path: root/libphobos/src/std/experimental/checkedint.d
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diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/experimental/checkedint.d b/libphobos/src/std/experimental/checkedint.d
index 354851bfc84..9237341d418 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/experimental/checkedint.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/experimental/checkedint.d
@@ -1,3467 +1,14 @@
-// Written in the D programming language.
-$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
-This module defines facilities for efficient checking of integral operations
-against overflow, casting with loss of precision, unexpected change of sign,
-etc. The checking (and possibly correction) can be done at operation level, for
-example $(LREF opChecked)$(D !"+"(x, y, overflow)) adds two integrals `x` and
-`y` and sets `overflow` to `true` if an overflow occurred. The flag `overflow`
-(a `bool` passed by reference) is not touched if the operation succeeded, so the
-same flag can be reused for a sequence of operations and tested at the end.
-Issuing individual checked operations is flexible and efficient but often
-tedious. The $(LREF Checked) facility offers encapsulated integral wrappers that
-do all checking internally and have configurable behavior upon erroneous
-results. For example, `Checked!int` is a type that behaves like `int` but aborts
-execution immediately whenever involved in an operation that produces the
-arithmetically wrong result. The accompanying convenience function $(LREF
-checked) uses type deduction to convert a value `x` of integral type `T` to
-`Checked!T` by means of `checked(x)`. For example:
-void main()
- import std.experimental.checkedint, std.stdio;
- writeln((checked(5) + 7).get); // 12
- writeln((checked(10) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000).get); // Overflow
-Similarly, $(D checked(-1) > uint(0)) aborts execution (even though the built-in
-comparison $(D int(-1) > uint(0)) is surprisingly true due to language's
-conversion rules modeled after C). Thus, `Checked!int` is a virtually drop-in
-replacement for `int` useable in debug builds, to be replaced by `int` in
-release mode if efficiency demands it.
-`Checked` has customizable behavior with the help of a second type parameter,
-`Hook`. Depending on what methods `Hook` defines, core operations on the
-underlying integral may be verified for overflow or completely redefined. If
-`Hook` defines no method at all and carries no state, there is no change in
-behavior, i.e. $(D Checked!(int, void)) is a wrapper around `int` that adds no
-customization at all.
-This module provides a few predefined hooks (below) that add useful behavior to
- $(TR $(TD $(LREF Abort)) $(TD
- fails every incorrect operation with a message to $(REF
- stderr, std, stdio) followed by a call to `assert(0)`. It is the default
- second parameter, i.e. `Checked!short` is the same as
- $(D Checked!(short, Abort)).
- ))
- $(TR $(TD $(LREF Throw)) $(TD
- fails every incorrect operation by throwing an exception.
- ))
- $(TR $(TD $(LREF Warn)) $(TD
- prints incorrect operations to $(REF stderr, std, stdio)
- but otherwise preserves the built-in behavior.
- ))
- $(TR $(TD $(LREF ProperCompare)) $(TD
- fixes the comparison operators `==`, `!=`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, and `>=`
- to return correct results in all circumstances,
- at a slight cost in efficiency. For example,
- $(D Checked!(uint, ProperCompare)(1) > -1) is `true`,
- which is not the case for the built-in comparison. Also, comparing
- numbers for equality with floating-point numbers only passes if the
- integral can be converted to the floating-point number precisely,
- so as to preserve transitivity of equality.
- ))
- $(TR $(TD $(LREF WithNaN)) $(TD
- reserves a special "Not a Number" (NaN) value akin to the homonym value
- reserved for floating-point values. Once a $(D Checked!(X, WithNaN))
- gets this special value, it preserves and propagates it until
- reassigned. $(LREF isNaN) can be used to query whether the object
- is not a number.
- ))
- $(TR $(TD $(LREF Saturate)) $(TD
- implements saturating arithmetic, i.e. $(D Checked!(int, Saturate))
- "stops" at `int.max` for all operations that would cause an `int` to
- overflow toward infinity, and at `int.min` for all operations that would
- correspondingly overflow toward negative infinity.
- ))
-These policies may be used alone, e.g. $(D Checked!(uint, WithNaN)) defines a
-`uint`-like type that reaches a stable NaN state for all erroneous operations.
-They may also be "stacked" on top of each other, owing to the property that a
-checked integral emulates an actual integral, which means another checked
-integral can be built on top of it. Some combinations of interest include:
- $(TR $(TD $(D Checked!(Checked!int, ProperCompare))))
- $(TR $(TD
-defines an `int` with fixed
-comparison operators that will fail with `assert(0)` upon overflow. (Recall that
-`Abort` is the default policy.) The order in which policies are combined is
-important because the outermost policy (`ProperCompare` in this case) has the
-first crack at intercepting an operator. The converse combination $(D
-Checked!(Checked!(int, ProperCompare))) is meaningless because `Abort` will
-intercept comparison and will fail without giving `ProperCompare` a chance to
- ))
- $(TR $(TD))
- $(TR $(TDNW $(D Checked!(Checked!(int, ProperCompare), WithNaN))))
- $(TR $(TD
-defines an `int`-like
-type that supports a NaN value. For values that are not NaN, comparison works
-properly. Again the composition order is important; $(D Checked!(Checked!(int,
-WithNaN), ProperCompare)) does not have good semantics because `ProperCompare`
-intercepts comparisons before the numbers involved are tested for NaN.
- ))
-The hook's members are looked up statically in a Design by Introspection manner
-and are all optional. The table below illustrates the members that a hook type
-may define and their influence over the behavior of the `Checked` type using it.
-In the table, `hook` is an alias for `Hook` if the type `Hook` does not
-introduce any state, or an object of type `Hook` otherwise.
-$(TABLE ,
-$(TR $(TH `Hook` member) $(TH Semantics in $(D Checked!(T, Hook)))
-$(TR $(TD `defaultValue`) $(TD If defined, `Hook.defaultValue!T` is used as the
-default initializer of the payload.)
-$(TR $(TD `min`) $(TD If defined, `Hook.min!T` is used as the minimum value of
-the payload.)
-$(TR $(TD `max`) $(TD If defined, `Hook.max!T` is used as the maximum value of
-the payload.)
-$(TR $(TD `hookOpCast`) $(TD If defined, `hook.hookOpCast!U(get)` is forwarded
-to unconditionally when the payload is to be cast to type `U`.)
-$(TR $(TD `onBadCast`) $(TD If defined and `hookOpCast` is $(I not) defined,
-`onBadCast!U(get)` is forwarded to when the payload is to be cast to type `U`
-and the cast would lose information or force a change of sign.)
-$(TR $(TD `hookOpEquals`) $(TD If defined, $(D hook.hookOpEquals(get, rhs)) is
-forwarded to unconditionally when the payload is compared for equality against
-value `rhs` of integral, floating point, or Boolean type.)
-$(TR $(TD `hookOpCmp`) $(TD If defined, $(D hook.hookOpCmp(get, rhs)) is
-forwarded to unconditionally when the payload is compared for ordering against
-value `rhs` of integral, floating point, or Boolean type.)
-$(TR $(TD `hookOpUnary`) $(TD If defined, `hook.hookOpUnary!op(get)` (where `op`
-is the operator symbol) is forwarded to for unary operators `-` and `~`. In
-addition, for unary operators `++` and `--`, `hook.hookOpUnary!op(payload)` is
-called, where `payload` is a reference to the value wrapped by `Checked` so the
-hook can change it.)
-$(TR $(TD `hookOpBinary`) $(TD If defined, $(D hook.hookOpBinary!op(get, rhs))
-(where `op` is the operator symbol and `rhs` is the right-hand side operand) is
-forwarded to unconditionally for binary operators `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`,
-`^^`, `&`, `|`, `^`, `<<`, `>>`, and `>>>`.)
-$(TR $(TD `hookOpBinaryRight`) $(TD If defined, $(D
-hook.hookOpBinaryRight!op(lhs, get)) (where `op` is the operator symbol and
-`lhs` is the left-hand side operand) is forwarded to unconditionally for binary
-operators `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`, `^^`, `&`, `|`, `^`, `<<`, `>>`, and `>>>`.)
-$(TR $(TD `onOverflow`) $(TD If defined, `hook.onOverflow!op(get)` is forwarded
-to for unary operators that overflow but only if `hookOpUnary` is not defined.
-Unary `~` does not overflow; unary `-` overflows only when the most negative
-value of a signed type is negated, and the result of the hook call is returned.
-When the increment or decrement operators overflow, the payload is assigned the
-result of `hook.onOverflow!op(get)`. When a binary operator overflows, the
-result of $(D hook.onOverflow!op(get, rhs)) is returned, but only if `Hook` does
-not define `hookOpBinary`.)
-$(TR $(TD `hookOpOpAssign`) $(TD If defined, $(D hook.hookOpOpAssign!op(payload,
-rhs)) (where `op` is the operator symbol and `rhs` is the right-hand side
-operand) is forwarded to unconditionally for binary operators `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`,
-`^^=`, `&=`, `|=`, `^=`, `<<=`, `>>=`, and `>>>=`.)
-$(TR $(TD `onLowerBound`) $(TD If defined, $(D hook.onLowerBound(value, bound))
-(where `value` is the value being assigned) is forwarded to when the result of
-binary operators `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`, `^^=`, `&=`, `|=`, `^=`, `<<=`, `>>=`,
-and `>>>=` is smaller than the smallest value representable by `T`.)
-$(TR $(TD `onUpperBound`) $(TD If defined, $(D hook.onUpperBound(value, bound))
-(where `value` is the value being assigned) is forwarded to when the result of
-binary operators `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`, `^^=`, `&=`, `|=`, `^=`, `<<=`, `>>=`,
-and `>>>=` is larger than the largest value representable by `T`.)
-$(TR $(TD `hookToHash`) $(TD If defined, $(D hook.hookToHash(payload))
-(where `payload` is a reference to the value wrapped by Checked) is forwarded
-to when `toHash` is called on a Checked type. Custom hashing can be implemented
-in a `Hook`, otherwise the built-in hashing is used.)
-Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/experimental/checkedint.d)
-module std.experimental.checkedint;
-import std.traits : isFloatingPoint, isIntegral, isNumeric, isUnsigned, Unqual;
-@safe unittest
- int[] concatAndAdd(int[] a, int[] b, int offset)
- {
- // Aborts on overflow on size computation
- auto r = new int[(checked(a.length) + b.length).get];
- // Aborts on overflow on element computation
- foreach (i; 0 .. a.length)
- r[i] = (a[i] + checked(offset)).get;
- foreach (i; 0 .. b.length)
- r[i + a.length] = (b[i] + checked(offset)).get;
- return r;
- }
- assert(concatAndAdd([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], -1) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
-/// `Saturate` stops at an overflow
-@safe unittest
- auto x = (cast(byte) 127).checked!Saturate;
- assert(x == 127);
- x++;
- assert(x == 127);
-/// `WithNaN` has a special "Not a Number" (NaN) value akin to the homonym value reserved for floating-point values
-@safe unittest
- auto x = 100.checked!WithNaN;
- assert(x == 100);
- x /= 0;
- assert(x.isNaN);
-/// `ProperCompare` fixes the comparison operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >= to return correct results
-@safe unittest
- uint x = 1;
- auto y = x.checked!ProperCompare;
- assert(x < -1); // built-in comparison
- assert(y > -1); // ProperCompare
-/// `Throw` fails every incorrect operation by throwing an exception
-@safe unittest
- import std.exception : assertThrown;
- auto x = -1.checked!Throw;
- assertThrown(x / 0);
- assertThrown(x + int.min);
- assertThrown(x == uint.max);
-Checked integral type wraps an integral `T` and customizes its behavior with the
-help of a `Hook` type. The type wrapped must be one of the predefined integrals
-(unqualified), or another instance of `Checked`.
-struct Checked(T, Hook = Abort)
-if (isIntegral!T || is(T == Checked!(U, H), U, H))
- import std.algorithm.comparison : among;
- import std.experimental.allocator.common : stateSize;
- import std.format.spec : FormatSpec;
- import std.range.primitives : isInputRange, ElementType;
- import std.traits : hasMember, isSomeChar;
- /**
- The type of the integral subject to checking.
- */
- alias Representation = T;
- // state {
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "defaultValue"))
- private T payload = Hook.defaultValue!T;
- else
- private T payload;
- /**
- `hook` is a member variable if it has state, or an alias for `Hook`
- otherwise.
- */
- static if (stateSize!Hook > 0) Hook hook;
- else alias hook = Hook;
- // } state
- // get
- /**
- Returns a copy of the underlying value.
- */
- auto get() inout { return payload; }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- auto x = checked(ubyte(42));
- static assert(is(typeof(x.get()) == ubyte));
- assert(x.get == 42);
- const y = checked(ubyte(42));
- static assert(is(typeof(y.get()) == const ubyte));
- assert(y.get == 42);
- }
- /**
- Defines the minimum and maximum. These values are hookable by defining
- `Hook.min` and/or `Hook.max`.
