/** * Defines the bulk of the classes which represent the AST at the expression level. * * Specification: ($LINK2 https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html, Expressions) * * Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved * Authors: $(LINK2 https://www.digitalmars.com, Walter Bright) * License: $(LINK2 https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0) * Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/expression.d, _expression.d) * Documentation: https://dlang.org/phobos/dmd_expression.html * Coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/dlang/dmd/src/master/src/dmd/expression.d */ module dmd.expression; import core.stdc.stdarg; import core.stdc.stdio; import core.stdc.string; import dmd.aggregate; import dmd.aliasthis; import dmd.apply; import dmd.arrayop; import dmd.arraytypes; import dmd.astenums; import dmd.ast_node; import dmd.gluelayer; import dmd.constfold; import dmd.ctfeexpr; import dmd.ctorflow; import dmd.dcast; import dmd.dclass; import dmd.declaration; import dmd.delegatize; import dmd.dimport; import dmd.dinterpret; import dmd.dmodule; import dmd.dscope; import dmd.dstruct; import dmd.dsymbol; import dmd.dsymbolsem; import dmd.dtemplate; import dmd.errors; import dmd.escape; import dmd.expressionsem; import dmd.func; import dmd.globals; import dmd.hdrgen; import dmd.id; import dmd.identifier; import dmd.init; import dmd.inline; import dmd.mtype; import dmd.nspace; import dmd.objc; import dmd.opover; import dmd.optimize; import dmd.root.complex; import dmd.root.ctfloat; import dmd.root.filename; import dmd.common.outbuffer; import dmd.root.optional; import dmd.root.rmem; import dmd.root.rootobject; import dmd.root.string; import dmd.root.utf; import dmd.safe; import dmd.sideeffect; import dmd.target; import dmd.tokens; import dmd.typesem; import dmd.visitor; enum LOGSEMANTIC = false; void emplaceExp(T : Expression, Args...)(void* p, Args args) { static if (__VERSION__ < 2099) const init = typeid(T).initializer; else const init = __traits(initSymbol, T); p[0 .. __traits(classInstanceSize, T)] = init[]; (cast(T)p).__ctor(args); } void emplaceExp(T : UnionExp)(T* p, Expression e) { memcpy(p, cast(void*)e, e.size); } /// Return value for `checkModifiable` enum Modifiable { /// Not modifiable no, /// Modifiable (the type is mutable) yes, /// Modifiable because it is initialization initialization, } /** * Specifies how the checkModify deals with certain situations */ enum ModifyFlags { /// Issue error messages on invalid modifications of the variable none, /// No errors are emitted for invalid modifications noError = 0x1, /// The modification occurs for a subfield of the current variable fieldAssign = 0x2, } /**************************************** * Find the first non-comma expression. * Params: * e = Expressions connected by commas * Returns: * left-most non-comma expression */ inout(Expression) firstComma(inout Expression e) { Expression ex = cast()e; while (ex.op == EXP.comma) ex = (cast(CommaExp)ex).e1; return cast(inout)ex; } /**************************************** * Find the last non-comma expression. * Params: * e = Expressions connected by commas * Returns: * right-most non-comma expression */ inout(Expression) lastComma(inout Expression e) { Expression ex = cast()e; while (ex.op == EXP.comma) ex = (cast(CommaExp)ex).e2; return cast(inout)ex; } /***************************************** * Determine if `this` is available by walking up the enclosing * scopes until a function is found. * * Params: * sc = where to start looking for the enclosing function * Returns: * Found function if it satisfies `isThis()`, otherwise `null` */ FuncDeclaration hasThis(Scope* sc) { //printf("hasThis()\n"); Dsymbol p = sc.parent; while (p && p.isTemplateMixin()) p = p.parent; FuncDeclaration fdthis = p ? p.isFuncDeclaration() : null; //printf("fdthis = %p, '%s'\n", fdthis, fdthis ? fdthis.toChars() : ""); // Go upwards until we find the enclosing member function FuncDeclaration fd = fdthis; while (1) { if (!fd) { return null; } if (!fd.isNested() || fd.isThis() || (fd.hasDualContext() && fd.isMember2())) break; Dsymbol parent = fd.parent; while (1) { if (!parent) return null; TemplateInstance ti = parent.isTemplateInstance(); if (ti) parent = ti.parent; else break; } fd = parent.isFuncDeclaration(); } if (!fd.isThis() && !(fd.hasDualContext() && fd.isMember2())) { return null; } assert(fd.vthis); return fd; } /*********************************** * Determine if a `this` is needed to access `d`. * Params: * sc = context * d = declaration to check * Returns: * true means a `this` is needed */ bool isNeedThisScope(Scope* sc, Declaration d) { if (sc.intypeof == 1) return false; AggregateDeclaration ad = d.isThis(); if (!ad) return false; //printf("d = %s, ad = %s\n", d.toChars(), ad.toChars()); for (Dsymbol s = sc.parent; s; s = s.toParentLocal()) { //printf("\ts = %s %s, toParent2() = %p\n", s.kind(), s.toChars(), s.toParent2()); if (AggregateDeclaration ad2 = s.isAggregateDeclaration()) { if (ad2 == ad) return false; else if (ad2.isNested()) continue; else return true; } if (FuncDeclaration f = s.isFuncDeclaration()) { if (f.isMemberLocal()) break; } } return true; } /****************************** * check e is exp.opDispatch!(tiargs) or not * It's used to switch to UFCS the semantic analysis path */ bool isDotOpDispatch(Expression e) { if (auto dtie = e.isDotTemplateInstanceExp()) return dtie.ti.name == Id.opDispatch; return false; } /**************************************** * Expand tuples. * Input: * exps aray of Expressions * Output: * exps rewritten in place */ extern (C++) void expandTuples(Expressions* exps) { //printf("expandTuples()\n"); if (exps is null) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < exps.dim; i++) { Expression arg = (*exps)[i]; if (!arg) continue; // Look for tuple with 0 members if (auto e = arg.isTypeExp()) { if (auto tt = e.type.toBasetype().isTypeTuple()) { if (!tt.arguments || tt.arguments.dim == 0) { exps.remove(i); if (i == exps.dim) return; } else // Expand a TypeTuple { exps.remove(i); auto texps = new Expressions(tt.arguments.length); foreach (j, a; *tt.arguments) (*texps)[j] = new TypeExp(e.loc, a.type); exps.insert(i, texps); } i--; continue; } } // Inline expand all the tuples while (arg.op == EXP.tuple) { TupleExp te = cast(TupleExp)arg; exps.remove(i); // remove arg exps.insert(i, te.exps); // replace with tuple contents if (i == exps.dim) return; // empty tuple, no more arguments (*exps)[i] = Expression.combine(te.e0, (*exps)[i]); arg = (*exps)[i]; } } } /**************************************** * Expand alias this tuples. */ TupleDeclaration isAliasThisTuple(Expression e) { if (!e.type) return null; Type t = e.type.toBasetype(); while (true) { if (Dsymbol s = t.toDsymbol(null)) { if (auto ad = s.isAggregateDeclaration()) { s = ad.aliasthis ? ad.aliasthis.sym : null; if (s && s.isVarDeclaration()) { TupleDeclaration td = s.isVarDeclaration().toAlias().isTupleDeclaration(); if (td && td.isexp) return td; } if (Type att = t.aliasthisOf()) { t = att; continue; } } } return null; } } int expandAliasThisTuples(Expressions* exps, size_t starti = 0) { if (!exps || exps.dim == 0) return -1; for (size_t u = starti; u < exps.dim; u++) { Expression exp = (*exps)[u]; if (TupleDeclaration td = exp.isAliasThisTuple) { exps.remove(u); foreach (i, o; *td.objects) { auto d = o.isExpression().isDsymbolExp().s.isDeclaration(); auto e = new DotVarExp(exp.loc, exp, d); assert(d.type); e.type = d.type; exps.insert(u + i, e); } version (none) { printf("expansion ->\n"); foreach (e; exps) { printf("\texps[%d] e = %s %s\n", i, EXPtoString(e.op), e.toChars()); } } return cast(int)u; } } return -1; } /**************************************** * If `s` is a function template, i.e. the only member of a template * and that member is a function, return that template. * Params: * s = symbol that might be a function template * Returns: * template for that function, otherwise null */ TemplateDeclaration getFuncTemplateDecl(Dsymbol s) { FuncDeclaration f = s.isFuncDeclaration(); if (f && f.parent) { if (auto ti = f.parent.isTemplateInstance()) { if (!ti.isTemplateMixin() && ti.tempdecl) { auto td = ti.tempdecl.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (td.onemember && td.ident == f.ident) { return td; } } } } return null; } /************************************************ * If we want the value of this expression, but do not want to call * the destructor on it. */ Expression valueNoDtor(Expression e) { auto ex = lastComma(e); if (auto ce = ex.isCallExp()) { /* The struct value returned from the function is transferred * so do not call the destructor on it. * Recognize: * ((S _ctmp = S.init), _ctmp).this(...) * and make sure the destructor is not called on _ctmp * BUG: if ex is a CommaExp, we should go down the right side. */ if (auto dve = ce.e1.isDotVarExp()) { if (dve.var.isCtorDeclaration()) { // It's a constructor call if (auto comma = dve.e1.isCommaExp()) { if (auto ve = comma.e2.isVarExp()) { VarDeclaration ctmp = ve.var.isVarDeclaration(); if (ctmp) { ctmp.storage_class |= STC.nodtor; assert(!ce.isLvalue()); } } } } } } else if (auto ve = ex.isVarExp()) { auto vtmp = ve.var.isVarDeclaration(); if (vtmp && (vtmp.storage_class & STC.rvalue)) { vtmp.storage_class |= STC.nodtor; } } return e; } /********************************************* * If e is an instance of a struct, and that struct has a copy constructor, * rewrite e as: * (tmp = e),tmp * Input: * sc = just used to specify the scope of created temporary variable * destinationType = the type of the object on which the copy constructor is called; * may be null if the struct defines a postblit */ private Expression callCpCtor(Scope* sc, Expression e, Type destinationType) { if (auto ts = e.type.baseElemOf().isTypeStruct()) { StructDeclaration sd = ts.sym; if (sd.postblit || sd.hasCopyCtor) { /* Create a variable tmp, and replace the argument e with: * (tmp = e),tmp * and let AssignExp() handle the construction. * This is not the most efficient, ideally tmp would be constructed * directly onto the stack. */ auto tmp = copyToTemp(STC.rvalue, "__copytmp", e); if (sd.hasCopyCtor && destinationType) { // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22619 // If the destination type is inout we can preserve it // only if inside an inout function; if we are not inside // an inout function, then we will preserve the type of // the source if (destinationType.hasWild && !(sc.func.storage_class & STC.wild)) tmp.type = e.type; else tmp.type = destinationType; } tmp.storage_class |= STC.nodtor; tmp.dsymbolSemantic(sc); Expression de = new DeclarationExp(e.loc, tmp); Expression ve = new VarExp(e.loc, tmp); de.type = Type.tvoid; ve.type = e.type; return Expression.combine(de, ve); } } return e; } /************************************************ * Handle the postblit call on lvalue, or the move of rvalue. * * Params: * sc = the scope where the expression is encountered * e = the expression the needs to be moved or copied (source) * t = if the struct defines a copy constructor, the type of the destination * * Returns: * The expression that copy constructs or moves the value. */ extern (D) Expression doCopyOrMove(Scope *sc, Expression e, Type t = null) { if (auto ce = e.isCondExp()) { ce.e1 = doCopyOrMove(sc, ce.e1); ce.e2 = doCopyOrMove(sc, ce.e2); } else { e = e.isLvalue() ? callCpCtor(sc, e, t) : valueNoDtor(e); } return e; } /****************************************************************/ /* A type meant as a union of all the Expression types, * to serve essentially as a Variant that will sit on the stack * during CTFE to reduce memory consumption. */ extern (C++) struct UnionExp { // yes, default constructor does nothing extern (D) this(Expression e) { memcpy(&this, cast(void*)e, e.size); } /* Extract pointer to Expression */ extern (C++) Expression exp() return { return cast(Expression)&u; } /* Convert to an allocated Expression */ extern (C++) Expression copy() { Expression e = exp(); //if (e.size > sizeof(u)) printf("%s\n", EXPtoString(e.op).ptr); assert(e.size <= u.sizeof); switch (e.op) { case EXP.cantExpression: return CTFEExp.cantexp; case EXP.voidExpression: return CTFEExp.voidexp; case EXP.break_: return CTFEExp.breakexp; case EXP.continue_: return CTFEExp.continueexp; case EXP.goto_: return CTFEExp.gotoexp; default: return e.copy(); } } private: // Ensure that the union is suitably aligned. align(8) union __AnonStruct__u { char[__traits(classInstanceSize, Expression)] exp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, IntegerExp)] integerexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, ErrorExp)] errorexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, RealExp)] realexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, ComplexExp)] complexexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, SymOffExp)] symoffexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, StringExp)] stringexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, ArrayLiteralExp)] arrayliteralexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, AssocArrayLiteralExp)] assocarrayliteralexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, StructLiteralExp)] structliteralexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, CompoundLiteralExp)] compoundliteralexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, NullExp)] nullexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, DotVarExp)] dotvarexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, AddrExp)] addrexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, IndexExp)] indexexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, SliceExp)] sliceexp; char[__traits(classInstanceSize, VectorExp)] vectorexp; } __AnonStruct__u u; } /******************************** * Test to see if two reals are the same. * Regard NaN's as equivalent. * Regard +0 and -0 as different. * Params: * x1 = first operand * x2 = second operand * Returns: * true if x1 is x2 * else false */ bool RealIdentical(real_t x1, real_t x2) { return (CTFloat.isNaN(x1) && CTFloat.isNaN(x2)) || CTFloat.isIdentical(x1, x2); } /************************ TypeDotIdExp ************************************/ /* Things like: * int.size * foo.size * (foo).size * cast(foo).size */ DotIdExp typeDotIdExp(const ref Loc loc, Type type, Identifier ident) { return new DotIdExp(loc, new TypeExp(loc, type), ident); } /*************************************************** * Given an Expression, find the variable it really is. * * For example, `a[index]` is really `a`, and `s.f` is really `s`. * Params: * e = Expression to look at * Returns: * variable if there is one, null if not */ VarDeclaration expToVariable(Expression e) { while (1) { switch (e.op) { case EXP.variable: return (cast(VarExp)e).var.isVarDeclaration(); case EXP.dotVariable: e = (cast(DotVarExp)e).e1; continue; case EXP.index: { IndexExp ei = cast(IndexExp)e; e = ei.e1; Type ti = e.type.toBasetype(); if (ti.ty == Tsarray) continue; return null; } case EXP.slice: { SliceExp ei = cast(SliceExp)e; e = ei.e1; Type ti = e.type.toBasetype(); if (ti.ty == Tsarray) continue; return null; } case EXP.this_: case EXP.super_: return (cast(ThisExp)e).var.isVarDeclaration(); default: return null; } } } enum OwnedBy : ubyte { code, // normal code expression in AST ctfe, // value expression for CTFE cache, // constant value cached for CTFE } enum WANTvalue = 0; // default enum WANTexpand = 1; // expand const/immutable variables if possible /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#expression */ extern (C++) abstract class Expression : ASTNode { const EXP op; // to minimize use of dynamic_cast ubyte size; // # of bytes in Expression so we can copy() it ubyte parens; // if this is a parenthesized expression Type type; // !=null means that semantic() has been run Loc loc; // file location extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, EXP op, int size) { //printf("Expression::Expression(op = %d) this = %p\n", op, this); this.loc = loc; this.op = op; this.size = cast(ubyte)size; } static void _init() { CTFEExp.cantexp = new CTFEExp(EXP.cantExpression); CTFEExp.voidexp = new CTFEExp(EXP.voidExpression); CTFEExp.breakexp = new CTFEExp(EXP.break_); CTFEExp.continueexp = new CTFEExp(EXP.continue_); CTFEExp.gotoexp = new CTFEExp(EXP.goto_); CTFEExp.showcontext = new CTFEExp(EXP.showCtfeContext); } /** * Deinitializes the global state of the compiler. * * This can be used to restore the state set by `_init` to its original * state. */ static void deinitialize() { CTFEExp.cantexp = CTFEExp.cantexp.init; CTFEExp.voidexp = CTFEExp.voidexp.init; CTFEExp.breakexp = CTFEExp.breakexp.init; CTFEExp.continueexp = CTFEExp.continueexp.init; CTFEExp.gotoexp = CTFEExp.gotoexp.init; CTFEExp.showcontext = CTFEExp.showcontext.init; } /********************************* * Does *not* do a deep copy. */ final Expression copy() { Expression e; if (!size) { debug { fprintf(stderr, "No expression copy for: %s\n", toChars()); printf("op = %d\n", op); } assert(0); } // memory never freed, so can use the faster bump-pointer-allocation e = cast(Expression)allocmemory(size); //printf("Expression::copy(op = %d) e = %p\n", op, e); return cast(Expression)memcpy(cast(void*)e, cast(void*)this, size); } Expression syntaxCopy() { //printf("Expression::syntaxCopy()\n"); //print(); return copy(); } // kludge for template.isExpression() override final DYNCAST dyncast() const { return DYNCAST.expression; } override const(char)* toChars() const { OutBuffer buf; HdrGenState hgs; toCBuffer(this, &buf, &hgs); return buf.extractChars(); } static if (__VERSION__ < 2092) { final void error(const(char)* format, ...) const { if (type != Type.terror) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); .verror(loc, format, ap); va_end(ap); } } final void errorSupplemental(const(char)* format, ...) { if (type == Type.terror) return; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); .verrorSupplemental(loc, format, ap); va_end(ap); } final void warning(const(char)* format, ...) const { if (type != Type.terror) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); .vwarning(loc, format, ap); va_end(ap); } } final void deprecation(const(char)* format, ...) const { if (type != Type.terror) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); .vdeprecation(loc, format, ap); va_end(ap); } } } else { pragma(printf) final void error(const(char)* format, ...) const { if (type != Type.terror) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); .verror(loc, format, ap); va_end(ap); } } pragma(printf) final void errorSupplemental(const(char)* format, ...) { if (type == Type.terror) return; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); .verrorSupplemental(loc, format, ap); va_end(ap); } pragma(printf) final void warning(const(char)* format, ...) const { if (type != Type.terror) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); .vwarning(loc, format, ap); va_end(ap); } } pragma(printf) final void deprecation(const(char)* format, ...) const { if (type != Type.terror) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); .vdeprecation(loc, format, ap); va_end(ap); } } } /********************************** * Combine e1 and e2 by CommaExp if both are not NULL. */ extern (D) static Expression combine(Expression e1, Expression e2) { if (e1) { if (e2) { e1 = new CommaExp(e1.loc, e1, e2); e1.type = e2.type; } } else e1 = e2; return e1; } extern (D) static Expression combine(Expression e1, Expression e2, Expression e3) { return combine(combine(e1, e2), e3); } extern (D) static Expression combine(Expression e1, Expression e2, Expression e3, Expression e4) { return combine(combine(e1, e2), combine(e3, e4)); } /********************************** * If 'e' is a tree of commas, returns the rightmost expression * by stripping off it from the tree. The remained part of the tree * is returned via e0. * Otherwise 'e' is directly returned and e0 is set to NULL. */ extern (D) static Expression extractLast(Expression e, out Expression e0) { if (e.op != EXP.comma) { return e; } CommaExp ce = cast(CommaExp)e; if (ce.e2.op != EXP.comma) { e0 = ce.e1; return ce.e2; } else { e0 = e; Expression* pce = &ce.e2; while ((cast(CommaExp)(*pce)).e2.op == EXP.comma) { pce = &(cast(CommaExp)(*pce)).e2; } assert((*pce).op == EXP.comma); ce = cast(CommaExp)(*pce); *pce = ce.e1; return ce.e2; } } extern (D) static Expressions* arraySyntaxCopy(Expressions* exps) { Expressions* a = null; if (exps) { a = new Expressions(exps.dim); foreach (i, e; *exps) { (*a)[i] = e ? e.syntaxCopy() : null; } } return a; } dinteger_t toInteger() { //printf("Expression %s\n", EXPtoString(op).ptr); error("integer constant expression expected instead of `%s`", toChars()); return 0; } uinteger_t toUInteger() { //printf("Expression %s\n", EXPtoString(op).ptr); return cast(uinteger_t)toInteger(); } real_t toReal() { error("floating point constant expression expected instead of `%s`", toChars()); return CTFloat.zero; } real_t toImaginary() { error("floating point constant expression expected instead of `%s`", toChars()); return CTFloat.zero; } complex_t toComplex() { error("floating point constant expression expected instead of `%s`", toChars()); return complex_t(CTFloat.zero); } StringExp toStringExp() { return null; } /*************************************** * Return !