// Written in the D programming language. /** This module implements experimental additions/modifications to $(MREF std, typecons). Use this module to test out new functionality for $(REF wrap, std, typecons) which allows for a struct to be wrapped against an interface; the implementation in $(MREF std, typecons) only allows for classes to use the wrap functionality. Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/experimental/typecons.d) Copyright: Copyright the respective authors, 2008- License: $(HTTP boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). Authors: $(HTTP erdani.org, Andrei Alexandrescu), $(HTTP bartoszmilewski.wordpress.com, Bartosz Milewski), Don Clugston, Shin Fujishiro, Kenji Hara */ module std.experimental.typecons; import std.meta; // : AliasSeq, allSatisfy; import std.traits; import std.typecons : Tuple, tuple, Bind, DerivedFunctionType, GetOverloadedMethods; private { pragma(mangle, "_d_toObject") extern(C) pure nothrow Object typecons_d_toObject(void* p); } /* * Avoids opCast operator overloading. */ private template dynamicCast(T) if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface)) { @trusted T dynamicCast(S)(inout S source) if (is(S == class) || is(S == interface)) { static if (is(Unqual!S : Unqual!T)) { import std.traits : QualifierOf; alias Qual = QualifierOf!S; // SharedOf or MutableOf alias TmpT = Qual!(Unqual!T); inout(TmpT) tmp = source; // bypass opCast by implicit conversion return *cast(T*)(&tmp); // + variable pointer cast + dereference } else { return cast(T) typecons_d_toObject(*cast(void**)(&source)); } } } @system unittest { class C { @disable void opCast(T)(); } auto c = new C; static assert(!__traits(compiles, cast(Object) c)); auto o = dynamicCast!Object(c); assert(c is o); interface I { @disable void opCast(T)(); Object instance(); } interface J { @disable void opCast(T)(); Object instance(); } class D : I, J { Object instance() { return this; } } I i = new D(); static assert(!__traits(compiles, cast(J) i)); J j = dynamicCast!J(i); assert(i.instance() is j.instance()); } /* * Determines if the `Source` type satisfies all interface requirements of * `Targets`. */ private template implementsInterface(Source, Targets...) if (Targets.length >= 1 && allSatisfy!(isMutable, Targets)) { import std.meta : staticMap; // strict upcast bool implementsInterface()() if (Targets.length == 1 && is(Source : Targets[0])) { return true; } // structural upcast template implementsInterface() if (!allSatisfy!(Bind!(isImplicitlyConvertible, Source), Targets)) { auto implementsInterface() { return hasRequiredMethods!(); } // list of FuncInfo alias TargetMembers = UniqMembers!(ConcatInterfaceMembers!Targets); // list of function symbols alias SourceMembers = GetOverloadedMethods!Source; // Check whether all of SourceMembers satisfy covariance target in // TargetMembers template hasRequiredMethods(size_t i = 0) { static if (i >= TargetMembers.length) enum hasRequiredMethods = true; else { enum foundFunc = findCovariantFunction!(TargetMembers[i], Source, SourceMembers); version (StdUnittest) {} else debug { static if (foundFunc == -1) pragma(msg, "Could not locate matching function for: ", TargetMembers[i].stringof); } enum hasRequiredMethods = foundFunc != -1 && hasRequiredMethods!(i + 1); } } } } // ditto private template implementsInterface(Source, Targets...) if (Targets.length >= 1 && !allSatisfy!(isMutable, Targets)) { import std.meta : staticMap; alias implementsInterface = .implementsInterface!(Source, staticMap!(Unqual, Targets)); } @safe unittest { interface Foo { void foo(); } interface Bar { void bar(); } interface FooBar : Foo, Bar { void foobar(); } struct A { void foo() {} } struct B { void bar() {} void foobar() {} } class C { void foo() {} void bar() {} } struct D { void foo() {} void bar() {} void foobar() {} } // Implements interface static assert(implementsInterface!(A, Foo)); static assert(implementsInterface!(A, const(Foo))); static assert(implementsInterface!(A, immutable(Foo))); // Doesn't implement interface static assert(!implementsInterface!(B, Foo)); static assert(implementsInterface!(B, Bar)); // Implements both interfaces static assert(implementsInterface!