- */
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "min"))
- {
- enum Checked!(T, Hook) min = Checked!(T, Hook)(Hook.min!T);
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- assert(Checked!short.min == -32768);
- assert(Checked!(short, WithNaN).min == -32767);
- assert(Checked!(uint, WithNaN).max == uint.max - 1);
- }
- }
- else
- enum Checked!(T, Hook) min = Checked(T.min);
- /// ditto
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "max"))
- enum Checked!(T, Hook) max = Checked(Hook.max!T);
- else
- enum Checked!(T, Hook) max = Checked(T.max);
- /**
- Constructor taking a value properly convertible to the underlying type. `U`
- may be either an integral that can be converted to `T` without a loss, or
- another `Checked` instance whose representation may be in turn converted to
- `T` without a loss.
- */
- this(U)(U rhs)
- if (valueConvertible!(U, T) ||
- !isIntegral!T && is(typeof(T(rhs))) ||
- is(U == Checked!(V, W), V, W) &&
- is(typeof(Checked!(T, Hook)(rhs.get))))
- {
- static if (isIntegral!U)
- payload = rhs;
- else
- payload = rhs.payload;
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- auto a = checked(42L);
- assert(a == 42);
- auto b = Checked!long(4242); // convert 4242 to long
- assert(b == 4242);
- }
- /**
- Assignment operator. Has the same constraints as the constructor.
- */
- ref Checked opAssign(U)(U rhs) return
- if (is(typeof(Checked!(T, Hook)(rhs))))
- {
- static if (isIntegral!U)
- payload = rhs;
- else
- payload = rhs.payload;
- return this;
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- Checked!long a;
- a = 42L;
- assert(a == 42);
- a = 4242;
- assert(a == 4242);
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- Checked!long a, b;
- a = b = 3;
- assert(a == 3 && b == 3);
- }
- /**
- Construct from a decimal string. The conversion follows the same rules as
- $(REF to, std, conv) converting a string to the wrapped `T` type.
- Params:
- str = an $(REF_ALTTEXT input range, isInputRange, std,range,primitives)
- of characters
- */
- this(Range)(Range str)
- if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Range))
- {
- import std.conv : to;
- this(to!T(str));
- }
- /**
- $(REF to, std, conv) can convert a string to a `Checked!T`:
- */
- @system unittest
- {
- import std.conv : to;
- const a = to!long("1234");
- const b = to!(Checked!long)("1234");
- assert(a == b);
- }
- // opCast
- /**
- Casting operator to integral, `bool`, or floating point type. If `Hook`
- defines `hookOpCast`, the call immediately returns
- `hook.hookOpCast!U(get)`. Otherwise, casting to `bool` yields $(D
- get != 0) and casting to another integral that can represent all
- values of `T` returns `get` promoted to `U`.
- If a cast to a floating-point type is requested and `Hook` defines
- `onBadCast`, the cast is verified by ensuring $(D get == cast(T)
- U(get)). If that is not `true`, `hook.onBadCast!U(get)` is returned.
- If a cast to an integral type is requested and `Hook` defines `onBadCast`,
- the cast is verified by ensuring `get` and $(D cast(U)
- get) are the same arithmetic number. (Note that `int(-1)` and
- `uint(1)` are different values arithmetically although they have the same
- bitwise representation and compare equal by language rules.) If the numbers
- are not arithmetically equal, `hook.onBadCast!U(get)` is
- returned.
- */
- U opCast(U, this _)()
- if (isIntegral!U || isFloatingPoint!U || is(U == bool))
- {
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpCast"))
- {
- return hook.hookOpCast!U(payload);
- }
- else static if (is(U == bool))
- {
- return payload != 0;
- }
- else static if (valueConvertible!(T, U))
- {
- return payload;
- }
- // may lose bits or precision
- else static if (!hasMember!(Hook, "onBadCast"))
- {
- return cast(U) payload;
- }
- else
- {
- if (isUnsigned!T || !isUnsigned!U ||
- T.sizeof > U.sizeof || payload >= 0)
- {
- auto result = cast(U) payload;
- // If signedness is different, we need additional checks
- if (result == payload &&
- (!isUnsigned!T || isUnsigned!U || result >= 0))
- return result;
- }
- return hook.onBadCast!U(payload);
- }
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- assert(cast(uint) checked(42) == 42);
- assert(cast(uint) checked!WithNaN(-42) == uint.max);
- }
- // opEquals
- /**
- Compares `this` against `rhs` for equality. If `Hook` defines
- `hookOpEquals`, the function forwards to $(D
- hook.hookOpEquals(get, rhs)). Otherwise, the result of the
- built-in operation $(D get == rhs) is returned.
- If `U` is also an instance of `Checked`, both hooks (left- and right-hand
- side) are introspected for the method `hookOpEquals`. If both define it,
- priority is given to the left-hand side.
- */
- bool opEquals(U, this _)(U rhs)
- if (isIntegral!U || isFloatingPoint!U || is(U == bool) ||
- is(U == Checked!(V, W), V, W) && is(typeof(this == rhs.payload)))
- {
- static if (is(U == Checked!(V, W), V, W))
- {
- alias R = typeof(payload + rhs.payload);
- static if (is(Hook == W))
- {
- // Use the lhs hook if there
- return this == rhs.payload;
- }
- else static if (valueConvertible!(T, R) && valueConvertible!(V, R))
- {
- return payload == rhs.payload;
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpEquals"))
- {
- return hook.hookOpEquals(payload, rhs.payload);
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(W, "hookOpEquals"))
- {
- return rhs.hook.hookOpEquals(rhs.payload, payload);
- }
- else
- {
- return payload == rhs.payload;
- }
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpEquals"))
- return hook.hookOpEquals(payload, rhs);
- else static if (isIntegral!U || isFloatingPoint!U || is(U == bool))
- return payload == rhs;
- }
- ///
- static if (is(T == int) && is(Hook == void)) @safe unittest
- {
- import std.traits : isUnsigned;
- static struct MyHook
- {
- static bool thereWereErrors;
- static bool hookOpEquals(L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- if (lhs != rhs) return false;
- static if (isUnsigned!L && !isUnsigned!R)
- {
- if (lhs > 0 && rhs < 0) thereWereErrors = true;
- }
- else static if (isUnsigned!R && !isUnsigned!L)
- if (lhs < 0 && rhs > 0) thereWereErrors = true;
- // Preserve built-in behavior.
- return true;
- }
- }
- auto a = checked!MyHook(-42);
- assert(a == uint(-42));
- assert(MyHook.thereWereErrors);
- MyHook.thereWereErrors = false;
- assert(checked!MyHook(uint(-42)) == -42);
- assert(MyHook.thereWereErrors);
- static struct MyHook2
- {
- static bool hookOpEquals(L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- return lhs == rhs;
- }
- }
- MyHook.thereWereErrors = false;
- assert(checked!MyHook2(uint(-42)) == a);
- // Hook on left hand side takes precedence, so no errors
- assert(!MyHook.thereWereErrors);
- }
- // toHash
- /**
- Generates a hash for `this`. If `Hook` defines `hookToHash`, the call
- immediately returns `hook.hookToHash(payload)`. If `Hook` does not
- implement `hookToHash`, but it has state, a hash will be generated for
- the `Hook` using the built-in function and it will be xored with the
- hash of the `payload`.
- */
- size_t toHash() const nothrow @safe
- {
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookToHash"))
- {
- return hook.hookToHash(payload);
- }
- else static if (stateSize!Hook > 0)
- {
- static if (hasMember!(typeof(payload), "toHash"))
- {
- return payload.toHash() ^ hashOf(hook);
- }
- else
- {
- return hashOf(payload) ^ hashOf(hook);
- }
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(typeof(payload), "toHash"))
- {
- return payload.toHash();
- }
- else
- {
- return .hashOf(payload);
- }
- }
- /// ditto
- size_t toHash(this _)() shared const nothrow @safe
- {
- import core.atomic : atomicLoad, MemoryOrder;
- static if (is(typeof(this.payload.atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.acq)) P))
- {
- auto payload = __ctfe ? cast(P) this.payload
- : this.payload.atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.acq);
- }
- else
- {
- alias payload = this.payload;
- }
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookToHash"))
- {
- return hook.hookToHash(payload);
- }
- else static if (stateSize!Hook > 0)
- {
- static if (hasMember!(typeof(payload), "toHash"))
- {
- return payload.toHash() ^ hashOf(hook);
- }
- else
- {
- return hashOf(payload) ^ hashOf(hook);
- }
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(typeof(payload), "toHash"))
- {
- return payload.toHash();
- }
- else
- {
- return .hashOf(payload);
- }
- }
- /**
- Writes a string representation of this to a `sink`.
- Params:
- sink = A `Char` accepting
- $(REF_ALTTEXT output range, isOutputRange, std,range,primitives).
- fmt = A $(REF FormatSpec, std, format) which controls how this
- is formatted.
- */
- void toString(Writer, Char)(scope ref Writer sink, scope const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt) const
- {
- import std.format.write : formatValue;
- if (fmt.spec == 's')
- return formatValue(sink, this, fmt);
- else
- return formatValue(sink, payload, fmt);
- }
- /**
- `toString` is rarely directly invoked; the usual way of using it is via
- $(REF format, std, format):
- */
- @system unittest
- {
- import std.format;
- assert(format("%04d", checked(15)) == "0015");
- assert(format("0x%02x", checked(15)) == "0x0f");
- }
- // opCmp
- /**
- Compares `this` against `rhs` for ordering. If `Hook` defines `hookOpCmp`,
- the function forwards to $(D hook.hookOpCmp(get, rhs)). Otherwise, the
- result of the built-in comparison operation is returned.
- If `U` is also an instance of `Checked`, both hooks (left- and right-hand
- side) are introspected for the method `hookOpCmp`. If both define it,
- priority is given to the left-hand side.
- */
- auto opCmp(U, this _)(const U rhs) //const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
- if (isIntegral!U || isFloatingPoint!U || is(U == bool))
- {
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpCmp"))
- {
- return hook.hookOpCmp(payload, rhs);
- }
- else static if (valueConvertible!(T, U) || valueConvertible!(U, T))
- {
- return payload < rhs ? -1 : payload > rhs;
- }
- else static if (isFloatingPoint!U)
- {
- U lhs = payload;
- return lhs < rhs ? U(-1.0)
- : lhs > rhs ? U(1.0)
- : lhs == rhs ? U(0.0) : U.init;
- }
- else
- {
- return payload < rhs ? -1 : payload > rhs;
- }
- }
- /// ditto
- auto opCmp(U, Hook1, this _)(Checked!(U, Hook1) rhs)
- {
- alias R = typeof(payload + rhs.payload);
- static if (valueConvertible!(T, R) && valueConvertible!(U, R))
- {
- return payload < rhs.payload ? -1 : payload > rhs.payload;
- }
- else static if (is(Hook == Hook1))
- {
- // Use the lhs hook
- return this.opCmp(rhs.payload);
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpCmp"))
- {
- return hook.hookOpCmp(get, rhs.get);
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook1, "hookOpCmp"))
- {
- return -rhs.hook.hookOpCmp(rhs.payload, get);
- }
- else
- {
- return payload < rhs.payload ? -1 : payload > rhs.payload;
- }
- }
- ///
- static if (is(T == int) && is(Hook == void)) @safe unittest
- {
- import std.traits : isUnsigned;
- static struct MyHook
- {
- static bool thereWereErrors;
- static int hookOpCmp(L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- static if (isUnsigned!L && !isUnsigned!R)
- {
- if (rhs < 0 && rhs >= lhs)
- thereWereErrors = true;
- }
- else static if (isUnsigned!R && !isUnsigned!L)
- {
- if (lhs < 0 && lhs >= rhs)
- thereWereErrors = true;
- }
- // Preserve built-in behavior.
- return lhs < rhs ? -1 : lhs > rhs;
- }
- }
- auto a = checked!MyHook(-42);
- assert(a > uint(42));
- assert(MyHook.thereWereErrors);
- static struct MyHook2
- {
- static int hookOpCmp(L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- // Default behavior
- return lhs < rhs ? -1 : lhs > rhs;
- }
- }
- MyHook.thereWereErrors = false;
- assert(Checked!(uint, MyHook2)(uint(-42)) <= a);
- //assert(Checked!(uint, MyHook2)(uint(-42)) >= a);
- // Hook on left hand side takes precedence, so no errors
- assert(!MyHook.thereWereErrors);
- assert(a <= Checked!(uint, MyHook2)(uint(-42)));
- assert(MyHook.thereWereErrors);
- }
- // For coverage
- static if (is(T == int) && is(Hook == void)) @safe unittest
- {
- assert(checked(42) <= checked!void(42));
- assert(checked!void(42) <= checked(42u));
- assert(checked!void(42) <= checked!(void*)(42u));
- }
- // opUnary
- /**
- Defines unary operators `+`, `-`, `~`, `++`, and `--`. Unary `+` is not
- overridable and always has built-in behavior (returns `this`). For the
- others, if `Hook` defines `hookOpUnary`, `opUnary` forwards to $(D
- Checked!(typeof(hook.hookOpUnary!op(get)),
- Hook)(hook.hookOpUnary!op(get))).
