system/core/bootstat/bootstat.rc # Record boot complete metrics. on property:sys.boot_completed=1 && property:sys.logbootcomplete=1 # Record boot_complete and related stats (decryption, etc). exec - root root -- /system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_complete # Record the boot reason. exec - root root -- /system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_reason # Record time since factory reset. exec - root root -- /system/bin/bootstat --record_time_since_factory_reset # Log all boot events. exec - root root -- /system/bin/bootstat -l system/core/bootstat/ # bootstat # The bootstat command records boot events (e.g., `firmware_loaded`, `boot_complete`) and the relative time at which these events occurred. The command also aggregates boot event metrics locally and logs the metrics for analysis. Usage: bootstat [options] options include: -h, --help Show this help -l, --log Log all metrics to logstorage -p, --print Dump the boot event records to the console -r, --record Record the timestamp of a named boot event --record_boot_reason Record the reason why the device booted --record_time_since_factory_reset Record the time since the device was reset ## Relative time ## The timestamp recorded by bootstat is the uptime of the system, i.e., the number of seconds since the system booted. ## Recording boot events ## To record the relative time of an event during the boot phase, call `bootstat` with the `-r` option and the name of the boot event. $ bootstat -r boot_complete The relative time at which the command runs is recorded along with the name of the boot event to be persisted. ## Logging boot events ## To log the persisted boot events, call `bootstat` with the `-l` option. $ bootstat -l bootstat logs all boot events recorded using the `-r` option to the EventLog using the Tron histogram. These logs may be uploaded by interested parties for aggregation and analysis of boot time across different devices and versions. ## Printing boot events ## To print the set of persisted boot events, call `bootstat` with the `-p` option. $ bootstat -p Boot events: ------------ boot_complete 71 10:34:07 liuyq: master-backup$ tree system/core/bootstat/ system/core/bootstat/ ├── Android.bp ├── AndroidTest.xml ├── boot_event_record_store.cpp ├── boot_event_record_store.h ├── boot_event_record_store_test.cpp ├── bootstat.cpp ├── bootstat.rc ├── └── testrunner.cpp 0 directories, 9 files 10:34:13 liuyq: master-backup$ const char BOOTSTAT_DATA_DIR[] = "/data/misc/bootstat/"; ======================================== Boot timing ----------- Init records some boot timing information in system properties. `ro.boottime.init` > Time after boot in ns (via the CLOCK\_BOOTTIME clock) at which the first stage of init started. `ro.boottime.init.selinux` > How long it took the first stage to initialize SELinux. `ro.boottime.init.cold_boot_wait` > How long init waited for ueventd's coldboot phase to end. `ro.boottime.` > Time after boot in ns (via the CLOCK\_BOOTTIME clock) that the service was first started. ro.boot.boottime: for BootloaderTimingMap, not reported on all devices // |ro.boot.boottime| is of the form 'stage1:time1,...,stageN:timeN', where timeN is in milliseconds. RecordBootComplete time_since_last_boot: only set when last_boot_time_utc has already set when the bootstat command with record_boot_complete option executed, unit is second last_boot_time_utc: the time when the bootstat command with record_boot_complete option executed. normally the timing that property sys.boot_completed set to 1, unit is second build_date: value from property, seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC at the build time, unit is second factory_reset_boot_complete_no_encryption: uptime gotten with CLOCK_BOOTTIME, set when the bootstat command with record_boot_complete option executed. normally the timing that property sys.boot_completed set to 1, which means the uptime when the boot complete. unit is second factory_reset_boot_complete: same as factory_reset_boot_complete_no_encryption ro.boottime.init: value get from property of ro.boottime.init, Time after boot in ns (via the CLOCK\_BOOTTIME clock) at which the first stage of init started. ro.boottime.init.selinux: value get from property of ro.boottime.init.selinux, How long it took the first stage to initialize SELinux. ro.boottime.init.cold_boot_wait: value get from property of ro.boottime.init.cold_boot_wait, How long init waited for ueventd's coldboot phase to end, unit is ms boottime.bootloader.*: get from property of ro.boot.boottime where the unit is ms. this is not reported by all devices. the total time taken for bootloader. this is not reported by all devices. unit is ms absolute_boot_time: total time that includes bootloader duration and the android boot time till property sys.boot_completed set to 1 RecordBootReason: boot_reason: get from property ro.boot.bootreason, and contvert it to integer representation. 1 for unknown reason RecordFactoryReset: Records two metrics related to the user resetting a device: the time at which the device is reset, and the time since the user last reset the device. The former is only set once per-factory reset. factory_reset_current_time: the time when the bootstat command with record_time_since_factory_reset option executed. normally the timing that property sys.boot_completed set to 1, unit is second factory_reset: The factory_reset boot event does not exist after the device is reset, so use this signal to mark the time of the factory reset. factory_reset_record_value: only set when factory_reset has been set already. The value should be the same as factory_reset. time_since_factory_reset: only set when factory_reset has been set already. it's the diff between current_time_utc and factory_reset_utc. ================================ hikey:/ # date Mon Jul 10 07:16:36 GMT 2017 hikey:/ # bootstat -p Boot events: ------------ last_boot_time_utc 1499670715 build_date 1499338003 factory_reset_boot_complete_no_encryption 59 factory_reset_boot_complete 59 ro.boottime.init 5766 ro.boottime.init.selinux 148 ro.boottime.init.cold_boot_wait 399 0 absolute_boot_time 59 boot_reason 1 factory_reset_current_time 1499670715 factory_reset 1499670715 hikey:/ # -------------------------------------- hikey:/ # date Mon Jul 10 07:19:39 GMT 2017 hikey:/ # bootstat -p Boot events: ------------ last_boot_time_utc 1499671056 build_date 1499338003 factory_reset_boot_complete_no_encryption 59 factory_reset_boot_complete 59 ro.boottime.init 5758 ro.boottime.init.selinux 160 ro.boottime.init.cold_boot_wait 429 0 absolute_boot_time 26 boot_reason 1 factory_reset_current_time 1499671056 factory_reset 1499670715 time_since_last_boot 341 boot_complete_no_encryption 26 boot_complete 26 factory_reset_record_value 1499670715 time_since_factory_reset 341 hikey:/ # ================================================ auto time_since_epoch = android::base::boot_clock::now().time_since_epoch(); auto uptime = std::chrono::duration_cast(time_since_epoch); uptime.count() time_t current_time_utc = time(nullptr); ------------------------------------- #type=1400 audit(1499683876.156:131): avc: denied { write } for pid=2435 comm="bootstat" name="logd" dev="tmpfs" ino=10352 scontext=u:r:bootstat:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:logd_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=1 #type=1400 audit(31.215:138): avc: denied { connectto } for pid=2378 comm="bootstat" path="/dev/socket/logd" scontext=u:r:bootstat:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=1 ---------------------------------------