(C, Foo)); static assert(implementsInterface!(C, Bar)); static assert(implementsInterface!(C, Foo, Bar)); static assert(implementsInterface!(C, Foo, const(Bar))); static assert(!implementsInterface!(A, Foo, Bar)); static assert(!implementsInterface!(A, Foo, immutable(Bar))); // Implements inherited static assert(implementsInterface!(D, FooBar)); static assert(!implementsInterface!(B, FooBar)); } private enum isInterface(ConceptType) = is(ConceptType == interface); /// template wrap(Targets...) if (Targets.length >= 1 && allSatisfy!(isInterface, Targets)) { import std.meta : ApplyLeft, staticMap; version (StdDdoc) { /** * Wrap src in an anonymous class implementing $(D_PARAM Targets). * * wrap creates an internal wrapper class which implements the * interfaces in `Targets` using the methods of `src`, then returns a * GC-allocated instance of it. * * $(D_PARAM Source) can be either a `class` or a `struct`, but it must * $(I structurally conform) with all the $(D_PARAM Targets) * interfaces; i.e. it must provide concrete methods with compatible * signatures of those in $(D_PARAM Targets). * * If $(D_PARAM Source) is a `struct` then wrapping/unwrapping will * create a copy; it is not possible to affect the original `struct` * through the wrapper. * * The returned object additionally supports $(LREF unwrap). * * Note: * If $(D_PARAM Targets) has only one entry and $(D_PARAM Source) is a * class which explicitly implements it, wrap simply returns src * upcasted to `Targets[0]`. * * Bugs: * wrap does not support interfaces which take their own type as either * a parameter type or return type in any of its methods. * * See_Also: $(LREF unwrap) for examples */ auto wrap(Source)(inout Source src) if (implementsInterface!(Source, Targets)); } static if (!allSatisfy!(isMutable, Targets)) alias wrap = .wrap!(staticMap!(Unqual, Targets)); else { // strict upcast auto wrap(Source)(inout Source src) if (Targets.length == 1 && is(Source : Targets[0])) { alias T = Select!(is(Source == shared), shared Targets[0], Targets[0]); return dynamicCast!(inout T)(src); } // structural upcast template wrap(Source) if (!allSatisfy!(ApplyLeft!(isImplicitlyConvertible, Source), Targets)) { auto wrap(inout Source src) { static assert(implementsInterface!(Source, Targets), "Source "~Source.stringof~ " does not have structural conformance to "~ Targets.stringof); alias T = Select!(is(Source == shared), shared Impl, Impl); return new inout T(src); } // list of FuncInfo alias TargetMembers = UniqMembers!(ConcatInterfaceMembers!(Targets)); // list of function symbols alias SourceMembers = GetOverloadedMethods!Source; static if (is(Source == class) || is(Source == interface)) alias StructuralType = Object; else static if (is(Source == struct)) alias StructuralType = Source; // Check whether all of SourceMembers satisfy covariance target in TargetMembers // Internal wrapper class final class Impl : Structural!StructuralType, Targets { private: Source _wrap_source; this( inout Source s) inout @safe pure nothrow { _wrap_source = s; } this(shared inout Source s) shared inout @safe pure nothrow { _wrap_source = s; } static if (is(Source == class) || is(Source == interface)) { // BUG: making private should work with NVI. protected inout(Object) _wrap_getSource() inout @safe { return dynamicCast!(inout Object)(_wrap_source); } } else { // BUG: making private should work with NVI. protected inout(Source) _wrap_getSource() inout @safe { return _wrap_source; } } import std.conv : to; import core.lifetime : forward; template generateFun(size_t i) { enum name = TargetMembers[i].name; enum fa = functionAttributes!(TargetMembers[i].type); static args(int num)() { string r; bool first = true; foreach (i; 0 .. num) { import std.conv : to; r ~= (first ? "" : ", ") ~ " a" ~ (i+1).to!string; first = false; } return r; } static if (fa & FunctionAttribute.property) { static if (Parameters!(TargetMembers[i].type).length == 0) enum fbody = "_wrap_source."~name; else enum fbody = "_wrap_source."~name~" = a1"; } else { enum fbody = "_wrap_source."~name~"("~args!(Parameters!(TargetMembers[i].type).length)~")"; } enum generateFun = "override "~wrapperSignature!