/* * Copyright 2010, Intel Corporation * * This file is part of PowerTOP * * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc, * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * or just google for it. * * Authors: * Arjan van de Ven */ #include "display.h" #include "lib.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; static int display = 0; vector tab_names; map tab_windows; map tab_translations; map bottom_lines; void create_tab(const string &name, const string &translation, class tab_window *w, string bottom_line) { if (!w) w = new(class tab_window); w->win = newpad(1000,1000); tab_names.push_back(name); tab_windows[name] = w; tab_translations[name] = translation; bottom_lines[name] = bottom_line; } void init_display(void) { initscr(); start_color(); cbreak(); /* character at a time input */ noecho(); /* don't show the user input */ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable cursor/etc keys */ use_default_colors(); create_tab("Overview", _("Overview")); create_tab("Idle stats", _("Idle stats")); create_tab("Frequency stats", _("Frequency stats")); create_tab("Device stats", _("Device stats")); display = 1; } void reset_display(void) { if (!display) return; keypad(stdscr, FALSE); echo(); nocbreak(); resetterm(); } WINDOW *tab_bar = NULL; WINDOW *bottom_line = NULL; static int current_tab; void show_tab(unsigned int tab) { class tab_window *win; unsigned int i; int tab_pos = 17; const char *c; if (!display) return; if (tab_bar) { delwin(tab_bar); tab_bar = NULL; } if (bottom_line) { delwin(bottom_line); bottom_line = NULL; } tab_bar = newwin(1, 0, 0, 0); wattrset(tab_bar, A_REVERSE); mvwprintw(tab_bar, 0,0, "%120s", ""); mvwprintw(tab_bar, 0,0, "PowerTOP %s", POWERTOP_SHORT_VERSION); bottom_line = newwin(1, 0, LINES-1, 0); wattrset(bottom_line, A_REVERSE); mvwprintw(bottom_line, 0,0, "%120s", ""); c = bottom_lines[tab_names[tab]].c_str(); if (c && strlen(c) > 0) mvwprintw(bottom_line, 0,0, c); else mvwprintw(bottom_line, 0, 0, " %s | / %s | ", _("Exit"), _("Navigate")); current_tab = tab; for (i = 0; i < tab_names.size(); i++) { if (i == tab) wattrset(tab_bar, A_NORMAL); else wattrset(tab_bar, A_REVERSE); mvwprintw(tab_bar, 0, tab_pos, " %s ", tab_translations[tab_names[i]].c_str()); tab_pos += 3 + tab_names[i].length(); } wrefresh(tab_bar); wrefresh(bottom_line); win = tab_windows[tab_names[tab]]; if (!win) return; prefresh(win->win, win->ypad_pos, win->xpad_pos, 1, 0, LINES - 3, COLS - 1); } WINDOW *get_ncurses_win(const char *name) { class tab_window *w; WINDOW *win; w= tab_windows[name]; if (!w) return NULL; win = w->win; return win; } WINDOW *get_ncurses_win(int nr) { class tab_window *w; WINDOW *win; w= tab_windows[tab_names[nr]]; if (!w) return NULL; win = w->win; return win; } WINDOW *get_ncurses_win(const string &name) { return get_ncurses_win(name.c_str()); } void show_prev_tab(void) { class tab_window *w; if (!display) return; w = tab_windows[tab_names[current_tab]]; if (w) w->hide(); current_tab --; if (current_tab < 0) current_tab = tab_names.size() - 1; w = tab_windows[tab_names[current_tab]]; if (w) w->expose(); show_tab(current_tab); } void show_next_tab(void) { class tab_window *w; if (!display) return; w = tab_windows[tab_names[current_tab]]; if (w) w->hide(); current_tab ++; if (current_tab >= (int)tab_names.size()) current_tab = 0; w = tab_windows[tab_names[current_tab]]; if (w) w->expose(); show_tab(current_tab); } void show_cur_tab(void) { if (!display) return; show_tab(current_tab); } void cursor_down(void) { class tab_window *w; w = tab_windows[tab_names[current_tab]]; if (w) { if (w->ypad_pos < 1000) { if (tab_names[current_tab] == "Tunables") { if ((w->cursor_pos + 7) >= LINES) { prefresh(w->win, ++w->ypad_pos, w->xpad_pos, 1, 0, LINES - 3, COLS - 1); } w->cursor_down(); } else { prefresh(w->win, ++w->ypad_pos, w->xpad_pos, 1, 0, LINES - 3, COLS - 1); } } } show_cur_tab(); } void cursor_up(void) { class tab_window *w; w = tab_windows[tab_names[current_tab]]; if (w) { w->cursor_up(); if(w->ypad_pos > 0) { prefresh(w->win, --w->ypad_pos, w->xpad_pos, 1, 0, LINES - 3, COLS - 1); } } show_cur_tab(); } void cursor_left(void) { class tab_window *w; w = tab_windows[tab_names[current_tab]]; if (w) { if (w->xpad_pos > 0) { prefresh(w->win, w->ypad_pos,--w->xpad_pos, 1, 0, LINES - 3, COLS - 1); } } } void cursor_right(void) { class tab_window *w; w = tab_windows[tab_names[current_tab]]; if (w) { if (w->xpad_pos < 1000) { prefresh(w->win, w->ypad_pos, ++w->xpad_pos, 1, 0, LINES - 3, COLS - 1); } } } void cursor_enter(void) { class tab_window *w; w = tab_windows[tab_names[current_tab]]; if (w) { w->cursor_enter(); w->repaint(); } show_cur_tab(); } void window_refresh() { class tab_window *w; w = tab_windows[tab_names[current_tab]]; if (w) { w->ypad_pos = 0; w->xpad_pos = 0; w->window_refresh(); w->repaint(); } show_cur_tab(); } int ncurses_initialized(void) { if (display) return 1; return 0; }