=0 if expression is an lvalue. */ bool isLvalue() { return false; } /******************************* * Give error if we're not an lvalue. * If we can, convert expression to be an lvalue. */ Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (!e) e = this; else if (!loc.isValid()) loc = e.loc; if (e.op == EXP.type) error("`%s` is a `%s` definition and cannot be modified", e.type.toChars(), e.type.kind()); else error("`%s` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified", e.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { //printf("Expression::modifiableLvalue() %s, type = %s\n", toChars(), type.toChars()); // See if this expression is a modifiable lvalue (i.e. not const) if (checkModifiable(this, sc) == Modifiable.yes) { assert(type); if (!type.isMutable()) { if (auto dve = this.isDotVarExp()) { if (isNeedThisScope(sc, dve.var)) for (Dsymbol s = sc.func; s; s = s.toParentLocal()) { FuncDeclaration ff = s.isFuncDeclaration(); if (!ff) break; if (!ff.type.isMutable) { error("cannot modify `%s` in `%s` function", toChars(), MODtoChars(type.mod)); return ErrorExp.get(); } } } error("cannot modify `%s` expression `%s`", MODtoChars(type.mod), toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } else if (!type.isAssignable()) { error("cannot modify struct instance `%s` of type `%s` because it contains `const` or `immutable` members", toChars(), type.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } } return toLvalue(sc, e); } final Expression implicitCastTo(Scope* sc, Type t) { return .implicitCastTo(this, sc, t); } final MATCH implicitConvTo(Type t) { return .implicitConvTo(this, t); } final Expression castTo(Scope* sc, Type t) { return .castTo(this, sc, t); } /**************************************** * Resolve __FILE__, __LINE__, __MODULE__, __FUNCTION__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FILE_FULL_PATH__ to loc. */ Expression resolveLoc(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc) { this.loc = loc; return this; } /**************************************** * Check that the expression has a valid type. * If not, generates an error "... has no type". * Returns: * true if the expression is not valid. * Note: * When this function returns true, `checkValue()` should also return true. */ bool checkType() { return false; } /**************************************** * Check that the expression has a valid value. * If not, generates an error "... has no value". * Returns: * true if the expression is not valid or has void type. */ bool checkValue() { if (type && type.toBasetype().ty == Tvoid) { error("expression `%s` is `void` and has no value", toChars()); //print(); assert(0); if (!global.gag) type = Type.terror; return true; } return false; } extern (D) final bool checkScalar() { if (op == EXP.error) return true; if (type.toBasetype().ty == Terror) return true; if (!type.isscalar()) { error("`%s` is not a scalar, it is a `%s`", toChars(), type.toChars()); return true; } return checkValue(); } extern (D) final bool checkNoBool() { if (op == EXP.error) return true; if (type.toBasetype().ty == Terror) return true; if (type.toBasetype().ty == Tbool) { error("operation not allowed on `bool` `%s`", toChars()); return true; } return false; } extern (D) final bool checkIntegral() { if (op == EXP.error) return true; if (type.toBasetype().ty == Terror) return true; if (!type.isintegral()) { error("`%s` is not of integral type, it is a `%s`", toChars(), type.toChars()); return true; } return checkValue(); } extern (D) final bool checkArithmetic() { if (op == EXP.error) return true; if (type.toBasetype().ty == Terror) return true; if (!type.isintegral() && !type.isfloating()) { error("`%s` is not of arithmetic type, it is a `%s`", toChars(), type.toChars()); return true; } return checkValue(); } final bool checkDeprecated(Scope* sc, Dsymbol s) { return s.checkDeprecated(loc, sc); } extern (D) final bool checkDisabled(Scope* sc, Dsymbol s) { if (auto d = s.isDeclaration()) { return d.checkDisabled(loc, sc); } return false; } /********************************************* * Calling function f. * Check the purity, i.e. if we're in a pure function * we can only call other pure functions. * Returns true if error occurs. */ extern (D) final bool checkPurity(Scope* sc, FuncDeclaration f) { if (!sc.func) return false; if (sc.func == f) return false; if (sc.intypeof == 1) return false; if (sc.flags & (SCOPE.ctfe | SCOPE.debug_)) return false; // If the call has a pure parent, then the called func must be pure. if (!f.isPure() && checkImpure(sc)) { error("`pure` %s `%s` cannot call impure %s `%s`", sc.func.kind(), sc.func.toPrettyChars(), f.kind(), f.toPrettyChars()); checkOverridenDtor(sc, f, dd => dd.type.toTypeFunction().purity != PURE.impure, "impure"); return true; } return false; } /** * Checks whether `f` is a generated `DtorDeclaration` that hides a user-defined one * which passes `check` while `f` doesn't (e.g. when the user defined dtor is pure but * the generated dtor is not). * In that case the method will identify and print all members causing the attribute * missmatch. * * Params: * sc = scope * f = potential `DtorDeclaration` * check = current check (e.g. whether it's pure) * checkName = the kind of check (e.g. `"pure"`) */ extern (D) final void checkOverridenDtor(Scope* sc, FuncDeclaration f, scope bool function(DtorDeclaration) check, const string checkName ) { auto dd = f.isDtorDeclaration(); if (!dd || !dd.isGenerated()) return; // DtorDeclaration without parents should fail at an earlier stage auto ad = cast(AggregateDeclaration) f.toParent2(); assert(ad); if (ad.userDtors.dim) { if (!check(ad.userDtors[0])) // doesn't match check (e.g. is impure as well) return; // Sanity check assert(!check(ad.fieldDtor)); } dd.loc.errorSupplemental("%s`%s.~this` is %.*s because of the following field's destructors:", dd.isGenerated() ? "generated " : "".ptr, ad.toChars, cast(int) checkName.length, checkName.ptr); // Search for the offending fields foreach (field; ad.fields) { // Only structs may define automatically called destructors auto ts = field.type.isTypeStruct(); if (!ts) { // But they might be part of a static array auto ta = field.type.isTypeSArray(); if (!ta) continue; ts = ta.baseElemOf().isTypeStruct(); if (!ts) continue; } auto fieldSym = ts.toDsymbol(sc); assert(fieldSym); // Resolving ts must succeed because missing defs. should error before auto fieldSd = fieldSym.isStructDeclaration(); assert(fieldSd); // ts is a TypeStruct, this would imply a malformed ASR if (fieldSd.dtor && !check(fieldSd.dtor)) { field.loc.errorSupplemental(" - %s %s", field.type.toChars(), field.toChars()); if (fieldSd.dtor.isGenerated()) checkOverridenDtor(sc, fieldSd.dtor, check, checkName); else fieldSd.dtor.loc.errorSupplemental(" %.*s `%s.~this` is declared here", cast(int) checkName.length, checkName.ptr, fieldSd.toChars()); } } } /******************************************* * Accessing variable v. * Check for purity and safety violations. * Returns true if error occurs. */ extern (D) final bool checkPurity(Scope* sc, VarDeclaration v) { //printf("v = %s %s\n", v.type.toChars(), v.toChars()); /* Look for purity and safety violations when accessing variable v * from current function. */ if (!sc.func) return false; if (sc.intypeof == 1) return false; // allow violations inside typeof(expression) if (sc.flags & (SCOPE.ctfe | SCOPE.debug_)) return false; // allow violations inside compile-time evaluated expressions and debug conditionals if (v.ident == Id.ctfe) return false; // magic variable never violates pure and safe if (v.isImmutable()) return false; // always safe and pure to access immutables... if (v.isConst() && !v.isReference() && (v.isDataseg() || v.isParameter()) && v.type.implicitConvTo(v.type.immutableOf())) return false; // or const global/parameter values which have no mutable indirections if (v.storage_class & STC.manifest) return false; // ...or manifest constants // accessing empty structs is pure if (v.type.ty == Tstruct) { StructDeclaration sd = (cast(TypeStruct)v.type).sym; if (sd.members) // not opaque { sd.determineSize(v.loc); if (sd.hasNoFields) return false; } } bool err = false; if (v.isDataseg()) { // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7533 // Accessing implicit generated __gate is pure. if (v.ident == Id.gate) return false; if (checkImpure(sc)) { error("`pure` %s `%s` cannot access mutable static data `%s`", sc.func.kind(), sc.func.toPrettyChars(), v.toChars()); err = true; } } else { /* Given: * void f() { * int fx; * pure void g() { * int gx; * /+pure+/ void h() { * int hx; * /+pure+/ void i() { } * } * } * } * i() can modify hx and gx but not fx */ Dsymbol vparent = v.toParent2(); for (Dsymbol s = sc.func; !err && s; s = s.toParentP(vparent)) { if (s == vparent) break; if (AggregateDeclaration ad = s.isAggregateDeclaration()) { if (ad.isNested()) continue; break; } FuncDeclaration ff = s.isFuncDeclaration(); if (!ff) break; if (ff.isNested() || ff.isThis()) { if (ff.type.isImmutable() || ff.type.isShared() && !MODimplicitConv(ff.type.mod, v.type.mod)) { OutBuffer ffbuf; OutBuffer vbuf; MODMatchToBuffer(&ffbuf, ff.type.mod, v.type.mod); MODMatchToBuffer(&vbuf, v.type.mod, ff.type.mod); error("%s%s `%s` cannot access %sdata `%s`", ffbuf.peekChars(), ff.kind(), ff.toPrettyChars(), vbuf.peekChars(), v.toChars()); err = true; break; } continue; } break; } } /* Do not allow safe functions to access __gshared data */ if (v.storage_class & STC.gshared) { if (sc.func.setUnsafe()) { error("`@safe` %s `%s` cannot access `__gshared` data `%s`", sc.func.kind(), sc.func.toChars(), v.toChars()); err = true; } } return err; } /* Check if sc.func is impure or can be made impure. Returns true on error, i.e. if sc.func is pure and cannot be made impure. */ private static bool checkImpure(Scope* sc) { return sc.func && (sc.flags & SCOPE.compile ? sc.func.isPureBypassingInference() >= PURE.weak : sc.func.setImpure()); } /********************************************* * Calling function f. * Check the safety, i.e. if we're in a @safe function * we can only call @safe or @trusted functions. * Returns true if error occurs. */ extern (D) final bool checkSafety(Scope* sc, FuncDeclaration f) { if (!sc.func) return false; if (sc.func == f) return false; if (sc.intypeof == 1) return false; if (sc.flags & (SCOPE.ctfe | SCOPE.debug_)) return false; if (!f.isSafe() && !f.isTrusted()) { if (sc.flags & SCOPE.compile ? sc.func.isSafeBypassingInference() : sc.func.setUnsafe()) { if (!loc.isValid()) // e.g. implicitly generated dtor loc = sc.func.loc; const prettyChars = f.toPrettyChars(); error("`@safe` %s `%s` cannot call `@system` %s `%s`", sc.func.kind(), sc.func.toPrettyChars(), f.kind(), prettyChars); .errorSupplemental(f.loc, "`%s` is declared here", prettyChars); checkOverridenDtor(sc, f, dd => dd.type.toTypeFunction().trust > TRUST.system, "@system"); return true; } } return false; } /********************************************* * Calling function f. * Check the @nogc-ness, i.e. if we're in a @nogc function * we can only call other @nogc functions. * Returns true if error occurs. */ extern (D) final bool checkNogc(Scope* sc, FuncDeclaration f) { if (!sc.func) return false; if (sc.func == f) return false; if (sc.intypeof == 1) return false; if (sc.flags & (SCOPE.ctfe | SCOPE.debug_)) return false; if (!f.isNogc()) { if (sc.flags & SCOPE.compile ? sc.func.isNogcBypassingInference() : sc.func.setGC()) { if (loc.linnum == 0) // e.g. implicitly generated dtor loc = sc.func.loc; // Lowered non-@nogc'd hooks will print their own error message inside of nogc.d (NOGCVisitor.visit(CallExp e)), // so don't print anything to avoid double error messages. if (!(f.ident == Id._d_HookTraceImpl || f.ident == Id._d_arraysetlengthT)) error("`@nogc` %s `%s` cannot call non-@nogc %s `%s`", sc.func.kind(), sc.func.toPrettyChars(), f.kind(), f.toPrettyChars()); checkOverridenDtor(sc, f, dd => dd.type.toTypeFunction().isnogc, "non-@nogc"); return true; } } return false; } /******************************************** * Check that the postblit is callable if t is an array of structs. * Returns true if error happens. */ extern (D) final bool checkPostblit(Scope* sc, Type t) { if (auto ts = t.baseElemOf().isTypeStruct()) { if (global.params.useTypeInfo && Type.dtypeinfo) { // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11395 // Require TypeInfo generation for array concatenation semanticTypeInfo(sc, t); } StructDeclaration sd = ts.sym; if (sd.postblit) { if (sd.postblit.checkDisabled(loc, sc)) return true; //checkDeprecated(sc, sd.postblit); // necessary? checkPurity(sc, sd.postblit); checkSafety(sc, sd.postblit); checkNogc(sc, sd.postblit); //checkAccess(sd, loc, sc, sd.postblit); // necessary? return false; } } return false; } extern (D) final bool checkRightThis(Scope* sc) { if (op == EXP.error) return true; if (op == EXP.variable && type.ty != Terror) { VarExp ve = cast(VarExp)this; if (isNeedThisScope(sc, ve.var)) { //printf("checkRightThis sc.intypeof = %d, ad = %p, func = %p, fdthis = %p\n", // sc.intypeof, sc.getStructClassScope(), func, fdthis); error("need `this` for `%s` of type `%s`", ve.var.toChars(), ve.var.type.toChars()); return true; } } return false; } /******************************* * Check whether the expression allows RMW operations, error with rmw operator diagnostic if not. * ex is the RHS expression, or NULL if ++/-- is used (for diagnostics) * Returns true if error occurs. */ extern (D) final bool checkReadModifyWrite(EXP rmwOp, Expression ex = null) { //printf("Expression::checkReadModifyWrite() %s %s", toChars(), ex ? ex.toChars() : ""); if (!type || !type.isShared() || type.isTypeStruct() || type.isTypeClass()) return false; // atomicOp uses opAssign (+=/-=) rather than opOp (++/--) for the CT string literal. switch (rmwOp) { case EXP.plusPlus: case EXP.prePlusPlus: rmwOp = EXP.addAssign; break; case EXP.minusMinus: case EXP.preMinusMinus: rmwOp = EXP.minAssign; break; default: break; } error("read-modify-write operations are not allowed for `shared` variables"); errorSupplemental("Use `core.atomic.atomicOp!\"%s\"(%s, %s)` instead", EXPtoString(rmwOp).ptr, toChars(), ex ? ex.toChars() : "1"); return true; } /************************************************ * Destructors are attached to VarDeclarations. * Hence, if expression returns a temp that needs a destructor, * make sure and create a VarDeclaration for that temp. */ Expression addDtorHook(Scope* sc) { return this; } /****************************** * Take address of expression. */ final Expression addressOf() { //printf("Expression::addressOf()\n"); debug { assert(op == EXP.error || isLvalue()); } Expression e = new AddrExp(loc, this, type.pointerTo()); return e; } /****************************** * If this is a reference, dereference it. */ final Expression deref() { //printf("Expression::deref()\n"); // type could be null if forward referencing an 'auto' variable if (type) if (auto tr = type.isTypeReference()) { Expression e = new PtrExp(loc, this, tr.next); return e; } return this; } final Expression optimize(int result, bool keepLvalue = false) { return Expression_optimize(this, result, keepLvalue); } // Entry point for CTFE. // A compile-time result is required. Give an error if not possible final Expression ctfeInterpret() { return .ctfeInterpret(this); } final int isConst() { return .isConst(this); } /// Statically evaluate this expression to a `bool` if possible /// Returns: an optional thath either contains the value or is empty Optional!bool toBool() { return typeof(return)(); } bool hasCode() { return true; } final pure inout nothrow @nogc @safe { inout(IntegerExp) isIntegerExp() { return op == EXP.int64 ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ErrorExp) isErrorExp() { return op == EXP.error ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(VoidInitExp) isVoidInitExp() { return op == EXP.void_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(RealExp) isRealExp() { return op == EXP.float64 ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ComplexExp) isComplexExp() { return op == EXP.complex80 ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(IdentifierExp) isIdentifierExp() { return op == EXP.identifier ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DollarExp) isDollarExp() { return op == EXP.dollar ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DsymbolExp) isDsymbolExp() { return op == EXP.dSymbol ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ThisExp) isThisExp() { return op == EXP.this_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(SuperExp) isSuperExp() { return op == EXP.super_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(NullExp) isNullExp() { return op == EXP.null_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(StringExp) isStringExp() { return op == EXP.string_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(TupleExp) isTupleExp() { return op == EXP.tuple ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ArrayLiteralExp) isArrayLiteralExp() { return op == EXP.arrayLiteral ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(AssocArrayLiteralExp) isAssocArrayLiteralExp() { return op == EXP.assocArrayLiteral ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(StructLiteralExp) isStructLiteralExp() { return op == EXP.structLiteral ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(CompoundLiteralExp) isCompoundLiteralExp() { return op == EXP.compoundLiteral ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(TypeExp) isTypeExp() { return op == EXP.type ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ScopeExp) isScopeExp() { return op == EXP.scope_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(TemplateExp) isTemplateExp() { return op == EXP.template_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(NewExp) isNewExp() { return op == EXP.new_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(NewAnonClassExp) isNewAnonClassExp() { return op == EXP.newAnonymousClass ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(SymOffExp) isSymOffExp() { return op == EXP.symbolOffset ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(VarExp) isVarExp() { return op == EXP.variable ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(OverExp) isOverExp() { return op == EXP.overloadSet ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(FuncExp) isFuncExp() { return op == EXP.function_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DeclarationExp) isDeclarationExp() { return op == EXP.declaration ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(TypeidExp) isTypeidExp() { return op == EXP.typeid_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(TraitsExp) isTraitsExp() { return op == EXP.traits ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(HaltExp) isHaltExp() { return op == EXP.halt ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(IsExp) isExp() { return op == EXP.is_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(MixinExp) isMixinExp() { return op == EXP.mixin_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ImportExp) isImportExp() { return op == EXP.import_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(AssertExp) isAssertExp() { return op == EXP.assert_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ThrowExp) isThrowExp() { return op == EXP.throw_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DotIdExp) isDotIdExp() { return