- If `Hook` does not define `hookOpUnary` but defines `onOverflow`, `opUnary`
- forwards to `hook.onOverflow!op(get)` in case an overflow occurs.
- For `++` and `--`, the payload is assigned from the result of the call to
- `onOverflow`.
- Note that unary `-` is considered to overflow if `T` is a signed integral of
- 32 or 64 bits and is equal to the most negative value. This is because that
- value has no positive negation.
- */
- auto opUnary(string op, this _)()
- if (op == "+" || op == "-" || op == "~")
- {
- static if (op == "+")
- return Checked(this); // "+" is not hookable
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpUnary"))
- {
- auto r = hook.hookOpUnary!op(payload);
- return Checked!(typeof(r), Hook)(r);
- }
- else static if (op == "-" && isIntegral!T && T.sizeof >= 4 &&
- !isUnsigned!T && hasMember!(Hook, "onOverflow"))
- {
- static assert(is(typeof(-payload) == typeof(payload)));
- bool overflow;
- import core.checkedint : negs;
- auto r = negs(payload, overflow);
- if (overflow) r = hook.onOverflow!op(payload);
- return Checked(r);
- }
- else
- return Checked(mixin(op ~ "payload"));
- }
- /// ditto
- ref Checked opUnary(string op)() return
- if (op == "++" || op == "--")
- {
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpUnary"))
- hook.hookOpUnary!op(payload);
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook, "onOverflow"))
- {
- static if (op == "++")
- {
- if (payload == max.payload)
- payload = hook.onOverflow!"++"(payload);
- else
- ++payload;
- }
- else
- {
- if (payload == min.payload)
- payload = hook.onOverflow!"--"(payload);
- else
- --payload;
- }
- }
- else
- mixin(op ~ "payload;");
- return this;
- }
- ///
- static if (is(T == int) && is(Hook == void)) @safe unittest
- {
- static struct MyHook
- {
- static bool thereWereErrors;
- static L hookOpUnary(string x, L)(L lhs)
- {
- if (x == "-" && lhs == -lhs) thereWereErrors = true;
- return -lhs;
- }
- }
- auto a = checked!MyHook(long.min);
- assert(a == -a);
- assert(MyHook.thereWereErrors);
- auto b = checked!void(42);
- assert(++b == 43);
- }
- // opBinary
- /**
- Defines binary operators `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`, `^^`, `&`, `|`, `^`, `<<`, `>>`,
- and `>>>`. If `Hook` defines `hookOpBinary`, `opBinary` forwards to $(D
- Checked!(typeof(hook.hookOpBinary!op(get, rhs)),
- Hook)(hook.hookOpBinary!op(get, rhs))).
- If `Hook` does not define `hookOpBinary` but defines `onOverflow`,
- `opBinary` forwards to `hook.onOverflow!op(get, rhs)` in case an
- overflow occurs.
- If two `Checked` instances are involved in a binary operation and both
- define `hookOpBinary`, the left-hand side hook has priority. If both define
- `onOverflow`, a compile-time error occurs.
- */
- auto opBinary(string op, Rhs)(const Rhs rhs)
- if (isIntegral!Rhs || isFloatingPoint!Rhs || is(Rhs == bool))
- {
- return opBinaryImpl!(op, Rhs, typeof(this))(rhs);
- }
- /// ditto
- auto opBinary(string op, Rhs)(const Rhs rhs) const
- if (isIntegral!Rhs || isFloatingPoint!Rhs || is(Rhs == bool))
- {
- return opBinaryImpl!(op, Rhs, typeof(this))(rhs);
- }
- private auto opBinaryImpl(string op, Rhs, this _)(const Rhs rhs)
- {
- alias R = typeof(mixin("payload" ~ op ~ "rhs"));
- static assert(is(typeof(mixin("payload" ~ op ~ "rhs")) == R));
- static if (isIntegral!R) alias Result = Checked!(R, Hook);
- else alias Result = R;
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpBinary"))
- {
- auto r = hook.hookOpBinary!op(payload, rhs);
- return Checked!(typeof(r), Hook)(r);
- }
- else static if (is(Rhs == bool))
- {
- return mixin("this" ~ op ~ "ubyte(rhs)");
- }
- else static if (isFloatingPoint!Rhs)
- {
- return mixin("payload" ~ op ~ "rhs");
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook, "onOverflow"))
- {
- bool overflow;
- auto r = opChecked!op(payload, rhs, overflow);
- if (overflow) r = hook.onOverflow!op(payload, rhs);
- return Result(r);
- }
- else
- {
- // Default is built-in behavior
- return Result(mixin("payload" ~ op ~ "rhs"));
- }
- }
- /// ditto
- auto opBinary(string op, U, Hook1)(Checked!(U, Hook1) rhs)
- {
- return opBinaryImpl2!(op, U, Hook1, typeof(this))(rhs);
- }
- /// ditto
- auto opBinary(string op, U, Hook1)(Checked!(U, Hook1) rhs) const
- {
- return opBinaryImpl2!(op, U, Hook1, typeof(this))(rhs);
- }
- private
- auto opBinaryImpl2(string op, U, Hook1, this _)(Checked!(U, Hook1) rhs)
- {
- alias R = typeof(get + rhs.payload);
- static if (valueConvertible!(T, R) && valueConvertible!(U, R) ||
- is(Hook == Hook1))
- {
- // Delegate to lhs
- return mixin("this" ~ op ~ "rhs.payload");
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpBinary"))
- {
- return hook.hookOpBinary!op(payload, rhs);
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook1, "hookOpBinary"))
- {
- // Delegate to rhs
- return mixin("this.payload" ~ op ~ "rhs");
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook, "onOverflow") &&
- !hasMember!(Hook1, "onOverflow"))
- {
- // Delegate to lhs
- return mixin("this" ~ op ~ "rhs.payload");
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook1, "onOverflow") &&
- !hasMember!(Hook, "onOverflow"))
- {
- // Delegate to rhs
- return mixin("this.payload" ~ op ~ "rhs");
- }
- else
- {
- static assert(0, "Conflict between lhs and rhs hooks," ~
- " use .get on one side to disambiguate.");
- }
- }
- static if (is(T == int) && is(Hook == void)) @safe unittest
- {
- const a = checked(42);
- assert(a + 1 == 43);
- assert(a + checked(uint(42)) == 84);
- assert(checked(42) + checked!void(42u) == 84);
- assert(checked!void(42) + checked(42u) == 84);
- static struct MyHook
- {
- static uint tally;
- static auto hookOpBinary(string x, L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- ++tally;
- return mixin("lhs" ~ x ~ "rhs");
- }
- }
- assert(checked!MyHook(42) + checked(42u) == 84);
- assert(checked!void(42) + checked!MyHook(42u) == 84);
- assert(MyHook.tally == 2);
- }
- // opBinaryRight
- /**
- Defines binary operators `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`, `^^`, `&`, `|`, `^`, `<<`,
- `>>`, and `>>>` for the case when a built-in numeric or Boolean type is on
- the left-hand side, and a `Checked` instance is on the right-hand side.
- */
- auto opBinaryRight(string op, Lhs)(const Lhs lhs)
- if (isIntegral!Lhs || isFloatingPoint!Lhs || is(Lhs == bool))
- {
- return opBinaryRightImpl!(op, Lhs, typeof(this))(lhs);
- }
- /// ditto
- auto opBinaryRight(string op, Lhs)(const Lhs lhs) const
- if (isIntegral!Lhs || isFloatingPoint!Lhs || is(Lhs == bool))
- {
- return opBinaryRightImpl!(op, Lhs, typeof(this))(lhs);
- }
- private auto opBinaryRightImpl(string op, Lhs, this _)(const Lhs lhs)
- {
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpBinaryRight"))
- {
- auto r = hook.hookOpBinaryRight!op(lhs, payload);
- return Checked!(typeof(r), Hook)(r);
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpBinary"))
- {
- auto r = hook.hookOpBinary!op(lhs, payload);
- return Checked!(typeof(r), Hook)(r);
- }
- else static if (is(Lhs == bool))
- {
- return mixin("ubyte(lhs)" ~ op ~ "this");
- }
- else static if (isFloatingPoint!Lhs)
- {
- return mixin("lhs" ~ op ~ "payload");
- }
- else static if (hasMember!(Hook, "onOverflow"))
- {
- bool overflow;
- auto r = opChecked!op(lhs, T(payload), overflow);
- if (overflow) r = hook.onOverflow!op(lhs, payload);
- return Checked!(typeof(r), Hook)(r);
- }
- else
- {
- // Default is built-in behavior
- auto r = mixin("lhs" ~ op ~ "T(payload)");
- return Checked!(typeof(r), Hook)(r);
- }
- }
- static if (is(T == int) && is(Hook == void)) @safe unittest
- {
- assert(1 + checked(1) == 2);
- static uint tally;
- static struct MyHook
- {
- static auto hookOpBinaryRight(string x, L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- ++tally;
- return mixin("lhs" ~ x ~ "rhs");
- }
- }
- assert(1 + checked!MyHook(1) == 2);
- assert(tally == 1);
- immutable x1 = checked(1);
- assert(1 + x1 == 2);
- immutable x2 = checked!MyHook(1);
- assert(1 + x2 == 2);
- assert(tally == 2);
- }
- // opOpAssign
- /**
- Defines operators `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`, `^^=`, `&=`, `|=`, `^=`,
- `<<=`, `>>=`, and `>>>=`.
- If `Hook` defines `hookOpOpAssign`, `opOpAssign` forwards to
- `hook.hookOpOpAssign!op(payload, rhs)`, where `payload` is a reference to
- the internally held data so the hook can change it.
- Otherwise, the operator first evaluates $(D auto result =
- opBinary!op(payload, rhs).payload), which is subject to the hooks in
- `opBinary`. Then, if `result` is less than $(D Checked!(T, Hook).min) and if
- `Hook` defines `onLowerBound`, the payload is assigned from $(D
- hook.onLowerBound(result, min)). If `result` is greater than $(D Checked!(T,
- Hook).max) and if `Hook` defines `onUpperBound`, the payload is assigned
- from $(D hook.onUpperBound(result, min)).
- If the right-hand side is also a Checked but with a different hook or
- underlying type, the hook and underlying type of this Checked takes
- precedence.
- In all other cases, the built-in behavior is carried out.
- Params:
- op = The operator involved (without the `"="`, e.g. `"+"` for `"+="` etc)
- rhs = The right-hand side of the operator (left-hand side is `this`)
- Returns: A reference to `this`.
- */
- ref Checked opOpAssign(string op, Rhs)(const Rhs rhs) return
- if (isIntegral!Rhs || isFloatingPoint!Rhs || is(Rhs == bool))
- {
- static assert(is(typeof(mixin("payload" ~ op ~ "=rhs")) == T));
- static if (hasMember!(Hook, "hookOpOpAssign"))
- {
- hook.hookOpOpAssign!op(payload, rhs);
- }
- else
- {
- alias R = typeof(get + rhs);
- auto r = opBinary!op(rhs).get;
- import std.conv : unsigned;
- static if (ProperCompare.hookOpCmp(R.min, min.get) < 0 &&
- hasMember!(Hook, "onLowerBound"))
- {
- if (ProperCompare.hookOpCmp(r, min.get) < 0)
- {
- // Example: Checked!uint(1) += int(-3)
- payload = hook.onLowerBound(r, min.get);
- return this;
- }
- }
- static if (ProperCompare.hookOpCmp(max.get, R.max) < 0 &&
- hasMember!(Hook, "onUpperBound"))
- {
- if (ProperCompare.hookOpCmp(r, max.get) > 0)
- {
- // Example: Checked!uint(1) += long(uint.max)
- payload = hook.onUpperBound(r, max.get);
- return this;
- }
- }
- payload = cast(T) r;
- }
- return this;
- }
- /// ditto
- ref Checked opOpAssign(string op, Rhs)(const Rhs rhs) return
- if (is(Rhs == Checked!(RhsT, RhsHook), RhsT, RhsHook))
- {
- return opOpAssign!(op, typeof(rhs.payload))(rhs.payload);
- }
- ///
- static if (is(T == int) && is(Hook == void)) @safe unittest
- {
- static struct MyHook
- {
- static bool thereWereErrors;
- static T onLowerBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- thereWereErrors = true;
- return bound;
- }
- static T onUpperBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- thereWereErrors = true;
- return bound;
- }
- }
- auto x = checked!MyHook(byte.min);
- x -= 1;
- assert(MyHook.thereWereErrors);
- MyHook.thereWereErrors = false;
- x = byte.max;
- x += 1;
- assert(MyHook.thereWereErrors);
- }
-Convenience function that turns an integral into the corresponding `Checked`
-instance by using template argument deduction. The hook type may be specified
-(by default `Abort`).
