//===-- ClangdTests.cpp - Clangd unit tests ---------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Annotations.h" #include "ClangdLSPServer.h" #include "ClangdServer.h" #include "Matchers.h" #include "SyncAPI.h" #include "TestFS.h" #include "URI.h" #include "clang/Config/config.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h" #include "llvm/Support/Errc.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "llvm/Support/Regex.h" #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace clang { namespace clangd { namespace { using ::testing::ElementsAre; using ::testing::Eq; using ::testing::Field; using ::testing::Gt; using ::testing::IsEmpty; using ::testing::Pair; using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre; MATCHER_P2(FileRange, File, Range, "") { return Location{URIForFile::canonicalize(File, testRoot()), Range} == arg; } bool diagsContainErrors(const std::vector &Diagnostics) { for (auto D : Diagnostics) { if (D.Severity == DiagnosticsEngine::Error || D.Severity == DiagnosticsEngine::Fatal) return true; } return false; } class ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer : public DiagnosticsConsumer { public: void onDiagnosticsReady(PathRef File, std::vector Diagnostics) override { bool HadError = diagsContainErrors(Diagnostics); std::lock_guard Lock(Mutex); HadErrorInLastDiags = HadError; } bool hadErrorInLastDiags() { std::lock_guard Lock(Mutex); return HadErrorInLastDiags; } private: std::mutex Mutex; bool HadErrorInLastDiags = false; }; /// For each file, record whether the last published diagnostics contained at /// least one error. class MultipleErrorCheckingDiagConsumer : public DiagnosticsConsumer { public: void onDiagnosticsReady(PathRef File, std::vector Diagnostics) override { bool HadError = diagsContainErrors(Diagnostics); std::lock_guard Lock(Mutex); LastDiagsHadError[File] = HadError; } /// Exposes all files consumed by onDiagnosticsReady in an unspecified order. /// For each file, a bool value indicates whether the last diagnostics /// contained an error. std::vector> filesWithDiags() const { std::vector> Result; std::lock_guard Lock(Mutex); for (const auto &it : LastDiagsHadError) { Result.emplace_back(it.first(), it.second); } return Result; } void clear() { std::lock_guard Lock(Mutex); LastDiagsHadError.clear(); } private: mutable std::mutex Mutex; llvm::StringMap LastDiagsHadError; }; /// Replaces all patterns of the form 0x123abc with spaces std::string replacePtrsInDump(std::string const &Dump) { llvm::Regex RE("0x[0-9a-fA-F]+"); llvm::SmallVector Matches; llvm::StringRef Pending = Dump; std::string Result; while (RE.match(Pending, &Matches)) { assert(Matches.size() == 1 && "Exactly one match expected"); auto MatchPos = Matches[0].data() - Pending.data(); Result += Pending.take_front(MatchPos); Pending = Pending.drop_front(MatchPos + Matches[0].size()); } Result += Pending; return Result; } std::string dumpASTWithoutMemoryLocs(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File) { auto DumpWithMemLocs = runDumpAST(Server, File); return replacePtrsInDump(DumpWithMemLocs); } class ClangdVFSTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: std::string parseSourceAndDumpAST( PathRef SourceFileRelPath, llvm::StringRef SourceContents, std::vector> ExtraFiles = {}, bool ExpectErrors = false) { MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); for (const auto &FileWithContents : ExtraFiles) FS.Files[testPath(FileWithContents.first)] = FileWithContents.second; auto SourceFilename = testPath(SourceFileRelPath); Server.addDocument(SourceFilename, SourceContents); auto Result = dumpASTWithoutMemoryLocs(Server, SourceFilename); EXPECT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()) << "Waiting for