How to check why the specified module is integrated into the build. is include in following make files: build/core/ $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/ build/core/ $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/ build/core/ $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/ build/core/ know its results before is included. build/core/ $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/ build/core/ $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/ build/core/ include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/ and in build/core/ # Add this module name to the tag list of each specified tag. $(foreach tag,$(my_module_tags),\ $(eval ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS.$(tag) += $(my_register_name))) will add this module to ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS.$(tag). Like if LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS is set to debug and tests in the for that module, then ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS.debug and ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS.tests will be appended with the this module name: ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS.debug += $(my_register_name))) ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS.tests += $(my_register_name))) We can use LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE to make module not installed and following lines in will help to control which will be installed: ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).INSTALLED := \ $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).INSTALLED) \ $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE) $(my_init_rc_installed) $(my_installed_symlinks)) ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).BUILT_INSTALLED := \ $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(my_register_name).BUILT_INSTALLED) \ $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE):$(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE) \ $(my_init_rc_pairs)) in the above lines, as you can see there might be multiple files installed for one module In build/core/, the modules to be installed are composited as following: modules_to_install := $(sort \ $(ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES) \ $(product_FILES) \ $(foreach tag,$(tags_to_install),$($(tag)_MODULES)) \ $(CUSTOM_MODULES) \ ) and modules for each tag are gotten like this: debug_MODULES := $(sort \ $(call get-tagged-modules,debug) \ $(call module-installed-files, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG)) \ ) which will use the value set in mentioned above. in build/core/, get-tagged-modules are defined as following: ########################################################### # Given a list of tags, return the targets that specify # any of those tags. # $(1): tag list define modules-for-tag-list $(sort $(foreach tag,$(1),$(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS.$(tag)),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)))) endef # Given an accept and reject list, find the matching # set of targets. If a target has multiple tags and # any of them are rejected, the target is rejected. # Reject overrides accept. # $(1): list of tags to accept # $(2): list of tags to reject #TODO(dbort): do $(if $(strip $(1)),$(1),$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS)) #TODO(jbq): as of 20100106 nobody uses the second parameter define get-tagged-modules $(filter-out \ $(call modules-for-tag-list,$(2)), \ $(call modules-for-tag-list,$(1))) endef BTW, there we can use LOCAL_OVERRIDES_PACKAGES to overide some packages. And as build/core/ is included in build/core/ which is included in build/core/ which is included in build/core/ too, the LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS set for BUILD_HOST_EXECUTABLE will affect the modules of BUILD_EXECUTABLE with the same name. This is a bug, like the memory_replay set in system/extras/memory_replay/ ================================================================================== local-intermediates-dir: intermediates dir for binary, like: out/target/product/hikey/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libpiglitutil_intermediates/ local-generated-sources-dir: intermediates dir for files generate during compiling, like out/target/product/hikey/gen/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libpiglitutil_intermediates/ LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS, and LOCAL_MODULE must be