-Checked!(T, Hook) checked(Hook = Abort, T)(const T value)
-if (is(typeof(Checked!(T, Hook)(value))))
- return Checked!(T, Hook)(value);
-@safe unittest
- static assert(is(typeof(checked(42)) == Checked!int));
- assert(checked(42) == Checked!int(42));
- static assert(is(typeof(checked!WithNaN(42)) == Checked!(int, WithNaN)));
- assert(checked!WithNaN(42) == Checked!(int, WithNaN)(42));
-// get
-@safe unittest
- void test(T)()
- {
- assert(Checked!(T, void)(ubyte(22)).get == 22);
- }
- test!ubyte;
- test!(const ubyte);
- test!(immutable ubyte);
-@system unittest
- //
- assert(4 * checked(5L) == 20);
- assert(20 / checked(5L) == 4);
- assert(2 ^^ checked(3L) == 8);
- assert(12 % checked(5L) == 2);
- assert((0xff & checked(3L)) == 3);
- assert((0xf0 | checked(3L)) == 0xf3);
- assert((0xff ^ checked(3L)) == 0xfc);
-// Abort
-Force all integral errors to fail by printing an error message to `stderr` and
-then abort the program. `Abort` is the default second argument for `Checked`.
-struct Abort
- /**
- Called automatically upon a bad cast (one that loses precision or attempts
- to convert a negative value to an unsigned type). The source type is `Src`
- and the destination type is `Dst`.
- Params:
- src = The source of the cast
- Returns: Nominally the result is the desired value of the cast operation,
- which will be forwarded as the result of the cast. For `Abort`, the
- function never returns because it aborts the program.
- */
- Dst onBadCast(Dst, Src)(Src src)
- {
- Warn.onBadCast!Dst(src);
- assert(0);
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon a bounds error.
- Params:
- rhs = The right-hand side value in the assignment, after the operator has
- been evaluated
- bound = The value of the bound being violated
- Returns: Nominally the result is the desired value of the operator, which
- will be forwarded as result. For `Abort`, the function never returns because
- it aborts the program.
- */
- T onLowerBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- Warn.onLowerBound(rhs, bound);
- assert(0);
- }
- /// ditto
- T onUpperBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- Warn.onUpperBound(rhs, bound);
- assert(0);
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon a comparison for equality. In case of a erroneous
- comparison (one that would make a signed negative value appear equal to an
- unsigned positive value), this hook issues `assert(0)` which terminates the
- application.
- Params:
- lhs = The first argument of `Checked`, e.g. `int` if the left-hand side of
- the operator is `Checked!int`
- rhs = The right-hand side type involved in the operator
- Returns: Upon a correct comparison, returns the result of the comparison.
- Otherwise, the function terminates the application so it never returns.
- */
- static bool hookOpEquals(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- bool error;
- auto result = opChecked!"=="(lhs, rhs, error);
- if (error)
- {
- Warn.hookOpEquals(lhs, rhs);
- assert(0);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon a comparison for ordering using one of the
- operators `<`, `<=`, `>`, or `>=`. In case the comparison is erroneous (i.e.
- it would make a signed negative value appear greater than or equal to an
- unsigned positive value), then application is terminated with `assert(0)`.
- Otherwise, the three-state result is returned (positive if $(D lhs > rhs),
- negative if $(D lhs < rhs), `0` otherwise).
- Params:
- lhs = The first argument of `Checked`, e.g. `int` if the left-hand side of
- the operator is `Checked!int`
- rhs = The right-hand side type involved in the operator
- Returns: For correct comparisons, returns a positive integer if $(D lhs >
- rhs), a negative integer if $(D lhs < rhs), `0` if the two are equal. Upon
- a mistaken comparison such as $(D int(-1) < uint(0)), the function never
- returns because it aborts the program.
- */
- int hookOpCmp(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- bool error;
- auto result = opChecked!"cmp"(lhs, rhs, error);
- if (error)
- {
- Warn.hookOpCmp(lhs, rhs);
- assert(0);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon an overflow during a unary or binary operation.
- Params:
- x = The operator, e.g. `-`
- lhs = The left-hand side (or sole) argument
- rhs = The right-hand side type involved in the operator
- Returns: Nominally the result is the desired value of the operator, which
- will be forwarded as result. For `Abort`, the function never returns because
- it aborts the program.
- */
- typeof(~Lhs()) onOverflow(string x, Lhs)(Lhs lhs)
- {
- Warn.onOverflow!x(lhs);
- assert(0);
- }
- /// ditto
- typeof(Lhs() + Rhs()) onOverflow(string x, Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- Warn.onOverflow!x(lhs, rhs);
- assert(0);
- }
-@safe unittest
- void test(T)()
- {
- Checked!(int, Abort) x;
- x = 42;
- auto x1 = cast(T) x;
- assert(x1 == 42);
- //x1 += long(int.max);
- }
- test!short;
- test!(const short);
- test!(immutable short);
-// Throw
-Force all integral errors to fail by throwing an exception of type
-`Throw.CheckFailure`. The message coming with the error is similar to the one
-printed by `Warn`.
-struct Throw
- /**
- Exception type thrown upon any failure.
- */
- static class CheckFailure : Exception
- {
- this(T...)(string f, T vals)
- {
- import std.format : format;
- super(format(f, vals));
- }
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon a bad cast (one that loses precision or attempts
- to convert a negative value to an unsigned type). The source type is `Src`
- and the destination type is `Dst`.
- Params:
- src = The source of the cast
- Returns: Nominally the result is the desired value of the cast operation,
- which will be forwarded as the result of the cast. For `Throw`, the
- function never returns because it throws an exception.
- */
- static Dst onBadCast(Dst, Src)(Src src)
- {
- throw new CheckFailure("Erroneous cast: cast(%s) %s(%s)",
- Dst.stringof, Src.stringof, src);
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon a bounds error.
- Params:
- rhs = The right-hand side value in the assignment, after the operator has
- been evaluated
- bound = The value of the bound being violated
- Returns: Nominally the result is the desired value of the operator, which
- will be forwarded as result. For `Throw`, the function never returns because
- it throws.
- */
- static T onLowerBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- throw new CheckFailure("Lower bound error: %s(%s) < %s(%s)",
- Rhs.stringof, rhs, T.stringof, bound);
- }
- /// ditto
- static T onUpperBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- throw new CheckFailure("Upper bound error: %s(%s) > %s(%s)",
- Rhs.stringof, rhs, T.stringof, bound);
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon a comparison for equality. Throws upon an
- erroneous comparison (one that would make a signed negative value appear
- equal to an unsigned positive value).
- Params:
- lhs = The first argument of `Checked`, e.g. `int` if the left-hand side of
- the operator is `Checked!int`
- rhs = The right-hand side type involved in the operator
- Returns: The result of the comparison.
- Throws: `CheckFailure` if the comparison is mathematically erroneous.
- */
- static bool hookOpEquals(L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- bool error;
- auto result = opChecked!"=="(lhs, rhs, error);
- if (error)
- {
- throw new CheckFailure("Erroneous comparison: %s(%s) == %s(%s)",
- L.stringof, lhs, R.stringof, rhs);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon a comparison for ordering using one of the
- operators `<`, `<=`, `>`, or `>=`. In case the comparison is erroneous (i.e.
- it would make a signed negative value appear greater than or equal to an
- unsigned positive value), throws a `Throw.CheckFailure` exception.
- Otherwise, the three-state result is returned (positive if $(D lhs > rhs),
- negative if $(D lhs < rhs), `0` otherwise).
- Params:
- lhs = The first argument of `Checked`, e.g. `int` if the left-hand side of
- the operator is `Checked!int`
- rhs = The right-hand side type involved in the operator
- Returns: For correct comparisons, returns a positive integer if $(D lhs >
- rhs), a negative integer if $(D lhs < rhs), `0` if the two are equal.
- Throws: Upon a mistaken comparison such as $(D int(-1) < uint(0)), the
- function never returns because it throws a `Throw.CheckedFailure` exception.
- */
- static int hookOpCmp(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- bool error;
- auto result = opChecked!"cmp"(lhs, rhs, error);
- if (error)
- {
- throw new CheckFailure("Erroneous ordering comparison: %s(%s) and %s(%s)",
- Lhs.stringof, lhs, Rhs.stringof, rhs);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon an overflow during a unary or binary operation.
- Params:
- x = The operator, e.g. `-`
- lhs = The left-hand side (or sole) argument
- rhs = The right-hand side type involved in the operator
- Returns: Nominally the result is the desired value of the operator, which
- will be forwarded as result. For `Throw`, the function never returns because
- it throws an exception.
- */
- static typeof(~Lhs()) onOverflow(string x, Lhs)(Lhs lhs)
- {
- throw new CheckFailure("Overflow on unary operator: %s%s(%s)",
- x, Lhs.stringof, lhs);
- }
- /// ditto
- static typeof(Lhs() + Rhs()) onOverflow(string x, Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- throw new CheckFailure("Overflow on binary operator: %s(%s) %s %s(%s)",
- Lhs.stringof, lhs, x, Rhs.stringof, rhs);
- }
-@safe unittest
- void test(T)()
- {
- Checked!(int, Throw) x;
- x = 42;
- auto x1 = cast(T) x;
- assert(x1 == 42);
- x = T.max + 1;
- import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
- assertThrown(cast(T) x);
- x = x.max;
- assertThrown(x += 42);
- assertThrown(x += 42L);
- x = x.min;
- assertThrown(-x);
- assertThrown(x -= 42);
- assertThrown(x -= 42L);
- x = -1;
- assertNotThrown(x == -1);
- assertThrown(x == uint(-1));
- assertNotThrown(x <= -1);
- assertThrown(x <= uint(-1));
- }
- test!short;
- test!(const short);
- test!(immutable short);
-// Warn
-Hook that prints to `stderr` a trace of all integral errors, without affecting
-default behavior.
-struct Warn
- import std.stdio : writefln;
- /**
- Called automatically upon a bad cast from `src` to type `Dst` (one that
- loses precision or attempts to convert a negative value to an unsigned
- type).
- Params:
- src = The source of the cast
- Dst = The target type of the cast
- Returns: `cast(Dst) src`
- */
- Dst onBadCast(Dst, Src)(Src src)
- {
- trustedStderr.writefln("Erroneous cast: cast(%s) %s(%s)",
- Dst.stringof, Src.stringof, src);
- return cast(Dst) src;
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon a bad `opOpAssign` call (one that loses precision
- or attempts to convert a negative value to an unsigned type).
- Params:
- rhs = The right-hand side value in the assignment, after the operator has
- been evaluated
- bound = The bound being violated
- Returns: `cast(T) rhs`
- */
- T onLowerBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- trustedStderr.writefln("Lower bound error: %s(%s) < %s(%s)",
- Rhs.stringof, rhs, T.stringof, bound);
- return cast(T) rhs;
- }
- /// ditto
- T onUpperBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- trustedStderr.writefln("Upper bound error: %s(%s) > %s(%s)",
- Rhs.stringof, rhs, T.stringof, bound);
- return cast(T) rhs;
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon a comparison for equality. In case of an Erroneous
- comparison (one that would make a signed negative value appear equal to an
- unsigned positive value), writes a warning message to `stderr` as a side
- effect.
- Params:
- lhs = The first argument of `Checked`, e.g. `int` if the left-hand side of
- the operator is `Checked!int`
- rhs = The right-hand side type involved in the operator
- Returns: In all cases the function returns the built-in result of $(D lhs ==
- rhs).
- */
- bool hookOpEquals(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- bool error;
- auto result = opChecked!"=="(lhs, rhs, error);
- if (error)
- {
- trustedStderr.writefln("Erroneous comparison: %s(%s) == %s(%s)",
- Lhs.stringof, lhs, Rhs.stringof, rhs);
- return lhs == rhs;
- }
- return result;
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- auto x = checked!Warn(-42);
- // Passes
- assert(x == -42);
- // Passes but prints a warning
- // assert(x == uint(-42));
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon a comparison for ordering using one of the
- operators `<`, `<=`, `>`, or `>=`. In case the comparison is erroneous (i.e.
- it would make a signed negative value appear greater than or equal to an
- unsigned positive value), then a warning message is printed to `stderr`.
- Params:
- lhs = The first argument of `Checked`, e.g. `int` if the left-hand side of
- the operator is `Checked!int`
- rhs = The right-hand side type involved in the operator
- Returns: In all cases, returns $(D lhs < rhs ? -1 : lhs > rhs). The result
- is not autocorrected in case of an erroneous comparison.
- */
- int hookOpCmp(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- bool error;
- auto result = opChecked!"cmp"(lhs, rhs, error);
- if (error)
- {
- trustedStderr.writefln("Erroneous ordering comparison: %s(%s) and %s(%s)",
- Lhs.stringof, lhs, Rhs.stringof, rhs);
- return lhs < rhs ? -1 : lhs > rhs;
- }
- return result;
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- auto x = checked!Warn(-42);
- // Passes
- assert(x <= -42);
- // Passes but prints a warning
- // assert(x <= uint(-42));
- }
- /**
- Called automatically upon an overflow during a unary or binary operation.