diagnostics"; EXPECT_EQ(ExpectErrors, DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); return Result; } }; TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, Parse) { // FIXME: figure out a stable format for AST dumps, so that we can check the // output of the dump itself is equal to the expected one, not just that it's // different. auto Empty = parseSourceAndDumpAST("foo.cpp", "", {}); auto OneDecl = parseSourceAndDumpAST("foo.cpp", "int a;", {}); auto SomeDecls = parseSourceAndDumpAST("foo.cpp", "int a; int b; int c;", {}); EXPECT_NE(Empty, OneDecl); EXPECT_NE(Empty, SomeDecls); EXPECT_NE(SomeDecls, OneDecl); auto Empty2 = parseSourceAndDumpAST("foo.cpp", ""); auto OneDecl2 = parseSourceAndDumpAST("foo.cpp", "int a;"); auto SomeDecls2 = parseSourceAndDumpAST("foo.cpp", "int a; int b; int c;"); EXPECT_EQ(Empty, Empty2); EXPECT_EQ(OneDecl, OneDecl2); EXPECT_EQ(SomeDecls, SomeDecls2); } TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, ParseWithHeader) { parseSourceAndDumpAST("foo.cpp", "#include \"foo.h\"", {}, /*ExpectErrors=*/true); parseSourceAndDumpAST("foo.cpp", "#include \"foo.h\"", {{"foo.h", ""}}, /*ExpectErrors=*/false); const auto SourceContents = R"cpp( #include "foo.h" int b = a; )cpp"; parseSourceAndDumpAST("foo.cpp", SourceContents, {{"foo.h", ""}}, /*ExpectErrors=*/true); parseSourceAndDumpAST("foo.cpp", SourceContents, {{"foo.h", "int a;"}}, /*ExpectErrors=*/false); } TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, Reparse) { MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); const auto SourceContents = R"cpp( #include "foo.h" int b = a; )cpp"; auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp"); FS.Files[testPath("foo.h")] = "int a;"; FS.Files[FooCpp] = SourceContents; Server.addDocument(FooCpp, SourceContents); auto DumpParse1 = dumpASTWithoutMemoryLocs(Server, FooCpp); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()) << "Waiting for diagnostics"; EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); Server.addDocument(FooCpp, ""); auto DumpParseEmpty = dumpASTWithoutMemoryLocs(Server, FooCpp); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()) << "Waiting for diagnostics"; EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); Server.addDocument(FooCpp, SourceContents); auto DumpParse2 = dumpASTWithoutMemoryLocs(Server, FooCpp); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()) << "Waiting for diagnostics"; EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); EXPECT_EQ(DumpParse1, DumpParse2); EXPECT_NE(DumpParse1, DumpParseEmpty); } TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, ReparseOnHeaderChange) { MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); const auto SourceContents = R"cpp( #include "foo.h" int b = a; )cpp"; auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp"); auto FooH = testPath("foo.h"); FS.Files[FooH] = "int a;"; FS.Files[FooCpp] = SourceContents; Server.addDocument(FooCpp, SourceContents); auto DumpParse1 = dumpASTWithoutMemoryLocs(Server, FooCpp); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()) << "Waiting for diagnostics"; EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); FS.Files[FooH] = ""; Server.addDocument(FooCpp, SourceContents); auto DumpParseDifferent = dumpASTWithoutMemoryLocs(Server, FooCpp); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()) << "Waiting for diagnostics"; EXPECT_TRUE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); FS.Files[FooH] = "int a;"; Server.addDocument(FooCpp, SourceContents); auto DumpParse2 = dumpASTWithoutMemoryLocs(Server, FooCpp); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()) << "Waiting for diagnostics"; EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); EXPECT_EQ(DumpParse1, DumpParse2); EXPECT_NE(DumpParse1, DumpParseDifferent); } TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, PropagatesContexts) { static