(TargetMembers[i]) ~ "{ return "~fbody~"; }"; } public: static foreach (i; 0 .. TargetMembers.length) mixin(generateFun!i); } } } } // Build a signature that matches the provided function // Each argument will be provided a name in the form a# private template wrapperSignature(alias fun) { enum name = fun.name; enum fa = functionAttributes!(fun.type); static @property stc() { string r; if (fa & FunctionAttribute.property) r ~= "@property "; if (fa & FunctionAttribute.ref_) r ~= "ref "; if (fa & FunctionAttribute.pure_) r ~= "pure "; if (fa & FunctionAttribute.nothrow_) r ~= "nothrow "; if (fa & FunctionAttribute.trusted) r ~= "@trusted "; if (fa & FunctionAttribute.safe) r ~= "@safe "; return r; } static @property mod() { alias type = AliasSeq!(fun.type)[0]; string r; static if (is(type == immutable)) r ~= " immutable"; else { static if (is(type == shared)) r ~= " shared"; static if (is(type == const)) r ~= " const"; else static if (is(type == inout)) r ~= " inout"; //else --> mutable } return r; } alias param = Parameters!(fun.type); static @property wrapperParameters() { string r; bool first = true; foreach (i, p; param) { import std.conv : to; r ~= (first ? "" : ", ") ~ p.stringof ~ " a" ~ (i+1).to!string; first = false; } return r; } enum wrapperSignature = stc~ReturnType!(fun.type).stringof ~ " " ~ name~"("~wrapperParameters~")"~mod; } @safe unittest { interface M { void f1(); void f2(string[] args, int count); void f3(string[] args, int count) pure const; } alias TargetMembers = UniqMembers!(ConcatInterfaceMembers!M); static assert(wrapperSignature!(TargetMembers[0]) == "void f1()" , wrapperSignature!(TargetMembers[0])); static assert(wrapperSignature!(TargetMembers[1]) == "void f2(string[] a1, int a2)" , wrapperSignature!(TargetMembers[1])); static assert(wrapperSignature!(TargetMembers[2]) == "pure void f3(string[] a1, int a2) const" , wrapperSignature!(TargetMembers[2])); } // Internal class to support dynamic cross-casting private interface Structural(T) { inout(T) _wrap_getSource() inout @safe pure nothrow; } private string unwrapExceptionText(Source, Target)() { return Target.stringof~ " not wrapped into "~ Source.stringof; } version (StdDdoc) { /** * Extract object previously wrapped by $(LREF wrap). * * Params: * Target = type of wrapped object * src = wrapper object returned by $(LREF wrap) * * Returns: the wrapped object, or null if src is not a wrapper created * by $(LREF wrap) and $(D_PARAM Target) is a class * * Throws: $(REF ConvException, std, conv) when attempting to extract a * struct which is not the wrapped type * * See_also: $(LREF wrap) */ public inout(Target) unwrap(Target, Source)(inout Source src); } /// @system unittest { interface Quack { int quack(); @property int height(); } interface Flyer { @property int height(); } class Duck : Quack { int quack() { return 1; } @property int height() { return 10; } } class Human { int quack() { return 2; } @property int height() { return 20; } } struct HumanStructure { int quack() { return 3; } @property int height() { return 30; } } Duck d1 = new Duck(); Human h1 = new Human(); HumanStructure hs1; interface Refreshable { int refresh(); } // does not have structural conformance static assert(!__traits(compiles, d1.wrap!Refreshable)); static assert(!__traits(compiles, h1.wrap!Refreshable)); static assert(!__traits(compiles, hs1.wrap!Refreshable)); // strict upcast Quack qd = d1.wrap!Quack; assert(qd is d1); assert(qd.quack() == 1); // calls Duck.quack // strict downcast Duck d2 = qd.unwrap!Duck; assert(d2 is d1); // structural upcast Quack qh = h1.wrap!Quack; Quack qhs = hs1.wrap!Quack; assert(qh.quack() == 2); // calls Human.quack assert(qhs.quack() == 3); // calls HumanStructure.quack // structural downcast Human h2 = qh.unwrap!Human; HumanStructure hs2 = qhs.unwrap!HumanStructure; assert(h2 is h1); assert(hs2 is hs1); // structural upcast (two steps) Quack qx = h1.wrap!Quack; // Human -> Quack Quack qxs = hs1.wrap!Quack; // HumanStructure -> Quack Flyer fx = qx.wrap!Flyer; // Quack -> Flyer Flyer fxs = qxs.wrap!Flyer; // Quack -> Flyer assert(fx.height == 20); // calls Human.height assert(fxs.height == 