.TH runtest 1 "29 Jul 2003" .SH NAME runtest \- the DejaGnu test driver program .SH SYNOPSIS .B runtest [ options ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I DejaGnu is a framework for running test suites on GNU tools. It is written in expect, which uses Tcl (Tool command language). .B runtest is the test driver program; use it to control what tests to run, and variations on how to run them. You can find a comprehensive description of DejaGnu and \fBruntest\fR in .I The DejaGnu Testing Framework or its Info version, .BR dejagnu.info . .SH OPTIONS .TP .B --all Print all test output to screen. By default, only unexpected results are displayed. .TP .BI --baud \ rate Set the baud rate for a serial line connection. Some serial interface programs (like \fBtip\fR) don't use this value but instead use a separate initialization file. .TP .BI --connect \ type The type of connection to use. The choices are .BR rlogin , .BR telnet , .BR rsh , .BR kermit , .BR tip and .BR mondfe . .TP .B --debug Turn on .B expect internal debugging output. All output is logged to a file called \fBdbg.out\fR. The output of the \fB--strace\fR also goes into this file. .TP .B --help Prints out a help screen and then exits. .TP .BI --host \ type The configuration string for the host. .TP .BI --ignore \ test1.exp\ test2.exp\ ... Do not run the specified tests. .TP .BI --mail \ \'name1\ name2\ ...\' Electronic mail addresses to receive test results. .TP .BI --name \ hostname The network hostname of the target board. .TP .BI --objdir \ path \fIpath\fR is a directory containing compiled test code. .TP .BI --outdir \ directory The name of a directory for test log output. .TP .B --reboot Reboot the target board when \fBruntest\fR initializes (if supported). .TP .BI --srcdir \ path \fIpath\fR is a directory containing test directories. .TP .BI --strace \ N Turns on .B expect internal tracing to \fIN\fR levels deep. .TP .BI --target \ type The configuration string for the target. .TP .BI --tool \ toolname Specify the tool to be tested. \fItoolname\fR controls the test suite applied, and the associated initialization module. .TP .B --verbose,\ -v Turns on more debugging output from test cases and DejaGnu utility code. Use more than once to increase output further. .TP .B --version,\ -V Prints out the versions of DejaGnu, expect and Tcl. .TP .B -D[number] Activate the Tcl debugger.\fBnumber\fR can be either 1 or 0. If it is 1, then the expect shell will break when it starts to run. All ^C's drop DejaGnu back to the debugger prompt. A 0 starts DejaGnu like normal, but a ^C drops to the debugger prompt. .TP 0 Any file name on the command line is assumed to be a subset of the test names to run. Usually these are the names of the expect test driver, ie... special.exp. Makefile style variables are used to specify tool names and their flags; these and other configuration dependent values are saved in the file \fBsite.exp\fR, created during configuration. .SH EXIT CODES .B runtest sets the exit code to 1 if any of the tests failed, or sets it to 0 if all the tests passed. .SH SEE ALSO .I The DejaGnu Testing Framework .RB ( dejagnu.info ). This is the DejaGnu manual; its source is the SGML files .B doc/*.sgml. in the DejaGnu distribution. .SH AUTHOR Rob Savoye (rob@welcomehome.org)