Key Secret; struct FSProvider : public FileSystemProvider { IntrusiveRefCntPtr getFileSystem() const override { Got = Context::current().getExisting(Secret); return buildTestFS({}); } mutable int Got; } FS; struct DiagConsumer : public DiagnosticsConsumer { void onDiagnosticsReady(PathRef File, std::vector Diagnostics) override { Got = Context::current().getExisting(Secret); } int Got; } DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; // Verify that the context is plumbed to the FS provider and diagnostics. ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); { WithContextValue Entrypoint(Secret, 42); Server.addDocument(testPath("foo.cpp"), "void main(){}"); } ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()); EXPECT_EQ(FS.Got, 42); EXPECT_EQ(DiagConsumer.Got, 42); } // Only enable this test on Unix #ifdef LLVM_ON_UNIX TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, SearchLibDir) { // Checks that searches for GCC installation is done through vfs. MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; CDB.ExtraClangFlags.insert(CDB.ExtraClangFlags.end(), {"-xc++", "-target", "x86_64-linux-unknown", "-m64", "--gcc-toolchain=/randomusr", "-stdlib=libstdc++"}); ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); // Just a random gcc version string SmallString<8> Version("4.9.3"); // A lib dir for gcc installation SmallString<64> LibDir("/randomusr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu"); llvm::sys::path::append(LibDir, Version); // Put crtbegin.o into LibDir/64 to trick clang into thinking there's a gcc // installation there. SmallString<64> DummyLibFile; llvm::sys::path::append(DummyLibFile, LibDir, "64", "crtbegin.o"); FS.Files[DummyLibFile] = ""; SmallString<64> IncludeDir("/randomusr/include/c++"); llvm::sys::path::append(IncludeDir, Version); SmallString<64> StringPath; llvm::sys::path::append(StringPath, IncludeDir, "string"); FS.Files[StringPath] = "class mock_string {};"; auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp"); const auto SourceContents = R"cpp( #include mock_string x; )cpp"; FS.Files[FooCpp] = SourceContents; runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, SourceContents); EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); const auto SourceContentsWithError = R"cpp( #include std::string x; )cpp"; runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, SourceContentsWithError); EXPECT_TRUE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); } #endif // LLVM_ON_UNIX TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, ForceReparseCompileCommand) { MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp"); const auto SourceContents1 = R"cpp( template struct foo { T x; }; )cpp"; const auto SourceContents2 = R"cpp( template struct bar { T x; }; )cpp"; FS.Files[FooCpp] = ""; // First parse files in C mode and check they produce errors. CDB.ExtraClangFlags = {"-xc"}; runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, SourceContents1); EXPECT_TRUE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, SourceContents2); EXPECT_TRUE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); // Now switch to C++ mode. CDB.ExtraClangFlags = {"-xc++"}; runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, SourceContents2, WantDiagnostics::Auto); EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); // Subsequent addDocument calls should finish without errors too. runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, SourceContents1); EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, SourceContents2); EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); } TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, ForceReparseCompileCommandDefines) { MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp"); const