defined for using it. generated-sources-dir-for: called by local-generated-sources-dir, to generate the intermediates path for local module, we could call it directly in as well when need to include files from other modules, like libpiglitutilIncludes := $(call generated-sources-dir-for,SHARED_LIBRARIES,libpiglitutil) piglit_c_includes := $(libpiglitutilIncludes) if you have files need to be generated during compilation, you need to use the LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES: like following: LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES := $(local-generated-sources-dir)/version.c $(LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES) : $(LOCAL_PATH)/ @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide) $< $@ or as suggestiong in build/core/build-system.html, use transform-generated-source and PRIVATE_CUSTOM_TOOL: GEN_PIGLIT_DISPATCH_DIR := $(intermediates) GEN_DISPATCH := $(GEN_PIGLIT_DISPATCH_DIR)/piglit-dispatch-gen.h $(GEN_PIGLIT_DISPATCH_DIR)/piglit-util-gl-enum-gen.c $(GEN_DISPATCH): PRIVATE_CUSTOM_TOOL = python $+ --out-dir $(GEN_PIGLIT_DISPATCH_DIR) $(GEN_DISPATCH): $(LOCAL_PATH)/ $(transform-generated-source) LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES += $(GEN_DISPATCH) when we add files to LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES, we don't need to add it to LOCAL_SRC_FILES again. files specified in LOCAL_SRC_FILES will be based on LOCAL_PATH ============================================================================================== Set USE_CLANG_PLATFORM_BUILD = false will cause it to use gcc as default ============================================================================================== jack outofmemory error with 3GB Memory PC in file prebuilts/sdk/tools/jack-admin JACK_SERVER_VM_ARGUMENTS="${JACK_SERVER_VM_ARGUMENTS} -Xmx2560M" ================================== build/soong/cc/config/global.go func bionicHeaders(bionicArch, kernelArch string) string { return strings.Join([]string{ "-isystem bionic/libc/arch-" + bionicArch + "/include", "-isystem bionic/libc/include", "-isystem bionic/libc/kernel/uapi", "-isystem bionic/libc/kernel/uapi/asm-" + kernelArch, "-isystem bionic/libc/kernel/android/uapi", }, " ") } build/soong/cc/config/arm64_device.go func init() { .... pctx.StaticVariable("Arm64IncludeFlags", bionicHeaders("arm64", "arm64")) .... } func (t *toolchainArm64) IncludeFlags() string { return "${config.Arm64IncludeFlags}" } func arm64ToolchainFactory(arch android.Arch) Toolchain { if arch.ArchVariant != "armv8-a" { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown ARM architecture version: %q", arch.ArchVariant)) } return &toolchainArm64{ toolchainCflags: variantOrDefault(arm64CpuVariantCflagsVar, arch.CpuVariant), toolchainClangCflags: variantOrDefault(arm64ClangCpuVariantCflagsVar, arch.CpuVariant), } } build/soong/cc/config/toolchain.go type Toolchain interface { ... IncludeFlags() string ... } build/soong/Android.bp bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong-cc-config", pkgPath: "android/soong/cc/config", deps: [ "soong-android", ], srcs: [ "cc/config/clang.go", "cc/config/global.go", "cc/config/tidy.go", "cc/config/toolchain.go", "cc/config/arm_device.go", "cc/config/arm64_device.go", "cc/config/mips_device.go", "cc/config/mips64_device.go", "cc/config/x86_device.go", "cc/config/x86_64_device.go", "cc/config/x86_darwin_host.go", "cc/config/x86_linux_host.go", "cc/config/x86_linux_bionic_host.go", "cc/config/x86_windows_host.go", ], testSrcs: [ "cc/config/tidy_test.go", ], } build/soong/cc/makevars.go func makeVarsToolchain(ctx android.MakeVarsContext, secondPrefix string, target android.Target) { ... ctx.StrictRaw(makePrefix+"C_SYSTEM_INCLUDES", strings.Join(systemIncludes, " ")) includeFlags, err := ctx.Eval(toolchain.IncludeFlags()) if err != nil { panic(err) } includes, systemIncludes := splitSystemIncludes(ctx, includeFlags) ctx.StrictRaw(makePrefix+"C_INCLUDES", strings.Join(includes, " ")) ctx.StrictRaw(makePrefix+"C_SYSTEM_INCLUDES", strings.Join(systemIncludes, " ")) ... } build/soong/Android.bp bootstrap_go_package { name: "soong-cc", pkgPath: "android/soong/cc", deps: [ "blueprint", "blueprint-pathtools", "soong", "soong-android", "soong-cc-config", "soong-genrule", ], srcs: [ "cc/androidmk.go", "cc/builder.go", "cc/cc.go", "cc/check.go", "cc/coverage.go", "cc/gen.go", "cc/makevars.go", // called "cc/prebuilt.go", "cc/proto.go", "cc/relocation_packer.go", "cc/sanitize.go", "cc/stl.go", "cc/strip.go", "cc/tidy.go", "cc/util.go", "cc/cmakelists.go", "cc/compiler.go", "cc/installer.go", "cc/linker.go", "cc/binary.go", "cc/library.go", "cc/object.go", "cc/test.go", "cc/toolchain_library.go", "cc/ndk_prebuilt.go", "cc/ndk_headers.go", "cc/ndk_library.go", "cc/ndk_sysroot.go", ], testSrcs: [ "cc/cc_test.go", "cc/test_data_test.go", ], pluginFor: ["soong_build"], } build/soong/cc/compiler.go // Create a Flags struct that collects the compile flags from global values, // per-target values, module type values, and per-module Blueprints properties func (compiler *baseCompiler) compilerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags { ...... if !ctx.noDefaultCompilerFlags() { flags.GlobalFlags = append(flags.GlobalFlags, "-I"+android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx).String()) if !(ctx.sdk() || ctx.vndk()) || ctx.Host() { flags.SystemIncludeFlags = append(flags.SystemIncludeFlags, "${config.CommonGlobalIncludes}", "${config.CommonGlobalSystemIncludes}", tc.IncludeFlags(), "${config.CommonNativehelperInclude}") } } ...... } build/soong/Android.bp build/soong/cc/config/arm64_device.go IncludeFlags build/soong/cc/compiler.go in build/make/core/clang/ # A list of projects that are allowed to set LOCAL_CLANG to false. # INTERNAL_LOCAL_CLANG_EXCEPTION_PROJECTS is defined later in other LOCAL_CLANG_EXCEPTION_PROJECTS = \ bionic/tests/ \ device/huawei/angler/ \ device/lge/bullhead/ \ external/gentoo/integration/ \ hardware/qcom/ \ $(INTERNAL_LOCAL_CLANG_EXCEPTION_PROJECTS) ========================== CLANG & GCC go & makefile & Android.bp ckati & ninja build/soong: build/soong/ Soong is the replacement for the old Android make-based build system. It replaces files with Android.bp files, which are JSON-like simple declarative descriptions of modules to build. build tools written in Go Android.bp file format By design, Android.bp files are very simple. There are no conditionals or control flow statements - any complexity is handled in build logic written in Go. The syntax and semantics of Android.bp files are intentionally similar to [Bazel BUILD files]( when possible. Android.bp: Blueprint is a meta-build system that reads in Blueprints files that describe modules that need to be built, and produces a Ninja manifest describing the commands that need to be run and their dependencies. Where most build systems use built-in rules or a domain-specific language to describe the logic for converting module descriptions to build rules, Blueprint delegates this to per-project build logic written in Go. For large, heterogenous projects this allows the inherent complexity of the build logic to be maintained in a high-level language, while still allowing simple changes to individual modules by modifying easy to understand Blueprints files. For a list of valid module types and their properties see $OUT_DIR/soong/.bootstrap/docs/soong_build.html. Ninja Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed. It differs from other build systems in two major respects: it is designed to have its input files generated by a higher-level build system, and it is designed to run builds as fast as possible. Why yet another build system? Where other build systems are high-level languages Ninja aims to be an assembler. Ninja build files are human-readable but not especially convenient to write by hand. (See the generated build file used to build Ninja itself.) These constrained build files allow Ninja to evaluate incremental builds quickly. Kati/ckati kati is an experimental GNU make clone. The main goal of this tool is to speed-up incremental build of Android. Currently, kati does not offer a faster build by itself. It instead converts your Makefile to a ninja file. Soong Soong is a builder for Android that uses Blueprint to parse Blueprints files and Ninja to do the dependency tracking and subprocess management. Soong itself is responsible for converting the modules read by Blueprint into build rules, which will be written to a file by Blueprint. Soong is the replacement for the old Android make-based build system. It replaces files with Android.bp files, which are JSON-like simple declarative descriptions of modules to build. Go: Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. Build logic The build logic is written in Go using the blueprint framework. Build logic receives module definitions parsed into Go structures using reflection and produces build rules. The build rules are collected by blueprint and written to a ninja build file.