path: root/libphobos/src/std/functional.d
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Diffstat (limited to 'libphobos/src/std/functional.d')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/functional.d b/libphobos/src/std/functional.d
index b251e4006ec..bc8d368e970 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/functional.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/functional.d
@@ -707,19 +707,43 @@ template partial(alias fun, alias arg)
static assert(false, "Cannot apply partial to a non-callable '" ~ fun.stringof ~ "'.");
- else // Assume fun is callable and uniquely defined.
+ else
- static if (Parameters!fun.length == 0)
+ import std.meta : Filter;
+ static if (__traits(compiles, __traits(getOverloads,
+ __traits(parent, fun), __traits(identifier, fun))))
+ alias overloads = __traits(getOverloads, __traits(parent, fun),
+ __traits(identifier, fun));
+ else
+ alias overloads = AliasSeq!(fun);
+ enum isCallableWithArg(alias fun) = Parameters!fun.length > 0 &&
+ is(typeof(arg) : Parameters!fun[0]);
+ alias candidates = Filter!(isCallableWithArg, overloads);
+ static if (overloads.length == 1 && Parameters!fun.length == 0)
static assert(0, "Cannot partially apply '" ~ fun.stringof ~ "'." ~
"'" ~ fun.stringof ~ "' has 0 arguments.");
- else static if (!is(typeof(arg) : Parameters!fun[0]))
+ else static if (candidates.length == 0)
+ import std.meta : NoDuplicates, staticMap;
+ enum hasParameters(alias fun) = Parameters!fun.length > 0;
+ alias firstParameter(alias fun) = Parameters!fun[0];
+ alias firstParameters = NoDuplicates!(
+ staticMap!(firstParameter, Filter!(hasParameters, overloads)));
string errorMsg()
- string msg = "Argument mismatch for '" ~ fun.stringof ~ "': expected " ~
- Parameters!fun[0].stringof ~ ", but got " ~ typeof(arg).stringof ~ ".";
+ string msg = "Argument mismatch for '" ~ fun.stringof ~
+ "': expected " ~ firstParameters[0].stringof;
+ static foreach (firstParam; firstParameters[1 .. $])
+ msg ~= " or " ~ firstParam.stringof;
+ msg ~= ", but got " ~ typeof(arg).stringof ~ ".";
return msg;
static assert(0, errorMsg());
@@ -727,10 +751,11 @@ template partial(alias fun, alias arg)
import std.traits : ReturnType;
- ReturnType!fun partial(Parameters!fun[1..$] args2)
- {
- return fun(arg, args2);
- }
+ static foreach (candidate; candidates)
+ ReturnType!candidate partial(Parameters!candidate[1..$] args2)
+ {
+ return candidate(arg, args2);
+ }
@@ -746,6 +771,22 @@ template partial(alias fun, alias arg)
// functions without committing to a particular type of the function.
+@safe unittest
+ // Overloads are resolved when the partially applied function is called
+ // with the remaining arguments.
+ struct S
+ {
+ static char fun(int i, string s) { return s[i]; }
+ static int fun(int a, int b) { return a * b; }
+ }
+ alias fun3 = partial!(, 3);
+ assert(fun3("hello") == 'l');
+ assert(fun3(10) == 30);
// tests for partially evaluating callables
@safe unittest