- Params:
- x = The operator involved
- Lhs = The first argument of `Checked`, e.g. `int` if the left-hand side of
- the operator is `Checked!int`
- Rhs = The right-hand side type involved in the operator
- Returns: $(D mixin(x ~ "lhs")) for unary, $(D mixin("lhs" ~ x ~ "rhs")) for
- binary
- */
- typeof(~Lhs()) onOverflow(string x, Lhs)(ref Lhs lhs)
- {
- trustedStderr.writefln("Overflow on unary operator: %s%s(%s)",
- x, Lhs.stringof, lhs);
- return mixin(x ~ "lhs");
- }
- /// ditto
- typeof(Lhs() + Rhs()) onOverflow(string x, Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- trustedStderr.writefln("Overflow on binary operator: %s(%s) %s %s(%s)",
- Lhs.stringof, lhs, x, Rhs.stringof, rhs);
- static if (x == "/") // Issue 20743: mixin below would cause SIGFPE on POSIX
- return typeof(lhs / rhs).min; // or EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW on Windows
- else
- return mixin("lhs" ~ x ~ "rhs");
- }
- // This is safe because we do not assign to the reference returned by
- // `stderr`. The ability for the caller to do that is why `stderr` is not
- // safe in the general case.
- private @property auto ref trustedStderr() @trusted
- {
- import std.stdio : stderr;
- return stderr;
- }
-@safe unittest
- auto x = checked!Warn(42);
- short x1 = cast(short) x;
- //x += long(int.max);
- auto y = checked!Warn(cast(const int) 42);
- short y1 = cast(const byte) y;
-@system unittest
- auto a = checked!Warn(int.min);
- auto b = checked!Warn(-1);
- auto x = checked!Abort(int.min);
- auto y = checked!Abort(-1);
- // Temporarily redirect output to stderr to make sure we get the right output.
- import std.file : exists, remove;
- import std.process : uniqueTempPath;
- import std.stdio : stderr;
- auto tmpname = uniqueTempPath;
- scope(exit) if (exists(tmpname)) remove(tmpname);
- auto t = stderr;
-, "w");
- // Open a new scope to minimize code ran with stderr redirected.
- {
- scope(exit) stderr = t;
- assert(a / b == a * b);
- import std.exception : assertThrown;
- import core.exception : AssertError;
- assertThrown!AssertError(x / y);
- }
- import std.file : readText;
- import std.ascii : newline;
- auto witness = readText(tmpname);
- auto expected =
-"Overflow on binary operator: int(-2147483648) / const(int)(-1)" ~ newline ~
-"Overflow on binary operator: int(-2147483648) * const(int)(-1)" ~ newline ~
-"Overflow on binary operator: int(-2147483648) / const(int)(-1)" ~ newline;
- assert(witness == expected, "'" ~ witness ~ "'");
-@safe unittest
- alias _ = Warn.onLowerBound!(int, int);
-// ProperCompare
-Hook that provides arithmetically correct comparisons for equality and ordering.
-Comparing an object of type $(D Checked!(X, ProperCompare)) against another
-integral (for equality or ordering) ensures that no surprising conversions from
-signed to unsigned integral occur before the comparison. Using $(D Checked!(X,
-ProperCompare)) on either side of a comparison for equality against a
-floating-point number makes sure the integral can be properly converted to the
-floating point type, thus making sure equality is transitive.
-struct ProperCompare
- /**
- Hook for `==` and `!=` that ensures comparison against integral values has
- the behavior expected by the usual arithmetic rules. The built-in semantics
- yield surprising behavior when comparing signed values against unsigned
- values for equality, for example $(D uint.max == -1) or $(D -1_294_967_296 ==
- 3_000_000_000u). The call $(D hookOpEquals(x, y)) returns `true` if and only
- if `x` and `y` represent the same arithmetic number.
- If one of the numbers is an integral and the other is a floating-point
- number, $(D hookOpEquals(x, y)) returns `true` if and only if the integral
- can be converted exactly (without approximation) to the floating-point
- number. This is in order to preserve transitivity of equality: if $(D
- hookOpEquals(x, y)) and $(D hookOpEquals(y, z)) then $(D hookOpEquals(y,
- z)), in case `x`, `y`, and `z` are a mix of integral and floating-point
- numbers.
- Params:
- lhs = The left-hand side of the comparison for equality
- rhs = The right-hand side of the comparison for equality
- Returns:
- The result of the comparison, `true` if the values are equal
- */
- static bool hookOpEquals(L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- alias C = typeof(lhs + rhs);
- static if (isFloatingPoint!C)
- {
- static if (!isFloatingPoint!L)
- {
- return hookOpEquals(rhs, lhs);
- }
- else static if (!isFloatingPoint!R)
- {
- static assert(isFloatingPoint!L && !isFloatingPoint!R);
- auto rhs1 = C(rhs);
- return lhs == rhs1 && cast(R) rhs1 == rhs;
- }
- else
- return lhs == rhs;
- }
- else
- {
- bool error;
- auto result = opChecked!"=="(lhs, rhs, error);
- if (error)
- {
- // Only possible error is a wrong "true"
- return false;
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- /**
- Hook for `<`, `<=`, `>`, and `>=` that ensures comparison against integral
- values has the behavior expected by the usual arithmetic rules. The built-in
- semantics yield surprising behavior when comparing signed values against
- unsigned values, for example $(D 0u < -1). The call $(D hookOpCmp(x, y))
- returns `-1` if and only if `x` is smaller than `y` in abstract arithmetic
- sense.
- If one of the numbers is an integral and the other is a floating-point
- number, $(D hookOpEquals(x, y)) returns a floating-point number that is `-1`
- if `x < y`, `0` if `x == y`, `1` if `x > y`, and `NaN` if the floating-point
- number is `NaN`.
- Params:
- lhs = The left-hand side of the comparison for ordering
- rhs = The right-hand side of the comparison for ordering
- Returns:
- The result of the comparison (negative if $(D lhs < rhs), positive if $(D
- lhs > rhs), `0` if the values are equal)
- */
- static auto hookOpCmp(L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- alias C = typeof(lhs + rhs);
- static if (isFloatingPoint!C)
- {
- return lhs < rhs
- ? C(-1)
- : lhs > rhs ? C(1) : lhs == rhs ? C(0) : C.init;
- }
- else
- {
- static if (!valueConvertible!(L, C) || !valueConvertible!(R, C))
- {
- static assert(isUnsigned!C);
- static assert(isUnsigned!L != isUnsigned!R);
- if (!isUnsigned!L && lhs < 0)
- return -1;
- if (!isUnsigned!R && rhs < 0)
- return 1;
- }
- return lhs < rhs ? -1 : lhs > rhs;
- }
- }
-@safe unittest
- alias opEqualsProper = ProperCompare.hookOpEquals;
- assert(opEqualsProper(42, 42));
- assert(opEqualsProper(42.0, 42.0));
- assert(opEqualsProper(42u, 42));
- assert(opEqualsProper(42, 42u));
- assert(-1 == 4294967295u);
- assert(!opEqualsProper(-1, 4294967295u));
- assert(!opEqualsProper(const uint(-1), -1));
- assert(!opEqualsProper(uint(-1), -1.0));
- assert(3_000_000_000U == -1_294_967_296);
- assert(!opEqualsProper(3_000_000_000U, -1_294_967_296));
-@safe unittest
- alias opCmpProper = ProperCompare.hookOpCmp;
- assert(opCmpProper(42, 42) == 0);
- assert(opCmpProper(42, 42.0) == 0);
- assert(opCmpProper(41, 42.0) < 0);
- assert(opCmpProper(42, 41.0) > 0);
- import std.math.traits : isNaN;
- assert(isNaN(opCmpProper(41, double.init)));
- assert(opCmpProper(42u, 42) == 0);
- assert(opCmpProper(42, 42u) == 0);
- assert(opCmpProper(-1, uint(-1)) < 0);
- assert(opCmpProper(uint(-1), -1) > 0);
- assert(opCmpProper(-1.0, -1) == 0);
-@safe unittest
- auto x1 = Checked!(uint, ProperCompare)(42u);
- assert(x1.get < -1);
- assert(x1 > -1);
-// WithNaN
-Hook that reserves a special value as a "Not a Number" representative. For
-signed integrals, the reserved value is `T.min`. For signed integrals, the
-reserved value is `T.max`.
-The default value of a $(D Checked!(X, WithNaN)) is its NaN value, so care must
-be taken that all variables are explicitly initialized. Any arithmetic and logic
-operation involving at least on NaN becomes NaN itself. All of $(D a == b), $(D
-a < b), $(D a > b), $(D a <= b), $(D a >= b) yield `false` if at least one of
-`a` and `b` is NaN.
-struct WithNaN
- /**
- The default value used for values not explicitly initialized. It is the NaN
- value, i.e. `T.min` for signed integrals and `T.max` for unsigned integrals.
- */
- enum T defaultValue(T) = T.min == 0 ? T.max : T.min;
- /**
- The maximum value representable is `T.max` for signed integrals, $(D
- T.max - 1) for unsigned integrals. The minimum value representable is $(D
- T.min + 1) for signed integrals, `0` for unsigned integrals.
- */
- enum T max(T) = cast(T) (T.min == 0 ? T.max - 1 : T.max);
- /// ditto
- enum T min(T) = cast(T) (T.min == 0 ? T(0) : T.min + 1);
- /**
- If `rhs` is `WithNaN.defaultValue!Rhs`, returns
- `WithNaN.defaultValue!Lhs`. Otherwise, returns $(D cast(Lhs) rhs).
- Params:
- rhs = the value being cast (`Rhs` is the first argument to `Checked`)
- Lhs = the target type of the cast
- Returns: The result of the cast operation.
- */
- Lhs hookOpCast(Lhs, Rhs)(Rhs rhs)
- {
- static if (is(Lhs == bool))
- {
- return rhs != defaultValue!Rhs && rhs != 0;
- }
- else static if (valueConvertible!(Rhs, Lhs))
- {
- return rhs != defaultValue!Rhs ? Lhs(rhs) : defaultValue!Lhs;
- }
- else
- {
- // Not value convertible, only viable option is rhs fits within the
- // bounds of Lhs
- static if (ProperCompare.hookOpCmp(Rhs.min, Lhs.min) < 0)
- {
- // Example: hookOpCast!short(int(42)), hookOpCast!uint(int(42))
- if (ProperCompare.hookOpCmp(rhs, Lhs.min) < 0)
- return defaultValue!Lhs;
- }
- static if (ProperCompare.hookOpCmp(Rhs.max, Lhs.max) > 0)
- {
- // Example: hookOpCast!int(uint(42))
- if (ProperCompare.hookOpCmp(rhs, Lhs.max) > 0)
- return defaultValue!Lhs;
- }
- return cast(Lhs) rhs;
- }
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- auto x = checked!WithNaN(422);
- assert((cast(ubyte) x) == 255);
- x = checked!WithNaN(-422);
- assert((cast(byte) x) == -128);
- assert(cast(short) x == -422);
- assert(cast(bool) x);
- x = x.init; // set back to NaN
- assert(x != true);
- assert(x != false);
- }
- /**
- Returns `false` if $(D lhs == WithNaN.defaultValue!Lhs), $(D lhs == rhs)
- otherwise.
- Params:
- lhs = The left-hand side of the comparison (`Lhs` is the first argument to
- `Checked`)
- rhs = The right-hand side of the comparison
- Returns: `lhs != WithNaN.defaultValue!Lhs && lhs == rhs`
- */
- bool hookOpEquals(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- return lhs != defaultValue!Lhs && lhs == rhs;
- }
- /**
- If $(D lhs == WithNaN.defaultValue!Lhs), returns `double.init`. Otherwise,
- has the same semantics as the default comparison.
- Params:
- lhs = The left-hand side of the comparison (`Lhs` is the first argument to
- `Checked`)
- rhs = The right-hand side of the comparison
- Returns: `double.init` if `lhs == WitnNaN.defaultValue!Lhs`, `-1.0` if $(D
- lhs < rhs), `0.0` if $(D lhs == rhs), `1.0` if $(D lhs > rhs).
- */
- double hookOpCmp(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- if (lhs == defaultValue!Lhs) return double.init;
- return lhs < rhs
- ? -1.0
- : lhs > rhs ? 1.0 : lhs == rhs ? 0.0 : double.init;
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- Checked!(int, WithNaN) x;
- assert(!(x < 0) && !(x > 0) && !(x == 0));
- x = 1;
- assert(x > 0 && !(x < 0) && !(x == 0));
- }
- /**
- Defines hooks for unary operators `-`, `~`, `++`, and `--`.
- For `-` and `~`, if $(D v == WithNaN.defaultValue!T), returns
- `WithNaN.defaultValue!T`. Otherwise, the semantics is the same as for the
- built-in operator.