auto SourceContents = R"cpp( #ifdef WITH_ERROR this #endif int main() { return 0; } )cpp"; FS.Files[FooCpp] = ""; // Parse with define, we expect to see the errors. CDB.ExtraClangFlags = {"-DWITH_ERROR"}; runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, SourceContents); EXPECT_TRUE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); // Parse without the define, no errors should be produced. CDB.ExtraClangFlags = {}; runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, SourceContents, WantDiagnostics::Auto); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()); EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); // Subsequent addDocument call should finish without errors too. runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, SourceContents); EXPECT_FALSE(DiagConsumer.hadErrorInLastDiags()); } // Test ClangdServer.reparseOpenedFiles. TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, ReparseOpenedFiles) { Annotations FooSource(R"cpp( #ifdef MACRO static void $one[[bob]]() {} #else static void $two[[bob]]() {} #endif int main () { bo^b (); return 0; } )cpp"); Annotations BarSource(R"cpp( #ifdef MACRO this is an error #endif )cpp"); Annotations BazSource(R"cpp( int hello; )cpp"); MockFSProvider FS; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; MultipleErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp"); auto BarCpp = testPath("bar.cpp"); auto BazCpp = testPath("baz.cpp"); FS.Files[FooCpp] = ""; FS.Files[BarCpp] = ""; FS.Files[BazCpp] = ""; CDB.ExtraClangFlags = {"-DMACRO=1"}; Server.addDocument(FooCpp, FooSource.code()); Server.addDocument(BarCpp, BarSource.code()); Server.addDocument(BazCpp, BazSource.code()); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()); EXPECT_THAT(DiagConsumer.filesWithDiags(), UnorderedElementsAre(Pair(FooCpp, false), Pair(BarCpp, true), Pair(BazCpp, false))); auto Locations = runFindDefinitions(Server, FooCpp, FooSource.point()); EXPECT_TRUE(bool(Locations)); EXPECT_THAT(*Locations, ElementsAre(FileRange(FooCpp, FooSource.range("one")))); // Undefine MACRO, close baz.cpp. CDB.ExtraClangFlags.clear(); DiagConsumer.clear(); Server.removeDocument(BazCpp); Server.addDocument(FooCpp, FooSource.code(), WantDiagnostics::Auto); Server.addDocument(BarCpp, BarSource.code(), WantDiagnostics::Auto); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()); EXPECT_THAT(DiagConsumer.filesWithDiags(), UnorderedElementsAre(Pair(FooCpp, false), Pair(BarCpp, false))); Locations = runFindDefinitions(Server, FooCpp, FooSource.point()); EXPECT_TRUE(bool(Locations)); EXPECT_THAT(*Locations, ElementsAre(FileRange(FooCpp, FooSource.range("two")))); } TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, MemoryUsage) { MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); Path FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp"); const auto SourceContents = R"cpp( struct Something { int method(); }; )cpp"; Path BarCpp = testPath("bar.cpp"); FS.Files[FooCpp] = ""; FS.Files[BarCpp] = ""; EXPECT_THAT(Server.getUsedBytesPerFile(), IsEmpty()); Server.addDocument(FooCpp, SourceContents); Server.addDocument(BarCpp, SourceContents); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()); EXPECT_THAT(Server.getUsedBytesPerFile(), UnorderedElementsAre(Pair(FooCpp, Gt(0u)), Pair(BarCpp, Gt(0u)))); Server.removeDocument(FooCpp); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()); EXPECT_THAT(Server.getUsedBytesPerFile(), ElementsAre(Pair(BarCpp, Gt(0u)))); Server.removeDocument(BarCpp); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()); EXPECT_THAT(Server.getUsedBytesPerFile(), IsEmpty()); } TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, InvalidCompileCommand) { MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp"); // clang