op == EXP.dotIdentifier ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DotTemplateExp) isDotTemplateExp() { return op == EXP.dotTemplateDeclaration ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DotVarExp) isDotVarExp() { return op == EXP.dotVariable ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DotTemplateInstanceExp) isDotTemplateInstanceExp() { return op == EXP.dotTemplateInstance ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DelegateExp) isDelegateExp() { return op == EXP.delegate_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DotTypeExp) isDotTypeExp() { return op == EXP.dotType ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(CallExp) isCallExp() { return op == EXP.call ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(AddrExp) isAddrExp() { return op == EXP.address ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(PtrExp) isPtrExp() { return op == EXP.star ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(NegExp) isNegExp() { return op == EXP.negate ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(UAddExp) isUAddExp() { return op == EXP.uadd ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ComExp) isComExp() { return op == EXP.tilde ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(NotExp) isNotExp() { return op == EXP.not ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DeleteExp) isDeleteExp() { return op == EXP.delete_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(CastExp) isCastExp() { return op == EXP.cast_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(VectorExp) isVectorExp() { return op == EXP.vector ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(VectorArrayExp) isVectorArrayExp() { return op == EXP.vectorArray ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(SliceExp) isSliceExp() { return op == EXP.slice ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ArrayLengthExp) isArrayLengthExp() { return op == EXP.arrayLength ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ArrayExp) isArrayExp() { return op == EXP.array ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DotExp) isDotExp() { return op == EXP.dot ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(CommaExp) isCommaExp() { return op == EXP.comma ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(IntervalExp) isIntervalExp() { return op == EXP.interval ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DelegatePtrExp) isDelegatePtrExp() { return op == EXP.delegatePointer ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DelegateFuncptrExp) isDelegateFuncptrExp() { return op == EXP.delegateFunctionPointer ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(IndexExp) isIndexExp() { return op == EXP.index ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(PostExp) isPostExp() { return (op == EXP.plusPlus || op == EXP.minusMinus) ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(PreExp) isPreExp() { return (op == EXP.prePlusPlus || op == EXP.preMinusMinus) ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(AssignExp) isAssignExp() { return op == EXP.assign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ConstructExp) isConstructExp() { return op == EXP.construct ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(BlitExp) isBlitExp() { return op == EXP.blit ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(AddAssignExp) isAddAssignExp() { return op == EXP.addAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(MinAssignExp) isMinAssignExp() { return op == EXP.minAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(MulAssignExp) isMulAssignExp() { return op == EXP.mulAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DivAssignExp) isDivAssignExp() { return op == EXP.divAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ModAssignExp) isModAssignExp() { return op == EXP.modAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(AndAssignExp) isAndAssignExp() { return op == EXP.andAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(OrAssignExp) isOrAssignExp() { return op == EXP.orAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(XorAssignExp) isXorAssignExp() { return op == EXP.xorAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(PowAssignExp) isPowAssignExp() { return op == EXP.powAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ShlAssignExp) isShlAssignExp() { return op == EXP.leftShiftAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ShrAssignExp) isShrAssignExp() { return op == EXP.rightShiftAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(UshrAssignExp) isUshrAssignExp() { return op == EXP.unsignedRightShiftAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(CatAssignExp) isCatAssignExp() { return op == EXP.concatenateAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(CatElemAssignExp) isCatElemAssignExp() { return op == EXP.concatenateElemAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(CatDcharAssignExp) isCatDcharAssignExp() { return op == EXP.concatenateDcharAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(AddExp) isAddExp() { return op == EXP.add ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(MinExp) isMinExp() { return op == EXP.min ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(CatExp) isCatExp() { return op == EXP.concatenate ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(MulExp) isMulExp() { return op == EXP.mul ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DivExp) isDivExp() { return op == EXP.div ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ModExp) isModExp() { return op == EXP.mod ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(PowExp) isPowExp() { return op == EXP.pow ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ShlExp) isShlExp() { return op == EXP.leftShift ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ShrExp) isShrExp() { return op == EXP.rightShift ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(UshrExp) isUshrExp() { return op == EXP.unsignedRightShift ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(AndExp) isAndExp() { return op == EXP.and ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(OrExp) isOrExp() { return op == EXP.or ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(XorExp) isXorExp() { return op == EXP.xor ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(LogicalExp) isLogicalExp() { return (op == EXP.andAnd || op == EXP.orOr) ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } //inout(CmpExp) isCmpExp() { return op == EXP. ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(InExp) isInExp() { return op == EXP.in_ ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(RemoveExp) isRemoveExp() { return op == EXP.remove ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(EqualExp) isEqualExp() { return (op == EXP.equal || op == EXP.notEqual) ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(IdentityExp) isIdentityExp() { return (op == EXP.identity || op == EXP.notIdentity) ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(CondExp) isCondExp() { return op == EXP.question ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(GenericExp) isGenericExp() { return op == EXP._Generic ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(DefaultInitExp) isDefaultInitExp() { return isDefaultInitOp(op) ? cast(typeof(return))this: null; } inout(FileInitExp) isFileInitExp() { return (op == EXP.file || op == EXP.fileFullPath) ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(LineInitExp) isLineInitExp() { return op == EXP.line ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ModuleInitExp) isModuleInitExp() { return op == EXP.moduleString ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(FuncInitExp) isFuncInitExp() { return op == EXP.functionString ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(PrettyFuncInitExp) isPrettyFuncInitExp() { return op == EXP.prettyFunction ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ObjcClassReferenceExp) isObjcClassReferenceExp() { return op == EXP.objcClassReference ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ClassReferenceExp) isClassReferenceExp() { return op == EXP.classReference ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(ThrownExceptionExp) isThrownExceptionExp() { return op == EXP.thrownException ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(UnaExp) isUnaExp() pure inout nothrow @nogc { return exptab[op] & EXPFLAGS.unary ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(BinExp) isBinExp() pure inout nothrow @nogc { return exptab[op] & EXPFLAGS.binary ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } inout(BinAssignExp) isBinAssignExp() pure inout nothrow @nogc { return exptab[op] & EXPFLAGS.binaryAssign ? cast(typeof(return))this : null; } } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * A compile-time known integer value */ extern (C++) final class IntegerExp : Expression { private dinteger_t value; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, dinteger_t value, Type type) { super(loc, EXP.int64, __traits(classInstanceSize, IntegerExp)); //printf("IntegerExp(value = %lld, type = '%s')\n", value, type ? type.toChars() : ""); assert(type); if (!type.isscalar()) { //printf("%s, loc = %d\n", toChars(), loc.linnum); if (type.ty != Terror) error("integral constant must be scalar type, not `%s`", type.toChars()); type = Type.terror; } this.type = type; this.value = normalize(type.toBasetype().ty, value); } extern (D) this(dinteger_t value) { super(Loc.initial, EXP.int64, __traits(classInstanceSize, IntegerExp)); this.type = Type.tint32; this.value = cast(int)value; } static IntegerExp create(const ref Loc loc, dinteger_t value, Type type) { return new IntegerExp(loc, value, type); } // Same as create, but doesn't allocate memory. static void emplace(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, dinteger_t value, Type type) { emplaceExp!(IntegerExp)(pue, loc, value, type); } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (this == o) return true; if (auto ne = (cast(Expression)o).isIntegerExp()) { if (type.toHeadMutable().equals(ne.type.toHeadMutable()) && value == ne.value) { return true; } } return false; } override dinteger_t toInteger() { // normalize() is necessary until we fix all the paints of 'type' return value = normalize(type.toBasetype().ty, value); } override real_t toReal() { // normalize() is necessary until we fix all the paints of 'type' const ty = type.toBasetype().ty; const val = normalize(ty, value); value = val; return (ty == Tuns64) ? real_t(cast(ulong)val) : real_t(cast(long)val); } override real_t toImaginary() { return CTFloat.zero; } override complex_t toComplex() { return complex_t(toReal()); } override Optional!bool toBool() { bool r = toInteger() != 0; return typeof(return)(r); } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (!e) e = this; else if (!loc.isValid()) loc = e.loc; e.error("cannot modify constant `%s`", e.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } dinteger_t getInteger() { return value; } void setInteger(dinteger_t value) { this.value = normalize(type.toBasetype().ty, value); } extern (D) static dinteger_t normalize(TY ty, dinteger_t value) { /* 'Normalize' the value of the integer to be in range of the type */ dinteger_t result; switch (ty) { case Tbool: result = (value != 0); break; case Tint8: result = cast(byte)value; break; case Tchar: case Tuns8: result = cast(ubyte)value; break; case Tint16: result = cast(short)value; break; case Twchar: case Tuns16: result = cast(ushort)value; break; case Tint32: result = cast(int)value; break; case Tdchar: case Tuns32: result = cast(uint)value; break; case Tint64: result = cast(long)value; break; case Tuns64: result = cast(ulong)value; break; case Tpointer: if (target.ptrsize == 8) goto case Tuns64; if (target.ptrsize == 4) goto case Tuns32; if (target.ptrsize == 2) goto case Tuns16; assert(0); default: break; } return result; } override IntegerExp syntaxCopy() { return this; } /** * Use this instead of creating new instances for commonly used literals * such as 0 or 1. * * Parameters: * v = The value of the expression * Returns: * A static instance of the expression, typed as `Tint32`. */ static IntegerExp literal(int v)() { __gshared IntegerExp theConstant; if (!theConstant) theConstant = new IntegerExp(v); return theConstant; } /** * Use this instead of creating new instances for commonly used bools. * * Parameters: * b = The value of the expression * Returns: * A static instance of the expression, typed as `Type.tbool`. */ static IntegerExp createBool(bool b) { __gshared IntegerExp trueExp, falseExp; if (!trueExp) { trueExp = new IntegerExp(Loc.initial, 1, Type.tbool); falseExp = new IntegerExp(Loc.initial, 0, Type.tbool); } return b ? trueExp : falseExp; } } /*********************************************************** * Use this expression for error recovery. * * It should behave as a 'sink' to prevent further cascaded error messages. */ extern (C++) final class ErrorExp : Expression { private extern (D) this() { super(Loc.initial, EXP.error, __traits(classInstanceSize, ErrorExp)); type = Type.terror; } static ErrorExp get () { if (errorexp is null) errorexp = new ErrorExp(); if (global.errors == 0 && global.gaggedErrors == 0) { /* Unfortunately, errors can still leak out of gagged errors, * and we need to set the error count to prevent bogus code * generation. At least give a message. */ .error(Loc.initial, "unknown, please file report on issues.dlang.org"); } return errorexp; } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } extern (C++) __gshared ErrorExp errorexp; // handy shared value } /*********************************************************** * An uninitialized value, * generated from void initializers. * * https://dlang.org/spec/declaration.html#void_init */ extern (C++) final class VoidInitExp : Expression { VarDeclaration var; /// the variable from where the void value came from, null if not known /// Useful for error messages extern (D) this(VarDeclaration var) { super(var.loc, EXP.void_, __traits(classInstanceSize, VoidInitExp)); this.var = var; this.type = var.type; } override const(char)* toChars() const { return "void"; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * A compile-time known floating point number */ extern (C++) final class RealExp : Expression { real_t value; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, real_t value, Type type) { super(loc, EXP.float64, __traits(classInstanceSize, RealExp)); //printf("RealExp::RealExp(%Lg)\n", value); this.value = value; this.type = type; } static RealExp create(const ref Loc loc, real_t value, Type type) { return new RealExp(loc, value, type); } // Same as create, but doesn't allocate memory. static void emplace(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, real_t value, Type type) { emplaceExp!(RealExp)(pue, loc, value, type); } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (this == o) return true; if (auto ne = (cast(Expression)o).isRealExp()) { if (type.toHeadMutable().equals(ne.type.toHeadMutable()) && RealIdentical(value, ne.value)) { return true; } } return false; } override dinteger_t toInteger() { return cast(sinteger_t)toReal(); } override uinteger_t toUInteger() { return cast(uinteger_t)toReal(); } override real_t toReal() { return type.isreal() ? value : CTFloat.zero; } override real_t toImaginary() { return type.isreal() ? CTFloat.zero : value; } override complex_t toComplex() { return complex_t(toReal(), toImaginary()); } override Optional!bool toBool() { return typeof(return)(!!value); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * A compile-time complex number (deprecated) */ extern (C++) final class ComplexExp : Expression { complex_t value; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, complex_t value, Type type) { super(loc, EXP.complex80, __traits(classInstanceSize, ComplexExp)); this.value = value; this.type = type; //printf("ComplexExp::ComplexExp(%s)\n", toChars()); } static ComplexExp create(const ref Loc loc, complex_t value, Type type) { return new ComplexExp(loc, value, type); } // Same as create, but doesn't allocate memory. static void emplace(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, complex_t value, Type type) { emplaceExp!(ComplexExp)(pue, loc, value, type); } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (this == o) return true; if (auto ne = (cast(Expression)o).isComplexExp()) { if (type.toHeadMutable().equals(ne.type.toHeadMutable()) && RealIdentical(creall(value), creall(ne.value)) && RealIdentical(cimagl(value), cimagl(ne.value))) { return true; } } return false; } override dinteger_t toInteger() { return cast(sinteger_t)toReal(); } override uinteger_t toUInteger() { return cast(uinteger_t)toReal(); } override real_t toReal() { return creall(value); } override real_t toImaginary() { return cimagl(value); } override complex_t toComplex() { return value; } override Optional!bool toBool() { return typeof(return)(!!value); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * An identifier in the context of an expression (as opposed to a declaration) * * --- * int x; // VarDeclaration with Identifier * x++; // PostExp with IdentifierExp * --- */ extern (C++) class IdentifierExp : Expression { Identifier ident; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident) { super(loc, EXP.identifier, __traits(classInstanceSize, IdentifierExp)); this.ident = ident; } static IdentifierExp create(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident) { return new IdentifierExp(loc, ident); } override final bool isLvalue() { return true; } override final Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The dollar operator used when indexing or slicing an array. E.g `a[$]`, `a[1 .. $]` etc. * * https://dlang.org/spec/arrays.html#array-length */ extern (C++) final class DollarExp : IdentifierExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc) { super(loc, Id.dollar); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Won't be generated by parser. */ extern (C++) final class DsymbolExp : Expression { Dsymbol s; bool hasOverloads; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Dsymbol s, bool hasOverloads = true) { super(loc, EXP.dSymbol, __traits(classInstanceSize, DsymbolExp)); this.s = s; this.hasOverloads = hasOverloads; } override bool isLvalue() { return true; } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#this */ extern (C++) class ThisExp : Expression { VarDeclaration var; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc) { super(loc, EXP.this_, __traits(classInstanceSize, ThisExp)); //printf("ThisExp::ThisExp() loc = %d\n", loc.linnum); } this(const ref Loc loc, const EXP tok) { super(loc, tok, __traits(classInstanceSize, ThisExp)); //printf("ThisExp::ThisExp() loc = %d\n", loc.linnum); } override ThisExp syntaxCopy() { auto r = cast(ThisExp) super.syntaxCopy(); // require new semantic (possibly new `var` etc.) r.type = null; r.var = null; return r; } override Optional!bool toBool() { // `this` is never null (what about structs?) return typeof(return)(true); } override final bool isLvalue() { // Class `this` should be an rvalue; struct `this` should be an lvalue. return type.toBasetype().ty != Tclass; } override final Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (type.toBasetype().ty == Tclass) { // Class `this` is an rvalue; struct `this` is an lvalue. return Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); } return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#super */ extern (C++) final class SuperExp : ThisExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc) { super(loc, EXP.super_); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * A compile-time known `null` value * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#null */ extern (C++) final class NullExp : Expression { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type type = null) { super(loc, EXP.null_, __traits(classInstanceSize, NullExp)); this.type = type; } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (auto e = o.isExpression()) { if (e.op == EXP.null_ && type.equals(e.type)) { return true; } } return false; } override Optional!bool toBool() { // null in any type is false return typeof(return)(false); } override StringExp toStringExp() { if (implicitConvTo(Type.tstring)) { auto se = new StringExp(loc, (cast(char*)mem.xcalloc(1, 1))[0 .. 