /tmp\c
+gcc(1), cpp(1), as(1), ld(1), gdb(1), adb(1), dbx(1), sdb(1).
+.RB "`\|" g77 "\|', `\|" gcc "\|', `\|" cpp \|',
+.RB `\| as \|', `\| ld \|',
+.RB `\| gdb \|'
+entries in
+.B info\c
+Using and Porting GNU Fortran (for version 0.5.18)\c
+, James Craig Burley;
+Using and Porting GNU CC (for version 2.0)\c
+, Richard M. Stallman;
+The C Preprocessor\c
+, Richard M. Stallman;
+Debugging with GDB: the GNU Source-Level Debugger\c
+, Richard M. Stallman and Roland H. Pesch;
+Using as: the GNU Assembler\c
+, Dean Elsner, Jay Fenlason & friends;
+gld: the GNU linker\c
+, Steve Chamberlain and Roland Pesch.
+For instructions on how to report bugs, see the file
+in the g77 distribution.
+Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
+this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
+are preserved on all copies.
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
+manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
+entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
+permission notice identical to this one.
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
+versions, except that this permission notice may be included in
+translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in
+the original English.
+See the GNU CC Manual for the contributors to GNU CC.
+See the GNU Fortran Manual for the contributors to
+GNU Fortran.