benchmark ... status_y 0 400.perlbench ... failed-to-run 1 401.bzip2 ... success 7 403.gcc ... failed-to-run 8 403.gcc ... failed-to-run 12 429.mcf ... success 16 433.milc ... failed-to-run 17 433.milc ... failed-to-run 22 444.namd ... failed-to-run 23 445.gobmk ... failed-to-run 24 447.dealII ... failed-to-run 25 450.soplex ... failed-to-run 26 450.soplex ... failed-to-run 31 453.povray ... failed-to-run 32 456.hmmer ... failed-to-run 33 458.sjeng ... success 38 462.libquantum ... success 42 464.h264ref ... failed-to-run 44 470.lbm ... failed-to-run 45 470.lbm ... failed-to-run 46 471.omnetpp ... failed-to-run 47 473.astar ... failed-to-run 51 482.sphinx3 ... failed-to-run 52 482.sphinx3 ... failed-to-run 58 483.xalancbmk ... failed-to-run 59 483.xalancbmk ... failed-to-run [25 rows x 20 columns] benchmark ... status_y 0 400.perlbench ... failed-to-run 1 401.bzip2 ... success 7 403.gcc ... failed-to-run 8 403.gcc ... failed-to-run 12 429.mcf ... success 16 433.milc ... failed-to-run 17 433.milc ... failed-to-run 22 444.namd ... failed-to-run 23 445.gobmk ... failed-to-run 24 447.dealII ... failed-to-run 25 450.soplex ... failed-to-run 26 450.soplex ... failed-to-run 31 453.povray ... failed-to-run 32 456.hmmer ... failed-to-run 33 458.sjeng ... success 38 462.libquantum ... success 42 464.h264ref ... failed-to-run 44 470.lbm ... failed-to-run 45 470.lbm ... failed-to-run 46 471.omnetpp ... failed-to-run 47 473.astar ... failed-to-run 51 482.sphinx3 ... failed-to-run 52 482.sphinx3 ... failed-to-run 58 483.xalancbmk ... failed-to-run 59 483.xalancbmk ... failed-to-run [25 rows x 20 columns] DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 401.bzip2,bzip2_base.default : sample=1% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 403.gcc,gcc_base.default : sample=-5% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 403.gcc,gcc_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 429.mcf,mcf_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 433.milc,milc_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 433.milc,milc_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 450.soplex,soplex_base.default : sample=-6% (threshold=29.490000000000002%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 450.soplex,soplex_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=29.490000000000002%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 458.sjeng,sjeng_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 462.libquantum,libquantum_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 470.lbm,lbm_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 470.lbm,lbm_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 482.sphinx3,sphinx_livepretend_base.default : sample=-100% (threshold=17.64%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 482.sphinx3,sphinx_livepretend_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=17.64%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 483.xalancbmk,Xalan_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.regression : 483.xalancbmk,Xalan_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 401.bzip2,bzip2_base.default : sample=1% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 403.gcc,gcc_base.default : sample=-5% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 403.gcc,gcc_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 429.mcf,mcf_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 433.milc,milc_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 433.milc,milc_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 450.soplex,soplex_base.default : sample=-6% (threshold=29.490000000000002%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 450.soplex,soplex_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=29.490000000000002%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 458.sjeng,sjeng_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 462.libquantum,libquantum_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 470.lbm,lbm_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 470.lbm,lbm_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 482.sphinx3,sphinx_livepretend_base.default : sample=-100% (threshold=17.64%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 482.sphinx3,sphinx_livepretend_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=17.64%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 483.xalancbmk,Xalan_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking exe.improvement : 483.xalancbmk,Xalan_base.default : sample=0% (threshold=3%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 401.bzip2,[.] BZ2_blockSort : sample=6% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 401.bzip2,[.] mainGtU : sample=-5% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 401.bzip2,[.] fallbackSort : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 401.bzip2,[.] BZ2_compressBlock : sample=-2% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 401.bzip2,[.] BZ2_decompress : sample=2% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 403.gcc,[.] compute_transp : sample=17% (threshold=42.63%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 403.gcc,[.] bitmap_operation : sample=-8% (threshold=42.12%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 403.gcc,[.] memset : sample=31% (threshold=53.61%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 429.mcf,[.] primal_bea_mpp : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 429.mcf,[.] refresh_potential : sample=1% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 429.mcf,[.] price_out_impl : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 433.milc,[.] make_gather : sample=0% (threshold=56.489999999999995%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 444.namd, : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 444.namd,[.] __vfscanf_internal : sample=-100% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: *** 444.namd,[.] __vfscanf_internal : slowed down by 100% - 444.namd:[.] __vfscanf_internal - from 1 to 2 perf samples DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 450.soplex,[.] _ZN6soplex7NameSet3addERNS_7DataKeyEPKc : sample=0% (threshold=107.78999999999999%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 450.soplex, : sample=12% (threshold=66.12%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 450.soplex,[.] strcmp : sample=20% (threshold=92.78999999999999%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 450.soplex,[.] _ZN6soplex5SPxLP7readMPSERSiPNS_7NameSetES3_PNS_7DIdxSetE : sample=-200% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 458.sjeng,[.] std_eval : sample=4% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 458.sjeng,[.] gen : sample=-6% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 458.sjeng,[.] push_slidE : sample=6% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 458.sjeng,[.] search : sample=1% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 462.libquantum,[.] quantum_toffoli : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 462.libquantum,[.] quantum_sigma_x : sample=-3% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 462.libquantum,[.] quantum_cnot : sample=3% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 470.lbm,[.] LBM_initializeGrid : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 482.sphinx3, : sample=12% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 482.sphinx3,[.] __vfscanf_internal : sample=33% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 482.sphinx3,[.] __isoc99_sscanf : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 483.xalancbmk,[.] _ZN11xercesc_2_510ValueStore8containsEPKNS_13FieldValueMapE : sample=1% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.regression : 483.xalancbmk,[.] _ZN11xercesc_2_510ValueStore13isDuplicateOfEPNS_17DatatypeValidatorEPKtS2_S4_ : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 401.bzip2,[.] BZ2_blockSort : sample=6% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 401.bzip2,[.] mainGtU : sample=-5% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 401.bzip2,[.] fallbackSort : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 401.bzip2,[.] BZ2_compressBlock : sample=-2% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 401.bzip2,[.] BZ2_decompress : sample=2% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 403.gcc,[.] compute_transp : sample=17% (threshold=42.63%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 403.gcc,[.] bitmap_operation : sample=-8% (threshold=42.12%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 403.gcc,[.] memset : sample=31% (threshold=53.61%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 429.mcf,[.] primal_bea_mpp : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 429.mcf,[.] refresh_potential : sample=1% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 429.mcf,[.] price_out_impl : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 433.milc,[.] make_gather : sample=0% (threshold=56.489999999999995%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 444.namd, : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 444.namd,[.] __vfscanf_internal : sample=-100% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 450.soplex,[.] _ZN6soplex7NameSet3addERNS_7DataKeyEPKc : sample=0% (threshold=107.78999999999999%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 450.soplex, : sample=12% (threshold=66.12%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 450.soplex,[.] strcmp : sample=20% (threshold=92.78999999999999%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 450.soplex,[.] _ZN6soplex5SPxLP7readMPSERSiPNS_7NameSetES3_PNS_7DIdxSetE : sample=-200% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 458.sjeng,[.] std_eval : sample=4% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 458.sjeng,[.] gen : sample=-6% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 458.sjeng,[.] push_slidE : sample=6% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 458.sjeng,[.] search : sample=1% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 462.libquantum,[.] quantum_toffoli : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 462.libquantum,[.] quantum_sigma_x : sample=-3% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 462.libquantum,[.] quantum_cnot : sample=3% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 470.lbm,[.] LBM_initializeGrid : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 482.sphinx3, : sample=12% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 482.sphinx3,[.] __vfscanf_internal : sample=33% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: *** 482.sphinx3,[.] __vfscanf_internal : sped up by 33% - 482.sphinx3:[.] __vfscanf_internal - from 3 to 2 perf samples DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 482.sphinx3,[.] __isoc99_sscanf : sample=0% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 483.xalancbmk,[.] _ZN11xercesc_2_510ValueStore8containsEPKNS_13FieldValueMapE : sample=1% (threshold=15%) DEBUG: checking symbol.improvement : 483.xalancbmk,[.] _ZN11xercesc_2_510ValueStore13isDuplicateOfEPNS_17DatatypeValidatorEPKtS2_S4_ : sample=0% (threshold=15%)