cannot create CompilerInvocation if we pass two files in the // CompileCommand. We pass the file in ExtraFlags once and CDB adds another // one in getCompileCommand(). CDB.ExtraClangFlags.push_back(FooCpp); // Clang can't parse command args in that case, but we shouldn't crash. runAddDocument(Server, FooCpp, "int main() {}"); EXPECT_EQ(runDumpAST(Server, FooCpp), ""); EXPECT_ERROR(runFindDefinitions(Server, FooCpp, Position())); EXPECT_ERROR(runFindDocumentHighlights(Server, FooCpp, Position())); EXPECT_ERROR(runRename(Server, FooCpp, Position(), "new_name")); // FIXME: codeComplete and signatureHelp should also return errors when they // can't parse the file. EXPECT_THAT(cantFail(runCodeComplete(Server, FooCpp, Position(), clangd::CodeCompleteOptions())) .Completions, IsEmpty()); auto SigHelp = runSignatureHelp(Server, FooCpp, Position()); ASSERT_TRUE(bool(SigHelp)) << "signatureHelp returned an error"; EXPECT_THAT(SigHelp->signatures, IsEmpty()); } class ClangdThreadingTest : public ClangdVFSTest {}; TEST_F(ClangdThreadingTest, StressTest) { // Without 'static' clang gives an error for a usage inside TestDiagConsumer. static const unsigned FilesCount = 5; const unsigned RequestsCount = 500; // Blocking requests wait for the parsing to complete, they slow down the test // dramatically, so they are issued rarely. Each // BlockingRequestInterval-request will be a blocking one. const unsigned BlockingRequestInterval = 40; const auto SourceContentsWithoutErrors = R"cpp( int a; int b; int c; int d; )cpp"; const auto SourceContentsWithErrors = R"cpp( int a = x; int b; int c; int d; )cpp"; // Giving invalid line and column number should not crash ClangdServer, but // just to make sure we're sometimes hitting the bounds inside the file we // limit the intervals of line and column number that are generated. unsigned MaxLineForFileRequests = 7; unsigned MaxColumnForFileRequests = 10; std::vector FilePaths; MockFSProvider FS; for (unsigned I = 0; I < FilesCount; ++I) { std::string Name = std::string("Foo") + std::to_string(I) + ".cpp"; FS.Files[Name] = ""; FilePaths.push_back(testPath(Name)); } struct FileStat { unsigned HitsWithoutErrors = 0; unsigned HitsWithErrors = 0; bool HadErrorsInLastDiags = false; }; class TestDiagConsumer : public DiagnosticsConsumer { public: TestDiagConsumer() : Stats(FilesCount, FileStat()) {} void onDiagnosticsReady(PathRef File, std::vector Diagnostics) override { StringRef FileIndexStr = llvm::sys::path::stem(File); ASSERT_TRUE(FileIndexStr.consume_front("Foo")); unsigned long FileIndex = std::stoul(FileIndexStr.str()); bool HadError = diagsContainErrors(Diagnostics); std::lock_guard Lock(Mutex); if (HadError) Stats[FileIndex].HitsWithErrors++; else Stats[FileIndex].HitsWithoutErrors++; Stats[FileIndex].HadErrorsInLastDiags = HadError; } std::vector takeFileStats() { std::lock_guard Lock(Mutex); return std::move(Stats); } private: std::mutex Mutex; std::vector Stats; }; struct RequestStats { unsigned RequestsWithoutErrors = 0; unsigned RequestsWithErrors = 0; bool LastContentsHadErrors = false; bool FileIsRemoved = true; }; std::vector ReqStats; ReqStats.reserve(FilesCount); for (unsigned FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FilesCount; ++FileIndex) ReqStats.emplace_back(); TestDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; { MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); // Prepare some random distributions for the test. std::random_device RandGen; std::uniform_int_distribution FileIndexDist(0, FilesCount - 1); // Pass a text that contains compiler errors to addDocument in about 20% of // all requests. std::bernoulli_distribution ShouldHaveErrorsDist(0.2); // Line and Column numbers for requests that need them. std::uniform_int_distribution