0]); se.type = Type.tstring; return se; } return null; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#string_literals */ extern (C++) final class StringExp : Expression { private union { char* string; // if sz == 1 wchar* wstring; // if sz == 2 dchar* dstring; // if sz == 4 } // (const if ownedByCtfe == OwnedBy.code) size_t len; // number of code units ubyte sz = 1; // 1: char, 2: wchar, 4: dchar ubyte committed; // !=0 if type is committed enum char NoPostfix = 0; char postfix = NoPostfix; // 'c', 'w', 'd' OwnedBy ownedByCtfe = OwnedBy.code; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, const(void)[] string) { super(loc, EXP.string_, __traits(classInstanceSize, StringExp)); this.string = cast(char*)string.ptr; // note that this.string should be const this.len = string.length; this.sz = 1; // work around LDC bug #1286 } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, const(void)[] string, size_t len, ubyte sz, char postfix = NoPostfix) { super(loc, EXP.string_, __traits(classInstanceSize, StringExp)); this.string = cast(char*)string.ptr; // note that this.string should be const this.len = len; this.sz = sz; this.postfix = postfix; } static StringExp create(const ref Loc loc, const(char)* s) { return new StringExp(loc, s.toDString()); } static StringExp create(const ref Loc loc, const(void)* string, size_t len) { return new StringExp(loc, string[0 .. len]); } // Same as create, but doesn't allocate memory. static void emplace(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, const(char)* s) { emplaceExp!(StringExp)(pue, loc, s.toDString()); } extern (D) static void emplace(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, const(void)[] string) { emplaceExp!(StringExp)(pue, loc, string); } extern (D) static void emplace(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, const(void)[] string, size_t len, ubyte sz, char postfix) { emplaceExp!(StringExp)(pue, loc, string, len, sz, postfix); } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { //printf("StringExp::equals('%s') %s\n", o.toChars(), toChars()); if (auto e = o.isExpression()) { if (auto se = e.isStringExp()) { return compare(se) == 0; } } return false; } /********************************** * Return the number of code units the string would be if it were re-encoded * as tynto. * Params: * tynto = code unit type of the target encoding * Returns: * number of code units */ size_t numberOfCodeUnits(int tynto = 0) const { int encSize; switch (tynto) { case 0: return len; case Tchar: encSize = 1; break; case Twchar: encSize = 2; break; case Tdchar: encSize = 4; break; default: assert(0); } if (sz == encSize) return len; size_t result = 0; dchar c; switch (sz) { case 1: for (size_t u = 0; u < len;) { if (const s = utf_decodeChar(string[0 .. len], u, c)) { error("%.*s", cast(int)s.length, s.ptr); return 0; } result += utf_codeLength(encSize, c); } break; case 2: for (size_t u = 0; u < len;) { if (const s = utf_decodeWchar(wstring[0 .. len], u, c)) { error("%.*s", cast(int)s.length, s.ptr); return 0; } result += utf_codeLength(encSize, c); } break; case 4: foreach (u; 0 .. len) { result += utf_codeLength(encSize, dstring[u]); } break; default: assert(0); } return result; } /********************************************** * Write the contents of the string to dest. * Use numberOfCodeUnits() to determine size of result. * Params: * dest = destination * tyto = encoding type of the result * zero = add terminating 0 */ void writeTo(void* dest, bool zero, int tyto = 0) const { int encSize; switch (tyto) { case 0: encSize = sz; break; case Tchar: encSize = 1; break; case Twchar: encSize = 2; break; case Tdchar: encSize = 4; break; default: assert(0); } if (sz == encSize) { memcpy(dest, string, len * sz); if (zero) memset(dest + len * sz, 0, sz); } else assert(0); } /********************************************* * Get the code unit at index i * Params: * i = index * Returns: * code unit at index i */ dchar getCodeUnit(size_t i) const pure { assert(i < len); final switch (sz) { case 1: return string[i]; case 2: return wstring[i]; case 4: return dstring[i]; } } /********************************************* * Set the code unit at index i to c * Params: * i = index * c = code unit to set it to */ void setCodeUnit(size_t i, dchar c) { assert(i < len); final switch (sz) { case 1: string[i] = cast(char)c; break; case 2: wstring[i] = cast(wchar)c; break; case 4: dstring[i] = c; break; } } override StringExp toStringExp() { return this; } /**************************************** * Convert string to char[]. */ StringExp toUTF8(Scope* sc) { if (sz != 1) { // Convert to UTF-8 string committed = 0; Expression e = castTo(sc, Type.tchar.arrayOf()); e = e.optimize(WANTvalue); auto se = e.isStringExp(); assert(se.sz == 1); return se; } return this; } /** * Compare two `StringExp` by length, then value * * The comparison is not the usual C-style comparison as seen with * `strcmp` or `memcmp`, but instead first compare based on the length. * This allows both faster lookup and sorting when comparing sparse data. * * This ordering scheme is relied on by the string-switching feature. * Code in Druntime's `core.internal.switch_` relies on this ordering * when doing a binary search among case statements. * * Both `StringExp` should be of the same encoding. * * Params: * se2 = String expression to compare `this` to * * Returns: * `0` when `this` is equal to se2, a value greater than `0` if * `this` should be considered greater than `se2`, * and a value less than `0` if `this` is lesser than `se2`. */ int compare(const StringExp se2) const nothrow pure @nogc { //printf("StringExp::compare()\n"); const len1 = len; const len2 = se2.len; assert(this.sz == se2.sz, "Comparing string expressions of different sizes"); //printf("sz = %d, len1 = %d, len2 = %d\n", sz, cast(int)len1, cast(int)len2); if (len1 == len2) { switch (sz) { case 1: return memcmp(string, se2.string, len1); case 2: { wchar* s1 = cast(wchar*)string; wchar* s2 = cast(wchar*)se2.string; foreach (u; 0 .. len) { if (s1[u] != s2[u]) return s1[u] - s2[u]; } } break; case 4: { dchar* s1 = cast(dchar*)string; dchar* s2 = cast(dchar*)se2.string; foreach (u; 0 .. len) { if (s1[u] != s2[u]) return s1[u] - s2[u]; } } break; default: assert(0); } } return cast(int)(len1 - len2); } override Optional!bool toBool() { // Keep the old behaviour for this refactoring // Should probably match language spec instead and check for length return typeof(return)(true); } override bool isLvalue() { /* string literal is rvalue in default, but * conversion to reference of static array is only allowed. */ return (type && type.toBasetype().ty == Tsarray); } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { //printf("StringExp::toLvalue(%s) type = %s\n", toChars(), type ? type.toChars() : NULL); return (type && type.toBasetype().ty == Tsarray) ? this : Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); } override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { error("cannot modify string literal `%s`", toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } /******************************** * Convert string contents to a 0 terminated string, * allocated by mem.xmalloc(). */ extern (D) const(char)[] toStringz() const { auto nbytes = len * sz; char* s = cast(char*)mem.xmalloc(nbytes + sz); writeTo(s, true); return s[0 .. nbytes]; } extern (D) const(char)[] peekString() const { assert(sz == 1); return this.string[0 .. len]; } extern (D) const(wchar)[] peekWstring() const { assert(sz == 2); return this.wstring[0 .. len]; } extern (D) const(dchar)[] peekDstring() const { assert(sz == 4); return this.dstring[0 .. len]; } /******************* * Get a slice of the data. */ extern (D) const(ubyte)[] peekData() const { return cast(const(ubyte)[])this.string[0 .. len * sz]; } /******************* * Borrow a slice of the data, so the caller can modify * it in-place (!) */ extern (D) ubyte[] borrowData() { return cast(ubyte[])this.string[0 .. len * sz]; } /*********************** * Set new string data. * `this` becomes the new owner of the data. */ extern (D) void setData(void* s, size_t len, ubyte sz) { this.string = cast(char*)s; this.len = len; this.sz = sz; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * A sequence of expressions * * --- * alias AliasSeq(T...) = T; * alias Tup = AliasSeq!(3, int, "abc"); * --- */ extern (C++) final class TupleExp : Expression { /* Tuple-field access may need to take out its side effect part. * For example: * foo().tupleof * is rewritten as: * (ref __tup = foo(); tuple(__tup.field0, __tup.field1, ...)) * The declaration of temporary variable __tup will be stored in TupleExp.e0. */ Expression e0; Expressions* exps; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e0, Expressions* exps) { super(loc, EXP.tuple, __traits(classInstanceSize, TupleExp)); //printf("TupleExp(this = %p)\n", this); this.e0 = e0; this.exps = exps; } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expressions* exps) { super(loc, EXP.tuple, __traits(classInstanceSize, TupleExp)); //printf("TupleExp(this = %p)\n", this); this.exps = exps; } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, TupleDeclaration tup) { super(loc, EXP.tuple, __traits(classInstanceSize, TupleExp)); this.exps = new Expressions(); this.exps.reserve(tup.objects.dim); foreach (o; *tup.objects) { if (Dsymbol s = getDsymbol(o)) { /* If tuple element represents a symbol, translate to DsymbolExp * to supply implicit 'this' if needed later. */ Expression e = new DsymbolExp(loc, s); this.exps.push(e); } else if (auto eo = o.isExpression()) { auto e = eo.copy(); e.loc = loc; // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15669 this.exps.push(e); } else if (auto t = o.isType()) { Expression e = new TypeExp(loc, t); this.exps.push(e); } else { error("`%s` is not an expression", o.toChars()); } } } static TupleExp create(const ref Loc loc, Expressions* exps) { return new TupleExp(loc, exps); } override TupleExp syntaxCopy() { return new TupleExp(loc, e0 ? e0.syntaxCopy() : null, arraySyntaxCopy(exps)); } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (this == o) return true; if (auto e = o.isExpression()) if (auto te = e.isTupleExp()) { if (exps.dim != te.exps.dim) return false; if (e0 && !e0.equals(te.e0) || !e0 && te.e0) return false; foreach (i, e1; *exps) { auto e2 = (*te.exps)[i]; if (!e1.equals(e2)) return false; } return true; } return false; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * [ e1, e2, e3, ... ] * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#array_literals */ extern (C++) final class ArrayLiteralExp : Expression { /** If !is null, elements[] can be sparse and basis is used for the * "default" element value. In other words, non-null elements[i] overrides * this 'basis' value. */ Expression basis; Expressions* elements; OwnedBy ownedByCtfe = OwnedBy.code; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type type, Expressions* elements) { super(loc, EXP.arrayLiteral, __traits(classInstanceSize, ArrayLiteralExp)); this.type = type; this.elements = elements; } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type type, Expression e) { super(loc, EXP.arrayLiteral, __traits(classInstanceSize, ArrayLiteralExp)); this.type = type; elements = new Expressions(); elements.push(e); } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type type, Expression basis, Expressions* elements) { super(loc, EXP.arrayLiteral, __traits(classInstanceSize, ArrayLiteralExp)); this.type = type; this.basis = basis; this.elements = elements; } static ArrayLiteralExp create(const ref Loc loc, Expressions* elements) { return new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, null, elements); } // Same as create, but doesn't allocate memory. static void emplace(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, Expressions* elements) { emplaceExp!(ArrayLiteralExp)(pue, loc, null, elements); } override ArrayLiteralExp syntaxCopy() { return new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, null, basis ? basis.syntaxCopy() : null, arraySyntaxCopy(elements)); } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (this == o) return true; auto e = o.isExpression(); if (!e) return false; if (auto ae = e.isArrayLiteralExp()) { if (elements.dim != ae.elements.dim) return false; if (elements.dim == 0 && !type.equals(ae.type)) { return false; } foreach (i, e1; *elements) { auto e2 = (*ae.elements)[i]; auto e1x = e1 ? e1 : basis; auto e2x = e2 ? e2 : ae.basis; if (e1x != e2x && (!e1x || !e2x || !e1x.equals(e2x))) return false; } return true; } return false; } Expression getElement(size_t i) { return this[i]; } Expression opIndex(size_t i) { auto el = (*elements)[i]; return el ? el : basis; } override Optional!bool toBool() { size_t dim = elements ? elements.dim : 0; return typeof(return)(dim != 0); } override StringExp toStringExp() { TY telem = type.nextOf().toBasetype().ty; if (telem.isSomeChar || (telem == Tvoid && (!elements || elements.dim == 0))) { ubyte sz = 1; if (telem == Twchar) sz = 2; else if (telem == Tdchar) sz = 4; OutBuffer buf; if (elements) { foreach (i; 0 .. elements.dim) { auto ch = this[i]; if (ch.op != EXP.int64) return null; if (sz == 1) buf.writeByte(cast(uint)ch.toInteger()); else if (sz == 2) buf.writeword(cast(uint)ch.toInteger()); else buf.write4(cast(uint)ch.toInteger()); } } char prefix; if (sz == 1) { prefix = 'c'; buf.writeByte(0); } else if (sz == 2) { prefix = 'w'; buf.writeword(0); } else { prefix = 'd'; buf.write4(0); } const size_t len = buf.length / sz - 1; auto se = new StringExp(loc, buf.extractSlice()[0 .. len * sz], len, sz, prefix); se.sz = sz; se.type = type; return se; } return null; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * [ key0 : value0, key1 : value1, ... ] * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#associative_array_literals */ extern (C++) final class AssocArrayLiteralExp : Expression { Expressions* keys; Expressions* values; OwnedBy ownedByCtfe = OwnedBy.code; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expressions* keys, Expressions* values) { super(loc, EXP.assocArrayLiteral, __traits(classInstanceSize, AssocArrayLiteralExp)); assert(keys.dim == values.dim); this.keys = keys; this.values = values; } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (this == o) return true; auto e = o.isExpression(); if (!e) return false; if (auto ae = e.isAssocArrayLiteralExp()) { if (keys.dim != ae.keys.dim) return false; size_t count = 0; foreach (i, key; *keys) { foreach (j, akey; *ae.keys) { if (key.equals(akey)) { if (!(*values)[i].equals((*ae.values)[j])) return false; ++count; } } } return count == keys.dim; } return false; } override AssocArrayLiteralExp syntaxCopy() { return new AssocArrayLiteralExp(loc, arraySyntaxCopy(keys), arraySyntaxCopy(values)); } override Optional!bool toBool() { size_t dim = keys.dim; return typeof(return)(dim != 0); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } enum stageScrub = 0x1; /// scrubReturnValue is running enum stageSearchPointers = 0x2; /// hasNonConstPointers is running enum stageOptimize = 0x4; /// optimize is running enum stageApply = 0x8; /// apply is running enum stageInlineScan = 0x10; /// inlineScan is running enum stageToCBuffer = 0x20; /// toCBuffer is running /*********************************************************** * sd( e1, e2, e3, ... ) */ extern (C++) final class StructLiteralExp : Expression { StructDeclaration sd; /// which aggregate this is for Expressions* elements; /// parallels sd.fields[] with null entries for fields to skip Type stype; /// final type of result (can be different from sd's type) Symbol* sym; /// back end symbol to initialize with literal /** pointer to the origin instance of the expression. * once a new expression is created, origin is set to 'this'. * anytime when an expression copy is created, 'origin' pointer is set to * 'origin' pointer value of the original expression. */ StructLiteralExp origin; /// those fields need to prevent a infinite recursion when one field of struct initialized with 'this' pointer. StructLiteralExp inlinecopy; /** anytime when recursive function is calling, 'stageflags' marks with bit flag of * current stage and unmarks before return from this function. * 'inlinecopy' uses similar 'stageflags' and from multiple evaluation 'doInline' * (with infinite recursion) of this expression. */ int stageflags; bool useStaticInit; /// if this is true, use the StructDeclaration's init symbol bool isOriginal = false; /// used when moving instances to indicate `this is this.origin` OwnedBy ownedByCtfe = OwnedBy.code; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, StructDeclaration sd, Expressions* elements, Type stype = null) { super(loc, EXP.structLiteral, __traits(classInstanceSize, StructLiteralExp)); this.sd = sd; if (!elements) elements = new Expressions(); this.elements = elements; this.stype = stype; this.origin = this; //printf("StructLiteralExp::StructLiteralExp(%s)\n", toChars()); } static StructLiteralExp create(const ref Loc loc, StructDeclaration sd, void* elements, Type stype = null) { return new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, cast(Expressions*)elements, stype); } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (this == o) return true; auto e = o.isExpression(); if (!e) return false; if (auto se = e.isStructLiteralExp()) { if (!type.equals(se.type)) return false; if (elements.dim != se.elements.dim) return false; foreach (i, e1; *elements) { auto e2 = (*se.elements)[i]; if (e1 != e2 && (!e1 || !e2 || !e1.equals(e2))) return false; } return true; } return false; } override StructLiteralExp syntaxCopy() { auto exp = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, arraySyntaxCopy(elements), type ? type : stype); exp.origin = this; return exp; } /************************************** * Gets expression at offset of type. * Returns NULL if not found. */ Expression getField(Type type, uint offset) { //printf("StructLiteralExp::getField(this = %s, type = %s, offset = %u)\n", // /*toChars()*/"", type.toChars(), offset); Expression e = null; int i = getFieldIndex(type, offset); if (i != -1) { //printf("\ti = %d\n", i); if (i >= sd.nonHiddenFields()) return null; assert(i < elements.dim); e = (*elements)[i]; if (e) { //printf("e = %s, e.type = %s\n", e.toChars(), e.type.toChars()); /* If type is a static array, and e is an initializer for that array, * then the field initializer should be an array literal of e. */ auto tsa = type.isTypeSArray(); if (tsa && e.type.castMod(0) != type.castMod(0)) { const length = cast(size_t)tsa.dim.toInteger(); auto z = new Expressions(length); foreach (ref q; *z) q = e.copy(); e = new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, type, z); } else { e = e.copy(); e.type = type; } if (useStaticInit && e.type.needsNested()) if (auto se = e.isStructLiteralExp()) { se.useStaticInit = true; } } } return e; } /************************************ * Get index of field. * Returns -1 if not found. */ int getFieldIndex(Type type, uint offset) { /* Find which field offset is by looking at the field offsets */ if (elements.dim) { const sz = type.size(); if (sz == SIZE_INVALID) return -1; foreach (i, v; sd.fields) { if (offset == v.offset && sz == v.type.size()) { /* context fields might not be filled. */ if (i >= sd.nonHiddenFields()) return cast(int)i; if (auto e = (*elements)[i]) { return cast(int)i; } break; } } } return -1; } override Expression addDtorHook(Scope* sc) { /* If struct requires a destructor, rewrite as: * (S tmp = S()),tmp * so that the destructor can be hung on tmp. */ if (sd.dtor && sc.func) { /* Make an identifier for the temporary of the form: * __sl%s%d, where %s is the struct name */ char[10] buf = void; const prefix = "__sl"; const ident = sd.ident.toString; const fullLen = prefix.length + ident.length; const len = fullLen < buf.length ? fullLen : buf.length; buf[0 .. prefix.length] = prefix; buf[prefix.length .. len] = ident[0 .. len - prefix.length]; auto tmp = copyToTemp(0, buf[0 .. len], this); Expression ae = new DeclarationExp(loc, tmp); Expression e = new CommaExp(loc, ae, new VarExp(loc, tmp)); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); return e; } return this; } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile) return this; // C struct literals are lvalues else return Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * C11 * ( type-name ) { initializer-list } */ extern (C++) final class CompoundLiteralExp : Expression { Initializer initializer; /// initializer-list extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type type_name, Initializer initializer) { super(loc, EXP.compoundLiteral, __traits(classInstanceSize, CompoundLiteralExp)); super.type = type_name; this.initializer = initializer; //printf("CompoundLiteralExp::CompoundLiteralExp(%s)\n", toChars()); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Mainly just a placeholder */ extern (C++) final class TypeExp : Expression { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type type) { super(loc, EXP.type, __traits(classInstanceSize, TypeExp)); //printf("TypeExp::TypeExp(%s)\n", type.toChars()); this.type = type; } override TypeExp syntaxCopy() { return new TypeExp(loc, type.syntaxCopy()); } override bool checkType() { error("type `%s` is not an expression", toChars()); return true; } override bool checkValue() { error("type `%s` has no value", toChars()); return true; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Mainly just a placeholder of * Package, Module, Nspace, and TemplateInstance (including TemplateMixin) * * A template instance that requires IFTI: * foo!tiargs(fargs) // foo!tiargs * is left until CallExp::semantic() or resolveProperties() */ extern (C++) final class ScopeExp : Expression { ScopeDsymbol sds; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, ScopeDsymbol sds) { super(loc, EXP.scope_, __traits(classInstanceSize, ScopeExp)); //printf("ScopeExp::ScopeExp(sds = '%s')\n", sds.toChars()); //static int count; if (++count == 38) *(char*)0=0; this.sds = sds; assert(!sds.isTemplateDeclaration()); // instead, you should use TemplateExp } override ScopeExp syntaxCopy() { return new ScopeExp(loc, sds.syntaxCopy(null)); } override bool checkType() { if (sds.isPackage()) { error("%s `%s` has no type", sds.kind(), sds.toChars()); return true; } if (auto ti = sds.isTemplateInstance()) { //assert(ti.needsTypeInference(sc)); if (ti.tempdecl && ti.semantictiargsdone && ti.semanticRun == PASS.initial) { error("partial %s `%s` has no type", sds.kind(), toChars()); return true; } } return false; } override bool checkValue() { error("%s `%s` has no value", sds.kind(), sds.toChars()); return true; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Mainly just a placeholder */ extern (C++) final class TemplateExp : Expression { TemplateDeclaration td; FuncDeclaration fd; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, TemplateDeclaration td, FuncDeclaration fd = null) { super(loc, EXP.template_, __traits(classInstanceSize, TemplateExp)); //printf("TemplateExp(): %s\n", td.toChars()); this.td = td; this.fd = fd; } override bool isLvalue() { return fd !is null; } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (!fd) return Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); assert(sc); return symbolToExp(fd, loc, sc, true); } override bool checkType() { error("%s `%s` has no type", td.kind(), toChars()); return true; } override bool checkValue() { error("%s `%s` has no value", td.kind(), toChars()); return true; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * newtype(arguments) */ extern (C++) final class NewExp : Expression { Expression thisexp; // if !=null, 'this' for class being allocated Type newtype; Expressions* arguments; // Array of Expression's Expression argprefix; // expression to be evaluated just before arguments[] CtorDeclaration member; // constructor function bool onstack; // allocate on stack bool thrownew; // this NewExp is the expression of a ThrowStatement extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression thisexp, Type newtype, Expressions* arguments) { super(loc, EXP.new_, __traits(classInstanceSize, NewExp)); this.thisexp = thisexp; this.newtype = newtype; this.arguments = arguments; } static NewExp create(const ref Loc loc, Expression thisexp, Type newtype, Expressions* arguments) { return new NewExp(loc, thisexp, newtype, arguments); } override NewExp syntaxCopy() { return new NewExp(loc, thisexp ? thisexp.syntaxCopy() : null, newtype.syntaxCopy(), arraySyntaxCopy(arguments)); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * class baseclasses { } (arguments) */ extern (C++) final class NewAnonClassExp : Expression { Expression thisexp; // if !=null, 'this' for class being allocated ClassDeclaration cd; // class being instantiated Expressions* arguments; // Array of Expression's to call class constructor extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression thisexp, ClassDeclaration cd, Expressions* arguments) { super(loc, EXP.newAnonymousClass, __traits(classInstanceSize, NewAnonClassExp)); this.thisexp = thisexp; this.cd = cd; this.arguments = arguments; } override NewAnonClassExp syntaxCopy() { return new NewAnonClassExp(loc, thisexp ? thisexp.syntaxCopy() : null, cd.syntaxCopy(null), arraySyntaxCopy(arguments)); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** */ extern (C++) class SymbolExp : Expression { Declaration var; Dsymbol originalScope; // original scope before inlining bool hasOverloads; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, EXP op, int size, Declaration var, bool hasOverloads) { super(loc, op, size); assert(var); this.var = var; this.hasOverloads = hasOverloads; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Offset from symbol */ extern (C++) final class SymOffExp : SymbolExp { dinteger_t offset; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Declaration var, dinteger_t offset, bool hasOverloads = true) { if (auto v = var.isVarDeclaration()) { // FIXME: This error report will never be handled anyone. // It should be done before the SymOffExp construction. if (v.needThis()) .error(loc, "need `this` for address of `%s`", v.toChars()); hasOverloads = false; } super(loc, EXP.symbolOffset, __traits(classInstanceSize, SymOffExp), var, hasOverloads); this.offset = offset; } override Optional!bool toBool() { return typeof(return)(true); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Variable */ extern (C++) final class VarExp : SymbolExp { bool delegateWasExtracted; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Declaration var, bool hasOverloads = true) { if (var.isVarDeclaration()) hasOverloads = false; super(loc, EXP.variable, __traits(classInstanceSize, VarExp), var, hasOverloads); //printf("VarExp(this = %p, '%s', loc = %s)\n", this, var.toChars(), loc.toChars()); //if (strcmp(var.ident.toChars(), "func") == 0) assert(0); this.type = var.type; } static VarExp create(const ref Loc loc, Declaration var, bool hasOverloads = true) { return new VarExp(loc, var, hasOverloads); } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (this == o) return true; if (auto ne = o.isExpression().isVarExp()) { if (type.toHeadMutable().equals(ne.type.toHeadMutable()) && var == ne.var) { return true; } } return false; } override bool isLvalue() { if (var.storage_class & (STC.lazy_ | STC.rvalue | STC.manifest)) return false; return true; } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (var.storage_class & STC.manifest) { error("manifest constant `%s` cannot be modified", var.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } if (var.storage_class & STC.lazy_ && !delegateWasExtracted) { error("lazy variable `%s` cannot be modified", var.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } if (var.ident == Id.ctfe) { error("cannot modify compiler-generated variable `__ctfe`"); return ErrorExp.get(); } if (var.ident == Id.dollar) // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13574 { error("cannot modify operator `$`"); return ErrorExp.get(); } return this; } override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { //printf("VarExp::modifiableLvalue('%s')\n", var.toChars()); if (var.storage_class & STC.manifest) { error("cannot modify manifest constant `%s`", toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } // See if this expression is a modifiable lvalue (i.e. not const) return Expression.modifiableLvalue(sc, e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Overload Set */ extern (C++) final class OverExp : Expression { OverloadSet vars; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, OverloadSet s) { super(loc, EXP.overloadSet, __traits(classInstanceSize, OverExp)); //printf("OverExp(this = %p, '%s')\n", this, var.toChars()); vars = s; type = Type.tvoid; } override bool isLvalue() { return true; } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Function/Delegate literal */ extern (C++) final class FuncExp : Expression { FuncLiteralDeclaration fd; TemplateDeclaration td; TOK tok; // TOK.reserved, TOK.delegate_, TOK.function_ extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Dsymbol s) { super(loc, EXP.function_, __traits(classInstanceSize, FuncExp)); this.td = s.isTemplateDeclaration(); this.fd = s.isFuncLiteralDeclaration(); if (td) { assert(td.literal); assert(td.members && td.members.dim == 1); fd = (*td.members)[0].isFuncLiteralDeclaration(); } tok = fd.tok; // save original kind of function/delegate/(infer) assert(fd.fbody); } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (this == o) return true; auto e = o.isExpression(); if (!e) return false; if (auto fe = e.isFuncExp()) { return fd == fe.fd; } return false; } extern (D) void genIdent(Scope* sc) { if (fd.ident == Id.empty) { const(char)[] s; if (fd.fes) s = "__foreachbody"; else if (fd.tok == TOK.reserved) s = "__lambda"; else if (fd.tok == TOK.delegate_) s = "__dgliteral"; else s = "__funcliteral"; DsymbolTable symtab; if (FuncDeclaration func = sc.parent.isFuncDeclaration()) { if (func.localsymtab is null) { // Inside template constraint, symtab is not set yet. // Initialize it lazily. func.localsymtab = new DsymbolTable(); } symtab = func.localsymtab; } else { ScopeDsymbol sds = sc.parent.isScopeDsymbol(); if (!sds.symtab) { // Inside template constraint, symtab may not be set yet. // Initialize it lazily. assert(sds.isTemplateInstance()); sds.symtab = new DsymbolTable(); } symtab = sds.symtab; } assert(symtab); Identifier id = Identifier.generateId(s, symtab.length() + 1); fd.ident = id; if (td) td.ident = id; symtab.insert(td ? cast(Dsymbol)td : cast(Dsymbol)fd); } } override FuncExp syntaxCopy() { if (td) return new FuncExp(loc, td.syntaxCopy(null)); else if (fd.semanticRun == PASS.initial) return new FuncExp(loc, fd.syntaxCopy(null)); else // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13481 // Prevent multiple semantic analysis of lambda body. return new FuncExp(loc, fd); } extern (D) MATCH matchType(Type to, Scope* sc, FuncExp* presult, int flag = 0) { static MATCH cannotInfer(Expression e, Type to, int flag) { if (!flag) e.error("cannot infer parameter types from `%s`", to.toChars()); return MATCH.nomatch; } //printf("FuncExp::matchType('%s'), to=%s\n", type ? type.toChars() : "null", to.toChars()); if (presult) *presult = null; TypeFunction tof = null; if (to.ty == Tdelegate) { if (tok == TOK.function_) { if (!flag) error("cannot match function literal to delegate type `%s`", to.toChars()); return MATCH.nomatch; } tof = cast(TypeFunction)to.nextOf(); } else if (to.ty == Tpointer && (tof = to.nextOf().isTypeFunction()) !is null) { if (tok == TOK.delegate_) { if (!flag) error("cannot match delegate literal to function pointer type `%s`", to.toChars()); return MATCH.nomatch; } } if (td) { if (!tof) { return cannotInfer(this, to, flag); } // Parameter types inference from 'tof' assert(td._scope); TypeFunction tf = fd.type.isTypeFunction(); //printf("\ttof = %s\n", tof.toChars()); //printf("\ttf = %s\n", tf.toChars()); const dim = tf.parameterList.length; if (tof.parameterList.length != dim || tof.parameterList.varargs != tf.parameterList.varargs) return cannotInfer(this, to, flag); auto tiargs = new Objects(); tiargs.reserve(td.parameters.dim); foreach (tp; *td.parameters) { size_t u = 0; foreach (i, p; tf.parameterList) { if (auto ti = p.type.isTypeIdentifier()) if (ti && ti.ident == tp.ident) break; ++u; } assert(u < dim); Parameter pto = tof.parameterList[u]; Type t = pto.type; if (t.ty == Terror) return cannotInfer(this, to, flag); tiargs.push(t); } // Set target of return type inference if (!tf.next && tof.next) fd.treq = to; auto ti = new TemplateInstance(loc, td, tiargs); Expression ex = (new ScopeExp(loc, ti)).expressionSemantic(td._scope); // Reset inference target for the later re-semantic fd.treq = null; if (ex.op == EXP.error) return MATCH.nomatch; if (auto ef = ex.isFuncExp()) return ef.matchType(to, sc, presult, flag); else return cannotInfer(this, to, flag); } if (!tof || !tof.next) return MATCH.nomatch; assert(type && type != Type.tvoid); if (fd.type.ty == Terror) return MATCH.nomatch; auto tfx = fd.type.isTypeFunction(); bool convertMatch = (type.ty != to.ty); if (fd.inferRetType && tfx.next.implicitConvTo(tof.next) == MATCH.convert) { /* If return type is inferred and covariant return, * tweak return statements to required return type. * * interface I {} * class C : Object, I{} * * I delegate() dg = delegate() { return new class C(); } */ convertMatch = true; auto tfy = new TypeFunction(tfx.parameterList, tof.next, tfx.linkage, STC.undefined_); tfy.mod = tfx.mod; tfy.trust = tfx.trust; tfy.isnothrow = tfx.isnothrow; tfy.isnogc = tfx.isnogc; tfy.purity = tfx.purity; tfy.isproperty = tfx.isproperty; tfy.isref = tfx.isref; tfy.isInOutParam = tfx.isInOutParam; tfy.isInOutQual = tfx.isInOutQual; tfy.deco = tfy.merge().deco; tfx = tfy; } Type tx; if (tok == TOK.delegate_ || tok == TOK.reserved && (type.ty == Tdelegate || type.ty == Tpointer && to.ty == Tdelegate)) { // Allow conversion from implicit function pointer to delegate tx = new TypeDelegate(tfx); tx.deco = tx.merge().deco; } else { assert(tok == TOK.function_ || tok == TOK.reserved && type.ty == Tpointer || fd.errors); tx = tfx.pointerTo(); } //printf("\ttx = %s, to = %s\n", tx.toChars(), to.toChars()); MATCH m = tx.implicitConvTo(to); if (m > MATCH.nomatch) { // MATCH.exact: exact type match // MATCH.constant: covairiant type match (eg. attributes difference) // MATCH.convert: context conversion m = convertMatch ? MATCH.convert : tx.equals(to) ? MATCH.exact : MATCH.constant; if (presult) { (*presult) = cast(FuncExp)copy(); (*presult).type = to; // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12508 // Tweak function body for covariant returns. (*presult).fd.modifyReturns(sc, tof.next); } } else if (!flag) { auto ts = toAutoQualChars(tx, to); error("cannot implicitly convert expression `%s` of type `%s` to `%s`", toChars(), ts[0], ts[1]); } return m; } override const(char)* toChars() const { return fd.toChars(); } override bool checkType() { if (td) { error("template lambda has no type"); return true; } return false; } override bool checkValue() { if (td) { error("template lambda has no value"); return true; } return false; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Declaration of a symbol * * D grammar allows declarations only as statements. However in AST representation * it can be part of any expression. This is used, for example, during internal * syntax re-writes to inject hidden symbols. */ extern (C++) final class DeclarationExp : Expression { Dsymbol declaration; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Dsymbol declaration) { super(loc, EXP.declaration, __traits(classInstanceSize, DeclarationExp)); this.declaration = declaration; } override DeclarationExp syntaxCopy() { return new DeclarationExp(loc, declaration.syntaxCopy(null)); } override bool hasCode() { if (auto vd = declaration.isVarDeclaration()) { return !(vd.storage_class & (STC.manifest | STC.static_)); } return false; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * typeid(int) */ extern (C++) final class TypeidExp : Expression { RootObject obj; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, RootObject o) { super(loc, EXP.typeid_, __traits(classInstanceSize, TypeidExp)); this.obj = o; } override TypeidExp syntaxCopy() { return new TypeidExp(loc, objectSyntaxCopy(obj)); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * __traits(identifier, args...) */ extern (C++) final class TraitsExp : Expression { Identifier ident; Objects* args; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Objects* args) { super(loc, EXP.traits, __traits(classInstanceSize, TraitsExp)); this.ident = ident; this.args = args; } override TraitsExp syntaxCopy() { return new TraitsExp(loc, ident, TemplateInstance.arraySyntaxCopy(args)); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Generates a halt instruction * * `assert(0)` gets rewritten to this with `CHECKACTION.halt` */ extern (C++) final class HaltExp : Expression { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc) { super(loc, EXP.halt, __traits(classInstanceSize, HaltExp)); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * is(targ id tok tspec) * is(targ id == tok2) */ extern (C++) final class IsExp : Expression { Type targ; Identifier id; // can be null Type tspec; // can be null TemplateParameters* parameters; TOK tok; // ':' or '==' TOK tok2; // 'struct', 'union', etc. extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type targ, Identifier id, TOK tok, Type tspec, TOK tok2, TemplateParameters* parameters) { super(loc, EXP.is_, __traits(classInstanceSize, IsExp)); this.targ = targ; this.id = id; this.tok = tok; this.tspec = tspec; this.tok2 = tok2; this.parameters = parameters; } override IsExp syntaxCopy() { // This section is identical to that in TemplateDeclaration::syntaxCopy() TemplateParameters* p = null; if (parameters) { p = new TemplateParameters(parameters.dim); foreach (i, el; *parameters) (*p)[i] = el.syntaxCopy(); } return new IsExp(loc, targ.syntaxCopy(), id, tok, tspec ? tspec.syntaxCopy() : null, tok2, p); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Base class for unary operators * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#unary-expression */ extern (C++) abstract class UnaExp : Expression { Expression e1; Type att1; // Save alias this type to detect recursion extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, EXP op, int size, Expression e1) { super(loc, op, size); this.e1 = e1; } override UnaExp syntaxCopy() { UnaExp e = cast(UnaExp)copy(); e.type = null; e.e1 = e.e1.syntaxCopy(); return e; } /******************************** * The type for a unary expression is incompatible. * Print error message. * Returns: * ErrorExp */ final Expression incompatibleTypes() { if (e1.type.toBasetype() == Type.terror) return e1; if (e1.op == EXP.type) { error("incompatible type for `%s(%s)`: cannot use `%s` with types", EXPtoString(op).ptr, e1.toChars(), EXPtoString(op).ptr); } else { error("incompatible type for `%s(%s)`: `%s`", EXPtoString(op).ptr, e1.toChars(), e1.type.toChars()); } return ErrorExp.get(); } /********************* * Mark the operand as will never be dereferenced, * which is useful info for @safe checks. * Do before semantic() on operands rewrites them. */ final void setNoderefOperand() { if (auto edi = e1.isDotIdExp()) edi.noderef = true; } override final Expression resolveLoc(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc) { e1 = e1.resolveLoc(loc, sc); return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } alias fp_t = UnionExp function(const ref Loc loc, Type, Expression, Expression); alias fp2_t = bool function(const ref Loc loc, EXP, Expression, Expression); /*********************************************************** * Base class for binary operators */ extern (C++) abstract class BinExp : Expression { Expression e1; Expression e2; Type att1; // Save alias this type to detect recursion Type att2; // Save alias this type to detect recursion extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, EXP op, int size, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, op, size); this.e1 = e1; this.e2 = e2; } override BinExp syntaxCopy() { BinExp e = cast(BinExp)copy(); e.type = null; e.e1 = e.e1.syntaxCopy(); e.e2 = e.e2.syntaxCopy(); return e; } /******************************** * The types for a binary expression are incompatible. * Print error message. * Returns: * ErrorExp */ final Expression incompatibleTypes() { if (e1.type.toBasetype() == Type.terror) return e1; if (e2.type.toBasetype() == Type.terror) return e2; // CondExp uses 'a ? b : c' but we're comparing 'b : c' const(char)* thisOp = (op == EXP.question) ? ":" : EXPtoString(op).ptr; if (e1.op == EXP.type || e2.op == EXP.type) { error("incompatible types for `(%s) %s (%s)`: cannot use `%s` with types", e1.toChars(), thisOp, e2.toChars(), EXPtoString(op).ptr); } else if (e1.type.equals(e2.type)) { error("incompatible types for `(%s) %s (%s)`: both operands are of type `%s`", e1.toChars(), thisOp, e2.toChars(), e1.type.toChars()); } else { auto ts = toAutoQualChars(e1.type, e2.type); error("incompatible types for `(%s) %s (%s)`: `%s` and `%s`", e1.toChars(), thisOp, e2.toChars(), ts[0], ts[1]); } return ErrorExp.get(); } extern (D) final Expression checkOpAssignTypes(Scope* sc) { // At that point t1 and t2 are the merged types. type is the original type of the lhs. Type t1 = e1.type; Type t2 = e2.type; // T opAssign floating yields a floating. Prevent truncating conversions (float to int). // See issue 3841. // Should we also prevent double to float (type.isfloating() && type.size() < t2.size()) ? if (op == EXP.addAssign || op == EXP.minAssign || op == EXP.mulAssign || op == EXP.divAssign || op == EXP.modAssign || op == EXP.powAssign) { if ((type.isintegral() && t2.isfloating())) { warning("`%s %s %s` is performing truncating conversion", type.toChars(), EXPtoString(op).ptr, t2.toChars()); } } // generate an error if this is a nonsensical *=,/=, or %=, eg real *= imaginary if (op == EXP.mulAssign || op == EXP.divAssign || op == EXP.modAssign) { // Any multiplication by an imaginary or complex number yields a complex result. // r *= c, i*=c, r*=i, i*=i are all forbidden operations. const(char)* opstr = EXPtoString(op).ptr; if (t1.isreal() && t2.iscomplex()) { error("`%s %s %s` is undefined. Did you mean `%s %s %s.re`?", t1.toChars(), opstr, t2.toChars(), t1.toChars(), opstr, t2.