Workflow: 0. Install all requirements and edit passwords system dependencies for XML libs: apt-get install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev virtualenv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt Edit ~/.netrc to add passwords for (LAVA token) (LDAP password) (LDAP password) 1. take a note of RC numbers For exampel 16.09 Juno RC was: android-lcr-member-juno-n 45 2. get CTS job IDs: ./ -b android-lcr-member-juno-n -n 45 -o m-lcr_16.09-juno cts-jobs 3. download CTS results ./ -o m-lcr_16.09-juno download -j 4. combine CTS results ./ -o m-lcr_16.09-juno combine 5. create CTS summary for amr64-v8a ABI ./ -o m-lcr_16.09-juno summary -a arm64-v8a 6. create CTS focused table for arm64-v8a ABI ./ -o m-lcr_16.09-juno focused -a arm64-v8a 7. create HTML report for CTS ./ -o m-lcr_16.09-juno html 8. download benchmark results ./ -b android-lcr-member-juno-n -n 45 -o m-lcr_16.09-juno benchmarks 9. downlaod bugs ./ -b android-lcr-member-juno-n -n 45 -o m-lcr_16.09-juno defects -d Juno 10. create index ./ -b android-lcr-member-juno-n -n 45 -o m-lcr_16.09-juno index After all of the above, there should be m-lcr_16.09-juno directory with the following contents: ls -1 m-lcr_16.09-juno/ 2016.09.21_02.45.47 2016.09.21_04.16.34 2016.09.21_08.49.23 2016.09.21_09.56.38 2016.09.21_10.14.00 2016.09.21_10.30.25 2016.09.21_11.17.10 2016.09.21_14.13.53 2016.09.21_17.36.41 benchmarks.rst benchmarks.styles bugs.rst compatibility_result.css cts-focused.rst cts-focused.styles cts-summary.rst cts-summary.styles index.rst links.rst logo.png results.html results.xml test_result.xml NOTE: Some additional manual editing is needed in order to prepare final LCR report. This work should be minimal.