LineDist(0, MaxLineForFileRequests); std::uniform_int_distribution ColumnDist(0, MaxColumnForFileRequests); // Some helpers. auto UpdateStatsOnAddDocument = [&](unsigned FileIndex, bool HadErrors) { auto &Stats = ReqStats[FileIndex]; if (HadErrors) ++Stats.RequestsWithErrors; else ++Stats.RequestsWithoutErrors; Stats.LastContentsHadErrors = HadErrors; Stats.FileIsRemoved = false; }; auto UpdateStatsOnRemoveDocument = [&](unsigned FileIndex) { auto &Stats = ReqStats[FileIndex]; Stats.FileIsRemoved = true; }; auto AddDocument = [&](unsigned FileIndex, bool SkipCache) { bool ShouldHaveErrors = ShouldHaveErrorsDist(RandGen); Server.addDocument(FilePaths[FileIndex], ShouldHaveErrors ? SourceContentsWithErrors : SourceContentsWithoutErrors, WantDiagnostics::Auto); UpdateStatsOnAddDocument(FileIndex, ShouldHaveErrors); }; // Various requests that we would randomly run. auto AddDocumentRequest = [&]() { unsigned FileIndex = FileIndexDist(RandGen); AddDocument(FileIndex, /*SkipCache=*/false); }; auto ForceReparseRequest = [&]() { unsigned FileIndex = FileIndexDist(RandGen); AddDocument(FileIndex, /*SkipCache=*/true); }; auto RemoveDocumentRequest = [&]() { unsigned FileIndex = FileIndexDist(RandGen); // Make sure we don't violate the ClangdServer's contract. if (ReqStats[FileIndex].FileIsRemoved) AddDocument(FileIndex, /*SkipCache=*/false); Server.removeDocument(FilePaths[FileIndex]); UpdateStatsOnRemoveDocument(FileIndex); }; auto CodeCompletionRequest = [&]() { unsigned FileIndex = FileIndexDist(RandGen); // Make sure we don't violate the ClangdServer's contract. if (ReqStats[FileIndex].FileIsRemoved) AddDocument(FileIndex, /*SkipCache=*/false); Position Pos; Pos.line = LineDist(RandGen); Pos.character = ColumnDist(RandGen); // FIXME(ibiryukov): Also test async completion requests. // Simply putting CodeCompletion into async requests now would make // tests slow, since there's no way to cancel previous completion // requests as opposed to AddDocument/RemoveDocument, which are implicitly // cancelled by any subsequent AddDocument/RemoveDocument request to the // same file. cantFail(runCodeComplete(Server, FilePaths[FileIndex], Pos, clangd::CodeCompleteOptions())); }; auto FindDefinitionsRequest = [&]() { unsigned FileIndex = FileIndexDist(RandGen); // Make sure we don't violate the ClangdServer's contract. if (ReqStats[FileIndex].FileIsRemoved) AddDocument(FileIndex, /*SkipCache=*/false); Position Pos; Pos.line = LineDist(RandGen); Pos.character = ColumnDist(RandGen); ASSERT_TRUE(!!runFindDefinitions(Server, FilePaths[FileIndex], Pos)); }; std::vector> AsyncRequests = { AddDocumentRequest, ForceReparseRequest, RemoveDocumentRequest}; std::vector> BlockingRequests = { CodeCompletionRequest, FindDefinitionsRequest}; // Bash requests to ClangdServer in a loop. std::uniform_int_distribution AsyncRequestIndexDist( 0, AsyncRequests.size() - 1); std::uniform_int_distribution BlockingRequestIndexDist( 0, BlockingRequests.size() - 1); for (unsigned I = 1; I <= RequestsCount; ++I) { if (I % BlockingRequestInterval != 0) { // Issue an async request most of the time. It should be fast. unsigned RequestIndex = AsyncRequestIndexDist(RandGen); AsyncRequests[RequestIndex](); } else { // Issue a blocking request once in a while. auto RequestIndex = BlockingRequestIndexDist(RandGen); BlockingRequests[RequestIndex](); } } ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()); } // Check some invariants about the state of the program. std::vector Stats = DiagConsumer.takeFileStats(); for (unsigned I = 0; I < FilesCount; ++I) { if (!ReqStats[I].FileIsRemoved) { ASSERT_EQ(Stats[I].HadErrorsInLastDiags, ReqStats[I].LastContentsHadErrors); } ASSERT_LE(Stats[I].HitsWithErrors, ReqStats[I].RequestsWithErrors); ASSERT_LE(Stats[I].HitsWithoutErrors, ReqStats[I].RequestsWithoutErrors); } } TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, CheckSourceHeaderSwitch) { MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); auto