import glob import os import sys import shutil import time from common import ApkTestRunner from import ViewNotFoundException class ApkRunnerImpl(ApkTestRunner): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.config['apk_file_name'] = "com.primatelabs.geekbench3.apk" self.config['apk_package'] = "com.primatelabs.geekbench3" self.config['activity'] = "com.primatelabs.geekbench3/.HomeActivity" super(ApkRunnerImpl, self).__init__(self.config) def all_fail(self): self.report_result('geekbench-run', 'fail') self.report_result('geekbench-single-core', 'skip') self.report_result('geekbench-multi-core', 'skip') def execute(self): try: time.sleep(2) self.dump_always() trigger =['apk_package'] + ":id/runBenchmarks") trigger.touch()"Geekbench 3 Test Started!") except ViewNotFoundException: self.logger.error("Can not find the start button! Please check the screen!") self.all_fail() sys.exit(1) time.sleep(10) self.dump_always() try:"android:id/progress") except ViewNotFoundException: self.logger.error("Something goes wrong! It is unusual that the test has not been started after 10+ seconds! Please manually check it!") self.all_fail() sys.exit(1) finished = False while (not finished): time.sleep(45) self.dump_always() flag ="RESULT") if flag is not None:"Geekbench 3 Test Finished!") finished = True else:"Geekbench 3 Test is still in progress...") # Generate the .gb3 file'KEYCODE_MENU') time.sleep(1) self.dump_always() share_button ="Share") if share_button is not None: share_button.touch() time.sleep(5) else: self.logger.error("Can not find the Share button to generate .gb3 file! Please check the screen!") sys.exit(1) def parseResult(self): raw_output_file = '%s/geekbench3-result-itr%s.gb3' % (self.config['output'], self.config['itr'])'Pulling /data/user/0/com.primatelabs.geekbench3/files to output directory...') self.call_adb('pull /data/user/0/com.primatelabs.geekbench3/files %s/files' % self.config['output']) db_file_list = glob.glob('%s/files/*.gb3' % self.config['output']) if len(db_file_list) > 1: self.logger.error('More then one db file found...') sys.exit(1) db_file = db_file_list[0] os.rename(db_file, raw_output_file) singlecore_keyword = "score" singlecore_result = {} multicore_keyword = "multicore_score" multicore_result = {} endpoint_keyword = "multicore_rate" if os.path.exists(raw_output_file): logfile = open(raw_output_file, "r") for line in logfile: # Can't believe this is an one line file! # Find the ending point with the information we want endpoint = line.find(endpoint_keyword) if endpoint == -1: self.logger.error("Can not find %s in log file! Please manually check it!" % endpoint_keyword) self.all_fail() sys.exit(1) else: self.report_result("geekbench-run", "pass") result_cut = line[0:endpoint].split(",") result_cut = [element.replace('"', '').replace(' ', '') for element in result_cut] for item in result_cut: if singlecore_keyword == item.split(":")[0]: singlecore_result[singlecore_keyword] = item.split(":")[1] if multicore_keyword == item.split(":")[0]: multicore_result[multicore_keyword] = item.split(":")[1] if len(singlecore_result) != 1: run_result = "fail" self.logger.error("Incorrect value for single core test result! Please check the test result file!") self.report_result('geekbench-single-core', run_result) else: run_result = "pass" self.report_result('geekbench-single-core', run_result, singlecore_result[singlecore_keyword], 'points') if len(multicore_result) != 1: run_result = "fail" self.logger.error("Incorrect value for multi core test result! Please check the test result file!") self.report_result('geekbench-multi-core', run_result) else: run_result = "pass" self.report_result('geekbench-multi-core', run_result, multicore_result[multicore_keyword], 'points') logfile.close() else: self.logger.error("Result file does not exist: %s" % raw_output_file) sys.exit(1) def tearDown(self): super(ApkRunnerImpl, self).tearDown() shutil.rmtree('%s/files/' % self.config['output'])