/* REQUIRED_ARGS: -preview=dip1000 * TEST_OUTPUT: --- fail_compilation/fail17927.d(13): Error: scope variable `this` may not be returned fail_compilation/fail17927.d(15): Error: scope variable `this` may not be returned fail_compilation/fail17927.d(21): Error: scope variable `ptr` may not be returned fail_compilation/fail17927.d(23): Error: scope variable `ptr` may not be returned --- */ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17927 struct String { const(char)* mem1() const scope @safe { return ptr; } // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22027 inout(char)* mem2() inout scope @safe { return ptr; } char* ptr; } const(char)* foo1(scope const(char)* ptr) @safe { return ptr; } inout(char)* foo2(scope inout(char)* ptr) @safe { return ptr; }