- For `++` and `--`, if $(D v == WithNaN.defaultValue!Lhs) or the operation
- would result in an overflow, sets `v` to `WithNaN.defaultValue!T`.
- Otherwise, the semantics is the same as for the built-in operator.
- Params:
- x = The operator symbol
- v = The left-hand side of the comparison (`T` is the first argument to
- `Checked`)
- Returns: $(UL $(LI For $(D x == "-" || x == "~"): If $(D v ==
- WithNaN.defaultValue!T), the function returns `WithNaN.defaultValue!T`.
- Otherwise it returns the normal result of the operator.) $(LI For $(D x ==
- "++" || x == "--"): The function returns `void`.))
- */
- auto hookOpUnary(string x, T)(ref T v)
- {
- static if (x == "-" || x == "~")
- {
- return v != defaultValue!T ? mixin(x ~ "v") : v;
- }
- else static if (x == "++")
- {
- static if (defaultValue!T == T.min)
- {
- if (v != defaultValue!T)
- {
- if (v == T.max) v = defaultValue!T;
- else ++v;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- static assert(defaultValue!T == T.max);
- if (v != defaultValue!T) ++v;
- }
- }
- else static if (x == "--")
- {
- if (v != defaultValue!T) --v;
- }
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- Checked!(int, WithNaN) x;
- ++x;
- assert(x.isNaN);
- x = 1;
- assert(!x.isNaN);
- x = -x;
- ++x;
- assert(!x.isNaN);
- }
- @safe unittest // for coverage
- {
- Checked!(uint, WithNaN) y;
- ++y;
- assert(y.isNaN);
- }
- /**
- Defines hooks for binary operators `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`, `^^`, `&`, `|`,
- `^`, `<<`, `>>`, and `>>>` for cases where a `Checked` object is the
- left-hand side operand. If $(D lhs == WithNaN.defaultValue!Lhs), returns
- $(D WithNaN.defaultValue!(typeof(lhs + rhs))) without evaluating the
- operand. Otherwise, evaluates the operand. If evaluation does not overflow,
- returns the result. Otherwise, returns $(D WithNaN.defaultValue!(typeof(lhs +
- rhs))).
- Params:
- x = The operator symbol
- lhs = The left-hand side operand (`Lhs` is the first argument to `Checked`)
- rhs = The right-hand side operand
- Returns: If $(D lhs != WithNaN.defaultValue!Lhs) and the operator does not
- overflow, the function returns the same result as the built-in operator. In
- all other cases, returns $(D WithNaN.defaultValue!(typeof(lhs + rhs))).
- */
- auto hookOpBinary(string x, L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- alias Result = typeof(lhs + rhs);
- if (lhs != defaultValue!L)
- {
- bool error;
- auto result = opChecked!x(lhs, rhs, error);
- if (!error) return result;
- }
- return defaultValue!Result;
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- Checked!(int, WithNaN) x;
- assert((x + 1).isNaN);
- x = 100;
- assert(!(x + 1).isNaN);
- }
- /**
- Defines hooks for binary operators `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`, `^^`, `&`, `|`,
- `^`, `<<`, `>>`, and `>>>` for cases where a `Checked` object is the
- right-hand side operand. If $(D rhs == WithNaN.defaultValue!Rhs), returns
- $(D WithNaN.defaultValue!(typeof(lhs + rhs))) without evaluating the
- operand. Otherwise, evaluates the operand. If evaluation does not overflow,
- returns the result. Otherwise, returns $(D WithNaN.defaultValue!(typeof(lhs +
- rhs))).
- Params:
- x = The operator symbol
- lhs = The left-hand side operand
- rhs = The right-hand side operand (`Rhs` is the first argument to `Checked`)
- Returns: If $(D rhs != WithNaN.defaultValue!Rhs) and the operator does not
- overflow, the function returns the same result as the built-in operator. In
- all other cases, returns $(D WithNaN.defaultValue!(typeof(lhs + rhs))).
- */
- auto hookOpBinaryRight(string x, L, R)(L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- alias Result = typeof(lhs + rhs);
- if (rhs != defaultValue!R)
- {
- bool error;
- auto result = opChecked!x(lhs, rhs, error);
- if (!error) return result;
- }
- return defaultValue!Result;
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- Checked!(int, WithNaN) x;
- assert((1 + x).isNaN);
- x = 100;
- assert(!(1 + x).isNaN);
- }
- /**
- Defines hooks for binary operators `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`, `^^=`,
- `&=`, `|=`, `^=`, `<<=`, `>>=`, and `>>>=` for cases where a `Checked`
- object is the left-hand side operand. If $(D lhs ==
- WithNaN.defaultValue!Lhs), no action is carried. Otherwise, evaluates the
- operand. If evaluation does not overflow and fits in `Lhs` without loss of
- information or change of sign, sets `lhs` to the result. Otherwise, sets
- `lhs` to `WithNaN.defaultValue!Lhs`.
- Params:
- x = The operator symbol (without the `=`)
- lhs = The left-hand side operand (`Lhs` is the first argument to `Checked`)
- rhs = The right-hand side operand
- Returns: `void`
- */
- void hookOpOpAssign(string x, L, R)(ref L lhs, R rhs)
- {
- if (lhs == defaultValue!L)
- return;
- bool error;
- auto temp = opChecked!x(lhs, rhs, error);
- lhs = error
- ? defaultValue!L
- : hookOpCast!L(temp);
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- Checked!(int, WithNaN) x;
- x += 4;
- assert(x.isNaN);
- x = 0;
- x += 4;
- assert(!x.isNaN);
- x += int.max;
- assert(x.isNaN);
- }
-@safe unittest
- auto x1 = Checked!(int, WithNaN)();
- assert(x1.isNaN);
- assert(x1.get == int.min);
- assert(x1 != x1);
- assert(!(x1 < x1));
- assert(!(x1 > x1));
- assert(!(x1 == x1));
- ++x1;
- assert(x1.isNaN);
- assert(x1.get == int.min);
- --x1;
- assert(x1.isNaN);
- assert(x1.get == int.min);
- x1 = 42;
- assert(!x1.isNaN);
- assert(x1 == x1);
- assert(x1 <= x1);
- assert(x1 >= x1);
- static assert(x1.min == int.min + 1);
- x1 += long(int.max);
-Queries whether a $(D Checked!(T, WithNaN)) object is not a number (NaN).
-Params: x = the `Checked` instance queried
-Returns: `true` if `x` is a NaN, `false` otherwise
-bool isNaN(T)(const Checked!(T, WithNaN) x)
- return x.get == x.init.get;
-@safe unittest
- auto x1 = Checked!(int, WithNaN)();
- assert(x1.isNaN);
- x1 = 1;
- assert(!x1.isNaN);
- x1 = x1.init;
- assert(x1.isNaN);
-@safe unittest
- void test1(T)()
- {
- auto x1 = Checked!(T, WithNaN)();
- assert(x1.isNaN);
- assert(x1.get == int.min);
- assert(x1 != x1);
- assert(!(x1 < x1));
- assert(!(x1 > x1));
- assert(!(x1 == x1));
- assert(x1.get == int.min);
- auto x2 = Checked!(T, WithNaN)(42);
- assert(!x2.isNaN);
- assert(x2 == x2);
- assert(x2 <= x2);
- assert(x2 >= x2);
- static assert(x2.min == T.min + 1);
- }
- test1!int;
- test1!(const int);
- test1!(immutable int);
- void test2(T)()
- {
- auto x1 = Checked!(T, WithNaN)();
- assert(x1.get == T.min);
- assert(x1 != x1);
- assert(!(x1 < x1));
- assert(!(x1 > x1));
- assert(!(x1 == x1));
- ++x1;
- assert(x1.get == T.min);
- --x1;
- assert(x1.get == T.min);
- x1 = 42;
- assert(x1 == x1);
- assert(x1 <= x1);
- assert(x1 >= x1);
- static assert(x1.min == T.min + 1);
- x1 += long(T.max);
- }
- test2!int;
-@safe unittest
- alias Smart(T) = Checked!(Checked!(T, ProperCompare), WithNaN);
- Smart!int x1;
- assert(x1 != x1);
- x1 = -1;
- assert(x1 < 1u);
- auto x2 = Smart!(const int)(42);
-// Saturate
-Hook that implements $(I saturation), i.e. any arithmetic operation that would
-overflow leaves the result at its extreme value (`min` or `max` depending on the
-direction of the overflow).
-Saturation is not sticky; if a value reaches its saturation value, another
-operation may take it back to normal range.
-struct Saturate
- /**
- Implements saturation for operators `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`, `^^=`, `&=`, `|=`, `^=`, `<<=`, `>>=`,
- and `>>>=`. This hook is called if the result of the binary operation does
- not fit in `Lhs` without loss of information or a change in sign.
- Params:
- Rhs = The right-hand side type in the assignment, after the operation has
- been computed
- bound = The bound being violated
- Returns: `Lhs.max` if $(D rhs >= 0), `Lhs.min` otherwise.
- */
- T onLowerBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- return bound;
- }
- /// ditto
- T onUpperBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- return bound;
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- auto x = checked!Saturate(short(100));
- x += 33000;
- assert(x == short.max);
- x -= 70000;
- assert(x == short.min);
- }
- /**
- Implements saturation for operators `+`, `-` (unary and binary), `*`, `/`,
- `%`, `^^`, `&`, `|`, `^`, `<<`, `>>`, and `>>>`.
- For unary `-`, `onOverflow` is called if $(D lhs == Lhs.min) and `Lhs` is a
- signed type. The function returns `Lhs.max`.
- For binary operators, the result is as follows: $(UL $(LI `Lhs.max` if the
- result overflows in the positive direction, on division by `0`, or on
- shifting right by a negative value) $(LI `Lhs.min` if the result overflows
- in the negative direction) $(LI `0` if `lhs` is being shifted left by a
- negative value, or shifted right by a large positive value))
- Params:
- x = The operator involved in the `opAssign` operation
- Lhs = The left-hand side of the operator (`Lhs` is the first argument to
- `Checked`)
- Rhs = The right-hand side type in the operator
- Returns: The saturated result of the operator.
- */
- auto onOverflow(string x, Lhs)(Lhs lhs)
- {
- static assert(x == "-" || x == "++" || x == "--");
- return x == "--" ? Lhs.min : Lhs.max;
- }
- /// ditto
- typeof(Lhs() + Rhs()) onOverflow(string x, Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- static if (x == "+")
- return rhs >= 0 ? Lhs.max : Lhs.min;
- else static if (x == "*")
- return (lhs >= 0) == (rhs >= 0) ? Lhs.max : Lhs.min;
- else static if (x == "^^")
- return lhs > 0 || !(rhs & 1) ? Lhs.max : Lhs.min;
- else static if (x == "-")
- return rhs >= 0 ? Lhs.min : Lhs.max;
- else static if (x == "/" || x == "%")
- return Lhs.max;
- else static if (x == "<<")
- return rhs >= 0 ? Lhs.max : 0;
- else static if (x == ">>" || x == ">>>")
- return rhs >= 0 ? 0 : Lhs.max;
- else
- static assert(false);
- }
- ///
- @safe unittest
- {
- assert(checked!Saturate(int.max) + 1 == int.max);
- assert(checked!Saturate(100) ^^ 10 == int.max);
- assert(checked!Saturate(-100) ^^ 10 == int.max);
- assert(checked!Saturate(100) / 0 == int.max);
- assert(checked!Saturate(100) << -1 == 0);
- assert(checked!Saturate(100) << 33 == int.max);
- assert(checked!Saturate(100) >> -1 == int.max);
- assert(checked!Saturate(100) >> 33 == 0);
- }
-@safe unittest
- auto x = checked!Saturate(int.max);
- ++x;
- assert(x == int.max);
- --x;
- assert(x == int.max - 1);
- x = int.min;
- assert(-x == int.max);
- x -= 42;
- assert(x == int.min);
- assert(x * -2 == int.max);
-Yields `true` if `T1` is "value convertible" (by C's "value preserving" rule,
-see $(HTTP to `T2`, where the two are
-integral types. That is, all of values in `T1` are also in `T2`. For example
-`int` is value convertible to `long` but not to `uint` or `ulong`.
-private enum valueConvertible(T1, T2) = isIntegral!T1 && isIntegral!T2 &&
- is(T1 : T2) && (
- isUnsigned!T1 == isUnsigned!T2 || // same signedness
- !isUnsigned!T2 && T2.sizeof > T1.sizeof // safely convertible
- );
-Defines binary operations with overflow checking for any two integral types.
-The result type obeys the language rules (even when they may be
-counterintuitive), and `overflow` is set if an overflow occurs (including
-inadvertent change of signedness, e.g. `-1` is converted to `uint`).
-Conceptually the behavior is:
-$(OL $(LI Perform the operation in infinite precision)
-$(LI If the infinite-precision result fits in the result type, return it and
-do not touch `overflow`)
-$(LI Otherwise, set `overflow` to `true` and return an unspecified value)
-The implementation exploits properties of types and operations to minimize
-additional work.
