#!/bin/sh # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . ../../lib/sh-test-lib OUTPUT="$(pwd)/output" RESULT_FILE="${OUTPUT}/result.txt" export RESULT_FILE usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-s ]" 1>&2 exit 1 } while getopts "s:" o; do case "$o" in s) SKIP_INSTALL="${OPTARG}" ;; *) usage ;; esac done ! check_root && error_msg "This script must be run as root" create_out_dir "${OUTPUT}" # Install lamp and use systemctl for service management. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04, # Debian 8, CentOS 7 and Fedora 24. systemctl should available on newer releases # as well. if [ "${SKIP_INSTALL}" = "True" ] || [ "${SKIP_INSTALL}" = "true" ]; then warn_msg "LAMP package installation skipped" else # Stop nginx server in case it is installed and running. systemctl stop nginx > /dev/null 2>&1 || true dist_name # shellcheck disable=SC2154 case "${dist}" in debian|ubuntu) # Tested on Debian 9 and Ubuntu 17.10. pkgs="apache2 apache2-utils libapache2-mod-php mariadb-server php php-mysql" install_deps "curl ${pkgs}" systemctl restart apache2 systemctl restart mysql ;; centos|fedora) # Tested on CentOS 7. pkgs="httpd mariadb-server mariadb php php-mysql" install_deps "curl ${pkgs}" systemctl start httpd.service systemctl start mariadb ;; *) error_msg "Unsupported distribution!" esac fi cp ./html/* /var/www/html/ # Test Apache. curl -o "${OUTPUT}/index.html" "http://localhost/index.html" grep "Test Page for the Apache HTTP Server" "${OUTPUT}/index.html" check_return "apache2-test-page" # Setup MySQL authentication. mysqladmin -u root password lxmptest > /dev/null 2>&1 || true mysql --user='root' --password='lxmptest' -e 'DROP USER admin@localhost' || true mysql --user='root' --password='lxmptest' -e "CREATE USER admin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'" mysql --user='root' --password='lxmptest' -e "GRANT ALL ON *.* TO admin@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION" # Test MySQL. mysql --user="admin" --password="password" -e "show databases" check_return "mysql-show-databases" # Test PHP. curl -o "${OUTPUT}/phpinfo.html" "http://localhost/info.php" grep "PHP Version" "${OUTPUT}/phpinfo.html" check_return "phpinfo" # PHP Connect to MySQL. curl -o "${OUTPUT}/connect-db" "http://localhost/connect-db.php" grep "Connected successfully" "${OUTPUT}/connect-db" exit_on_fail "php-connect-db" # PHP Create a MySQL Database. curl -o "${OUTPUT}/create-db" "http://localhost/create-db.php" grep "Database created successfully" "${OUTPUT}/create-db" check_return "php-create-db" # PHP Create MySQL table. curl -o "${OUTPUT}/create-table" "http://localhost/create-table.php" grep "Table MyGuests created successfully" "${OUTPUT}/create-table" check_return "php-create-table" # PHP add record to MySQL table. curl -o "${OUTPUT}/add-record" "http://localhost/add-record.php" grep "New record created successfully" "${OUTPUT}/add-record" check_return "php-add-record" # PHP select record from MySQL table. curl -o "${OUTPUT}/select-record" "http://localhost/select-record.php" grep "id: 1 - Name: John Doe" "${OUTPUT}/select-record" check_return "php-select-record" # PHP delete record from MySQL table. curl -o "${OUTPUT}/delete-record" "http://localhost/delete-record.php" grep "Record deleted successfully" "${OUTPUT}/delete-record" check_return "php-delete-record" # Delete myDB and admin for the next run. mysql --user='admin' --password='password' -e 'DROP DATABASE myDB' mysql --user='root' --password='lxmptest' -e 'DROP USER admin@localhost'