30); // calls HumanStructure.height // strucural downcast (two steps) Quack qy = fx.unwrap!Quack; // Flyer -> Quack Quack qys = fxs.unwrap!Quack; // Flyer -> Quack Human hy = qy.unwrap!Human; // Quack -> Human HumanStructure hys = qys.unwrap!HumanStructure; // Quack -> HumanStructure assert(hy is h1); assert(hys is hs1); // strucural downcast (one step) Human hz = fx.unwrap!Human; // Flyer -> Human HumanStructure hzs = fxs.unwrap!HumanStructure; // Flyer -> HumanStructure assert(hz is h1); assert(hzs is hs1); } /// @system unittest { import std.traits : functionAttributes, FunctionAttribute; interface A { int run(); } interface B { int stop(); @property int status(); } class X { int run() { return 1; } int stop() { return 2; } @property int status() { return 3; } } auto x = new X(); auto ab = x.wrap!(A, B); A a = ab; B b = ab; assert(a.run() == 1); assert(b.stop() == 2); assert(b.status == 3); static assert(functionAttributes!(typeof(ab).status) & FunctionAttribute.property); } template unwrap(Target) { static if (!isMutable!Target) alias unwrap = .unwrap!(Unqual!Target); else { // strict downcast auto unwrap(Source)(inout Source src) if (is(Target : Source)) { alias T = Select!(is(Source == shared), shared Target, Target); return dynamicCast!(inout T)(src); } // structural downcast for struct target auto unwrap(Source)(inout Source src) if (is(Target == struct)) { alias T = Select!(is(Source == shared), shared Target, Target); auto upCastSource = dynamicCast!Object(src); // remove qualifier do { if (auto a = dynamicCast!(Structural!Object)(upCastSource)) { upCastSource = a._wrap_getSource(); } else if (auto a = dynamicCast!(Structural!T)(upCastSource)) { return a._wrap_getSource(); } else { static if (hasMember!(Source, "_wrap_getSource")) return unwrap!Target(src._wrap_getSource()); else break; } } while (upCastSource); import std.conv : ConvException; throw new ConvException(unwrapExceptionText!(Source,Target)); } // structural downcast for class target auto unwrap(Source)(inout Source src) if (!is(Target : Source) && !is(Target == struct)) { alias T = Select!(is(Source == shared), shared Target, Target); Object upCastSource = dynamicCast!(Object)(src); // remove qualifier do { // Unwrap classes if (auto a = dynamicCast!(Structural!Object)(upCastSource)) { if (auto d = dynamicCast!(inout T)(upCastSource = a._wrap_getSource())) return d; } // Unwrap a structure of type T else if (auto a = dynamicCast!(Structural!T)(upCastSource)) { return a._wrap_getSource(); } // Unwrap class that already inherited from interface else if (auto d = dynamicCast!(inout T)(upCastSource)) { return d; } // Recurse to find the struct Target within a wrapped tree else { static if (hasMember!(Source, "_wrap_getSource")) return unwrap!Target(src._wrap_getSource()); else break; } } while (upCastSource); return null; } } } @system unittest { // Validate const/immutable class A { int draw() { return 1; } int draw(int v) { return v; } int draw() const { return 2; } int draw() shared { return 3; } int draw() shared const { return 4; } int draw() immutable { return 5; } } interface Drawable { int draw(); int draw() const; int draw() shared; int draw() shared const; int draw() immutable; } interface Drawable2 { int draw(int v); } auto ma = new A(); auto sa = new shared A(); auto ia = new immutable A(); { Drawable md = ma.wrap!Drawable; const Drawable cd = ma.wrap!Drawable; shared Drawable sd = sa.wrap!Drawable; shared const Drawable scd = sa.wrap!Drawable; immutable Drawable id = ia.wrap!Drawable; assert( md.draw() == 1); assert( cd.draw() == 2); assert( sd.draw() == 3); assert(scd.draw() == 4); assert( id.draw() == 5); } { Drawable2 d = ma.wrap!Drawable2; static assert(!__traits(compiles, d.draw())); assert(d.draw(10) == 10); } } // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10377 @system unittest { import std.algorithm, std.range; interface MyInputRange(T) { @property T front(); void popFront(); @property bool empty(); } //auto o = iota(0,10,1).inputRangeObject(); //pragma(msg, __traits(allMembers, typeof(o))); auto r = iota(0,10,1).inputRangeObject().wrap!