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+<!--Converted with LaTeX2HTML 98.1p1 release (March 2nd, 1998)
+originally by Nikos Drakos (nikos@cbl.leeds.ac.uk), CBLU, University of Leeds
+* revised and updated by: Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
+* with significant contributions from:
+ Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
+<TITLE>Release NoticeBlueGnu Testing Framework
+Version 2.0.3</TITLE>
+<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Release NoticeBlueGnu Testing Framework
+Version 2.0.3">
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+<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Release Notice
+BlueGnu Testing Framework
+Version 2.0.3</H1>
+<P ALIGN="CENTER"><STRONG>Jan-Willem Neurdenburg
+jotOmega dsc
+56 Brigham Hill Road
+Tel: (508) 839-0276
+Fax: (508) 839-7267</STRONG></P>
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00010000000000000000">
+BlueGnu is a framework for testing other programs. It has been created
+to be compatible with DejaGnu. Its purpose is to provide a single
+front end for all tests. Beyond this, BlueGnu offers several
+advantages for testing:
+<LI>The flexibility and consistency of the BlueGnu framework makes it
+easy to write tests for any program, with the exception of GUI
+<LI>BlueGnu provides a layer of abstraction, which makes all tests
+(if correctly written) portable to any host or target where a program
+must be tested.
+<LI>BlueGnu is written in [incr Tcl], which in turn is based on Tcl
+(Tool Command Language). The framework comprises two parts:
+<DD>the testing framework,
+<DD>the test-suites or test-sets themselves.
+<LI>BlueGnu will work with any Tcl based interpreter as long as
+[incr Tcl] has been included. You can include 'expect', 'Tk', and/or
+other extensions.
+<LI>Includes DejaGnu release 1.6
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00020000000000000000">
+The following modules should have been installed, before you can
+install and/or use BlueGnu:
+<LI>Tcl release 8.0 or higher,
+<LI>incr Tcl release 3.0 or higher.
+Any other extensions that is compatible with Tcl release 8.0 can be used
+as well.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00030000000000000000">
+Structure and Contents of the Release</A>
+The root directory of the release contains the README files with
+installation instructions and the files needed to build and install
+this product. It also contains the executable scripts of the
+BlueGnu testing framework.
+The top-level directories are listed below:
+<DD>the packages and procedures that make the BlueGnu and
+DejaGnu testing framework. This also includes the default target
+definition files.
+<DD>the BlueGnu test-suites and test examples. It contains
+the following subdirectories.
+<DD>test scripts to test the testing framework itself.
+<DD>test suite and test script examples.
+<DT><STRONG>config, lib, tools:</STRONG>
+<DD>currently empty, but can be used for
+test-set dependent configuration files, library files, and tools.
+<DD>currently empty.
+<DD>the DejaGnu texinfo source and the documentation in
+'info', 'dvi', 'ps', and 'pdf' representation, respectively
+dejagnu.info*, dejagnu.dvi, dejagnu.ps, and dejagnu.pdf. A DejaGnu man
+page is also available.
+It also contains
+the T<SMALL>E</SMALL>X version (README.tex) of this document as well as the 'dvi', 'ps'
+'html', and 'pdf' representation, respectively notice.dvi, notice.ps,
+notice.html, and notice.pdf.
+<DD>contains a mixture of DejaGnu and BlueGnu test
+<DD>contains examples how DejaGnu is used at Cygnus.
+<DD>contains a full DejaGnu test framework example for testing the program 'calc' which is also included.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00040000000000000000">
+Installation and use under Unix</A>
+Before you can install and use BlueGnu you need to have installed the
+following three packages:
+<LI>Tcl version 8.0.3
+<LI>Tk version 8.0.3
+<LI>incr Tcl version 3.0.1
+</UL>The source for these packages should all be located in one directory.
+The subdirectory in the directory should be:
+The following examples use the command `./configure
+-prefix=/tools/...`. This will install all packages in a directory
+``/tools''. When you omit the ``-prefix''-switch then the
+installation default will be the directory ``/usr/local''.
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00041000000000000000">
+Installation of needed Packages</A>
+When you have not installed Tcl and the other needed extensions, then
+you need to retrieve the sources from ``www.tcltk.com/itcl''. You need
+to `gunzip` the files and do a `tar xf` of all these packages in one
+directory, let's call this directory ``TclTk''.
