path: root/parallel-libs/streamexecutor/include/streamexecutor/Error.h
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diff --git a/parallel-libs/streamexecutor/include/streamexecutor/Error.h b/parallel-libs/streamexecutor/include/streamexecutor/Error.h
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index 00000000000..b2d1ebb830d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parallel-libs/streamexecutor/include/streamexecutor/Error.h
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+//===-- Error.h - Error handling --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+/// \file
+/// Error types used in the public API and internally in StreamExecutor.
+/// StreamExecutor's error handling is based on the types streamexecutor::Error
+/// and streamexecutor::Expected<T>.
+/// \section error The Error Class
+/// The Error class either represents success or contains an error message
+/// describing the cause of the error. Error instances are created by calling
+/// Error::success for successes or make_error for errors.
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// Error achieveWorldPeace() {
+/// if (WorldPeaceAlreadyAchieved) {
+/// return Error::success();
+/// } else {
+/// return make_error("Can't someone else do it?");
+/// }
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+/// Error instances are implicitly convertible to bool. Error values convert to
+/// true and successes convert to false. Error instances must have their boolean
+/// values checked or they must be moved before they go out of scope, otherwise
+/// their destruction will cause the program to abort with a warning about an
+/// unchecked Error.
+/// If the Error represents success, then checking the boolean value is all that
+/// is required, but if the Error represents a real error, the Error value must
+/// be consumed. The function consumeAndGetMessage is the way to extract the
+/// error message from an Error and consume the Error at the same time, so
+/// typical error handling will first check whether there was an error and then
+/// extract the error message if so. Here is an example:
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// if (Error E = achieveWorldPeace()) {
+/// printf("An error occurred: %s\n", consumeAndGetMessage(E).c_str());
+/// exit(EXIT_FAILURE):
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+/// It is also common to simply pass an error along up the call stack if it
+/// cannot be handled in the current function.
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// Error doTask() {
+/// if (Error E = achieveWorldPeace()) {
+/// return E;
+/// }
+/// ...
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+/// There is also a function consumeError that consumes an error value without
+/// fetching the error message. This is useful when we want to ignore an error.
+/// The dieIfError function is also provided for quick-and-dirty error handling.
+/// \section expected The Expected Class
+/// The Expected<T> class either represents a value of type T or an Error.
+/// Expected<T> has one constructor that takes a T value and another constructor
+/// that takes an Error rvalue reference, so Expected instances can be
+/// constructed either from values or from errors:
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// Expected<int> getMyFavoriteInt() {
+/// int MyFavorite = 42;
+/// if (IsThereAFavorite) {
+/// return MyFavorite;
+/// } else {
+/// return make_error("I don't have a favorite");
+/// }
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+/// Expected<T> instances are implicitly convertible to bool and are true if
+/// they contain a value and false if they contain an error. Note that this is
+/// the opposite convention of the Error type conversion to bool, where true
+/// meant error and false meant success.
+/// If the Expected<T> instance is not an error, the stored value can be
+/// obtained by using operator*. If access to members of the value are desired
+/// instead of the value itself, operator-> can be used as well.
+/// Expected<T> instances must have their boolean value checked or they must be
+/// moved before they go out of scope, otherwise they will cause the program to
+/// abort with a warning about an unchecked error. If the Expected<T> instance
+/// contains a value, then checking the boolean value is all that is required,
+/// but if it contains an Error object, that Error object must be handled by
+/// calling Expected<T>::takeError() to get the underlying error.
+/// Here is an example of the use of an Expected<T> value returned from a
+/// function:
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// Expected<int> ExpectedInt = getMyFavoriteInt();
+/// if (ExpectedInt) {
+/// printf("My favorite integer is %d\n", *ExpectedInt);
+/// } else {
+/// printf("An error occurred: %s\n",
+/// consumeAndGetMessage(ExpectedInt.takeError()));
+/// exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+/// The following snippet shows some examples of how Errors and Expected values
+/// can be passed up the stack if they should not be handled in the current
+/// function.
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// Expected<double> doTask3() {
+/// Error WorldPeaceError = achieveWorldPeace();
+/// if (!WorldPeaceError) {
+/// return WorldPeaceError;
+/// }
+/// Expected<martian> ExpectedMartian = getMyFavoriteMartian();
+/// if (!ExpectedMartian) {
+/// // Must extract the error because martian cannot be converted to double.
+/// return ExpectedMartian.takeError():
+/// }
+/// // It's fine to return Expected<int> for Expected<double> because int can
+/// // be converted to double.
+/// return getMyFavoriteInt();
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+/// The getOrDie function is also available for quick-and-dirty error handling.
+/// \section llvm Relation to llvm::Error and llvm::Expected
+/// The streamexecutor::Error and streamexecutor::Expected classes are actually
+/// just their LLVM counterparts redeclared in the streamexectuor namespace, but
+/// they should be treated as separate types, even so.
+/// StreamExecutor does not support any underlying llvm::ErrorInfo class except
+/// the one it defines internally for itself, so a streamexecutor::Error can be
+/// thought of as a restricted llvm::Error that is guaranteed to hold a specific
+/// error type.
+/// Although code may compile if llvm functions used to handle these
+/// StreamExecutor error types, it is likely that code will lead to runtime
+/// errors, so it is strongly recommended that only the functions from the
+/// streamexecutor namespace are used on these StreamExecutor error types.
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+namespace streamexecutor {
+using llvm::consumeError;
+using llvm::Error;
+using llvm::Expected;
+using llvm::Twine;
+/// Makes an Error object from an error message.
+Error make_error(Twine Message);
+/// Consumes the input error and returns its error message.
+/// Assumes the input was created by the make_error function above.
+std::string consumeAndGetMessage(Error &&E);
+/// Extracts the T value from an Expected<T> or prints an error message to
+/// stderr and exits the program with code EXIT_FAILURE if the Expected<T> is an
+/// error.
+/// This function and the dieIfError function are provided for applications that
+/// are OK with aborting the program if an error occurs, and which don't have
+/// any special error logging needs. Applications with different error handling
+/// needs will likely want to declare their own functions with similar
+/// signatures but which log error messages in a different way or attempt to
+/// recover from errors instead of aborting the program.
+template <typename T> T getOrDie(Expected<T> &&E) {
+ if (!E) {
+ std::fprintf(stderr, "Error extracting an expected value: %s.\n",
+ consumeAndGetMessage(E.takeError()).c_str());
+ std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ return std::move(*E);
+/// Prints an error message to stderr and exits the program with code
+/// EXIT_FAILURE if the input is an error.
+/// \sa getOrDie
+void dieIfError(Error &&E);
+} // namespace streamexecutor