(MyInputRange!int)(); assert(equal(r, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])); } // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10536 @system unittest { interface Interface { int foo(); } class Pluggable { int foo() { return 1; } @disable void opCast(T, this X)(); // ! } Interface i = new Pluggable().wrap!Interface; assert(i.foo() == 1); } // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10538 @system unittest { interface Interface { int foo(); int bar(int); } class Pluggable { int opDispatch(string name, A...)(A args) { return 100; } } Interface i = wrap!Interface(new Pluggable()); assert(i.foo() == 100); assert(i.bar(10) == 100); } // Concat all Targets function members into one tuple private template ConcatInterfaceMembers(Targets...) { static if (Targets.length == 0) alias ConcatInterfaceMembers = AliasSeq!(); else static if (Targets.length == 1) alias ConcatInterfaceMembers = AliasSeq!(GetOverloadedMethods!(Targets[0])); else alias ConcatInterfaceMembers = AliasSeq!( GetOverloadedMethods!(Targets[0]), ConcatInterfaceMembers!(Targets[1..$])); } // Remove duplicated functions based on the identifier name and function type covariance private template UniqMembers(members...) { template FuncInfo(string s, F) { enum name = s; alias type = F; } static if (members.length == 0) alias UniqMembers = AliasSeq!(); else { alias func = members[0]; enum name = __traits(identifier, func); alias type = FunctionTypeOf!func; template check(size_t i, mem...) { static if (i >= mem.length) enum ptrdiff_t check = -1; else static if (__traits(identifier, func) == __traits(identifier, mem[i]) && !is(DerivedFunctionType!(type, FunctionTypeOf!(mem[i])) == void)) { enum ptrdiff_t check = i; } else enum ptrdiff_t check = check!(i + 1, mem); } enum ptrdiff_t x = 1 + check!(0, members[1 .. $]); static if (x >= 1) { alias typex = DerivedFunctionType!(type, FunctionTypeOf!(members[x])); alias remain = UniqMembers!(members[1 .. x], members[x + 1 .. $]); static if (remain.length >= 1 && remain[0].name == name && !is(DerivedFunctionType!(typex, remain[0].type) == void)) { alias F = DerivedFunctionType!(typex, remain[0].type); alias UniqMembers = AliasSeq!(FuncInfo!(name, F), remain[1 .. $]); } else alias UniqMembers = AliasSeq!(FuncInfo!(name, typex), remain); } else { alias UniqMembers = AliasSeq!(FuncInfo!(name, type), UniqMembers!(members[1 .. $])); } } } // find a function from Fs that has same identifier and covariant type with f private template findCovariantFunction(alias finfo, Source, Fs...) { template check(size_t i = 0) { static if (i >= Fs.length) enum ptrdiff_t check = -1; else { enum ptrdiff_t check = (finfo.name == __traits(identifier, Fs[i])) && isCovariantWith!(FunctionTypeOf!(Fs[i]), finfo.type) ? i : check!(i + 1); } } enum x = check!(); static if (x == -1 && is(typeof(Source.opDispatch))) { alias Params = Parameters!(finfo.type); enum ptrdiff_t findCovariantFunction = is(typeof(( Source).init.opDispatch!(finfo.name)(Params.init))) || is(typeof(( const Source).init.opDispatch!(finfo.name)(Params.init))) || is(typeof(( immutable Source).init.opDispatch!(finfo.name)(Params.init))) || is(typeof(( shared Source).init.opDispatch!(finfo.name)(Params.init))) || is(typeof((shared const Source).init.opDispatch!(finfo.name)(Params.init))) ? ptrdiff_t.max : -1; } else enum ptrdiff_t findCovariantFunction = x; } /** Type constructor for final (aka head-const) variables. Final variables cannot be directly mutated or rebound, but references reached through the variable are typed with their original mutability. It is equivalent to `final` variables in D1 and Java, as well as `readonly` variables in C#. When `T` is a `const` or `immutable` type, `Final` aliases to `T`. */ template Final(T) { static if (is(T == const) || is(T == immutable)) alias Final = T; else { struct Final { import std.typecons : Proxy; private T final_value; mixin Proxy!final_value; /** * Construction is forwarded to the underlying type. */ this(T other) { this.final_value = other; } /// Ditto this(Args...)