+From the directory ``TclTk'', you should do the following to install
+the packages:
+% cd tcl8.0.3/unix
+% ./configure --prefix=/tools/tcl8.0.3 --enable-gcc --enable-shared
+% make
+% mkdir /tools/tcl8.0.3
+% make install
+% cd ../../tk8.0.3/unix
+% ./configure --prefix=/tools/tk8.0.3 --enable-gcc --enable-shared
+% make
+% mkdir /tools/tk8.0.3
+% make install
+% cd ../../itcl3.0.1
+% ./configure --prefix=/tools/itcl3.0.1 --enable-gcc --enable-shared
+% make
+% mkdir /tools/itcl3.0.1
+% make install
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00042000000000000000">
+Installing BlueGnu</A>
+You can now `gunzip` and `tar xf` the BlueGnu version 2.0.3 in the
+directory ``TckTk''. This will create the directory
+``bluegnu2.0.3''. Now do the following:
+% cd bluegnu2.0.3
+% ./configure --prefix=/tools/bluegnu2.0.3
+% make
+% mkdir /tools/bluegnu2.0.3
+% make install
+This will install BlueGnu in the directories:
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00043000000000000000">
+Using BlueGnu</A>
+When you have installed [incr Tcl] and BlueGnu and you have the
+respective ``bin'' directories in your PATH variable, then you can
+start running some tests. You can go into the BlueGnu source directory
+``bluegnu2.0.3/testsets/examples'' and run the following:
+% bluegnu versionTcl.itcl
+% bluegnu ts_001
+% bluegnu ts_002
+% bluegnu ts_003
+The above test result should all be PASS. The following test will give
+a result UNKNOWN, because no pass/fail instruction have been given.
+% bluegnu tc001
+The last test you can run will fail in its simple form:
+% bluegnu tc002
+But will pass if you execute the test as follows:
+% bluegnu tc002[English]
+This is because the test scripts need a test case identifier to find
+the correct benchmark code.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00050000000000000000">
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00051000000000000000">
+Version 2.0.3</A>
+This being the first public release it is not to useful to list all
+the changes. BlueGnu has been modeled after DejaGnu and is a complete
+new implementation which has been tested thoroughly. When
+documentation is being written more changes will be made. An example
+of some of these changes as a result of this documentation effort can
+be found in the test-suites ts<code>_</code>001, ts<code>_</code>002, and
+ts<code>_</code>003. The first two are not as easy to write as the
+third. The test suite ts<code>_</code>001 is a script implementation of the
+command line:
+% cd bluegnu2.0.3/testsets
+% bluegnu examples/tc002[English=B] \
+&gt; "examples/tc002[Dutch=B]={MSG=Hallo Wereld}"
+</PRE>This may be useful for simple tests but when you want to write more
+complex test-suite scripts you would like some more flexibility, so two
+procedures were introduced, which are shown in test-suite ts<code>_</code>002. This
+makes writing rather complex so the procedures have become part of
+the procedures 'appendQueue', 'prependQueue', and 'runtest'. The
+resulting script is shown in test-suit ts<code>_</code>003.
+Changes like this will be made in the future!
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00060000000000000000">
+Future Enhancements</A>
+The following enhancements are being planned:
+<LI>Target code will be made into a class with methods 'start',
+'load', 'exit', and 'version'. Instead of the current
+'&lt;target&gt;<code>_</code>start', '&lt;target&gt;<code>_</code>load', '&lt;target&gt;<code>_</code>exit', and
+'&lt;target&gt;<code>_</code>version', which have been taken from DejaGnu.
+<LI>Procedures will be created that make it easy to test WEB
+application from the framework.
+<LI>Other enhancements will be made depending on the use of the
+framework in testing different applications.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00070000000000000000">
+ About this document ... </A>
+ <STRONG>Release Notice
+BlueGnu Testing Framework
+Version 2.0.3</STRONG><P>
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+Copyright &#169; 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997,
+<A HREF="http://cbl.leeds.ac.uk/nikos/personal.html">Nikos Drakos</A>,
+Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
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+<I>Jan-Willem Neurdenburg <BR>