-x = The binary operator involved, e.g. `/`
-lhs = The left-hand side of the operator
-rhs = The right-hand side of the operator
-overflow = The overflow indicator (assigned `true` in case there's an error)
-The result of the operation, which is the same as the built-in operator
-typeof(mixin(x == "cmp" ? "0" : ("L() " ~ x ~ " R()")))
-opChecked(string x, L, R)(const L lhs, const R rhs, ref bool overflow)
-if (isIntegral!L && isIntegral!R)
- static if (x == "cmp")
- alias Result = int;
- else
- alias Result = typeof(mixin("L() " ~ x ~ " R()"));
- import core.checkedint : addu, adds, subs, muls, subu, mulu;
- import std.algorithm.comparison : among;
- static if (x == "==")
- {
- alias C = typeof(lhs + rhs);
- static if (valueConvertible!(L, C) && valueConvertible!(R, C))
- {
- // Values are converted to R before comparison, cool.
- return lhs == rhs;
- }
- else
- {
- static assert(isUnsigned!C);
- static assert(isUnsigned!L != isUnsigned!R);
- if (lhs != rhs) return false;
- // R(lhs) and R(rhs) have the same bit pattern, yet may be
- // different due to signedness change.
- static if (!isUnsigned!R)
- {
- if (rhs >= 0)
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (lhs >= 0)
- return true;
- }
- overflow = true;
- return true;
- }
- }
- else static if (x == "cmp")
- {
- alias C = typeof(lhs + rhs);
- static if (!valueConvertible!(L, C) || !valueConvertible!(R, C))
- {
- static assert(isUnsigned!C);
- static assert(isUnsigned!L != isUnsigned!R);
- if (!isUnsigned!L && lhs < 0)
- {
- overflow = true;
- return -1;
- }
- if (!isUnsigned!R && rhs < 0)
- {
- overflow = true;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return lhs < rhs ? -1 : lhs > rhs;
- }
- else static if (x.among("<<", ">>", ">>>"))
- {
- // Handle shift separately from all others. The test below covers
- // negative rhs as well.
- import std.conv : unsigned;
- if (unsigned(rhs) > 8 * Result.sizeof) goto fail;
- return mixin("lhs" ~ x ~ "rhs");
- }
- else static if (x.among("&", "|", "^"))
- {
- // Nothing to check
- return mixin("lhs" ~ x ~ "rhs");
- }
- else static if (x == "^^")
- {
- // Exponentiation is weird, handle separately
- return pow(lhs, rhs, overflow);
- }
- else static if (valueConvertible!(L, Result) &&
- valueConvertible!(R, Result))
- {
- static if (L.sizeof < Result.sizeof && R.sizeof < Result.sizeof &&
- x.among("+", "-", "*"))
- {
- // No checks - both are value converted and result is in range
- return mixin("lhs" ~ x ~ "rhs");
- }
- else static if (x == "+")
- {
- static if (isUnsigned!Result) alias impl = addu;
- else alias impl = adds;
- return impl(Result(lhs), Result(rhs), overflow);
- }
- else static if (x == "-")
- {
- static if (isUnsigned!Result) alias impl = subu;
- else alias impl = subs;
- return impl(Result(lhs), Result(rhs), overflow);
- }
- else static if (x == "*")
- {
- static if (!isUnsigned!L && !isUnsigned!R &&
- is(L == Result))
- {
- if (lhs == Result.min && rhs == -1) goto fail;
- }
- static if (isUnsigned!Result) alias impl = mulu;
- else alias impl = muls;
- return impl(Result(lhs), Result(rhs), overflow);
- }
- else static if (x == "/" || x == "%")
- {
- static if (!isUnsigned!L && !isUnsigned!R &&
- is(L == Result) && x == "/")
- {
- if (lhs == Result.min && rhs == -1) goto fail;
- }
- if (rhs == 0) goto fail;
- return mixin("lhs" ~ x ~ "rhs");
- }
- else static assert(0, x);
- }
- else // Mixed signs
- {
- static assert(isUnsigned!Result);
- static assert(isUnsigned!L != isUnsigned!R);
- static if (x == "+")
- {
- static if (!isUnsigned!L)
- {
- if (lhs < 0)
- return subu(Result(rhs), Result(-lhs), overflow);
- }
- else static if (!isUnsigned!R)
- {
- if (rhs < 0)
- return subu(Result(lhs), Result(-rhs), overflow);
- }
- return addu(Result(lhs), Result(rhs), overflow);
- }
- else static if (x == "-")
- {
- static if (!isUnsigned!L)
- {
- if (lhs < 0) goto fail;
- }
- else static if (!isUnsigned!R)
- {
- if (rhs < 0)
- return addu(Result(lhs), Result(-rhs), overflow);
- }
- return subu(Result(lhs), Result(rhs), overflow);
- }
- else static if (x == "*")
- {
- static if (!isUnsigned!L)
- {
- if (lhs < 0) goto fail;
- }
- else static if (!isUnsigned!R)
- {
- if (rhs < 0) goto fail;
- }
- return mulu(Result(lhs), Result(rhs), overflow);
- }
- else static if (x == "/" || x == "%")
- {
- static if (!isUnsigned!L)
- {
- if (lhs < 0 || rhs == 0) goto fail;
- }
- else static if (!isUnsigned!R)
- {
- if (rhs <= 0) goto fail;
- }
- return mixin("Result(lhs)" ~ x ~ "Result(rhs)");
- }
- else static assert(0, x);
- }
- debug assert(false);
- overflow = true;
- return Result(0);
-@safe unittest
- bool overflow;
- assert(opChecked!"+"(const short(1), short(1), overflow) == 2 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"+"(1, 1, overflow) == 2 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"+"(1, 1u, overflow) == 2 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"+"(-1, 1u, overflow) == 0 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"+"(1u, -1, overflow) == 0 && !overflow);
-@safe unittest
- bool overflow;
- assert(opChecked!"-"(1, 1, overflow) == 0 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"-"(1, 1u, overflow) == 0 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"-"(1u, -1, overflow) == 2 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"-"(-1, 1u, overflow) == 0 && overflow);
-@safe unittest
- bool overflow;
- assert(opChecked!"*"(2, 3, overflow) == 6 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"*"(2, 3u, overflow) == 6 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"*"(1u, -1, overflow) == 0 && overflow);
- //assert(mul(-1, 1u, overflow) == uint.max - 1 && overflow);
-@safe unittest
- bool overflow;
- assert(opChecked!"/"(6, 3, overflow) == 2 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"/"(6, 3, overflow) == 2 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"/"(6u, 3, overflow) == 2 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"/"(6, 3u, overflow) == 2 && !overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"/"(11, 0, overflow) == 0 && overflow);
- overflow = false;
- assert(opChecked!"/"(6u, 0, overflow) == 0 && overflow);
- overflow = false;
- assert(opChecked!"/"(-6, 2u, overflow) == 0 && overflow);
- overflow = false;
- assert(opChecked!"/"(-6, 0u, overflow) == 0 && overflow);
- overflow = false;
- assert(opChecked!"cmp"(0u, -6, overflow) == 1 && overflow);
- overflow = false;
- assert(opChecked!"|"(1, 2, overflow) == 3 && !overflow);
-Exponentiation function used by the implementation of operator `^^`.
-private pure @safe nothrow @nogc
-auto pow(L, R)(const L lhs, const R rhs, ref bool overflow)
-if (isIntegral!L && isIntegral!R)
- if (rhs <= 1)
- {
- if (rhs == 0) return 1;
- static if (!isUnsigned!R)
- return rhs == 1
- ? lhs
- : (rhs == -1 && (lhs == 1 || lhs == -1)) ? lhs : 0;
- else
- return lhs;
- }
- typeof(lhs ^^ rhs) b = void;
- static if (!isUnsigned!L && isUnsigned!(typeof(b)))
- {
- // Need to worry about mixed-sign stuff
- if (lhs < 0)
- {
- if (rhs & 1)
- {
- if (lhs < 0) overflow = true;
- return 0;
- }
- b = -lhs;
- }
- else
- {
- b = lhs;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- b = lhs;
- }
- if (b == 1) return 1;
- if (b == -1) return (rhs & 1) ? -1 : 1;
- if (rhs > 63)
- {
- overflow = true;
- return 0;
- }
- assert((b > 1 || b < -1) && rhs > 1);
- return powImpl(b, cast(uint) rhs, overflow);
-// Inspiration:
-pure @safe nothrow @nogc
-private T powImpl(T)(T b, uint e, ref bool overflow)
-if (isIntegral!T && T.sizeof >= 4)
- assert(e > 1);
- import core.checkedint : muls, mulu;
- static if (isUnsigned!T) alias mul = mulu;
- else alias mul = muls;
- T r = b;
- --e;
- // Loop invariant: r * (b ^^ e) is the actual result
- for (;; e /= 2)
- {
- if (e % 2)
- {
- r = mul(r, b, overflow);
- if (e == 1) break;
- }
- b = mul(b, b, overflow);
- }
- return r;
-@safe unittest
- static void testPow(T)(T x, uint e)
- {
- bool overflow;
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(T(0), 0, overflow) == 1);
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(-2, T(0), overflow) == 1);
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(-2, T(1), overflow) == -2);
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(-1, -1, overflow) == -1);
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(-2, 1, overflow) == -2);
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(-2, -1, overflow) == 0);
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(-2, 4u, overflow) == 16);
- assert(!overflow);
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(-2, 3u, overflow) == 0);
- assert(overflow);
- overflow = false;
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(3, 64u, overflow) == 0);
- assert(overflow);
- overflow = false;
- foreach (uint i; 0 .. e)
- {
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(x, i, overflow) == x ^^ i);
- assert(!overflow);
- }
- assert(opChecked!"^^"(x, e, overflow) == x ^^ e);
- assert(overflow);
- }
- testPow!int(3, 21);
- testPow!uint(3, 21);
- testPow!long(3, 40);
- testPow!ulong(3, 41);
-version (StdUnittest) private struct CountOverflows
- uint calls;
- auto onOverflow(string op, Lhs)(Lhs lhs)
- {
- ++calls;
- return mixin(op ~ "lhs");
- }
- auto onOverflow(string op, Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- ++calls;
- return mixin("lhs" ~ op ~ "rhs");
- }
- T onLowerBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- ++calls;
- return cast(T) rhs;
- }
- T onUpperBound(Rhs, T)(Rhs rhs, T bound)
- {
- ++calls;
- return cast(T) rhs;
- }
-// opBinary
-@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
- static struct CountOpBinary
- {
- uint calls;
- auto hookOpBinary(string op, Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- ++calls;
- return mixin("lhs" ~ op ~ "rhs");
- }
- }
- auto x = Checked!(const int, void)(42), y = Checked!(immutable int, void)(142);
- assert(x + y == 184);
- assert(x + 100 == 142);
- assert(y - x == 100);
- assert(200 - x == 158);
- assert(y * x == 142 * 42);
- assert(x / 1 == 42);
- assert(x % 20 == 2);
- auto x1 = Checked!(int, CountOverflows)(42);
- assert(x1 + 0 == 42);
- assert(x1 + false == 42);
- assert(is(typeof(x1 + 0.5) == double));
- assert(x1 + 0.5 == 42.5);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x1 + int.max == int.max + 42);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 1);
- assert(x1 * 2 == 84);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 1);
- assert(x1 / 2 == 21);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 1);
- assert(x1 % 20 == 2);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 1);
- assert(x1 << 2 == 42 << 2);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 1);
- assert(x1 << 42 == x1.get << x1.get);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 2);
- x1 = int.min;
- assert(x1 - 1 == int.max);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 3);
- auto x2 = Checked!(int, CountOpBinary)(42);
- assert(x2 + 1 == 43);
- assert(x2.hook.calls == 1);
- auto x3 = Checked!(uint, CountOverflows)(42u);
- assert(x3 + 1 == 43);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x3 - 1 == 41);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x3 + (-42) == 0);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x3 - (-42) == 84);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x3 * 2 == 84);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x3 * -2 == -84);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 1);
- assert(x3 / 2 == 21);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 1);
- assert(x3 / -2 == 0);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 2);
- assert(x3 ^^ 2 == 42 * 42);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 2);
- auto x4 = Checked!(int, CountOverflows)(42);
- assert(x4 + 1 == 43);
- assert(x4.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x4 + 1u == 43);