SourceContents = R"cpp( #include "foo.h" int b = a; )cpp"; auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp"); auto FooH = testPath("foo.h"); auto Invalid = testPath("main.cpp"); FS.Files[FooCpp] = SourceContents; FS.Files[FooH] = "int a;"; FS.Files[Invalid] = "int main() { \n return 0; \n }"; Optional PathResult = Server.switchSourceHeader(FooCpp); EXPECT_TRUE(PathResult.hasValue()); ASSERT_EQ(PathResult.getValue(), FooH); PathResult = Server.switchSourceHeader(FooH); EXPECT_TRUE(PathResult.hasValue()); ASSERT_EQ(PathResult.getValue(), FooCpp); SourceContents = R"c( #include "foo.HH" int b = a; )c"; // Test with header file in capital letters and different extension, source // file with different extension auto FooC = testPath("bar.c"); auto FooHH = testPath("bar.HH"); FS.Files[FooC] = SourceContents; FS.Files[FooHH] = "int a;"; PathResult = Server.switchSourceHeader(FooC); EXPECT_TRUE(PathResult.hasValue()); ASSERT_EQ(PathResult.getValue(), FooHH); // Test with both capital letters auto Foo2C = testPath("foo2.C"); auto Foo2HH = testPath("foo2.HH"); FS.Files[Foo2C] = SourceContents; FS.Files[Foo2HH] = "int a;"; PathResult = Server.switchSourceHeader(Foo2C); EXPECT_TRUE(PathResult.hasValue()); ASSERT_EQ(PathResult.getValue(), Foo2HH); // Test with source file as capital letter and .hxx header file auto Foo3C = testPath("foo3.C"); auto Foo3HXX = testPath("foo3.hxx"); SourceContents = R"c( #include "foo3.hxx" int b = a; )c"; FS.Files[Foo3C] = SourceContents; FS.Files[Foo3HXX] = "int a;"; PathResult = Server.switchSourceHeader(Foo3C); EXPECT_TRUE(PathResult.hasValue()); ASSERT_EQ(PathResult.getValue(), Foo3HXX); // Test if asking for a corresponding file that doesn't exist returns an empty // string. PathResult = Server.switchSourceHeader(Invalid); EXPECT_FALSE(PathResult.hasValue()); } TEST_F(ClangdThreadingTest, NoConcurrentDiagnostics) { class NoConcurrentAccessDiagConsumer : public DiagnosticsConsumer { public: std::atomic Count = {0}; NoConcurrentAccessDiagConsumer(std::promise StartSecondReparse) : StartSecondReparse(std::move(StartSecondReparse)) {} void onDiagnosticsReady(PathRef, std::vector) override { ++Count; std::unique_lock Lock(Mutex, std::try_to_lock_t()); ASSERT_TRUE(Lock.owns_lock()) << "Detected concurrent onDiagnosticsReady calls for the same file."; // If we started the second parse immediately, it might cancel the first. // So we don't allow it to start until the first has delivered diags... if (FirstRequest) { FirstRequest = false; StartSecondReparse.set_value(); // ... but then we wait long enough that the callbacks would overlap. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(50)); } } private: std::mutex Mutex; bool FirstRequest = true; std::promise StartSecondReparse; }; const auto SourceContentsWithoutErrors = R"cpp( int a; int b; int c; int d; )cpp"; const auto SourceContentsWithErrors = R"cpp( int a = x; int b; int c; int d; )cpp"; auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp"); MockFSProvider FS; FS.Files[FooCpp] = ""; std::promise StartSecondPromise; std::future StartSecond = StartSecondPromise.get_future(); NoConcurrentAccessDiagConsumer DiagConsumer(std::move(StartSecondPromise)); MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); Server.addDocument(FooCpp, SourceContentsWithErrors); StartSecond.wait(); Server.addDocument(FooCpp, SourceContentsWithoutErrors); ASSERT_TRUE(Server.blockUntilIdleForTest()) << "Waiting for diagnostics"; ASSERT_EQ(DiagConsumer.Count, 2); // Sanity check - we actually ran both? } TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, FormatCode) { MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); auto