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } else if (t1.isimaginary() && t2.iscomplex()) { error("`%s %s %s` is undefined. Did you mean `%s %s %s.im`?", t1.toChars(), opstr, t2.toChars(), t1.toChars(), opstr, t2.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } else if ((t1.isreal() || t1.isimaginary()) && t2.isimaginary()) { error("`%s %s %s` is an undefined operation", t1.toChars(), opstr, t2.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } } // generate an error if this is a nonsensical += or -=, eg real += imaginary if (op == EXP.addAssign || op == EXP.minAssign) { // Addition or subtraction of a real and an imaginary is a complex result. // Thus, r+=i, r+=c, i+=r, i+=c are all forbidden operations. if ((t1.isreal() && (t2.isimaginary() || t2.iscomplex())) || (t1.isimaginary() && (t2.isreal() || t2.iscomplex()))) { error("`%s %s %s` is undefined (result is complex)", t1.toChars(), EXPtoString(op).ptr, t2.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } if (type.isreal() || type.isimaginary()) { assert(global.errors || t2.isfloating()); e2 = e2.castTo(sc, t1); } } if (op == EXP.mulAssign) { if (t2.isfloating()) { if (t1.isreal()) { if (t2.isimaginary() || t2.iscomplex()) { e2 = e2.castTo(sc, t1); } } else if (t1.isimaginary()) { if (t2.isimaginary() || t2.iscomplex()) { switch (t1.ty) { case Timaginary32: t2 = Type.tfloat32; break; case Timaginary64: t2 = Type.tfloat64; break; case Timaginary80: t2 = Type.tfloat80; break; default: assert(0); } e2 = e2.castTo(sc, t2); } } } } else if (op == EXP.divAssign) { if (t2.isimaginary()) { if (t1.isreal()) { // x/iv = i(-x/v) // Therefore, the result is 0 e2 = new CommaExp(loc, e2, new RealExp(loc, CTFloat.zero, t1)); e2.type = t1; Expression e = new AssignExp(loc, e1, e2); e.type = t1; return e; } else if (t1.isimaginary()) { Type t3; switch (t1.ty) { case Timaginary32: t3 = Type.tfloat32; break; case Timaginary64: t3 = Type.tfloat64; break; case Timaginary80: t3 = Type.tfloat80; break; default: assert(0); } e2 = e2.castTo(sc, t3); Expression e = new AssignExp(loc, e1, e2); e.type = t1; return e; } } } else if (op == EXP.modAssign) { if (t2.iscomplex()) { error("cannot perform modulo complex arithmetic"); return ErrorExp.get(); } } return this; } extern (D) final bool checkIntegralBin() { bool r1 = e1.checkIntegral(); bool r2 = e2.checkIntegral(); return (r1 || r2); } extern (D) final bool checkArithmeticBin() { bool r1 = e1.checkArithmetic(); bool r2 = e2.checkArithmetic(); return (r1 || r2); } extern (D) final bool checkSharedAccessBin(Scope* sc) { const r1 = e1.checkSharedAccess(sc); const r2 = e2.checkSharedAccess(sc); return (r1 || r2); } /********************* * Mark the operands as will never be dereferenced, * which is useful info for @safe checks. * Do before semantic() on operands rewrites them. */ final void setNoderefOperands() { if (auto edi = e1.isDotIdExp()) edi.noderef = true; if (auto edi = e2.isDotIdExp()) edi.noderef = true; } final Expression reorderSettingAAElem(Scope* sc) { BinExp be = this; auto ie = be.e1.isIndexExp(); if (!ie) return be; if (ie.e1.type.toBasetype().ty != Taarray) return be; /* Fix evaluation order of setting AA element * https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3825 * Rewrite: * aa[k1][k2][k3] op= val; * as: * auto ref __aatmp = aa; * auto ref __aakey3 = k1, __aakey2 = k2, __aakey1 = k3; * auto ref __aaval = val; * __aatmp[__aakey3][__aakey2][__aakey1] op= __aaval; // assignment */ Expression e0; while (1) { Expression de; ie.e2 = extractSideEffect(sc, "__aakey", de, ie.e2); e0 = Expression.combine(de, e0); auto ie1 = ie.e1.isIndexExp(); if (!ie1 || ie1.e1.type.toBasetype().ty != Taarray) { break; } ie = ie1; } assert(ie.e1.type.toBasetype().ty == Taarray); Expression de; ie.e1 = extractSideEffect(sc, "__aatmp", de, ie.e1); e0 = Expression.combine(de, e0); be.e2 = extractSideEffect(sc, "__aaval", e0, be.e2, true); //printf("-e0 = %s, be = %s\n", e0.toChars(), be.toChars()); return Expression.combine(e0, be); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Binary operator assignment, `+=` `-=` `*=` etc. */ extern (C++) class BinAssignExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, EXP op, int size, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, op, size, e1, e2); } override final bool isLvalue() { return true; } override final Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression ex) { // Lvalue-ness will be handled in glue layer. return this; } override final Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { // should check e1.checkModifiable() ? return toLvalue(sc, this); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * A string mixin, `mixin("x")` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#mixin_expressions */ extern (C++) final class MixinExp : Expression { Expressions* exps; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expressions* exps) { super(loc, EXP.mixin_, __traits(classInstanceSize, MixinExp)); this.exps = exps; } override MixinExp syntaxCopy() { return new MixinExp(loc, arraySyntaxCopy(exps)); } override bool equals(const RootObject o) const { if (this == o) return true; auto e = o.isExpression(); if (!e) return false; if (auto ce = e.isMixinExp()) { if (exps.dim != ce.exps.dim) return false; foreach (i, e1; *exps) { auto e2 = (*ce.exps)[i]; if (e1 != e2 && (!e1 || !e2 || !e1.equals(e2))) return false; } return true; } return false; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * An import expression, `import("file.txt")` * * Not to be confused with module imports, `import std.stdio`, which is an `ImportStatement` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#import_expressions */ extern (C++) final class ImportExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, EXP.import_, __traits(classInstanceSize, ImportExp), e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * An assert expression, `assert(x == y)` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#assert_expressions */ extern (C++) final class AssertExp : UnaExp { Expression msg; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Expression msg = null) { super(loc, EXP.assert_, __traits(classInstanceSize, AssertExp), e); this.msg = msg; } override AssertExp syntaxCopy() { return new AssertExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy(), msg ? msg.syntaxCopy() : null); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `throw ` as proposed by DIP 1034. * * Replacement for the deprecated `ThrowStatement` that can be nested * in other expression. */ extern (C++) final class ThrowExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, EXP.throw_, __traits(classInstanceSize, ThrowExp), e); this.type = Type.tnoreturn; } override ThrowExp syntaxCopy() { return new ThrowExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy()); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** */ extern (C++) final class DotIdExp : UnaExp { Identifier ident; bool noderef; // true if the result of the expression will never be dereferenced bool wantsym; // do not replace Symbol with its initializer during semantic() bool arrow; // ImportC: if -> instead of . extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Identifier ident) { super(loc, EXP.dotIdentifier, __traits(classInstanceSize, DotIdExp), e); this.ident = ident; } static DotIdExp create(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Identifier ident) { return new DotIdExp(loc, e, ident); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Mainly just a placeholder */ extern (C++) final class DotTemplateExp : UnaExp { TemplateDeclaration td; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, TemplateDeclaration td) { super(loc, EXP.dotTemplateDeclaration, __traits(classInstanceSize, DotTemplateExp), e); this.td = td; } override bool checkType() { error("%s `%s` has no type", td.kind(), toChars()); return true; } override bool checkValue() { error("%s `%s` has no value", td.kind(), toChars()); return true; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** */ extern (C++) final class DotVarExp : UnaExp { Declaration var; bool hasOverloads; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Declaration var, bool hasOverloads = true) { if (var.isVarDeclaration()) hasOverloads = false; super(loc, EXP.dotVariable, __traits(classInstanceSize, DotVarExp), e); //printf("DotVarExp()\n"); this.var = var; this.hasOverloads = hasOverloads; } override bool isLvalue() { if (e1.op != EXP.structLiteral) return true; auto vd = var.isVarDeclaration(); return !(vd && vd.isField()); } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { //printf("DotVarExp::toLvalue(%s)\n", toChars()); if (sc && sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile) { /* C11 A postfix expression followed by the '.' or '->' operator * is an lvalue if the first expression is an lvalue. */ if (!e1.isLvalue()) return Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); } if (!isLvalue()) return Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); if (e1.op == EXP.this_ && sc.ctorflow.fieldinit.length && !(sc.ctorflow.callSuper & CSX.any_ctor)) { if (VarDeclaration vd = var.isVarDeclaration()) { auto ad = vd.isMember2(); if (ad && ad.fields.dim == sc.ctorflow.fieldinit.length) { foreach (i, f; ad.fields) { if (f == vd) { if (!(sc.ctorflow.fieldinit[i].csx & CSX.this_ctor)) { /* If the address of vd is taken, assume it is thereby initialized * https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15869 */ modifyFieldVar(loc, sc, vd, e1); } break; } } } } } return this; } override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { version (none) { printf("DotVarExp::modifiableLvalue(%s)\n", toChars()); printf("e1.type = %s\n", e1.type.toChars()); printf("var.type = %s\n", var.type.toChars()); } return Expression.modifiableLvalue(sc, e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * foo.bar!(args) */ extern (C++) final class DotTemplateInstanceExp : UnaExp { TemplateInstance ti; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Identifier name, Objects* tiargs) { super(loc, EXP.dotTemplateInstance, __traits(classInstanceSize, DotTemplateInstanceExp), e); //printf("DotTemplateInstanceExp()\n"); this.ti = new TemplateInstance(loc, name, tiargs); } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, TemplateInstance ti) { super(loc, EXP.dotTemplateInstance, __traits(classInstanceSize, DotTemplateInstanceExp), e); this.ti = ti; } override DotTemplateInstanceExp syntaxCopy() { return new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy(), ti.name, TemplateInstance.arraySyntaxCopy(ti.tiargs)); } bool findTempDecl(Scope* sc) { static if (LOGSEMANTIC) { printf("DotTemplateInstanceExp::findTempDecl('%s')\n", toChars()); } if (ti.tempdecl) return true; Expression e = new DotIdExp(loc, e1, ti.name); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); if (e.op == EXP.dot) e = (cast(DotExp)e).e2; Dsymbol s = null; switch (e.op) { case EXP.overloadSet: s = (cast(OverExp)e).vars; break; case EXP.dotTemplateDeclaration: s = (cast(DotTemplateExp)e).td; break; case EXP.scope_: s = (cast(ScopeExp)e).sds; break; case EXP.dotVariable: s = (cast(DotVarExp)e).var; break; case EXP.variable: s = (cast(VarExp)e).var; break; default: return false; } return ti.updateTempDecl(sc, s); } override bool checkType() { // Same logic as ScopeExp.checkType() if (ti.tempdecl && ti.semantictiargsdone && ti.semanticRun == PASS.initial) { error("partial %s `%s` has no type", ti.kind(), toChars()); return true; } return false; } override bool checkValue() { if (ti.tempdecl && ti.semantictiargsdone && ti.semanticRun == PASS.initial) error("partial %s `%s` has no value", ti.kind(), toChars()); else error("%s `%s` has no value", ti.kind(), ti.toChars()); return true; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** */ extern (C++) final class DelegateExp : UnaExp { FuncDeclaration func; bool hasOverloads; VarDeclaration vthis2; // container for multi-context extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, FuncDeclaration f, bool hasOverloads = true, VarDeclaration vthis2 = null) { super(loc, EXP.delegate_, __traits(classInstanceSize, DelegateExp), e); this.func = f; this.hasOverloads = hasOverloads; this.vthis2 = vthis2; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** */ extern (C++) final class DotTypeExp : UnaExp { Dsymbol sym; // symbol that represents a type extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Dsymbol s) { super(loc, EXP.dotType, __traits(classInstanceSize, DotTypeExp), e); this.sym = s; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** */ extern (C++) final class CallExp : UnaExp { Expressions* arguments; // function arguments FuncDeclaration f; // symbol to call bool directcall; // true if a virtual call is devirtualized bool inDebugStatement; /// true if this was in a debug statement bool ignoreAttributes; /// don't enforce attributes (e.g. call @gc function in @nogc code) VarDeclaration vthis2; // container for multi-context extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Expressions* exps) { super(loc, EXP.call, __traits(classInstanceSize, CallExp), e); this.arguments = exps; } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, EXP.call, __traits(classInstanceSize, CallExp), e); } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Expression earg1) { super(loc, EXP.call, __traits(classInstanceSize, CallExp), e); this.arguments = new Expressions(); if (earg1) this.arguments.push(earg1); } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Expression earg1, Expression earg2) { super(loc, EXP.call, __traits(classInstanceSize, CallExp), e); auto arguments = new Expressions(2); (*arguments)[0] = earg1; (*arguments)[1] = earg2; this.arguments = arguments; } /*********************************************************** * Instatiates a new function call expression * Params: * loc = location * fd = the declaration of the function to call * earg1 = the function argument */ extern(D) this(const ref Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expression earg1) { this(loc, new VarExp(loc, fd, false), earg1); this.f = fd; } static CallExp create(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Expressions* exps) { return new CallExp(loc, e, exps); } static CallExp create(const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { return new CallExp(loc, e); } static CallExp create(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Expression earg1) { return new CallExp(loc, e, earg1); } /*********************************************************** * Creates a new function call expression * Params: * loc = location * fd = the declaration of the function to call * earg1 = the function argument */ static CallExp create(const ref Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expression earg1) { return new CallExp(loc, fd, earg1); } override CallExp syntaxCopy() { return new CallExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy(), arraySyntaxCopy(arguments)); } override bool isLvalue() { Type tb = e1.type.toBasetype(); if (tb.ty == Tdelegate || tb.ty == Tpointer) tb = tb.nextOf(); auto tf = tb.isTypeFunction(); if (tf && tf.isref) { if (auto dve = e1.isDotVarExp()) if (dve.var.isCtorDeclaration()) return false; return true; // function returns a reference } return false; } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (isLvalue()) return this; return Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); } override Expression addDtorHook(Scope* sc) { /* Only need to add dtor hook if it's a type that needs destruction. * Use same logic as VarDeclaration::callScopeDtor() */ if (auto tf = e1.type.isTypeFunction()) { if (tf.isref) return this; } Type tv = type.baseElemOf(); if (auto ts = tv.isTypeStruct()) { StructDeclaration sd = ts.sym; if (sd.dtor) { /* Type needs destruction, so declare a tmp * which the back end will recognize and call dtor on */ auto tmp = copyToTemp(0, "__tmpfordtor", this); auto de = new DeclarationExp(loc, tmp); auto ve = new VarExp(loc, tmp); Expression e = new CommaExp(loc, de, ve); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); return e; } } return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } FuncDeclaration isFuncAddress(Expression e, bool* hasOverloads = null) { if (auto ae = e.isAddrExp()) { auto ae1 = ae.e1; if (auto ve = ae1.isVarExp()) { if (hasOverloads) *hasOverloads = ve.hasOverloads; return ve.var.isFuncDeclaration(); } if (auto dve = ae1.isDotVarExp()) { if (hasOverloads) *hasOverloads = dve.hasOverloads; return dve.var.isFuncDeclaration(); } } else { if (auto soe = e.isSymOffExp()) { if (hasOverloads) *hasOverloads = soe.hasOverloads; return soe.var.isFuncDeclaration(); } if (auto dge = e.isDelegateExp()) { if (hasOverloads) *hasOverloads = dge.hasOverloads; return dge.func.isFuncDeclaration(); } } return null; } /*********************************************************** * The 'address of' operator, `&p` */ extern (C++) final class AddrExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, EXP.address, __traits(classInstanceSize, AddrExp), e); } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Type t) { this(loc, e); type = t; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The pointer dereference operator, `*p` */ extern (C++) final class PtrExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, EXP.star, __traits(classInstanceSize, PtrExp), e); //if (e.type) // type = ((TypePointer *)e.type).next; } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Type t) { super(loc, EXP.star, __traits(classInstanceSize, PtrExp), e); type = t; } override bool isLvalue() { return true; } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { return this; } override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { //printf("PtrExp::modifiableLvalue() %s, type %s\n", toChars(), type.toChars()); Declaration var; if (auto se = e1.isSymOffExp()) var = se.var; else if (auto ve = e1.isVarExp()) var = ve.var; if (var && var.type.isFunction_Delegate_PtrToFunction()) { if (var.type.isTypeFunction()) error("function `%s` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified", var.toChars()); else error("function pointed to by `%s` is not an lvalue and cannot be modified", var.