metadata: name: andriod-google-hangouts format: "Manual Test Definition 1.0" description: "Test if Google Hangouts works well" maintainer: - os: - android scope: - functional devices: - panda - panda-es - vexpress-a9 - vexpress-tc2 - arndale environment: - manual-test run: steps: - "Power on the board to boot into Android main screen" - "\"Google+\" or \"Hangouts\" app should be pre-installed" - "Ensure there is at least one active network on the board" - "Login with \"test01\" Gmail account on the board" - "Login with \"test02\" Gmail account on host PC" - "From host PC, start a Google Hangout session and invite \"test01\"" - "After a notification shows on the board, click it to join in the Hangout session" - "Check the audio and video on both host PC and board" expected: - "\"Google+\" or \"Hangouts\" app should exist" - "The board can join in the Hangout session successfully" - "Audio and video work well during the Hangout session"