Path = testPath("foo.cpp"); std::string Code = R"cpp( #include "x.h" #include "y.h" void f( ) {} )cpp"; std::string Expected = R"cpp( #include "x.h" #include "y.h" void f() {} )cpp"; FS.Files[Path] = Code; runAddDocument(Server, Path, Code); auto Replaces = Server.formatFile(Code, Path); EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast(Replaces)); auto Changed = tooling::applyAllReplacements(Code, *Replaces); EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast(Changed)); EXPECT_EQ(Expected, *Changed); } TEST_F(ClangdVFSTest, ChangedHeaderFromISystem) { MockFSProvider FS; ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); auto SourcePath = testPath("source/foo.cpp"); auto HeaderPath = testPath("headers/foo.h"); FS.Files[HeaderPath] = "struct X { int bar; };"; Annotations Code(R"cpp( #include "foo.h" int main() { X().ba^ })cpp"); CDB.ExtraClangFlags.push_back("-xc++"); CDB.ExtraClangFlags.push_back("-isystem" + testPath("headers")); runAddDocument(Server, SourcePath, Code.code()); auto Completions = cantFail(runCodeComplete(Server, SourcePath, Code.point(), clangd::CodeCompleteOptions())) .Completions; EXPECT_THAT(Completions, ElementsAre(Field(&CodeCompletion::Name, "bar"))); // Update the header and rerun addDocument to make sure we get the updated // files. FS.Files[HeaderPath] = "struct X { int bar; int baz; };"; runAddDocument(Server, SourcePath, Code.code()); Completions = cantFail(runCodeComplete(Server, SourcePath, Code.point(), clangd::CodeCompleteOptions())) .Completions; // We want to make sure we see the updated version. EXPECT_THAT(Completions, ElementsAre(Field(&CodeCompletion::Name, "bar"), Field(&CodeCompletion::Name, "baz"))); } // FIXME(ioeric): make this work for windows again. #ifndef _WIN32 // Check that running code completion doesn't stat() a bunch of files from the // preamble again. (They should be using the preamble's stat-cache) TEST(ClangdTests, PreambleVFSStatCache) { class ListenStatsFSProvider : public FileSystemProvider { public: ListenStatsFSProvider(llvm::StringMap &CountStats) : CountStats(CountStats) {} IntrusiveRefCntPtr getFileSystem() const override { class ListenStatVFS : public llvm::vfs::ProxyFileSystem { public: ListenStatVFS(IntrusiveRefCntPtr FS, llvm::StringMap &CountStats) : ProxyFileSystem(std::move(FS)), CountStats(CountStats) {} llvm::ErrorOr> openFileForRead(const Twine &Path) override { ++CountStats[llvm::sys::path::filename(Path.str())]; return ProxyFileSystem::openFileForRead(Path); } llvm::ErrorOr status(const Twine &Path) override { ++CountStats[llvm::sys::path::filename(Path.str())]; return ProxyFileSystem::status(Path); } private: llvm::StringMap &CountStats; }; return IntrusiveRefCntPtr( new ListenStatVFS(buildTestFS(Files), CountStats)); } // If relative paths are used, they are resolved with testPath(). llvm::StringMap Files; llvm::StringMap &CountStats; }; llvm::StringMap CountStats; ListenStatsFSProvider FS(CountStats); ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer; MockCompilationDatabase CDB; ClangdServer Server(CDB, FS, DiagConsumer, ClangdServer::optsForTest()); auto SourcePath = testPath("foo.cpp"); auto HeaderPath = testPath("foo.h"); FS.Files[HeaderPath] = "struct TestSym {};"; Annotations Code(R"cpp( #include "foo.h" int main() { TestSy^ })cpp"); runAddDocument(Server, SourcePath, Code.code()); unsigned Before = CountStats["foo.h"]; EXPECT_GT(Before, 0u); auto Completions = cantFail(runCodeComplete(Server, SourcePath, Code.point(), clangd::CodeCompleteOptions())) .Completions; EXPECT_EQ(CountStats["foo.h"], Before); EXPECT_THAT(Completions, ElementsAre(Field(&CodeCompletion::Name, "TestSym"))); } #endif } // namespace } // namespace clangd } // namespace clang