-- { dg-do run } -- { dg-output "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 \| 1- 1 2 3 2- 1 2 3 3- 1 2 3 4- 1 2 3 5- 1 2 3" } with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Exit1 is type Int_Range is record First, Last : Integer; end record with Iterable => (First => First, Next => Next, Previous => Previous, Last => Last, Has_Element => Has_Element, Element => Element); function First (IR : Int_Range) return Integer is (IR.First); function Last (IR : Int_Range) return Integer is (IR.Last); function Next (IR : Int_Range; N : Integer) return Integer is (N + 1); function Previous (IR : Int_Range; N : Integer) return Integer is (N - 1); function Has_Element (IR : Int_Range; N : Integer) return Boolean is (N in IR.First ..IR.Last); function Element (IR : Int_Range; N : Integer) return Integer is (N); IR : Int_Range := (1, 10); begin A_Loop: for I of IR loop Put (I'Img); exit A_Loop when I = 7; end loop A_Loop; Put (" | "); B_Loop: for I of IR loop Put (I'Img & '-'); C_Loop : for J of IR loop Put (J'Img); exit when J = 3; end loop C_Loop; exit B_Loop when I = 5; end loop B_Loop; New_Line; end Exit1;