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } return Expression.modifiableLvalue(sc, e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The negation operator, `-x` */ extern (C++) final class NegExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, EXP.negate, __traits(classInstanceSize, NegExp), e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The unary add operator, `+x` */ extern (C++) final class UAddExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, EXP.uadd, __traits(classInstanceSize, UAddExp), e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The bitwise complement operator, `~x` */ extern (C++) final class ComExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, EXP.tilde, __traits(classInstanceSize, ComExp), e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The logical not operator, `!x` */ extern (C++) final class NotExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, EXP.not, __traits(classInstanceSize, NotExp), e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The delete operator, `delete x` (deprecated) * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#delete_expressions */ extern (C++) final class DeleteExp : UnaExp { bool isRAII; // true if called automatically as a result of scoped destruction extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, bool isRAII) { super(loc, EXP.delete_, __traits(classInstanceSize, DeleteExp), e); this.isRAII = isRAII; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The type cast operator, `cast(T) x` * * It's possible to cast to one type while painting to another type * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#cast_expressions */ extern (C++) final class CastExp : UnaExp { Type to; // type to cast to ubyte mod = cast(ubyte)~0; // MODxxxxx extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Type t) { super(loc, EXP.cast_, __traits(classInstanceSize, CastExp), e); this.to = t; } /* For cast(const) and cast(immutable) */ extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, ubyte mod) { super(loc, EXP.cast_, __traits(classInstanceSize, CastExp), e); this.mod = mod; } override CastExp syntaxCopy() { return to ? new CastExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy(), to.syntaxCopy()) : new CastExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy(), mod); } override bool isLvalue() { //printf("e1.type = %s, to.type = %s\n", e1.type.toChars(), to.toChars()); if (!e1.isLvalue()) return false; return (to.ty == Tsarray && (e1.type.ty == Tvector || e1.type.ty == Tsarray)) || e1.type.mutableOf().unSharedOf().equals(to.mutableOf().unSharedOf()); } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (sc && sc.flags & SCOPE.Cfile) { /* C11 6.5.4-5: A cast does not yield an lvalue. */ return Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); } if (isLvalue()) return this; return Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); } override Expression addDtorHook(Scope* sc) { if (to.toBasetype().ty == Tvoid) // look past the cast(void) e1 = e1.addDtorHook(sc); return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** */ extern (C++) final class VectorExp : UnaExp { TypeVector to; // the target vector type before semantic() uint dim = ~0; // number of elements in the vector OwnedBy ownedByCtfe = OwnedBy.code; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Type t) { super(loc, EXP.vector, __traits(classInstanceSize, VectorExp), e); assert(t.ty == Tvector); to = cast(TypeVector)t; } static VectorExp create(const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Type t) { return new VectorExp(loc, e, t); } // Same as create, but doesn't allocate memory. static void emplace(UnionExp* pue, const ref Loc loc, Expression e, Type type) { emplaceExp!(VectorExp)(pue, loc, e, type); } override VectorExp syntaxCopy() { return new VectorExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy(), to.syntaxCopy()); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * e1.array property for vectors. * * https://dlang.org/spec/simd.html#properties */ extern (C++) final class VectorArrayExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1) { super(loc, EXP.vectorArray, __traits(classInstanceSize, VectorArrayExp), e1); } override bool isLvalue() { return e1.isLvalue(); } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { e1 = e1.toLvalue(sc, e); return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * e1 [lwr .. upr] * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#slice_expressions */ extern (C++) final class SliceExp : UnaExp { Expression upr; // null if implicit 0 Expression lwr; // null if implicit [length - 1] VarDeclaration lengthVar; bool upperIsInBounds; // true if upr <= e1.length bool lowerIsLessThanUpper; // true if lwr <= upr bool arrayop; // an array operation, rather than a slice /************************************************************/ extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, IntervalExp ie) { super(loc, EXP.slice, __traits(classInstanceSize, SliceExp), e1); this.upr = ie ? ie.upr : null; this.lwr = ie ? ie.lwr : null; } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression lwr, Expression upr) { super(loc, EXP.slice, __traits(classInstanceSize, SliceExp), e1); this.upr = upr; this.lwr = lwr; } override SliceExp syntaxCopy() { auto se = new SliceExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy(), lwr ? lwr.syntaxCopy() : null, upr ? upr.syntaxCopy() : null); se.lengthVar = this.lengthVar; // bug7871 return se; } override bool isLvalue() { /* slice expression is rvalue in default, but * conversion to reference of static array is only allowed. */ return (type && type.toBasetype().ty == Tsarray); } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { //printf("SliceExp::toLvalue(%s) type = %s\n", toChars(), type ? type.toChars() : NULL); return (type && type.toBasetype().ty == Tsarray) ? this : Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); } override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { error("slice expression `%s` is not a modifiable lvalue", toChars()); return this; } override Optional!bool toBool() { return e1.toBool(); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `.length` property of an array */ extern (C++) final class ArrayLengthExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1) { super(loc, EXP.arrayLength, __traits(classInstanceSize, ArrayLengthExp), e1); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * e1 [ a0, a1, a2, a3 ,... ] * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#index_expressions */ extern (C++) final class ArrayExp : UnaExp { Expressions* arguments; // Array of Expression's a0..an size_t currentDimension; // for opDollar VarDeclaration lengthVar; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression index = null) { super(loc, EXP.array, __traits(classInstanceSize, ArrayExp), e1); arguments = new Expressions(); if (index) arguments.push(index); } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expressions* args) { super(loc, EXP.array, __traits(classInstanceSize, ArrayExp), e1); arguments = args; } override ArrayExp syntaxCopy() { auto ae = new ArrayExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy(), arraySyntaxCopy(arguments)); ae.lengthVar = this.lengthVar; // bug7871 return ae; } override bool isLvalue() { if (type && type.toBasetype().ty == Tvoid) return false; return true; } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (type && type.toBasetype().ty == Tvoid) error("`void`s have no value"); return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** */ extern (C++) final class DotExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.dot, __traits(classInstanceSize, DotExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** */ extern (C++) final class CommaExp : BinExp { /// This is needed because AssignExp rewrites CommaExp, hence it needs /// to trigger the deprecation. const bool isGenerated; /// Temporary variable to enable / disable deprecation of comma expression /// depending on the context. /// Since most constructor calls are rewritting, the only place where /// false will be passed will be from the parser. bool allowCommaExp; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2, bool generated = true) { super(loc, EXP.comma, __traits(classInstanceSize, CommaExp), e1, e2); allowCommaExp = isGenerated = generated; } override bool isLvalue() { return e2.isLvalue(); } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { e2 = e2.toLvalue(sc, null); return this; } override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { e2 = e2.modifiableLvalue(sc, e); return this; } override Optional!bool toBool() { return e2.toBool(); } override Expression addDtorHook(Scope* sc) { e2 = e2.addDtorHook(sc); return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } /** * If the argument is a CommaExp, set a flag to prevent deprecation messages * * It's impossible to know from CommaExp.semantic if the result will * be used, hence when there is a result (type != void), a deprecation * message is always emitted. * However, some construct can produce a result but won't use it * (ExpStatement and for loop increment). Those should call this function * to prevent unwanted deprecations to be emitted. * * Params: * exp = An expression that discards its result. * If the argument is null or not a CommaExp, nothing happens. */ static void allow(Expression exp) { if (exp) if (auto ce = exp.isCommaExp()) ce.allowCommaExp = true; } } /*********************************************************** * Mainly just a placeholder */ extern (C++) final class IntervalExp : Expression { Expression lwr; Expression upr; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression lwr, Expression upr) { super(loc, EXP.interval, __traits(classInstanceSize, IntervalExp)); this.lwr = lwr; this.upr = upr; } override Expression syntaxCopy() { return new IntervalExp(loc, lwr.syntaxCopy(), upr.syntaxCopy()); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `dg.ptr` property, pointing to the delegate's 'context' * * c.f.`DelegateFuncptrExp` for the delegate's function pointer `dg.funcptr` */ extern (C++) final class DelegatePtrExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1) { super(loc, EXP.delegatePointer, __traits(classInstanceSize, DelegatePtrExp), e1); } override bool isLvalue() { return e1.isLvalue(); } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { e1 = e1.toLvalue(sc, e); return this; } override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (sc.func.setUnsafe()) { error("cannot modify delegate pointer in `@safe` code `%s`", toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } return Expression.modifiableLvalue(sc, e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `dg.funcptr` property, pointing to the delegate's function * * c.f.`DelegatePtrExp` for the delegate's function pointer `dg.ptr` */ extern (C++) final class DelegateFuncptrExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1) { super(loc, EXP.delegateFunctionPointer, __traits(classInstanceSize, DelegateFuncptrExp), e1); } override bool isLvalue() { return e1.isLvalue(); } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { e1 = e1.toLvalue(sc, e); return this; } override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (sc.func.setUnsafe()) { error("cannot modify delegate function pointer in `@safe` code `%s`", toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } return Expression.modifiableLvalue(sc, e); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * e1 [ e2 ] */ extern (C++) final class IndexExp : BinExp { VarDeclaration lengthVar; bool modifiable = false; // assume it is an rvalue bool indexIsInBounds; // true if 0 <= e2 && e2 <= e1.length - 1 extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.index, __traits(classInstanceSize, IndexExp), e1, e2); //printf("IndexExp::IndexExp('%s')\n", toChars()); } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2, bool indexIsInBounds) { super(loc, EXP.index, __traits(classInstanceSize, IndexExp), e1, e2); this.indexIsInBounds = indexIsInBounds; //printf("IndexExp::IndexExp('%s')\n", toChars()); } override IndexExp syntaxCopy() { auto ie = new IndexExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy(), e2.syntaxCopy()); ie.lengthVar = this.lengthVar; // bug7871 return ie; } override bool isLvalue() { if (e1.op == EXP.assocArrayLiteral) return false; if (e1.type.ty == Tsarray || (e1.op == EXP.index && e1.type.ty != Tarray)) { return e1.isLvalue(); } return true; } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (isLvalue()) return this; return Expression.toLvalue(sc, e); } override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { //printf("IndexExp::modifiableLvalue(%s)\n", toChars()); Expression ex = markSettingAAElem(); if (ex.op == EXP.error) return ex; return Expression.modifiableLvalue(sc, e); } extern (D) Expression markSettingAAElem() { if (e1.type.toBasetype().ty == Taarray) { Type t2b = e2.type.toBasetype(); if (t2b.ty == Tarray && t2b.nextOf().isMutable()) { error("associative arrays can only be assigned values with immutable keys, not `%s`", e2.type.toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } modifiable = true; if (auto ie = e1.isIndexExp()) { Expression ex = ie.markSettingAAElem(); if (ex.op == EXP.error) return ex; assert(ex == e1); } } return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The postfix increment/decrement operator, `i++` / `i--` */ extern (C++) final class PostExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(EXP op, const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, op, __traits(classInstanceSize, PostExp), e, IntegerExp.literal!1); assert(op == EXP.minusMinus || op == EXP.plusPlus); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The prefix increment/decrement operator, `++i` / `--i` */ extern (C++) final class PreExp : UnaExp { extern (D) this(EXP op, const ref Loc loc, Expression e) { super(loc, op, __traits(classInstanceSize, PreExp), e); assert(op == EXP.preMinusMinus || op == EXP.prePlusPlus); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } enum MemorySet { none = 0, // simple assignment blockAssign = 1, // setting the contents of an array referenceInit = 2, // setting the reference of STC.ref_ variable } /*********************************************************** * The assignment / initialization operator, `=` * * Note: operator assignment `op=` has a different base class, `BinAssignExp` */ extern (C++) class AssignExp : BinExp { MemorySet memset; /************************************************************/ /* op can be EXP.assign, EXP.construct, or EXP.blit */ extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.assign, __traits(classInstanceSize, AssignExp), e1, e2); } this(const ref Loc loc, EXP tok, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, tok, __traits(classInstanceSize, AssignExp), e1, e2); } override final bool isLvalue() { // Array-op 'x[] = y[]' should make an rvalue. // Setting array length 'x.length = v' should make an rvalue. if (e1.op == EXP.slice || e1.op == EXP.arrayLength) { return false; } return true; } override final Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression ex) { if (e1.op == EXP.slice || e1.op == EXP.arrayLength) { return Expression.toLvalue(sc, ex); } /* In front-end level, AssignExp should make an lvalue of e1. * Taking the address of e1 will be handled in low level layer, * so this function does nothing. */ return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** */ extern (C++) final class ConstructExp : AssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.construct, e1, e2); } // Internal use only. If `v` is a reference variable, the assignment // will become a reference initialization automatically. extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, VarDeclaration v, Expression e2) { auto ve = new VarExp(loc, v); assert(v.type && ve.type); super(loc, EXP.construct, ve, e2); if (v.isReference()) memset = MemorySet.referenceInit; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * A bit-for-bit copy from `e2` to `e1` */ extern (C++) final class BlitExp : AssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.blit, e1, e2); } // Internal use only. If `v` is a reference variable, the assinment // will become a reference rebinding automatically. extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, VarDeclaration v, Expression e2) { auto ve = new VarExp(loc, v); assert(v.type && ve.type); super(loc, EXP.blit, ve, e2); if (v.isReference()) memset = MemorySet.referenceInit; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x += y` */ extern (C++) final class AddAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.addAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, AddAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x -= y` */ extern (C++) final class MinAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.minAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, MinAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x *= y` */ extern (C++) final class MulAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.mulAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, MulAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x /= y` */ extern (C++) final class DivAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.divAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, DivAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x %= y` */ extern (C++) final class ModAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.modAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, ModAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x &= y` */ extern (C++) final class AndAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.andAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, AndAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x |= y` */ extern (C++) final class OrAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.orAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, OrAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x ^= y` */ extern (C++) final class XorAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.xorAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, XorAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x ^^= y` */ extern (C++) final class PowAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.powAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, PowAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x <<= y` */ extern (C++) final class ShlAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.leftShiftAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, ShlAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x >>= y` */ extern (C++) final class ShrAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.rightShiftAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, ShrAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `x >>>= y` */ extern (C++) final class UshrAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.unsignedRightShiftAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, UshrAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `~=` operator. * * It can have one of the following operators: * * EXP.concatenateAssign - appending T[] to T[] * EXP.concatenateElemAssign - appending T to T[] * EXP.concatenateDcharAssign - appending dchar to T[] * * The parser initially sets it to EXP.concatenateAssign, and semantic() later decides which * of the three it will be set to. */ extern (C++) class CatAssignExp : BinAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.concatenateAssign, __traits(classInstanceSize, CatAssignExp), e1, e2); } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, EXP tok, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, tok, __traits(classInstanceSize, CatAssignExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `~=` operator when appending a single element */ extern (C++) final class CatElemAssignExp : CatAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type type, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.concatenateElemAssign, e1, e2); this.type = type; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `~=` operator when appending a single `dchar` */ extern (C++) final class CatDcharAssignExp : CatAssignExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type type, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.concatenateDcharAssign, e1, e2); this.type = type; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The addition operator, `x + y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#add_expressions */ extern (C++) final class AddExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.add, __traits(classInstanceSize, AddExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The