- assert(x4.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x4 - 1 == 41);
- assert(x4.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x4 * 2 == 84);
- assert(x4.hook.calls == 0);
- x4 = -2;
- assert(x4 + 2u == 0);
- assert(x4.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x4 * 2u == -4);
- assert(x4.hook.calls == 1);
- auto x5 = Checked!(int, CountOverflows)(3);
- assert(x5 ^^ 0 == 1);
- assert(x5 ^^ 1 == 3);
- assert(x5 ^^ 2 == 9);
- assert(x5 ^^ 3 == 27);
- assert(x5 ^^ 4 == 81);
- assert(x5 ^^ 5 == 81 * 3);
- assert(x5 ^^ 6 == 81 * 9);
-// opBinaryRight
-@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
- auto x1 = Checked!(int, CountOverflows)(42);
- assert(1 + x1 == 43);
- assert(true + x1 == 43);
- assert(0.5 + x1 == 42.5);
- auto x2 = Checked!(int, void)(42);
- assert(x1 + x2 == 84);
- assert(x2 + x1 == 84);
-// opOpAssign
-@safe unittest
- auto x1 = Checked!(int, CountOverflows)(3);
- assert((x1 += 2) == 5);
- x1 *= 2_000_000_000L;
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 1);
- x1 *= -2_000_000_000L;
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 2);
- auto x2 = Checked!(ushort, CountOverflows)(ushort(3));
- assert((x2 += 2) == 5);
- assert(x2.hook.calls == 0);
- assert((x2 += ushort.max) == cast(ushort) (ushort(5) + ushort.max));
- assert(x2.hook.calls == 1);
- auto x3 = Checked!(uint, CountOverflows)(3u);
- x3 *= ulong(2_000_000_000);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 1);
-// opAssign
-@safe unittest
- Checked!(int, void) x;
- x = 42;
- assert(x.get == 42);
- x = x;
- assert(x.get == 42);
- x = short(43);
- assert(x.get == 43);
- x = ushort(44);
- assert(x.get == 44);
-@safe unittest
- static assert(!is(typeof(Checked!(short, void)(ushort(42)))));
- static assert(!is(typeof(Checked!(int, void)(long(42)))));
- static assert(!is(typeof(Checked!(int, void)(ulong(42)))));
- assert(Checked!(short, void)(short(42)).get == 42);
- assert(Checked!(int, void)(ushort(42)).get == 42);
-// opCast
-@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
- static assert(is(typeof(cast(float) Checked!(int, void)(42)) == float));
- assert(cast(float) Checked!(int, void)(42) == 42);
- assert(is(typeof(cast(long) Checked!(int, void)(42)) == long));
- assert(cast(long) Checked!(int, void)(42) == 42);
- static assert(is(typeof(cast(long) Checked!(uint, void)(42u)) == long));
- assert(cast(long) Checked!(uint, void)(42u) == 42);
- auto x = Checked!(int, void)(42);
- if (x) {} else assert(0);
- x = 0;
- if (x) assert(0);
- static struct Hook1
- {
- uint calls;
- Dst hookOpCast(Dst, Src)(Src value)
- {
- ++calls;
- return 42;
- }
- }
- auto y = Checked!(long, Hook1)(long.max);
- assert(cast(int) y == 42);
- assert(cast(uint) y == 42);
- assert(y.hook.calls == 2);
- static struct Hook2
- {
- uint calls;
- Dst onBadCast(Dst, Src)(Src value)
- {
- ++calls;
- return 42;
- }
- }
- auto x1 = Checked!(uint, Hook2)(100u);
- assert(cast(ushort) x1 == 100);
- assert(cast(short) x1 == 100);
- assert(cast(float) x1 == 100);
- assert(cast(double) x1 == 100);
- assert(cast(real) x1 == 100);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(cast(int) x1 == 100);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 0);
- x1 = uint.max;
- assert(cast(int) x1 == 42);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 1);
- auto x2 = Checked!(int, Hook2)(-100);
- assert(cast(short) x2 == -100);
- assert(cast(ushort) x2 == 42);
- assert(cast(uint) x2 == 42);
- assert(cast(ulong) x2 == 42);
- assert(x2.hook.calls == 3);
-// opEquals
-@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
- assert(Checked!(int, void)(42) == 42L);
- assert(42UL == Checked!(int, void)(42));
- static struct Hook1
- {
- uint calls;
- bool hookOpEquals(Lhs, Rhs)(const Lhs lhs, const Rhs rhs)
- {
- ++calls;
- return lhs != rhs;
- }
- }
- auto x1 = Checked!(int, Hook1)(100);
- assert(x1 != Checked!(long, Hook1)(100));
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 1);
- assert(x1 != 100u);
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 2);
- static struct Hook2
- {
- uint calls;
- bool hookOpEquals(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- ++calls;
- return false;
- }
- }
- auto x2 = Checked!(int, Hook2)(-100);
- assert(x2 != x1);
- // For coverage: lhs has no hookOpEquals, rhs does
- assert(Checked!(uint, void)(100u) != x2);
- // For coverage: different types, neither has a hookOpEquals
- assert(Checked!(uint, void)(100u) == Checked!(int, void*)(100));
- assert(x2.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(x2 != -100);
- assert(x2.hook.calls == 1);
- assert(x2 != cast(uint) -100);
- assert(x2.hook.calls == 2);
- x2 = 100;
- assert(x2 != cast(uint) 100);
- assert(x2.hook.calls == 3);
- x2 = -100;
- auto x3 = Checked!(uint, Hook2)(100u);
- assert(x3 != 100);
- x3 = uint.max;
- assert(x3 != -1);
- assert(x2 != x3);
-// opCmp
-@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
- Checked!(int, void) x;
- assert(x <= x);
- assert(x < 45);
- assert(x < 45u);
- assert(x > -45);
- assert(x < 44.2);
- assert(x > -44.2);
- assert(!(x < double.init));
- assert(!(x > double.init));
- assert(!(x <= double.init));
- assert(!(x >= double.init));
- static struct Hook1
- {
- uint calls;
- int hookOpCmp(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- ++calls;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- auto x1 = Checked!(int, Hook1)(42);
- assert(!(x1 < 43u));
- assert(!(43u < x1));
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 2);
- static struct Hook2
- {
- uint calls;
- int hookOpCmp(Lhs, Rhs)(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
- {
- ++calls;
- return ProperCompare.hookOpCmp(lhs, rhs);
- }
- }
- auto x2 = Checked!(int, Hook2)(-42);
- assert(x2 < 43u);
- assert(43u > x2);
- assert(x2.hook.calls == 2);
- x2 = 42;
- assert(x2 > 41u);
- auto x3 = Checked!(uint, Hook2)(42u);
- assert(x3 > 41);
- assert(x3 > -41);
-// opUnary
-@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
- auto x = Checked!(int, void)(42);
- assert(x == +x);
- static assert(is(typeof(-x) == typeof(x)));
- assert(-x == Checked!(int, void)(-42));
- static assert(is(typeof(~x) == typeof(x)));
- assert(~x == Checked!(int, void)(~42));
- assert(++x == 43);
- assert(--x == 42);
- static struct Hook1
- {
- uint calls;
- auto hookOpUnary(string op, T)(T value) if (op == "-")
- {
- ++calls;
- return T(42);
- }
- auto hookOpUnary(string op, T)(T value) if (op == "~")
- {
- ++calls;
- return T(43);
- }
- }
- auto x1 = Checked!(int, Hook1)(100);
- assert(is(typeof(-x1) == typeof(x1)));
- assert(-x1 == Checked!(int, Hook1)(42));
- assert(is(typeof(~x1) == typeof(x1)));
- assert(~x1 == Checked!(int, Hook1)(43));
- assert(x1.hook.calls == 2);
- static struct Hook2
- {
- uint calls;
- void hookOpUnary(string op, T)(ref T value) if (op == "++")
- {
- ++calls;
- --value;
- }
- void hookOpUnary(string op, T)(ref T value) if (op == "--")
- {
- ++calls;
- ++value;
- }
- }
- auto x2 = Checked!(int, Hook2)(100);
- assert(++x2 == 99);
- assert(x2 == 99);
- assert(--x2 == 100);
- assert(x2 == 100);
- auto x3 = Checked!(int, CountOverflows)(int.max - 1);
- assert(++x3 == int.max);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 0);
- assert(++x3 == int.min);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 1);
- assert(-x3 == int.min);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 2);
- x3 = int.min + 1;
- assert(--x3 == int.min);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 2);
- assert(--x3 == int.max);
- assert(x3.hook.calls == 3);
-@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
- Checked!(int, void) x;
- assert(x == x);
- assert(x == +x);
- assert(x == -x);
- ++x;
- assert(x == 1);
- x++;
- assert(x == 2);
- x = 42;
- assert(x == 42);
- const short _short = 43;
- x = _short;
- assert(x == _short);
- ushort _ushort = 44;
- x = _ushort;
- assert(x == _ushort);
- assert(x == 44.0);
- assert(x != 44.1);
- assert(x < 45);
- assert(x < 44.2);
- assert(x > -45);
- assert(x > -44.2);
- assert(cast(long) x == 44);
- assert(cast(short) x == 44);
- const Checked!(uint, void) y;
- assert(y <= y);
- assert(y == 0);
- assert(y < x);
- x = -1;
- assert(x > y);
-@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
- alias cint = Checked!(int, void);
- cint a = 1, b = 2;
- a += b;
- assert(a == cint(3));
- alias ccint = Checked!(cint, Saturate);
- ccint c = 14;
- a += c;
- assert(a == cint(17));
-// toHash
-@safe unittest
- assert(checked(42).toHash() == checked(42).toHash());
- assert(checked(12).toHash() != checked(19).toHash());
- static struct Hook1
- {
- static size_t hookToHash(T)(T payload) nothrow @trusted
- {
- static if (size_t.sizeof == 4)
- {
- return typeid(payload).getHash(&payload) ^ 0xFFFF_FFFF;
- }
- else
- {
- return typeid(payload).getHash(&payload) ^ 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF;
- }
- }
- }
- auto a = checked!Hook1(78);
- auto b = checked!Hook1(78);
- assert(a.toHash() == b.toHash());
- assert(checked!Hook1(12).toHash() != checked!Hook1(13).toHash());
- static struct Hook2
- {
- static if (size_t.sizeof == 4)
- {
- static size_t hashMask = 0xFFFF_0000;
- }
- else
- {
- static size_t hashMask = 0xFFFF_0000_FFFF_0000;
- }
- static size_t hookToHash(T)(T payload) nothrow @trusted
- {
- return typeid(payload).getHash(&payload) ^ hashMask;
- }
- }
- auto x = checked!Hook2(1901);
- auto y = checked!Hook2(1989);
- assert((() nothrow @safe => x.toHash() == x.toHash())());
- assert(x.toHash() == x.toHash());
- assert(x.toHash() != y.toHash());
- assert(checked!Hook1(1901).toHash() != x.toHash());
- immutable z = checked!Hook1(1901);
- immutable t = checked!Hook1(1901);
- immutable w = checked!Hook2(1901);
- assert(z.toHash() == t.toHash());
- assert(z.toHash() != x.toHash());
- assert(z.toHash() != w.toHash());
- const long c = 0xF0F0F0F0;
- const long d = 0xF0F0F0F0;
- assert(checked!Hook1(c).toHash() != checked!Hook2(c));
- assert(checked!Hook1(c).toHash() != checked!Hook1(d));
- // Hook with state, does not implement hookToHash
- static struct Hook3
- {
- ulong var1 = ulong.max;
- uint var2 = uint.max;
- }
- assert(checked!Hook3(12).toHash() != checked!Hook3(13).toHash());
- assert(checked!Hook3(13).toHash() == checked!Hook3(13).toHash());
- // Hook with no state and no hookToHash, payload has its own hashing function
- auto x1 = Checked!(Checked!int, ProperCompare)(123);
- auto x2 = Checked!(Checked!int, ProperCompare)(123);
- auto x3 = Checked!(Checked!int, ProperCompare)(144);
- assert(x1.toHash() == x2.toHash());
- assert(x1.toHash() != x3.toHash());
- assert(x2.toHash() != x3.toHash());
- // Check shared.
- {
- shared shared0 = checked(12345678);
- shared shared1 = checked!Hook1(123456789);
- shared shared2 = checked!Hook2(234567891);
- shared shared3 = checked!Hook3(345678912);
- assert(shared0.toHash() == hashOf(shared0));
- assert(shared1.toHash() == hashOf(shared1));
- assert(shared2.toHash() == hashOf(shared2));
- assert(shared3.toHash() == hashOf(shared3));
- }
-@safe unittest
- struct MyHook
- {
- static size_t hookToHash(T)(const T payload) nothrow @trusted
- {
- return .hashOf(payload);
- }
- }
- int[Checked!(int, MyHook)] aa;
- Checked!(int, MyHook) var = 42;
- aa[var] = 100;
- assert(aa[var] == 100);
- int[Checked!(int, Abort)] bb;
- Checked!(int, Abort) var2 = 42;
- bb[var2] = 100;
- assert(bb[var2] == 100);
+ * This module is now deprecated, use $(MREF std, experimental)
+ * instead.
+ *
+ * Copyright: Copyright The D Language Foundation 2005 - 2015.
+ * License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).
+ * Authors:
+ * Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/experimental/checkedint.d)
+ *
+ * $(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
+ */
+deprecated module std.experimental.checkedint;
+public import std.checkedint;