; Test that we can recurse, at least a little bit. The -time-passes flag here ; is a hack to make sure that neither echo nor the shell expands the response ; file for us. Tokenization with quotes is tested in unittests. ; On Windows, paths contain \ characters, which are escape characters in ; GNU-style response files. So replace \ with \\ to make the tests work there. ; RUN: echo %s | sed -e 's:\\:\\\\:g' > %t.list1 ; RUN: echo "-time-passes @%t.list1" | sed -e 's:\\:\\\\:g' > %t.list2 ; RUN: llvm-as @%t.list2 -o %t.bc ; RUN: llvm-nm %t.bc 2>&1 | FileCheck %s ; When the response file begins with UTF8 BOM sequence, we shall remove them. ; Neither command below should return a "Could not open input file" error. ; RUN: llvm-as @%S/Inputs/utf8-response > /dev/null ; RUN: llvm-as @%S/Inputs/utf8-bom-response > /dev/null ; CHECK: T foobar define void @foobar() { ret void }