(auto ref Args args) if (__traits(compiles, T(args))) { static assert((!is(T == struct) && !is(T == union)) || !isNested!T, "Non-static nested type " ~ fullyQualifiedName!T ~ " must be " ~ "constructed explicitly at the call-site (e.g. auto s = " ~ "makeFinal(" ~ T.stringof ~ "(...));)"); this.final_value = T(args); } // Attaching function attributes gives less noisy error messages pure nothrow @safe @nogc { /++ + All operators, including member access, are forwarded to the + underlying value of type `T` except for these mutating operators, + which are disabled. +/ void opAssign(Other)(Other other) { static assert(0, typeof(this).stringof ~ " cannot be reassigned."); } /// Ditto void opOpAssign(string op, Other)(Other other) { static assert(0, typeof(this).stringof ~ " cannot be reassigned."); } /// Ditto void opUnary(string op : "--")() { static assert(0, typeof(this).stringof ~ " cannot be mutated."); } /// Ditto void opUnary(string op : "++")() { static assert(0, typeof(this).stringof ~ " cannot be mutated."); } } /** * * `Final!T` implicitly converts to an rvalue of type `T` through * `AliasThis`. */ inout(T) final_get() inout { return final_value; } /// Ditto alias final_get this; /// Ditto auto ref opUnary(string op)() if (__traits(compiles, mixin(op ~ "T.init"))) { return mixin(op ~ "this.final_value"); } } } } /// Ditto Final!T makeFinal(T)(T t) { return Final!T(t); } /// `Final` can be used to create class references which cannot be rebound: pure nothrow @safe unittest { static class A { int i; this(int i) pure nothrow @nogc @safe { this.i = i; } } auto a = makeFinal(new A(42)); assert(a.i == 42); //a = new A(24); // Reassignment is illegal, a.i = 24; // But fields are still mutable. assert(a.i == 24); } /// `Final` can also be used to create read-only data fields without using transitive immutability: pure nothrow @safe unittest { static class A { int i; this(int i) pure nothrow @nogc @safe { this.i = i; } } static class B { Final!A a; this(A a) pure nothrow @nogc @safe { this.a = a; // Construction, thus allowed. } } auto b = new B(new A(42)); assert(b.a.i == 42); // b.a = new A(24); // Reassignment is illegal, b.a.i = 24; // but `a` is still mutable. assert(b.a.i == 24); } pure nothrow @safe unittest { static class A { int i; } static assert(!is(Final!A == A)); static assert(is(Final!(const A) == const A)); static assert(is(Final!(immutable A) == immutable A)); Final!A a = new A; static assert(!__traits(compiles, a = new A)); assert(a.i == 0); a.i = 42; assert(a.i == 42); Final!int i = 42; static assert(!__traits(compiles, i = 24)); static assert(!__traits(compiles, --i)); static assert(!__traits(compiles, ++i)); assert(i == 42); int iCopy = i; assert(iCopy == 42); iCopy = -i; // non-mutating unary operators must work assert(iCopy == -42); static struct S { int i; pure nothrow @safe @nogc: this(int i){} this(string s){} this(int i, string s, float f){ this.i = i; } } Final!S sint = 42; Final!S sstr = "foo"; static assert(!__traits(compiles, sint = sstr)); auto sboth = Final!S(42, "foo", 3.14); assert(sboth.i == 42); sboth.i = 24; assert(sboth.i == 24); struct NestedS { int i; int get() pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return sboth.i + i; } } // Nested structs must be constructed at the call-site static assert(!__traits(compiles, Final!NestedS(6))); auto s = makeFinal(NestedS(6)); assert(s.i == 6); assert(s.get == 30); class NestedC { int i; pure nothrow @safe @nogc: this(int i) { this.i = i; } int get() { return sboth.i + i; } } auto c = makeFinal(new NestedC(6)); assert(c.i == 6); assert(c.get == 30); } pure nothrow @safe unittest { auto arr = makeFinal([1, 2, 3]); static assert(!__traits(compiles, arr = null)); static assert(!__traits(compiles, arr ~= 4)); assert((arr ~ 4) == [1, 2, 3, 4]); } // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17270 pure nothrow @nogc @system unittest { int i = 1; Final!(int*) fp = &i; assert(*fp == 1); static assert(!__traits(compiles, fp = &i // direct assignment )); static assert(is(typeof(*fp) == int)); *fp = 2; // indirect assignment assert(*fp == 2); int* p = fp; assert(*p == 2); } pure nothrow @system unittest { Final!(int[]) arr; // static assert(!__traits(compiles, // arr.length = 10; // bug! // )); static assert(!__traits(compiles, arr.ptr = null )); static assert(!__traits(compiles, arr.ptr++ )); }