minus operator, `x - y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#add_expressions */ extern (C++) final class MinExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.min, __traits(classInstanceSize, MinExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The concatenation operator, `x ~ y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#cat_expressions */ extern (C++) final class CatExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.concatenate, __traits(classInstanceSize, CatExp), e1, e2); } override Expression resolveLoc(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc) { e1 = e1.resolveLoc(loc, sc); e2 = e2.resolveLoc(loc, sc); return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The multiplication operator, `x * y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#mul_expressions */ extern (C++) final class MulExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.mul, __traits(classInstanceSize, MulExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The division operator, `x / y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#mul_expressions */ extern (C++) final class DivExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.div, __traits(classInstanceSize, DivExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The modulo operator, `x % y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#mul_expressions */ extern (C++) final class ModExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.mod, __traits(classInstanceSize, ModExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The 'power' operator, `x ^^ y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#pow_expressions */ extern (C++) final class PowExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.pow, __traits(classInstanceSize, PowExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The 'shift left' operator, `x << y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#shift_expressions */ extern (C++) final class ShlExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.leftShift, __traits(classInstanceSize, ShlExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The 'shift right' operator, `x >> y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#shift_expressions */ extern (C++) final class ShrExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.rightShift, __traits(classInstanceSize, ShrExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The 'unsigned shift right' operator, `x >>> y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#shift_expressions */ extern (C++) final class UshrExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.unsignedRightShift, __traits(classInstanceSize, UshrExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The bitwise 'and' operator, `x & y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#and_expressions */ extern (C++) final class AndExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.and, __traits(classInstanceSize, AndExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The bitwise 'or' operator, `x | y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#or_expressions */ extern (C++) final class OrExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.or, __traits(classInstanceSize, OrExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The bitwise 'xor' operator, `x ^ y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#xor_expressions */ extern (C++) final class XorExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.xor, __traits(classInstanceSize, XorExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The logical 'and' / 'or' operator, `X && Y` / `X || Y` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#andand_expressions * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#oror_expressions */ extern (C++) final class LogicalExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, EXP op, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, op, __traits(classInstanceSize, LogicalExp), e1, e2); assert(op == EXP.andAnd || op == EXP.orOr); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * A comparison operator, `<` `<=` `>` `>=` * * `op` is one of: * EXP.lessThan, EXP.lessOrEqual, EXP.greaterThan, EXP.greaterOrEqual * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#relation_expressions */ extern (C++) final class CmpExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(EXP op, const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, op, __traits(classInstanceSize, CmpExp), e1, e2); assert(op == EXP.lessThan || op == EXP.lessOrEqual || op == EXP.greaterThan || op == EXP.greaterOrEqual); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `in` operator, `"a" in ["a": 1]` * * Note: `x !in y` is rewritten to `!(x in y)` in the parser * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#in_expressions */ extern (C++) final class InExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.in_, __traits(classInstanceSize, InExp), e1, e2); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * Associative array removal, `aa.remove(arg)` * * This deletes the key e1 from the associative array e2 */ extern (C++) final class RemoveExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.remove, __traits(classInstanceSize, RemoveExp), e1, e2); type = Type.tbool; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `==` and `!=` * * EXP.equal and EXP.notEqual * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#equality_expressions */ extern (C++) final class EqualExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(EXP op, const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, op, __traits(classInstanceSize, EqualExp), e1, e2); assert(op == EXP.equal || op == EXP.notEqual); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * `is` and `!is` * * EXP.identity and EXP.notIdentity * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#identity_expressions */ extern (C++) final class IdentityExp : BinExp { extern (D) this(EXP op, const ref Loc loc, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, op, __traits(classInstanceSize, IdentityExp), e1, e2); assert(op == EXP.identity || op == EXP.notIdentity); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The ternary operator, `econd ? e1 : e2` * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#conditional_expressions */ extern (C++) final class CondExp : BinExp { Expression econd; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression econd, Expression e1, Expression e2) { super(loc, EXP.question, __traits(classInstanceSize, CondExp), e1, e2); this.econd = econd; } override CondExp syntaxCopy() { return new CondExp(loc, econd.syntaxCopy(), e1.syntaxCopy(), e2.syntaxCopy()); } override bool isLvalue() { return e1.isLvalue() && e2.isLvalue(); } override Expression toLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression ex) { // convert (econd ? e1 : e2) to *(econd ? &e1 : &e2) CondExp e = cast(CondExp)copy(); e.e1 = e1.toLvalue(sc, null).addressOf(); e.e2 = e2.toLvalue(sc, null).addressOf(); e.type = type.pointerTo(); return new PtrExp(loc, e, type); } override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope* sc, Expression e) { if (!e1.isLvalue() && !e2.isLvalue()) { error("conditional expression `%s` is not a modifiable lvalue", toChars()); return ErrorExp.get(); } e1 = e1.modifiableLvalue(sc, e1); e2 = e2.modifiableLvalue(sc, e2); return toLvalue(sc, this); } void hookDtors(Scope* sc) { extern (C++) final class DtorVisitor : StoppableVisitor { alias visit = typeof(super).visit; public: Scope* sc; CondExp ce; VarDeclaration vcond; bool isThen; extern (D) this(Scope* sc, CondExp ce) { this.sc = sc; this.ce = ce; } override void visit(Expression e) { //printf("(e = %s)\n", e.toChars()); } override void visit(DeclarationExp e) { auto v = e.declaration.isVarDeclaration(); if (v && !v.isDataseg()) { if (v._init) { if (auto ei = v._init.isExpInitializer()) walkPostorder(ei.exp, this); } if (v.edtor) walkPostorder(v.edtor, this); if (v.needsScopeDtor()) { if (!vcond) { vcond = copyToTemp(STC.volatile_ | STC.const_, "__cond", ce.econd); vcond.dsymbolSemantic(sc); Expression de = new DeclarationExp(ce.econd.loc, vcond); de = de.expressionSemantic(sc); Expression ve = new VarExp(ce.econd.loc, vcond); ce.econd = Expression.combine(de, ve); } //printf("\t++v = %s, v.edtor = %s\n", v.toChars(), v.edtor.toChars()); Expression ve = new VarExp(vcond.loc, vcond); if (isThen) v.edtor = new LogicalExp(v.edtor.loc, EXP.andAnd, ve, v.edtor); else v.edtor = new LogicalExp(v.edtor.loc, EXP.orOr, ve, v.edtor); v.edtor = v.edtor.expressionSemantic(sc); //printf("\t--v = %s, v.edtor = %s\n", v.toChars(), v.edtor.toChars()); } } } } scope DtorVisitor v = new DtorVisitor(sc, this); //printf("+%s\n", toChars()); v.isThen = true; walkPostorder(e1, v); v.isThen = false; walkPostorder(e2, v); //printf("-%s\n", toChars()); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /// Returns: if this token is the `op` for a derived `DefaultInitExp` class. bool isDefaultInitOp(EXP op) pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return op == EXP.prettyFunction || op == EXP.functionString || op == EXP.line || op == EXP.moduleString || op == EXP.file || op == EXP.fileFullPath ; } /*********************************************************** * A special keyword when used as a function's default argument * * When possible, special keywords are resolved in the parser, but when * appearing as a default argument, they result in an expression deriving * from this base class that is resolved for each function call. * * --- * const x = __LINE__; // resolved in the parser * void foo(string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__); // DefaultInitExp * --- * * https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html#specialkeywords */ extern (C++) class DefaultInitExp : Expression { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, EXP op, int size) { super(loc, op, size); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `__FILE__` token as a default argument */ extern (C++) final class FileInitExp : DefaultInitExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, EXP tok) { super(loc, tok, __traits(classInstanceSize, FileInitExp)); } override Expression resolveLoc(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc) { //printf("FileInitExp::resolve() %s\n", toChars()); const(char)* s; if (op == EXP.fileFullPath) s = FileName.toAbsolute(loc.isValid() ? loc.filename : sc._module.srcfile.toChars()); else s = loc.isValid() ? loc.filename : sc._module.ident.toChars(); Expression e = new StringExp(loc, s.toDString()); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); e = e.castTo(sc, type); return e; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `__LINE__` token as a default argument */ extern (C++) final class LineInitExp : DefaultInitExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc) { super(loc, EXP.line, __traits(classInstanceSize, LineInitExp)); } override Expression resolveLoc(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc) { Expression e = new IntegerExp(loc, loc.linnum, Type.tint32); e = e.castTo(sc, type); return e; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `__MODULE__` token as a default argument */ extern (C++) final class ModuleInitExp : DefaultInitExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc) { super(loc, EXP.moduleString, __traits(classInstanceSize, ModuleInitExp)); } override Expression resolveLoc(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc) { const auto s = (sc.callsc ? sc.callsc : sc)._module.toPrettyChars().toDString(); Expression e = new StringExp(loc, s); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); e = e.castTo(sc, type); return e; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `__FUNCTION__` token as a default argument */ extern (C++) final class FuncInitExp : DefaultInitExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc) { super(loc, EXP.functionString, __traits(classInstanceSize, FuncInitExp)); } override Expression resolveLoc(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc) { const(char)* s; if (sc.callsc && sc.callsc.func) s = sc.callsc.func.Dsymbol.toPrettyChars(); else if (sc.func) s = sc.func.Dsymbol.toPrettyChars(); else s = ""; Expression e = new StringExp(loc, s.toDString()); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); e.type = Type.tstring; return e; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * The `__PRETTY_FUNCTION__` token as a default argument */ extern (C++) final class PrettyFuncInitExp : DefaultInitExp { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc) { super(loc, EXP.prettyFunction, __traits(classInstanceSize, PrettyFuncInitExp)); } override Expression resolveLoc(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc) { FuncDeclaration fd = (sc.callsc && sc.callsc.func) ? sc.callsc.func : sc.func; const(char)* s; if (fd) { const funcStr = fd.Dsymbol.toPrettyChars(); OutBuffer buf; functionToBufferWithIdent(fd.type.isTypeFunction(), &buf, funcStr, fd.isStatic); s = buf.extractChars(); } else { s = ""; } Expression e = new StringExp(loc, s.toDString()); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); e.type = Type.tstring; return e; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /** * Objective-C class reference expression. * * Used to get the metaclass of an Objective-C class, `NSObject.Class`. */ extern (C++) final class ObjcClassReferenceExp : Expression { ClassDeclaration classDeclaration; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, ClassDeclaration classDeclaration) { super(loc, EXP.objcClassReference, __traits(classInstanceSize, ObjcClassReferenceExp)); this.classDeclaration = classDeclaration; type = objc.getRuntimeMetaclass(classDeclaration).getType(); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /******************* * C11 Generic Selection * For ImportC */ extern (C++) final class GenericExp : Expression { Expression cntlExp; /// controlling expression of a generic selection (not evaluated) Types* types; /// type-names for generic associations (null entry for `default`) Expressions* exps; /// 1:1 mapping of typeNames to exps extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Expression cntlExp, Types* types, Expressions* exps) { super(loc, EXP._Generic, __traits(classInstanceSize, GenericExp)); this.cntlExp = cntlExp; this.types = types; this.exps = exps; assert(types.length == exps.length); // must be the same and >=1 } override GenericExp syntaxCopy() { return new GenericExp(loc, cntlExp.syntaxCopy(), Type.arraySyntaxCopy(types), Expression.arraySyntaxCopy(exps)); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*************************************** * Parameters: * sc: scope * flag: 1: do not issue error message for invalid modification 2: the exp is a DotVarExp and a subfield of the leftmost variable is modified * Returns: * Whether the type is modifiable */ extern(D) Modifiable checkModifiable(Expression exp, Scope* sc, ModifyFlags flag = ModifyFlags.none) { switch(exp.op) { case EXP.variable: auto varExp = cast(VarExp)exp; //printf("VarExp::checkModifiable %s", varExp.toChars()); assert(varExp.type); return varExp.var.checkModify(varExp.loc, sc, null, flag); case EXP.dotVariable: auto dotVarExp = cast(DotVarExp)exp; //printf("DotVarExp::checkModifiable %s %s\n", dotVarExp.toChars(), dotVarExp.type.toChars()); if (dotVarExp.e1.op == EXP.this_) return dotVarExp.var.checkModify(dotVarExp.loc, sc, dotVarExp.e1, flag); /* https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12764 * If inside a constructor and an expression of type `this.field.var` * is encountered, where `field` is a struct declaration with * default construction disabled, we must make sure that * assigning to `var` does not imply that `field` was initialized */ if (sc.func && sc.func.isCtorDeclaration()) { // if inside a constructor scope and e1 of this DotVarExp // is another DotVarExp, then check if the leftmost expression is a `this` identifier if (auto dve = dotVarExp.e1.isDotVarExp()) { // Iterate the chain of DotVarExp to find `this` // Keep track whether access to fields was limited to union members // s.t. one can initialize an entire struct inside nested unions // (but not its members) bool onlyUnion = true; while (true) { auto v = dve.var.isVarDeclaration(); assert(v); // Accessing union member? auto t = v.type.isTypeStruct(); if (!t || !t.sym.isUnionDeclaration()) onlyUnion = false; // Another DotVarExp left? if (!dve.e1 || dve.e1.op != EXP.dotVariable) break; dve = cast(DotVarExp) dve.e1; } if (dve.e1.op == EXP.this_) { scope v = dve.var.isVarDeclaration(); /* if v is a struct member field with no initializer, no default construction * and v wasn't intialized before */ if (v && v.isField() && !v._init && !v.ctorinit) { if (auto ts = v.type.isTypeStruct()) { if (ts.sym.noDefaultCtor) { /* checkModify will consider that this is an initialization * of v while it is actually an assignment of a field of v */ scope modifyLevel = v.checkModify(dotVarExp.loc, sc, dve.e1, !onlyUnion ? (flag | ModifyFlags.fieldAssign) : flag); if (modifyLevel == Modifiable.initialization) { // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22118 // v is a union type field that was assigned // a variable, therefore it counts as initialization if (v.ctorinit) return Modifiable.initialization; return Modifiable.yes; } return modifyLevel; } } } } } } //printf("\te1 = %s\n", e1.toChars()); return dotVarExp.e1.checkModifiable(sc, flag); case EXP.star: auto ptrExp = cast(PtrExp)exp; if (auto se = ptrExp.e1.isSymOffExp()) { return se.var.checkModify(ptrExp.loc, sc, null, flag); } else if (auto ae = ptrExp.e1.isAddrExp()) { return ae.e1.checkModifiable(sc, flag); } return Modifiable.yes; case EXP.slice: auto sliceExp = cast(SliceExp)exp; //printf("SliceExp::checkModifiable %s\n", sliceExp.toChars()); auto e1 = sliceExp.e1; if (e1.type.ty == Tsarray || (e1.op == EXP.index && e1.type.ty != Tarray) || e1.op == EXP.slice) { return e1.checkModifiable(sc, flag); } return Modifiable.yes; case EXP.comma: return (cast(CommaExp)exp).e2.checkModifiable(sc, flag); case EXP.index: auto indexExp = cast(IndexExp)exp; auto e1 = indexExp.e1; if (e1.type.ty == Tsarray || e1.type.ty == Taarray || (e1.op == EXP.index && e1.type.ty != Tarray) || e1.op == EXP.slice) { return e1.checkModifiable(sc, flag); } return Modifiable.yes; case EXP.question: auto condExp = cast(CondExp)exp; if (condExp.e1.checkModifiable(sc, flag) != Modifiable.no && condExp.e2.checkModifiable(sc, flag) != Modifiable.no) return Modifiable.yes; return Modifiable.no; default: return exp.type ? Modifiable.yes : Modifiable.no; // default modifiable } } /****************************** * Provide efficient way to implement isUnaExp(), isBinExp(), isBinAssignExp() */ private immutable ubyte[EXP.max + 1] exptab = () { ubyte[EXP.max + 1] tab; with (EXPFLAGS) { foreach (i; Eunary) { tab[i] |= unary; } foreach (i; Ebinary) { tab[i] |= unary | binary; } foreach (i; EbinaryAssign) { tab[i] |= unary | binary | binaryAssign; } } return tab; } (); private enum EXPFLAGS : ubyte { unary = 1, binary = 2, binaryAssign = 4, } private enum Eunary = [ EXP.import_, EXP.assert_, EXP.throw_, EXP.dotIdentifier, EXP.dotTemplateDeclaration, EXP.dotVariable, EXP.dotTemplateInstance, EXP.delegate_, EXP.dotType, EXP.call, EXP.address, EXP.star, EXP.negate, EXP.uadd, EXP.tilde, EXP.not, EXP.delete_, EXP.cast_, EXP.vector, EXP.vectorArray, EXP.slice, EXP.arrayLength, EXP.array, EXP.delegatePointer, EXP.delegateFunctionPointer, EXP.preMinusMinus, EXP.prePlusPlus, ]; private enum Ebinary = [ EXP.dot, EXP.comma, EXP.index, EXP.minusMinus, EXP.plusPlus, EXP.assign, EXP.add, EXP.min, EXP.concatenate, EXP.mul, EXP.div, EXP.mod, EXP.pow, EXP.leftShift, EXP.rightShift, EXP.unsignedRightShift, EXP.and, EXP.or, EXP.xor, EXP.andAnd, EXP.orOr, EXP.lessThan, EXP.lessOrEqual, EXP.greaterThan, EXP.greaterOrEqual, EXP.in_, EXP.remove, EXP.equal, EXP.notEqual, EXP.identity, EXP.notIdentity, EXP.question, EXP.construct, EXP.blit, ]; private enum EbinaryAssign = [ EXP.addAssign, EXP.minAssign, EXP.mulAssign, EXP.divAssign, EXP.modAssign, EXP.andAssign, EXP.orAssign, EXP.xorAssign, EXP.powAssign, EXP.leftShiftAssign, EXP.rightShiftAssign, EXP.unsignedRightShiftAssign, EXP.concatenateAssign, EXP.concatenateElemAssign, EXP.concatenateDcharAssign, ];